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CoinClub Framework Reference [XRP-Transaction Types] .md

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CoinClub Framework Reference [XRP-Transaction Types]

All Transaction Types for Submit & Sign




  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

  • Fee str()

    (Required; auto-fillable) Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements. See Transaction Cost for details.

  • Sequence int()

    (Required; auto-fillable) The sequence number of the account sending the transaction. A transaction is only valid if the Sequence number is exactly 1 greater than the previous transaction from the same account. The special case 0 means the transaction is using a Ticket instead (Requires the TicketBatch amendment ).

  • Domain int()

    (Optional) The domain that owns this account, as a string of hex representing the ASCII for the domain in lowercase. Cannot be more than 256 bytes in length.

  • SetFlag int()

    (Optional) Integer flag to enable for this account.

  • MessageKey str()

    (Optional) Public key for sending encrypted messages to this account. To set the key, it must be exactly 33 bytes, with the first byte indicating the key type: 0x02 or 0x03 for secp256k1 keys, 0xED for Ed25519 keys. To remove the key, use an empty value.

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()

Output = T.ACCOUNT_SET(Account,Fee,Sequence,Domain,SetFlag,MessageKey)



  • An AccountDelete transaction deletes an account and any objects it owns in the XRP Ledger, if possible, sending the account's remaining XRP to a specified destination account. See Deletion of Accounts for the requirements to delete an account.


  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

  • Destination str()

    The address of an account to receive any leftover XRP after deleting the sending account. Must be a funded account in the ledger, and must not be the sending account.

  • DestinationTag int()

    (Optional) Arbitrary destination tag that identifies a hosted recipient or other information for the recipient of the deleted account's leftover XRP.

  • Fee str()

    (Required; auto-fillable) Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements. See Transaction Cost for details.

  • Sequence int()

    (Required; auto-fillable) The sequence number of the account sending the transaction. A transaction is only valid if the Sequence number is exactly 1 greater than the previous transaction from the same account. The special case 0 means the transaction is using a Ticket instead (Requires the TicketBatch amendment ).

  • Flags int()

    (Optional)* Set of bit-flags for this transaction.

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()

Output = T.ACCOUNT_DELETE(Account,Destination,DestinationTag,Fee,Sequence,Flags)



  • Cancels an unredeemed Check, removing it from the ledger without sending any money. The source or the destination of the check can cancel a Check at any time using this transaction type. If the C heck has expired, any address can cancel it.


  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

  • CheckID str()

    The ID of the Check ledger object to cancel, as a 64-character hexadecimal string.

  • Fee str()

    (Required; auto-fillable) Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements. See Transaction Cost for details.

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()

Output = T.CHECK_CANCEL(Account,CheckID,Fee)



  • Attempts to redeem a Check object in the ledger to receive up to the amount authorized by the corresponding CheckCreate transaction. Only the Destination address of a Check can cash it with a CheckCash transaction. Cashing a check this way is similar to executing a Payment initiated by the destination.

  • Since the funds for a check are not guaranteed, redeeming a Check can fail because the sender does not have a high enough balance or because there is not enough liquidity to deliver the funds. If this happens, the Check remains in the ledger and the destination can try to cash it again later, or for a different amount.


  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

  • CheckID str()

    The ID of the Check ledger object to cancel, as a 64-character hexadecimal string.

  • Fee str()

    (Required; auto-fillable) Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements. See Transaction Cost for details.

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()

Output = T.CHECK_CASH(Account,Amount,CheckID,Fee)



  • Create a Check object in the ledger, which is a deferred payment that can be cashed by its intended destination. The sender of this transaction is the sender of the Check.


  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

  • Destination str()

    The unique address of the account that can cash the Check.

  • SendMax str()

    Maximum amount of source currency the Check is allowed to debit the sender, including transfer fees on non-XRP currencies. The Check can only credit the destination with the same currency (from the same issuer, for non-XRP currencies). For non-XRP amounts, the nested field names MUST be lower-case.

  • Expiration str()

    (Optional) Time after which the Check is no longer valid, in seconds since the Ripple Epoch.

  • InvoiceID str()

    (Optional) Arbitrary 256-bit hash representing a specific reason or identifier for this Check.

  • DestinationTag str()

    (Optional) Arbitrary tag that identifies the reason for the Check, or a hosted recipient to pay.

