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Red/View Graphic Engine

Design goals

The Red/View (or just View) component is a graphic system for the Red programming language. The design goals are:

  • Data-oriented, minimal API
  • Virtual tree of objects as programming interface
  • Realtime or deferred synchronization between the virtual tree and the display system
  • Make two-way binding trivial to support
  • Ability to have different backends, across different platforms
  • Support OS, third-party and custom widget sets
  • Low performance overhead

The virtual tree is built using face objects. Each face object maps to a graphic component on the display in a two-way binding.

Face object

Face objects are clones of face! template object. A field in face object is called a facet.

List of available facets:

Facet Datatype Mandatory? Applicability Description
type word! yes all Type of graphic component (see below for a list).
offset pair! yes all Offset position from parent top-left origin.
size pair! yes all Size of the face.
text string! no all Label text displayed in the face.
image image! no some Image displayed in the face background.
color tuple! no some Background color of the face in R.G.B or R.G.B.A format.
menu block! no all Menu bar or contextual menu.
data any-type! no all Content data of the face.
enable? logic! yes all Enable or disable input events on the face.
visible? logic! yes all Display or hide the face.
selected integer! no some For lists types, index of currently selected element.
flags block!, word! no some List of special keywords altering the display or behavior of the face.
options block! no some Extra face properties in a [name: value] format.
parent object! no all Back-reference to parent face (if any).
pane block! no some List of child face(s) displayed inside the face.
state block! no all Internal face state info (used by View engine only).
edge object! no all (reserved for future use)
para object! no all Para object reference for text positioning.
font object! no all Font object reference for setting text facet's font properties.
actors object! no all User-provided events handlers.
extra any-type! no all Optional user data attached to the face (free usage).
draw block! no all List of Draw commands to be drawn on the face.

List of globally-usable flags for flags facet:

Flag Description
all-over Send all over events to the face.

Other face types specific flags are documented in their respective sections.


  • Non-mandatory facets can be set to none.
  • offset and size are specified in screen pixels.
  • offset and size can sometime be set to none before displaying them. The View engine will take care of setting the values (like for panels in tab-panel type).
  • Display order (from back to front): color, image, text, draw.

Creating a new face is achieved by cloning the face! object and providing at least a valid type name.

button: make face! [type: 'button]

Once a face created, the type field is not allowed to be changed.

Options facet

Options facet holds optional facets which are used for specific behaviors:

Option Description
drag‑on Can be one of: 'down, 'mid-down, 'alt-down, 'aux-down. Used for enabling a drag'n drop operation.

Font object

Font objects are clones of font! template object. One font object can be referenced by one or more faces, allowing to control font properties of a group of faces from a single place.

Field Datatype Mandatory? Description
name string! no Valid font name installed on the OS.
size integer! no Font size in points.
style word!, block! no Styling mode or block of styling modes.
angle integer! yes Text writing angle in degrees (default is 0).
color tuple! yes Font color in R.G.B or R.G.B.A format.
anti-alias? logic!, word! no Anti-aliasing mode (active/inactive or special mode).
shadow (reserved) no (reserved for future use)
state block! no Internal face state info (used by View engine only).
parent block! no Internal back reference to parent face(s) (used by View engine only).


  • Non-mandatory facets can be set to none.
  • angle field is not yet working properly.
  • All fields value shall become optional in the future.

Available font styles:

  • bold
  • italic
  • underline
  • strike

Available anti-aliasing modes:

  • active/inactive (anti-alias?: yes/no)
  • ClearType mode (anti-alias?: 'ClearType)

Para object

Para objects are clones of para! template object. One para object can be referenced by one or more faces, allowing to control para properties of a group of faces from a single place.

Field Datatype Description
origin (reserved) (reserved for future use)
padding (reserved) (reserved for future use)
scroll (reserved) (reserved for future use)
align word! Control horizontal text alignment: left, center, right.
v-align (reserved) Control vertical text alignment: top, middle, bottom.
wrap? logic! Enable/disable text wrapping in the face(s).
parent block! Internal back reference to parent face(s) (used by View engine only).


  • Any para fields can be set to none.

The Face tree

Faces are organized in a tree which maps to the graphic components hierarchy on the display. The tree relations are defined from:

  • pane facet: list one of more child face(s) in a block.
  • parent facet: reference to parent face.

Order of face objects in a pane matters, it maps to the z-ordering of graphic objects (face at head of pane is displayed behind all other faces, the face at tail is displayed on top of all others).

The root of a face tree is a screen face. A screen face can only display window faces from its pane block.

