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File metadata and controls

175 lines (107 loc) · 8.55 KB


ShareBench-Base is an infrastructure framework for automated real-world performance analysis studies of distributed resource-sharing mechanisms and policies.


To use the infrastructure framework and properly utilize its features, multiple prerequisites need to be satisfied.


ShareBench-Base is developed for Linux operating systems. The framework has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04.3, mileage with other versions may differ.

Furthermore needed is Python in at least version 3.12 (tested with version 3.12.4).


The infrastructure framework requires access to a Kubernetes cluster via kubectl. This cluster may be emulated on the same (base) machine also hosting the framework or located remotely and distributed over multiple/many machines.

For the Spark application to run, the cluster should have a service account with the name spark and a cluster role binding withe edit rights for this account. The account and role binding can be created with the following command:

kubectl create serviceaccount spark && \
kubectl create clusterrolebinding spark-role --clusterrole=edit --serviceaccount=default:spark --namespace=default


Most of the installation of the framework is automated in a script, with only a few manual steps needed.


It is recommended to use a virtual Python environment. Such an environment can be created and activated as follows:

python3.12 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate

The needed packages can then be installed with pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The config.yaml.template file provides a template configuration for the framework. To use the file, rename (or copy) the file to remove the .template extension. Most parameters can be left unchanged, however, some need to be configured based on the environment. These include:

  • kubernetes/<ip, port> - IP address and port of the Kubernetes cluster.
  • kubernetes/ssh_keyfile - SSH keyfile for access to the Kubernetes nodes (needed for the Telegraf installation).
  • kubernetes/<nodes, memory, cpu> - Available resource of the Kubernetes nodes.
  • docker/username - Username of a valid Docker account that shall be used for the Spark image.
  • services/general/ip - (Local) IP address of the host machine.


The Telegraf installation must know the addresses of all Kubernetes nodes. These should be specified in a hosts.txt file as a list of user@host entries. The exact format is also shown in the hosts.txt.template file.


The framework can be installed by running the install script:

python3 scripts/

To only install a specific component, the -t flag can be used to specify a target installation step.


The configuration files of most components are dynamically generated to include parameters from the config. The config.yaml file is therefore the first step to modify the configurations.

If the values that should be modified are not present as parameters in the file, the configuration files can be modified directly. For this, it is important to modify the template files, found in the templates folder - Any changes to the applied files will be overwritten once the configurations are re-applied! As a rule of thumb: If the file starts with "WARNING: Edits in this file will be overwritten..." it should not be edited directly.

For any changes to take effect, the configuration files need to be re-applied:

python3 scripts/

Also here, a (list of) specific target configuration(s) may be specified with the -t flag.

Image Modifications

For any modifications to the Spark Docker image (e.g., adding new workloads, including additional files, modifying the Scala code) the appropriate files need to be edited/added. The image can then be rebuilt and pushed using a simple command:

python3 scripts/ -b

If the program code has not been modified, the -b flag can be omitted to avoid re-compiling the program.


This section will describe some example use cases of the framework. It is to note that these these use cases are not exhaustive. The full capabilities of the framework are best understood by manually exploring its features.

Generate Data

Before any queries or workloads can be run, the TPC-DS data set needs to be generated. For this, the generate_data script can be used:

python3 scripts/

Optionally, only the data generation or only the metadata creation can be selected by specifying the -m flag with the options data and meta respectively.

The scale of the data set can currently only be set directly by changing the DB_SCALE_FACTOR constant in the ShareBench.scala file.

Depending on the data set scale and the available resources the data generation can take up to multiple hours. Creation of the metadata is typically much faster.

Run Workload

After generating a workload, such a workload can be run using the run_workload script:

python3 scripts/ [-m <mechanism>] <num_apps> <workload> <start_delay>

All data (metrics) of the workload run will, upon successful completion automatically be copied into the data folder. The output of the script will include a line specifying the SessionID, which is comprised of the workload name and the start time. This ID is needed to identify the results.

Analyze Results

To analyze the results of a workload run, the framework includes various Jupyter notebooks. All notebook include examples of use that should be sufficient in explaining their use.

Run Experiment

ShareBench includes a feature to automate multiple workload runs with various configurations. Experiments can be defined as so-called recipe books in the form of YAML files. A single recipe book can contain one to many recipes which in turn can define one to many workload executions.

The recipe book format is best explained in an example. Each recipe needs to specify a list of workloads, mechanisms, and number of apps. For recipes that do not specify some property, the default values (defined at the top of the file) will be used.

Recipe books can be executed with the run_experiment script:

python3 scripts/ <recipe path>

The --redirect_stdout and --redirect_stderr flags can be used to enable redirection of standard out and standard error respectively to a file (saved in the experiments/output directory). Additionally, the start delay can be customized with the --start-delay flag (defaults to 45 seconds).

Executing a recipe book will sequentially execute all recipes (in order as specified) and for each recipe sequentially execute all combinations of values (in order as specified). The loop structure is workload -> mechanism -> num_apps, from outermost to innermost.

Results with the SessionIDs (needed for visualization/analysis) of each run will be saved in the experiments/results folder under the name of the recipe book and identified by the start time of the recipe.

Useful Tools

Here are some commands and tools that may be handy when working with ShareBench.


Run a command as background process (useful for running longer experiments):

nohup <command> &

The started process will not be terminated even if the shell session exits. All output will be written to a nohup.out file.


Get logs of most recent Spark Driver:

kubectl logs $(kubectl get pods -A --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp | grep driver | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}') -n $(kubectl get pods -A --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp | grep driver | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')

Get logs of most recent Spark Driver but filter for all lines that don't start with a timestamp:

kubectl logs $(kubectl get pods -A --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp | grep driver | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}') -n $(kubectl get pods -A --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp | grep driver | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}') --follow | grep -v "^[0-9]\{2\}/[0-9]\{2\}/[0-9]\{2\} [0-9]\{2\}:[0-9]\{2\}:[0-9]\{2\}"

Append --follow to either of the commands keep the log open.