  • Fee str()

    (Required; auto-fillable) Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements. See Transaction Cost for details.

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()

Output = T.CHECK_CREATE(Account,Destination,SendMax,Expiration,



  • A DepositPreauth transaction gives another account pre-approval to deliver payments to the sender of this transaction. This is only useful if the sender of this transaction is using (or plans to use) Deposit Authorization.
  • You can use this transaction to preauthorize certain counterparties before you enable Deposit Authorization. This may be useful to ensure a smooth transition from not requiring deposit authorization to requiring it.


  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

  • Authorize str()

    (Optional) The XRP Ledger address of the sender to preauthorize.

  • Fee str()

    (Required; auto-fillable) Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements. See Transaction Cost for details.

  • Flags int()

    (Optional)* Set of bit-flags for this transaction.

  • Sequence int()

    (Required; auto-fillable) The sequence number of the account sending the transaction. A transaction is only valid if the Sequence number is exactly 1 greater than the previous transaction from the same account. The special case 0 means the transaction is using a Ticket instead (Requires the TicketBatch amendment ).

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()

Output = T.DEPOSIT_PREAUTH(Account,Authorize,Fee,Flags,Sequence)



  • Return escrowed XRP to the sender.


  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

  • Owner str()

    Address of the source account that funded the escrow payment.

  • OfferSequence

    Transaction sequence (or Ticket number) of EscrowCreate transaction that created the escrow to cancel.

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()

Output = T.ESCROW_CANCEL(Account,Owner,OfferSequence)



  • Sequester XRP until the escrow process either finishes or is canceled.


  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

    • Amount str()

      Amount of XRP, in drops, to deduct from the sender's balance and escrow. Once escrowed, the XRP can either go to the Destination address (after the FinishAfter time) or returned to the sender (after the CancelAfter time).

    • Destination str()

      Address to receive escrowed XRP.

    • CancelAfter int()

      (Optional)* The time, in seconds since the Ripple Epoch, when this escrow expires. This value is immutable; the funds can only be returned the sender after this time.

    • FinishAfter int()

      (Optional)* The time, in seconds since the Ripple Epoch, when the escrowed XRP can be released to the recipient. This value is immutable; the funds cannot move until this time is reached.

    • Condition str()

      (Optional) Hex value representing a PREIMAGE-SHA-256 crypto-condition . The funds can only be delivered to the recipient if this condition is fulfilled.

    • DestinationTag int()

      (Optional) Arbitrary tag to further specify the destination for this escrowed payment, such as a hosted recipient at the destination address.

    • SourceTag int()

      (Optional)* Arbitrary integer used to identify the reason for this payment, or a sender on whose behalf this transaction is made. Conventionally, a refund should specify the initial payment's SourceTag as the refund payment's DestinationTag.

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()

Output = T.ESCROW_CREATE(Account,Amount,Destination,CancelAfter,



  • Deliver XRP from a held payment to the recipient.


from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()
Output = T.ESCROW_FINNISH(Account,Owner,OfferSequence,Condition,Fulfillment)



  • An OfferCancel transaction removes an Offer object from the XRP Ledger.


  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

  • Fee str()

    (Required; auto-fillable) Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements. See Transaction Cost for details.

  • Flags int()

    (Optional)* Set of bit-flags for this transaction.

  • LastLedgerSequence int()

    Optional; strongly recommended) Highest ledger index this transaction can appear in. Specifying this field places a strict upper limit on how long the transaction can wait to be validated or rejected. See Reliable Transaction Submission for more details.

  • OfferSequence int()

    The sequence number (or Ticket number) of a previous OfferCreate transaction. If specified, cancel any offer object in the ledger that was created by that transaction. It is not considered an error if the offer specified does not exist.

  • Sequence int()

    (Required; auto-fillable) The sequence number of the account sending the transaction. A transaction is only valid if the Sequence number is exactly 1 greater than the previous transaction from the same account. The special case 0 means the transaction is using a Ticket instead (Requires the TicketBatch amendment ).

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()

Output = T.OFFER_CANCEL(Account,Fee,Flags,LastLedgerSequence,



  • An OfferCreate transaction is effectively a limit order . It defines an intent to exchange currencies, and creates an Offer object if not completely fulfilled when placed. Offers can be partially fulfilled.


