Releases: leif-ibsen/SwiftECC
Release 2.2.0
New in SwiftECC release 2.2.0:
Diffie-Hellman key agreement - ECDH.
The implementation is compatible with Apple's CryptoKit framework. That is, two parties,
one using SwiftECC and the other using CryptoKit can agree on a common encryption key.
Please, see the -
The ECPublicKey constructor ECPublicKey(domain:w:) now throws an exception if w is the point at inifinity.
The Base64.encode function has become a 'linesize' parameter that determines the number of characters per line
in the output. It has a default value of 76, which is the value that was used before. -
The two functions that create new domains based on explicit parameters
throw an exception if the proposed generator point is not on the curve.
Release 2.1.0
Changed the point multiplication algorithm to a Montgomery Ladder algorithm.
It runs in constant time to protect against side-channel attacks. -
Added a 'Domain' member variable to the ECSignature class to provide better error checking in signature verification.
Release 2.0.0
Removed five deprecated Domain functions: double, add, subtract, negate, and multiply
The ASN1 dependence is now on ASN1 release 2.0.0
Release 1.1.0
Added 4 new unit tests: BrainpoolTest, FuzzTest, SHA2Test and VerifyTest
Added extra validation steps in the signature verify method
Added new methods in the Domain class: doublePoint, addPoints, subtractPoints, negatePoint and multiplyPoint
that verify that their inputs are curve points. The old methods: double, add, subtract, negate and multiply are deprecated
Minor cleanup
Initial release 1.0.0
SwiftECC is a Swift implementation of ECIES and ECDSA elliptic curve cryptography algorithms.