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271 lines (228 loc) · 10.5 KB

File metadata and controls

271 lines (228 loc) · 10.5 KB


TODO: update everything!

Apocalypse Express is a game inspired by Mad Max, Autoduel, Elite, Auto Assault, Escape Velocity, and any number of drive/fly and deliver type games. Players travel from hold to hold, trading goods, making deliveries, and probably shooting some folks along the way.



Public routes

Method Route
GET / Home page
GET /booyah Test response
GET /register Player registration form
GET /login Player login form
POST /login Log in player {email, password}
GET /logout Log out player


*Admin login required

Method Route
GET /admin Admin dashboard
* GET /admin/map Map editor
* GET /admin/mapseed knex seed file
* PATCH /admin/map/location/:locid Update map location {name, longitude, latitude, description, population, tech, type}


Player login required

Method Route
GET /driver Driver info for current player


Player login required

Method Route
GET /game Main game page


Player login required

Method Route
GET /location Info for player's current location
GET /location/:locid Brief info for given location


Player login required

Method Route
GET /map Get json map data for user (visited locations)


Player login required

Method Route
GET /trip Get current trip information
POST /trip Start trip
PUT /trip Create new trip with destination id[s] {destination[]}
PATCH /trip Add destination id[s] to current trip route {destination[]}
DELETE /trip Clear current trip


*Player login required

Method Route
POST /user Create new player {email, vemail, password, vpassword, firstname, lastname}
* GET /user/account Player account management page
* PATCH /user/account Update player info {firstname, lastname, cpassword, password, vpassword}

Database Schema

   +---------------------------+                                     +--------------------------+
   | Config                    |                                     | Vehicles                 |
   +---------------------------+                                     +--------------------------+
   | config          | string  |                                     | id           | integer   |
   | defaultLocation | integer |                                     | created_at   | time      |
   +---------------------------+                                     | updated_at   | time      |
                                                                     | model        | string    |
                                                                     | size         | string    |
   +--------------------------+       +-----------------------+      | type         | string    |
   | Users                    |       | Drivers               |      | cargocap     | integer   |
   +--------------------------+       +-----------------------+      | passengercap | integer   |
   | id             | integer +------>| id          | integer |<--+  | fuelcap      | integer   |
   | email          | string  |       | created_at  | time    |   |  | mpg          | integer   |
   | hashedPassword | string  |       | updated_at  | time    |   |  | price        | integer   |
   | role           | string  |       | name        | string  |   |  | topspeed     | integer   |
   | created_at     | time    |  +----+ location    | id      |   |  | armorf       | integer   |
   | updated_at     | time    |  |    | money       | integer |   |  | armorr       | integer   |
   | firstname      | string  |  |    | health      | integer |   |  | armorb       | integer   |
   | lastname       | string  |  |----+ destination | id      |   |  | armorl       | integer   |
   | driVerid       | id      |  |    +-----------------------+   |  | tired        | string    |
   +--------------------------+  |                                |  | engine       | string    |
                                 |                                |  +--------------------------+
                                 |                                |
   +-----------------------+     |                                |  +----------------------+
   | Locations             |<----+                                |  | Trips                |
   +-----------------------+                                      |  +----------------------+
   | id          | integer |<----------------------------------+  +--+ driverid   | id      |
   | name        | string  |                                   |     | sequence   | integer |
   | latitude    | float   |          +----------------------+ +-----+ locationid | id      |
   | longitude   | float   |          | Connections          |       +----------------------+
   | description | string  |          +----------------------+
   | population  | integer |<---------+ start      | id      |
   | tech        | integer |<---------+ end        | id      |
   | factionid   | id      +----+     | distance   | integer |
   | type        | string  |    |     | difficulty | integer |
   +-----------------------+    |     +----------------------+


Column Type Modifiers
config character varying(255)
defaultLocation integer


Column Type Modifiers
start integer
end integer
distance integer
Foreign-key constraints:
"city_link_city1_foreign" FOREIGN KEY (start) REFERENCES locations(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
"city_link_city2_foreign" FOREIGN KEY (end) REFERENCES locations(id) ON DELETE CASCADE


Column Type Modifiers
id integer not null default nextval('drivers_id_seq'::regclass)
created_at timestamp with time zone not null default now()
updated_at timestamp with time zone not null default now()
name character varying(255) not null
location integer
money integer not null default 0
health integer not null default 100
destination integer
"drivers_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

Foreign-key constraints: "drivers_destination_foreign" FOREIGN KEY (destination) REFERENCES locations(id) "drivers_location_foreign" FOREIGN KEY (location) REFERENCES locations(id) ON DELETE CASCADE

Referenced by: TABLE "users" CONSTRAINT "users_driverid_foreign" FOREIGN KEY (driverid) REFERENCES drivers(id) ON DELETE CASCADE


Column Type Modifiers
id integer not null default nextval('cities_id_seq'::regclass)
name character varying(255) not null
latitude real not null
longitude real not null
description character varying(255) not null default 'This is a location.'::character varying
population integer not null default 1000
tech integer not null default 5
factionid integer not null default 0
type text default 'hold'::text
"cities_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"cities_name_unique" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (name)

Check constraints: "locations_type_check" CHECK (type = ANY (ARRAY['hold'::text, 'freehold'::text, 'camp'::text, 'fort'::text, 'compound'::text, 'hardhold'::text, 'enclave'::text]))

Referenced by: TABLE "connections" CONSTRAINT "city_link_city1_foreign" FOREIGN KEY (start) REFERENCES locations(id) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "connections" CONSTRAINT "city_link_city2_foreign" FOREIGN KEY (end) REFERENCES locations(id) ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "drivers" CONSTRAINT "drivers_destination_foreign" FOREIGN KEY (destination) REFERENCES locations(id) TABLE "drivers" CONSTRAINT "drivers_location_foreign" FOREIGN KEY (location) REFERENCES locations(id) ON DELETE CASCADE


Column Type Modifiers
driverid integer not null
locationid integer not null
sequence integer not null

Foreign-key constraints: "trips_destination_foreign" FOREIGN KEY (destination) REFERENCES locations(id) "trips_driverid_foreign" FOREIGN KEY (driverid) REFERENCES drivers(id)


Column Type Modifiers
id integer not null default nextval('users_id_seq'::regclass)
email character varying(255) not null
hashedPassword character(60) not null
role text default 'player'::text
created_at timestamp with time zone not null default now()
updated_at timestamp with time zone not null default now()
firstname character varying(255) not null
lastname character varying(255) not null
driverid integer
"users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"users_email_unique" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (email)

Check constraints: "users_role_check" CHECK (role = ANY (ARRAY['player'::text, 'admin'::text]))

Foreign-key constraints: "users_driverid_foreign" FOREIGN KEY (driverid) REFERENCES drivers(id) ON DELETE CASCADE


Column Type Modifiers
id integer not null default nextval('vehicles_id_seq'::regclass)
created_at timestamp with time zone not null default now()
updated_at timestamp with time zone not null default now()
model character varying(255) not null
size character varying(255) not null
type character varying(255) not null
cargocap integer not null
passengercap integer not null
fuelcap integer not null
mpg integer not null
price integer not null
topspeed integer not null
armorf integer not null
armorr integer not null
armorb integer not null
armorl integer not null
tires character varying(255) not null default ''::character varying
engine character varying(255) not null default ''::character varying
"vehicles_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)