The connection takes place using a websocket. This handles the message lengths for us. The binary protocol for messages is as follows. The protocol uses little endian encoding.
Each message starts by a single byte indicating the message type MT
The format for the rest of the message, aka the payload, depends on MT
- Handshake MT=0. The payload is made of two fields.
1. Protocol version (`u32`) - always 0 for now.
2. Model version (`u32`).
- Audio MT=1. The payload is made of a single field.
- Binary data for the ogg frames containing opus encoded audio (24kHz, mono).
- Text MT=2. The payload is made of a single field.
- UTF8 encoded string.
- Control MT=3. The payload is made of a single field. This is not used in full
streaming mode.
- One byte B describing the control itself.
- Start B=0.
- EndTurn B=1.
- Pause B=2.
- Restart B=3.
- MetaData MT=4. The payload is made of a single field.
- UTF8 encoded string with json data.
- Error MT=5. The payload is made of a single field.
- UTF8 encoded string containing the error description.
- Ping MT=6. No payload, this message type is currently unused.
Messages with an unknow message types should be discarded.