In order for any face to be displayed on screen, it must be connected to a screen face directly (for windows) or indirectly (for other face types).

Face types


The base type is the most basic face type, but also the most versatile one. By default, it will only display a background of color 128.128.128.

Facet Description
type 'base
image An image! value can be specified, alpha channel is supported.
color A background color can be specified, alpha channel is supported.
text An optional text to be displayed inside the face.
draw Transparency is fully supported for Draw primitives.


  • Full composition of following facets is supported and rendered in following order: color, image, text, draw.
  • Transparency can be achieved in color, image, text and draw by specifying an alpha channel component to color tuple values: R.G.B.A where A = 0 indicates full opacity and A = 255, full transparency.

This face type should be used for any custom graphic component implementation.


The text type is a static label to be displayed, with no default input handler.


This type represents a simple button.

Facet Description
type 'button
text Button's label text.
image The image will be displayed inside the button. Can be combined with a text.
Event type Handler Description
click on-click Triggered when the user clicks on the button.


This type represents a check box, with an optional label text, displayed on left or right side.

Facet Description
type 'check
text Label text.
para The align field controls if the text is displayed on the left or on the right side.
data true: checked, false: unchecked (default).
Event type Handler Description
change on-change Triggered when the check state is changed by a user action.


This type represents a radio button, with an optional label text, displayed on left or right side. Only one radio button per pane is allowed to be checked.

Facet Description
type 'radio
text Label text.
para The align field controls if the text is displayed on the left or on the right side.
data true: checked, false: unchecked (default).
Event type Handler Description
change on-change Triggered when the radio state is changed by a user action.


This type represents a single-line input field.

Facet Description
type 'field
text Input text, read/write value.


  • selected will be used in future to control highlighted part of the input text.
Event type Handler Description
enter on-enter Occurs each time the Enter key is pressed down in the field.
change on-change Occurs each time an input is made in the field.
key on-key Occurs each time a key is pressed down in the field.


This type represents a multi-line input field.

Facet Description
type 'area
text Input text, read/write value.


  • selected will be used in future to control highlighted part of the input text.
  • A vertical scroll-bar can appear if all lines of text cannot be visible in the area (might be controlled by a flags option in the future).
Event type Handler Description
change on-change Occurs each time an input is made in the area.
key on-key Occurs each time a key is pressed down in the field.


This type represents a vertical list of text strings, displayed in a fixed frame. A vertical scrollbar appears automatically if the content does not fit the frame.

Facet Description
type 'text-list
data List of strings to display (block! hash!).
selected Index of selected string or none value if no selection (read/write).
Event type Handler Description
select on-select Occurs when an entry in the list is selected. selected facet refers to old selected entry index.
change on-change Occurs after a select event. selected facet refers to the new selected entry index.


  • number of visible items cannot yet be defined by user.


This type represents a vertical list of text strings, displayed in a foldable frame. A vertical scrollbar appears automatically if the content does not fit the frame.

Facet Description
type 'drop-list
data List of strings to display (block! hash!).
selected Index of selected string or none value if no selection (read/write).

The data facet accepts arbitrary values, but only string values will be added to the list and displayed. Extra values of non-string datatype can be used to create associative arrays, using strings as keys. The selected facet is a 1-based integer index indicating the position of the selected string in the list, and not in the data facet.

Event type Handler Description
select on-select Occurs when an entry in the list is selected. selected facet refers to old selected entry index.
change on-change Occurs after a select event. selected facet refers to the new selected entry index.


  • number of visible items cannot yet be defined by user.


This type represents an edit field with a vertical list of text strings displayed in a foldable frame. A vertical scrollbar appears automatically if the content does not fit the frame.

Facet Description
type 'drop-down
data List of strings to display (block! hash!).
selected Index of selected string or none value if no selection (read/write).

The data facet accepts arbitrary values, but only string values will be added to the list and displayed. Extra values of non-string datatype can be used to create associative arrays, using strings as keys. The selected facet is a 1-based integer index indicating the position of the selected string in the list, and not in the data facet.

Event type Handler Description
select on-select Occurs when an entry in the list is selected. selected facet refers to old selected entry index.
change on-change Occurs after a select event. selected facet refers to the new selected entry index.


  • number of visible items cannot yet be defined by user.


This type represents an horizontal or vertical progress bar.

Facet Description
type 'progress
data Value representing the progression (percent! or float! value).


  • if a float value is used for data, it needs to be between 0.0 and 1.0.


