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File metadata and controls

427 lines (339 loc) · 13.2 KB

ApocalypseExpress TODO List


  • Add tests for FactionService
  • Test LocationService.getDistanceFromId (return location.connections[i].distance;)
  • Test LocationService.getCurrentLocation

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at getKey (paper-full.js:12951) at HTMLDocument.keydown (paper-full.js:12992)

Next up: items trading - test first

  • protractor test for buying, selling, traveling, check for cash change

    • Update tests to unit test routes and models
  • User should be able to buy and sell goods at locations

    • Update goods list in UI with Buy/Sell buttons
    • Update goods list screen with available cargo and money
    • Write trade route to buy items
    • Write trade route to sell items

On Deck

  • Refactor update user info into two discrete routes

  • User should not be able to buy and sell while traveling

    • Refactor the currentLocation while traveling to lastLocation
  • User should not be able to buy goods if none in stock

  • User should not be able to sell goods if no capacity left

  • User should not be able to buy goods if they don't have enough money

  • User should not be able to buy goods if they don't have enough cargo space

  • User should not be able to buy or sell goods from a location that doesn't have them

  • Trips should take fuel based on distance and km/l

  • User should not be able to take trip unless they have sufficient fuel

  • Destinations should be disabled in UI if unavailable

  • Player should be able to refuel at cost in locations

  • Player should not be able to refuel if they don't have enough money

  • Events are broadcast to player with distance updates

    • Events have an x/100 chance per km, based on difficulty
    • Vehicle/skill may have an effect on events
    • 80%-ish events color - create apoc generator
  • Move trade good modifier/price calculation to library

  • Load base goods/prices on server load, keep in memory/service

  • Update population, stock, demand, and production for each location and trade good daily

    • If capacity is full, increase capacity or demand?
  • Recalculate modifier and price when location_goods is updated

  • User should be able to click on city on map to set destination

  • Animate screen transitions

  • ?


  • seed files for tradegoods and location_goods
  • tests for tradegoods and location_goods
  • update tests to reflect new account info update method
  • test new password change method
  • move all frontend tests to protractor
  • Write tests for all services
  • Write tests for ticker
  • Write tests for socket
  • Test handling of ajax errors on client - test when server down


  • Check out paper bug on home page - in map component, I reckon
  • Fix header tab tops in Safari (
  • Update "logout $user" in header when user info is updated
  • Fix flash messaging
  • Update header to be responsive on mobile
  • Remove 'ok' from loading on name change/error?


  • update gulp to use webpack?

  • Add summary of play to News tab

    • Location / Date/time
      • Calculate Date/time => Start at 12/21/2012GMT, time goes 10x faster
    • Driver / Vehicle
    • Fuel - Guz, Dynamo, Steam, or Shard
    • Local News
    • Garages
    • Mission List
  • Gin up something for the home page

  • Looks like we need something for the "news" page, too.

  • Create fake news for News tab (location-based)

  • User should be able to update driver name

  • User should be able to rename vehicle

  • For trips, set vehicle top speed, allow user to choose max speed for trip (slower, safer)

  • For trips, record start and end time, and speed, to see how long it takes and whatnot.

  • Difficulty of a trip (1-10) is x * .05 chance of an event every km

  • Is there something fun to do while they're driving? Minigame? Dashboard?

  • Trips between locations should have events

  • Replace location description with event log when traveling

  • Generate AW-type description for new drivers

  • Refactor connections stuff out of the map request - use trip(??)

  • Driver should have reputations (for driving/exploring/combat/trade/etc.)

  • Create driver_reputations table

  • Drivers should have reputation with each faction

  • Drivers should have a starting reputation with each faction

  • Each faction should have a set of attributes

    • Name
    • Home location
    • Make faction symbols for all the factions, put in header?
    • Use faction symbols for source cities
  • Add driver_vehicles for vehicle upgrades/alterations

  • Drivers should be able to upgrade/alter vehicles

  • Each location should have a set of services

    • Exits
    • Mission Board
    • Trading Post
    • Chop Shop
    • News Outlet
    • Mission Board: the WALL (Work and Labor List)
  • Drivers should keep track of how many kills they have made (how much damage done/taken?)