  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

  • Fee str()

    (Required; auto-fillable) Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements. See Transaction Cost for details.

  • Flags int()

    (Optional)* Set of bit-flags for this transaction.

  • LastLedgerSequence int()

    Optional; strongly recommended) Highest ledger index this transaction can appear in. Specifying this field places a strict upper limit on how long the transaction can wait to be validated or rejected. See Reliable Transaction Submission for more details.

  • Sequence int()

    (Required; auto-fillable) The sequence number of the account sending the transaction. A transaction is only valid if the Sequence number is exactly 1 greater than the previous transaction from the same account. The special case 0 means the transaction is using a Ticket instead (Requires the TicketBatch amendment ).

  • TakerGets int()

    The amount and type of currency being provided by the offer creator.

  • currency str()

    The type of currency being requested by the offer creator.

  • issuer str()

    the one issuing the offer

  • value int()

    The amount of currency being requested by the offer creator

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()

Output = T.OFFER_CREATE(Account,Fee,Flags,LastLedgerSequence,Sequence,TakerGets,

PAYMENT [Cold Account only]


  • A Payment transaction represents a transfer of value from one account to another. (Depending on the path taken, this can involve additional exchanges of value, which occur atomically.) This transaction type can be used for several types of payments.


  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

  • Destination str()

    The unique address of the account receiving the payment.

  • currency str()

    The type of currency being requested by the offer creator.

  • value int()

    The amount of currency being requested by the offer creator

  • issuer str()

    the one issuing the offer

  • Fee str()

    (Required; auto-fillable) Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements. See Transaction Cost for details.

  • Flags int()

    (Optional)* Set of bit-flags for this transaction.

  • Sequence int()

    (Required; auto-fillable) The sequence number of the account sending the transaction. A transaction is only valid if the Sequence number is exactly 1 greater than the previous transaction from the same account. The special case 0 means the transaction is using a Ticket instead (Requires the TicketBatch amendment ).

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()

Output = T.PAYMENT(Account,Destination,currency,value,issuer,Fee,Flags,Sequence)



  • Claim XRP from a payment channel, adjust the payment channel's expiration, or both. This transaction can be used differently depending on the transaction sender's role in the specified channel:
  • The source address of a channel can:
    • Send XRP from the channel to the destination with or without a signed Claim.
    • Set the channel to expire as soon as the channel's SettleDelay has passed.
    • Clear a pending Expiration time.
    • Close a channel immediately, with or without processing a claim first. The source address cannot close the channel immediately if the channel has XRP remaining.
  • The destination address of a channel can:
    • Receive XRP from the channel using a signed Claim.
    • Close the channel immediately after processing a Claim, refunding any unclaimed XRP to the channel's source.
  • Any address sending this transaction can:
    • Cause a channel to be closed if its Expiration or CancelAfter time is older than the previous ledger's close time. Any validly-formed PaymentChannelClaim transaction has this effect regardless of the contents of the transaction.


  • Channel str()

    The unique ID of the channel, as a 64-character hexadecimal string.

  • Balance str()

    (Optional) Total amount of XRP, in drops, delivered by this channel after processing this claim. Required to deliver XRP. Must be more than the total amount delivered by the channel so far, but not greater than the Amount of the signed claim. Must be provided except when closing the channel.

  • Amount str()

    (Optional) The amount of XRP, in drops, authorized by the Signature. This must match the amount in the signed message. This is the cumulative amount of XRP that can be dispensed by the channel, including XRP previously redeemed.

  • Signature str()

    (Optional) The signature of this claim, as hexadecimal. The signed message contains the channel ID and the amount of the claim. Required unless the sender of the transaction is the source address of the channel.

  • PublicKey str()

    (Optional) The public key used for the signature, as hexadecimal. This must match the PublicKey stored in the ledger for the channel. Required unless the sender of the transaction is the source address of the channel and the Signature field is omitted. (The transaction includes the public key so that rippled can check the validity of the signature before trying to apply the transaction to the ledger.)

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()



  • Create a unidirectional channel and fund it with XRP. The address sending this transaction becomes the "source address" of the payment channel.


  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

  • Amount str()

    Amount of XRP, in drops, to deduct from the sender's balance and set aside in this channel. While the channel is open, the XRP can only go to the Destination address. When the channel closes, any unclaimed XRP is returned to the source address's balance.