This type represents a cursor which can be moved along an horizontal or vertical axis.

Facet Description
type 'slider
data Value representing the cursor position (percent! or float! value).


  • if a float value is used for data, it needs to be between 0.0 and 1.0.


This type is used to display a video camera feed.

Facet Description
type 'camera
data List of camera(s) name as a block of strings.
selected Select the camera to display from data list, using an integer index. If set to none, the camera feed is disabled.


  • The data facet is initially set to none. The list of cameras is fetched during the first call to show on the camera face.
  • It is possible to capture the content of a camera face using to-image on the face.


A panel is a container for other faces.

Facet Description
type 'panel
pane Block of children faces. Order in block defines z-order on display.


  • Children offset coordinates are relative to parent panel top-left corner.
  • Children faces are clipped into the panel frame.


A tab-panel is list of panels where only one can be visible at a given time. A list of panels names is displayed as "tabs", and used to switch between the panels.

Facet Description
type 'tab-panel
data Block of tabs names (string values).
pane List of panels corresponding to tabs list (block!).
selected Index of selected panel or none value (integer!) (read/write).
Event type Handler Description
change on-change Occurs when the user selects a new tab. event/picked holds the index of the newly selected tab.


  • Both data and pane facets need to be filled in order for the tab-panel to display properly.
  • If pane contains more panels than specified tabs, they will be ignored.
  • When adding/removing a tab, the corresponding panel needs to be added*/removed* too in*/from* pane list.


Represents a window displayed on the OS desktop.

Facet Description
type 'window
text Title of the window (string!).
offset Offset from top-left corner of the desktop screen, not counting the window's frame decorations. (pair!)
size Size of the window, not counting the window's frame decorations. (pair!)
flags Turn on/off some special window features (block!).
menu Displays a menu bar in the window (block!).
pane List of faces to display inside the window (block!).
selected Select the face which will get the focus (object!).

Supported flags:

  • modal: makes the window modal, disabling all previously opened windows.
  • resize: enable window resizing (default is fixed size, not resizeable).
  • no-title: do not display a window title text.
  • no-border: remove window's frame decorations.
  • no-min: remove minimize button from window's drag bar.
  • no-max: remove maximize button from window's drag bar.
  • no-buttons: remove all buttons from window's drag bar.
  • popup: alternative smaller frame decoration (Windows only).


  • Using the popup keyword at the beginning of the menu specification block will force a contextual menu in the window, instead of a menu bar by default.


Represents a graphic display unit connected to the computer (usually a monitor).

Facet Description
type 'screen
size Size of the screen display in pixels. Set by the View engine when started (pair!).
pane List of windows to display on the screen (block!).

All window faces which are displayed need to be children of a screen face.


A group-box is a container for other faces, with a visible frame around it. This is a temporary style which will be removed once we have the support for edge facet.

Facet Description
type 'group-box
pane Block of children faces. Order in block defines z-order on display.


  • Children offset coordinates are relative to group-box's top-left corner.
  • Children faces are clipped into the group-box frame.

Face life cycle

  1. Create a face object from the face! prototype.
  2. Insert the face object in a face tree connected to a screen face.
  3. Use show to render the face object on screen.
    1. system resources are allocated at this point
    2. face/state block is set.
  4. Remove the face from the pane to remove it from the display.
  5. The garbage collector will take care of releasing the system resources associated when the face is not referenced anymore.


  • A free function might be provided for manual control of system resources freeing for resources hungry applications.

SHOW function


show <face>

<face>: clone of face! object or block of face objects or names (using word! values).


This function is used to update a face or a list of faces on screen. Only a face which is referenced in a face tree connected to a screen face can be properly rendered on screen. When called the first time, system resources will be allocated, the state facet will be set and the graphic component will be displayed on screen. Subsequent calls will reflect on screen any change made to the face object. If pane facet is defined, show will also apply to the children faces recursively.

State facet

The following information is provided only for reference, in normal operation, the state facet should be left untouched by the user. However, it can be accessed if OS API are called directly by user or if View engine behavior has to be modified.

Position/Field Description
1 (handle) OS-specific handle for the graphic object (integer!).
2 (changes) Bit flags array marking which facet has been changed since last call to show (integer!).
3 (deferred) List of deferred changes since last call to show, when realtime updates are turned off (block! none!).
4 (drag-offset) Stores the starting mouse cursor offset position when entering face dragging mode (pair! none!).


  • After a call to show, changes field is reset to 0 and deferred field block is cleared.
  • A handle! datatype will be used in the future for opaque OS handles.