  • Drivers should keep track of total money made

  • Drivers should keep track of how many events they've encountered (success/failure?)

  • Drivers should keep track of how many km they've driven

  • Badges should be available for various milestones

  • Refactor location positions from lat/long to x/y km from Ozz?

  • Get browser sync and livereload working with gulp and nodemon?

  • Shut down socket when browser window closes, or on error?

  • Buddies (driver/gunner/trader/etc)

  • Bots - virtual drivers to exercise System

  • Location thing - see who else is there, location chat

  • Chat/message window (tutorial), random location chatter generator

  • Click on map to navigate?

  • Every day, increase population by 1/50,000

    • if pop < 50k, increase by one by random %
  • Every day, adjust trade good production and demands by % of population

Mission Types Mission Board: - Time to complete - Bonus completion goals - Faction effects

Assassination: Find a specific person on the road, and kill them Find a specific person in a town, and kill them Find a specific vehicle, and destroy it

Bounty Hunting: Destroy a certain number of targets of a certain type/faction

Charity Give a certain amount of resource or $cratch to a faction

Courier Take a certain thing (cargo/data/message) to a certain place

Passenger Take a person or people to a destination

Resource Aquire a certain number of resources and return with them

Piracy Steal cargo, bring it back


Community goals Sell commodity at location Kill faction in war zone Sell exploration data

Exploration Turning in bounties

Frontend/UI Tasks

  • Add smooth transition animation for centerMap

  • set map font to roboto

  • Graphics - find city/landscape images and process

    • HDR/de|saturate with drip filters

Backend Tasks

  • System should create event log for every route action
  • Look at what db tables might need to be indexed
  • Think about internationalization

Admin / Game Management

  • Add page to add/edit news for locations

    • (add missions to deliver news)
  • Add ability to edit distance and difficulty of connections

  • Fix zoom multiplier bug on location move

  • Create 'add new location' route

  • Admin should be able to add a new location

  • Return dot to original location if canceled

  • Admin should be able to edit location connections

  • DB error checking everywhere



  • Primary game map data stored in map_config
  • Initial trade goods base data stored in tradegoods.js
  • Names for random name generation stored in uniquenames.js


  • Base Model:

    • list()
    • get(id)
    • getValue(id, param)
    • create(data)
    • update(id, data)
    • updateValue(id, param, value)
  • Connections.list promises a list of all connections between locations

  • Connections.getUserConnections promises a list of all connections from a set of locations, given an object with the list of locations

  • Connections.getDriverDestinationConnections

  • Driver.get

  • Driver.getValue

  • Driver.create

  • Driver.update

  • Driver.updateValue

  • Goods.get

  • Goods.getValue

  • Goods.getByLocation

  • Location.indexLocations

  • Location.list

  • Location.getAllLocations

  • Location.getUserLocations promises a list of all the locations a driver has visited

  • Location.getAllLocations

  • Location.getAllConnections

  • Location.getConnectedLocations

  • Location.get

  • Location.localList

  • Location.update

  • Location.visit

  • Trip.get

  • Trip.deleteTrip

  • Trip.create

  • Trip.begin

  • Trip.tickerTripProgress

  • Trip.tick

  • User.createSchema

  • User.updateSchema

  • User.updatePasswordSchema

  • User.get

  • User.create

  • User.update

  • User.updatePassword

  • User.authenticate

  • Vehicle.get

  • Vehicle.getValue

  • Vehicle.update

  • Vehicle.createDefault

  • Vehicle.update


  • get /admin

  • get /admin/map

  • get /admin/mapseed

  • patch /admin/map/location/:locid

  • get /driver

  • get /game

  • get /

  • get /register

  • get /login

  • post /login

  • get /logout

  • get /booyah

  • get /location

  • get /location/:id

  • get /map

  • get /trade/:id

  • get /trip

  • put /trip

  • post /trip/go

  • delete /trip

  • post /user

  • get /user

  • patch /user/account

  • get /vehicle


  • Work on models (services?) for locations/drivers/etc in object class format

  • Add server side check for password and email validity on register and /account

  • User should not be able to set a new destination that is not connected to their current location.

