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Personal Practice Set - Doing One a Day (sometimes) in a Variety of Languages (Mostly Python)!



# Difficulty Problem Solution
1 Easy Two Sum Java, Python, Ruby
2 Medium Add Two Numbers C
3 Medium Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Python
4 Hard Median of Two Sorted Arrays Python
5 Medium Longest Palindromic Substring Python
6 Medium Zig Zag Conversion Java
7 Easy Reverse Integer Python
8 Medium String to Integer Ruby
9 Easy Palindrome Number C, Java, Python, Swift
10 Hard Regular Expression Matching Python
11 Medium Container With Most Water Python
12 Medium Integer to Roman Python
13 Easy Roman to Integer C, Python
14 Easy Longest Common Prefix Python
15 Medium 3Sum Python
16 Medium 3Sum Closest Python
17 Medium Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Python
18 Medium 4Sum Python
19 Medium Remove Nth Node From End of List Python
20 Easy Valid Parentheses Java, Python
21 Easy Merge Two Sorted Lists Java, Python
22 Medium Generate Parentheses Python
23 Hard Merge k Sorted Lists Python
24 Medium Swap Node in Pairs Python
25 Hard Reverse Nodes in k-Group Python
26 Easy Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array C, Python
27 Easy Remove Element Python
28 Easy Implement strStr() C, Python
29 Medium Divide Two Integers Python
31 Medium Next Permutation Python
33 Medium Search in Rotated Sorted Array Python
34 Medium Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array Python
35 Easy Search Insert Position Go, Java, JavaScript, Scala
36 Medium Valid Sudoku Python
38 Easy Count and Say Python
39 Medium Combination Sum Python
40 Medium Combination Sum II Python
42 Hard Trapping Rain Water Python
43 Medium Multiply Strings Python
44 Hard Wildcard Matching Python
46 Medium Permutations Python
47 Medium Permutations II Python
48 Medium Rotate Image Python
49 Medium Group Anagrams Python
50 Medium Pow(x, n) Python
53 Easy Maximum Subarray Java
54 Medium Spiral Matrix Python
55 Medium Jump Game Python
56 Medium Merge Intervals Python
58 Easy Length of Last Word Python
62 Medium Unique Paths Python
63 Medium Unique Paths II Python
64 Medium Minimum Path Sum Python
66 Easy Plus One Python
67 Easy Add Binary Python
69 Easy Sqrt() Python
70 Easy Climbing Stairs C
76 Hard Minimum Window Substring Python
78 Medium Subsets Python
79 Medium Word Search Python
83 Easy Remove Duplicates from Sorted List Python
84 Hard Largest Rectangle in Histogram Python
85 Hard Maximal Rectangle Python
88 Easy Merge Sorted Array Python
100 Easy Same Tree Python
101 Easy Symmetric Tree Python
102 Medium Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Python
104 Easy Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Python
105 Medium Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Python
106 Medium Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal Python
107 Easy Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II Python
108 Easy Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree Python
110 Easy Balanced Binary Tree Python
111 Easy Minimum Depth of Binary Tree Python
112 Easy Path Sum Python
118 Easy Pascal's Triangle Python
121 Easy Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Python
122 Easy Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Python
123 Hard Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III Python
125 Easy Valid Palindrome Python
127 Medium Word Ladder Python
133 Medium Clone Graph Python
136 Easy Single Number Python
137 Medium Single Number II Python
139 Medium Word Break Python
141 Easy Linked List Cycle Python
142 Medium Linked List Cycle II Python
146 Hard LRU Cache Python
148 Medium Sort List Python
153 Medium Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Python
155 Easy Min Stack Python
162 Medium Find Peak Element Python
168 Easy Excel Sheet Column Title Python
171 Easy Excel Sheet Column Number Python
173 Medium Binary Search Tree Iterator Python
188 Hard Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV Python
191 Easy Number of 1 Bits Python
196 Easy Delete Duplicate Emails SQL
200 Medium Number of Islands Python
204 Easy Count Primes Python
206 Easy Reverse Linked List Python
207 Medium Course Schedule Python
208 Medium Implement Trie Java, Python
215 Medium Kth Largest Element in an Array Python
218 Hard The Skyline Problem Python
226 Easy Invert Binary Tree Python
231 Easy Power Of Two Python
234 Easy Palindrome Linked List Python
235 Easy Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Python
236 Medium Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Python
237 Easy Delete Node in a Linked List Python
238 Medium Product of Array Except Self Python
240 Medium Search a 2D Matrix II Python
258 Easy Add Digits Python
268 Easy Missing Number Python
273 Hard Integer to English Words Python
283 Easy Move Zeroes Python
287 Medium Find the Duplicate Number Python
295 Hard Find Median from Data Stream Python
297 Hard Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Java
301 Hard Remove Invalid Parentheses Python
310 Medium Minimum Height Trees Python
341 Medium Flatten Nested List Iterator Python
344 Easy Reverse String Python
388 Medium Longest Absolute File Path Python
389 Easy Find the Difference Python
461 Easy Hamming Distance Python
495 Medium Teemo Attacking Python
535 Medium Encode and Decode TinyURL Python
733 Easy Flood Fill Python
771 Easy Jewels and Stones Python
1114 Easy Print in Order Python