Realtime vs deferred updating

The View engine has two different modes for updating the display after changes are done to the face tree:

  • Realtime updating: any change to a face is immediately rendered on screen.

  • Deferred updating: all changes to a face are not propagated on screen, until show is called on the face, or on the parent face.

The switching between those modes is controlled by the system/view/auto-sync? word: if set to yes, the realtime updating mode is on (default mode), if set to no, View engine will defer all updates.

The motivations for realtime updating by default are:

  • Simpler and shorter source code, no need to call show after any face change.
  • Less learning overhead for beginners.
  • Good enough for simple or prototype apps.
  • Simplifies experimentation from console.

Deferred mode updates many changes at the same time on screen in order to avoid glitches or when best performance is the goal.


  • This is a big difference with the Rebol/View engine which only has deferred mode support.

Two-way binding

Face objects rely on the Red ownership system to bind the object with the series used in facets, so that any change in one of the facet (even a deep change) is detected by the face object and processed according to the current synchronization mode (realtime or deferred).

On the other side, changes made to the rendered graphic objects are reflected instantly in the corresponding facets. For example, typing in a field face will reflect the input in the text facet in live mode.

This two-way binding simplifies the interaction with the graphic objects for the programmer, without the need of any specific API. Modifying the facets using the series actions is enough.


view [
	list: text-list data ["John" "Bob" "Alice"]
	button "Add" [append list/data "Sue"]
	button "Change" [lowercase list/data/1]


Event names

Name Input type Cause
down mouse Left mouse button pressed.
up mouse Left mouse button released.
mid‑down mouse Middle mouse button pressed.
mid‑up mouse Middle mouse button released.
alt‑down mouse Right mouse button pressed.
alt‑up mouse Right mouse button released.
aux‑down mouse Auxiliary mouse button pressed.
aux‑up mouse Auxiliary mouse button released.
drag‑start mouse A face dragging starts.
drag mouse A face is being dragged.
drop mouse A dragged face has been dropped.
click mouse Left mouse click (button widgets only).
dbl‑click mouse Left mouse double-click.
over mouse Mouse cursor passing over a face. This event is produced once when the mouse enters the face and once when it exits. If flags facet contains all‑over flag, then all intermediary events are produced too.
move mouse A window has moved.
resize mouse A window has been resized.
moving mouse A window is being moved.
resizing mouse A window is being resized.
zoom touch A zooming gesture (pinching) has been recognized.
pan touch A panning gesture (sweeping) has been recognized.
rotate touch A panning gesture (sweeping) has been recognized.
two‑tap touch A double tapping gesture has been recognized.
press‑tap touch A press-and-tap gesture has been recognized.
key‑down keyboard A key is pressed down.
key keyboard A character was input or a special key has been pressed (except control, shift and menu keys).
key‑up keyboard A pressed key is released.
enter keyboard Enter key is pressed down.
select any A selection is made in a face with multiple choices.
change any A change occurred in a face accepting user inputs (text input or selection in a list).
menu any A menu entry is picked.
close any A window is closing.


  • touch events are not available for Windows XP.
  • One or more moving events always precedes a move one.
  • One or more resizing events always precedes a resize one.

Event! datatype

An event value is an opaque object holding all the information about a given event. You access the event fields using path notation.

Field Returned value
type Event type (word!).
face Face object where the event occurred (object!).
offset Offset of mouse cursor relative to the face object when the event occurred (pair!). For gestures events, returns the center point coordinates.
key Key pressed (char! word!).
picked New item selected in a face (integer! percent!). For menu event, it returns the corresponding menu ID (word!). For zooming gesture, it returns a percent value representing the relative increase/decrease. For other gestures, its value is system-dependent for now (Windows: ullArguments field from GESTUREINFO).
flags Returns a list of one or more flags (see list below) (block!).
away? Returns true if the mouse cursor exits the face boundaries (logic!). Applies only if over event is active.
down? Returns true if the mouse left button was pressed (logic!).
mid-down? Returns true if the mouse middle button was pressed (logic!).
alt-down? Returns true if the mouse right button was pressed (logic!).
ctrl? Returns true if the CTRL key was pressed (logic!).
shift? Returns true if the SHIFT key was pressed (logic!).

List of possible flags from event/flags:

  • away
  • down
  • mid-down
  • alt-down
  • aux-down
  • control
  • shift


  • All fields (except type) are read-only. Setting type is only used internally by the View engine.