  • Drivers should keep track of all locations visited

  • Trip should delete trip when completed

  • Only add location to driver_visited the first time visited

  • Get correct length for trips

  • Componentize angular directives/controllers

  • Connections between locations should have a correct distance and difficulty (# of events?)

  • Trip not working

  • connections model

  • Angular form validation on login and register -

  • Create custom directives for form validation

  • NOT Update auth to use JWT

  • Update ticker loop with Promise.all:

  • set up little socket server for trip progress push ("little")

  • Show trip progress via socket messages, refresh when done

  • When user logs out during trip, don't emit: Unhandled rejection TypeError: Cannot read property 'emit' of undefined at util.knex.where.then (/Users/majcher/repo/ApocalypseExpress/app/models/trip.js:91:17) (Also drivers.traveling=t/f bug)

  • Set destination on load/game start if in progress or selected (set traveling flag)

  • Why not returning destination id on game load?

  • Test everything by turning off server and displaying message for 500

  • Why is it making two calls to /map on the game page?

  • Move map as driver travels - add travel dot?

  • Driver should have a current vehicle

  • Vehicles should have a name

  • Vehicles should have a list of attributes

    • Model
    • Size
    • Type
    • Cargo Capacity
    • Fuel Capacity
    • kmpg
    • Base Price
    • Top Speed
    • Passengers
    • TRBL armor
    • Weapons
    • Add-ons
    • display driver stats and vehicle on dashboard
    • create component for driver stats
  • Overall design

  • make header bg opacity .5, overlay sand on metal

  • rearrange modules on page

  • Should be able to switch between views with tabs

  • convert account tab to use controller for email/name

  • Driver Status tab

  • Think about using ui-router for paths/tabs (thought about it, nah)

  • convert account update route to return and handle ajax, not redirect

  • Deactivate Location tab while traveling

  • Create sub-tabs for Location tab

    • Info
    • Rumors/Bar/Etc
    • Buy and Sell Cargo
    • Buy and Sell Equipment / Weapons
    • Chop Shop
    • Mission Board
    • (Bank??)
    • Fuel Depot / Mechanic
  • Travel tab - should just be location tab when traveling?

  • Do I want to use ui-router for tabs? I kind of don't.

  • Each second, advance trip progress according to speed

    • 60 km/h = 60000 m/h = 1000 m/min = 16.667 m/sec
    • m/sec = km/h / 3.6 real time; 60x = km/h * 16.6667 / 6 => 2.777
  • Set up Location screens/tabs

  • Item cost calculations

Items have [itemId, name, minimumTech, rarity, and basePrice] Location_Items have [locationId, itemId, price, modifier, stock, capacity, demand, and production]

Price for a location is calculated:

const volumeMod = Math.log10(Math.max(1, demand - Math.max(1, demand - production))) * 0.01; const rarityMod = (1 - (stock / Math.max(1, capacity))) / 10; const flow = production - demand const flowBase = (flow > 0) ? 0.9 - Math.log10(flow) * 0.03 : (flow < 0) ? 0.9 + Math.log10(demand - production) * 0.06 : 0.9 modifier = flowBase + rarityMod - volumeMod + 0.05 price = basePrice * modifier

  • Each trade good should have a base price, modified by multipliers in each location

To set up seeds:

  • For each location:

    • For each trade good, if the tech level of the location is at least the level of the good,
      • Roll %, if under rarity of good:
        • Add trade good to location
          • Capacity, Demand, Production are location population * good rarity +/- random 0-50%
          • Stock is random % of Capacity
        • Modifier and price are calculated when item is added to location
  • location info should return list of goods

  • Each location should have a list of goods for trade with quantities and prices

  • Good prices should update after travel

  • Streamline protractor testing process

    • Add webdriver, app start, and protractor running to gulp task
  • update all protractor tests

  • update all api routes to start with /api (update tests) NAH