Destruction is much faster than construction, a universal rule you can rely on to design a web interface in the browser. Using Sculprit, you can use destruction to your advantage and construct something beneficial. You are enabled to swiftly knock down things you don't need from the code chunk, move things around, till you reach the build you seek. Just like in real-life sculpturing, you'll start with one big block of elements and components, some you want, some you don't. Chisel that block down to a purposeful block of hand-picked UI elements, and put it to good use. Sculprit is light and made with pure JavaScript.
Sticky toolbar -
Distribute code to CSS, JS, HTML and JSON files -
Edit Double click -
Redo Shift + RClick (canceled) -
Direction RTL/LTR -
Expanded Mode (keyboard) – allows you to see overlapping elements -
Lay proper foundation for mouse and keyboard controls and how they should cascade -
Click again deselects -
Copy Code to Clipboard (keyboard) -
Paste Code from Clipboard (keyboard) -
Navigate (URDL):
- Nudge URDL
- Select sibling URDL
- Select parent/child Shift + URDL
- Move selected element Ctrl + URDL
- Exit selected parent Ctrl + Shift + URDL
Resize (Alt+URDL):
- Column Resize Alt + R/L
- Element Resize Alt + U/D (Text, Buttons, Input, etc.)
- Resize Width % Alt + Ctrl + R/L
- Resize Height % Alt + Ctrl + U/D
- Margin Ctrl + URDL
- Margin Inv. Ctrl + Shift + URDL
- Padding Alt + URDL
- Padding Inv. Alt + Shift + URDL
Flex (WASD)
- Margin Ctrl + WASD
- Margin Inv. Ctrl + Shift + WASD
- Padding Alt + WASD
- Padding Inv. Alt + Shift + WASD
- Edit ID Shift + Alt + DblClick
- Edit Classes Ctrl + F2
- Edit ID Shift + F2
Viewport Cycle input
Locator always showing hovered element
Highlight element and show locator only when Ctrl/Alt/Shift pressed
Clear residual classes after undoing whe removing an item from DOM
Decide on name, purchase domain name, work on preliminary brandingDelete Alt + ClickSelect Ctrl + ClickDeselect EscapeUndo RClick, Ctrl + ZRedo Ctrl + YCut Ctrl + Mid-ClickCopy Shift + Mid-ClickPaste Mid-ClickMove Up DOM A, Arrow Left,Move Down DOM D, Arrow Right,Move Over A, Arrow Left,Move Under D, Arrow Right,Exit Parent Up W, Arrow UpExit Parent Down S, Arrow DownPaste clipboard into experiment areaSave button saves the current file into a new HTML file with a specified nameDecide on final controlsCut code into clipboardSkip Elements Up and DownExpanded Mode – allows you to see overlapping elementsUse tooltips to show an element's ID and class