Here is the list of special keys returned as words by event/key:

  • page-up
  • page-down
  • end
  • home
  • left
  • up
  • right
  • down
  • insert
  • delete
  • F1
  • F2
  • F3
  • F4
  • F5
  • F6
  • F7
  • F8
  • F9
  • F10
  • F11
  • F12

The following extra key names can be returned by event/key only for key-down and key-up messages:

  • left-control
  • right-control
  • left-shift
  • right-shift
  • left-menu
  • right-menu


Actors are handler functions for View events. They are defined in an free-form object (no prototype provided) referred by actors facet. All actors have the same specification block.


on-<event>: func [face [object!] event [event!]]

<event> : any valid event name (from above table)
face    : face object which receives the event
event   : event value.

In addition to the GUI events, it is possible to define an on-create actor which will be called when the face is shown for the first time, just before system resources are allocated for it. Unlike other actors, on-create has only one argument, face.

Return value

'stop : exit the event loop.
'done : stops the event from flowing to the next face.

Other returned values have no effect.

Event flow

Events are usually generated at a specific screen position and assigned to the closest front face. However, the event is travelling from one face to another in the ancestors hierarchy in two directions commonly known as:

  • event capturing: event goes from window face down to the front face where the event originated. For each face, a detect event is generated and the corresponding handler called if provided.

  • event bubbling: event goes front face to parent window. For each face, the local event handler is called.

Typical event flow path:

  1. A click event is generated on the button, �global handlers are processed (see next section).
  2. Event capturing stage starts:
    1. The window gets the event first, its on-detect handler gets called.
    2. The panel gets the event next. Panel's on-detect handler gets called.
    3. The button gets the event last. Button's on-detect gets called.
  3. Event bubbling stage starts:
    1. The button gets the event first, its on-click handler gets called.
    2. The panel gets the event next. Panel's on-click handler gets called.
    3. The window gets the event last, its on-click handler gets called.


  • Event cancellation is achieved by returning 'done word from any event handler.
  • Event capturing is not enabled by default for performance reasons. Set system/view/capturing?: yes to enable it.

Global event handlers

Before entering the event flow path, specific pre-processing can be achieved using the so-called "global event handlers". Following API is provided for adding and removing them.



insert-event-func <handler>

<handler> : a handler function or block of code for pre-processing event(s).

Handler's function specification: func [face [object!] event [event!]]

Return value

The newly added handler function (function!).


Installs a global handler function, which can pre-process events before they reach the face handlers. All global handlers are called on each event, so the handler body code needs to optimize speed and memory usage. If a block is provided as argument, it will be converted to a function using the function constructor.

The return value of the handler function:

  • none : the event can be processed by other handlers (none!).
  • 'done : other global handlers are skipped but event is propagated to child faces (word!).
  • 'stop : exit the event loop (word!).

A reference to the handler function is returned and should be saved if it needs to be removed later.



remove-event-func <handler>

<handler> : a previously installed event handler function.


Disables a previously installed global event handler by removing it from the internal list.

System/view object

Word Description
screens List of screen faces representing connected displays.
event-port reserved for future use
metrics reserved for future use
platform View engine low-level platform code (includes backend code).
VID VID processing code.
handlers List of global event handlers
reactors Internal associative table for reactive faces and their action blocks.
evt-names Internal table for event to actor names conversion.
init View engine initialization function, can be called by user if required.
awake Main high-level events entry point function.
capturing? yes = enables event capturing stage and detect events generation (default to no).
auto-sync? yes = realtime faces updates (default), no = deferred faces updates.
debug? yes = output verbose logs of View internal events (default to no).

Including View component

View component is not included by default on compiling. To include it, the main Red script have to declare the dependency in the header using the Needs field:

Red [
	Needs: 'View

Note: Using consoles auto-generated by red binary will include the View component on platforms where it is available, Needs header field is therefore not required in user scripts run from those consoles.

Extra functions

Function Description
view Render on screen a window from a face tree or a block of VID code. Enters an event loop unless /no-wait refinement is used.
unview Destroy one or more windows.
layout Convert a block of VID code into a face tree.
center‑face Center a face relatively to its parent.
dump‑face Output a compact description of a face tree structure (debugging purpose).
do‑actor Evaluate a face actor manually.
do‑events Launch an event loop (optionally just process pending events and return).
draw Render a Draw dialect block onto an image.
to‑image Convert any rendered face to an image.
size‑text Measure the size in pixels of a text in a face (taking the selected font into account).

To be added:

  • menu facet specification
  • Image! datatype description
  • Reactive programming model