# Difficulty Problem Solution
1 Easy Life, the Universe, and Everything C


30 Days of Code Challenge

Day Difficulty Problem Solution
0 Easy Hello, World. Java
1 Easy Data Types Java
2 Easy Operators Java
3 Easy Conditional Statements Python
4 Easy Class vs Instance Python
5 Easy Loops Python
6 Easy Let's Review Python
7 Easy Arrays Python
8 Easy Dictionaries and Maps Python
9 Easy Recursion Python
10 Easy Binary Number Python
11 Easy 2D Arrays Python
12 Easy Inheritance Python
13 Easy Abstract Classes Python
14 Easy Scope Python
15 Easy Linked List Python
16 Easy Exceptions - String to Integer Python
17 Easy More Exceptions Python
18 Easy Queues and Stacks Python
19 Easy Interfaces Java
20 Easy Sorting Python
21 Easy Generics Java
22 Easy Binary Search Trees Java
23 Easy BST Level-Order Traversal Python
24 Easy More Linked Lists Python
25 Medium Running Time and Complexity Python
26 Easy Nested Logic Python
27 Easy Testing Python
28 Medium RegEx, Patterns, and Intro to Databases Python
29 Medium Bitwise AND Python


Cracking the Coding Interview 6th Edition Python Solutions

# Difficulty Problem Solution
1.1 Is Unique Python
1.2 Check Permutation Python
1.3 URLify Python
1.4 Palindrome Permutation Python
1.5 One Away Python
1.6 String Compression Python
1.7 Rotate Matrix Python
1.8 Zero Matrix Python
1.9 String Rotation Python
2.1 Remove Dups Python
2.2 Return Kth to Last Python
2.3 Delete Middle Node Python
2.4 Partition Python
2.5 Sum Lists Python
2.6 Palindrome Python
2.7 Intersection Python
2.8 Loop Detection Python
3.1 Three in One Python
3.2 Stack Min Python
3.3 Stack of Plates Python
4.1 Route Between Nodes Python
4.2 Minimal Tree Python
4.3 List of Depths Python
4.4 Check Balanced Python
4.5 Validate BST Python
4.6 Successor Python
4.7 Build Order Python
4.8 First Common Ancestor Python
4.9 BST Sequences Python
4.10 Check Subtree Python
4.11 Random Node Python
4.12 Paths With Sum Python
5.1 Insertion Coming Soon
8.1 Triple Step Python
8.2 Robot in a Grid Python
8.3 Magic Index Python
8.4 Power Set Python
8.5 Recursive Multiply Python
8.6 Towers of Hanoi
8.7 Permutations Without Dups Python
8.8 Permutations With Dups Python
17.1 Add Without Plus Python

Google Foobar Challenge

# Level Problem Solution
1 1 Solar Doomsday Java
2 2 Gearing Up For Destruction Python
3 2 Lovely Lucky Lambs Python