  • Destination str()

    Address to receive XRP claims against this channel. This is also known as the "destination address" for the channel. Cannot be the same as the sender (Account).

  • SettleDelay int()

    Amount of time the source address must wait before closing the channel if it has unclaimed XRP.

  • PublicKey str()

    The public key of the key pair the source will use to sign claims against this channel, in hexadecimal. This can be any secp256k1 or Ed25519 public key.

  • CancelAfter int()

    (Optional) The time, in seconds since the Ripple Epoch, when this channel expires. Any transaction that would modify the channel after this time closes the channel without otherwise affecting it. This value is immutable; the channel can be closed earlier than this time but cannot remain open after this time.

  • DestinationTag int()

    (Optional)* Arbitrary tag to further specify the destination for this payment channel, such as a hosted recipient at the destination address.

  • SourceTag int()

    (Optional) Arbitrary integer used to identify the reason for this payment, or a sender on whose behalf this transaction is made. Conventionally, a refund should specify the initial payment's SourceTag as the refund payment's DestinationTag.

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()




  • Add additional XRP to an open payment channel, and optionally update the expiration time of the channel. Only the source address of the channel can use this transaction.


  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

  • Channel str()

    The unique ID of the channel to fund, as a 64-character hexadecimal string.

  • Amount str()

    Amount of XRP, in drops, to deduct from the sender's balance and set aside in this channel. While the channel is open, the XRP can only go to the Destination address. When the channel closes, any unclaimed XRP is returned to the source address's balance.

  • Expiration int()

    (Optional)* New Expiration time to set for the channel, in seconds since the Ripple Epoch. This must be later than either the current time plus the SettleDelay of the channel, or the existing Expiration of the channel. After the Expiration time, any transaction that would access the channel closes the channel without taking its normal action. Any unspent XRP is returned to the source address when the channel closes. (Expiration is separate from the channel's immutable CancelAfter time.) For more information, see the PayChannel ledger object type.

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()

Output = T.PAYMENT_CHANNEL_FUND(Account,Channel,Amount,Expiration)



  • A SetRegularKey transaction assigns, changes, or removes the regular key pair associated with an account.
  • You can protect your account by assigning a regular key pair to it and using it instead of the master key pair to sign transactions whenever possible. If your regular key pair is compromised, but your master key pair is not, you can use a SetRegularKey transaction to regain control of your account.v


  • Flags str()

    (Required; auto-fillable)* Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements. See Transaction Cost for details.

  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

  • Fee int()

    (Required; auto-fillable) Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements. See Transaction Cost for details.

  • RegularKey str()

    (Optional)* A base-58-encoded Address that indicates the regular key pair to be assigned to the account. If omitted, removes any existing regular key pair from the account. Must not match the master key pair for the address.

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()
Output = T.SET_REGULAR_KEY(Flags,Account,Fee,RegularKey)


Description: This is the description


from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()




  • A TicketCreate transaction sets aside one or more sequence numbers
  • A Ticket in the XRP Ledger is a way of setting aside a sequence number for a transaction without sending it right away. Tickets allow transactions to be sent outside of the normal sequence order. One use case for this is to allow for multi-signed transactions where it may take a while to collect the necessary signatures: while collecting signatures for a transaction that uses a Ticket, you can still send other transactions.


  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

  • Fee int()

    (Required; auto-fillable) Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements. See Transaction Cost for details.

  • Sequence int()

    (Required; auto-fillable) The sequence number of the account sending the transaction. A transaction is only valid if the Sequence number is exactly 1 greater than the previous transaction from the same account. The special case 0 means the transaction is using a Ticket instead (Requires the TicketBatch amendment ).

  • TicketCount int()

    How many Tickets to create. This must be a positive number and cannot cause the account to own more than 250 Tickets after executing this transaction.

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()

Output = T.TICKET_CREATE(Account,Fee,Sequence,TicketCount)



  • Create or modify a trust line linking two accounts.


  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

  • Fee int()

    (Required; auto-fillable) Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements. See Transaction Cost for details.

  • LastLedgerSequence int()

    Optional; strongly recommended) Highest ledger index this transaction can appear in. Specifying this field places a strict upper limit on how long the transaction can wait to be validated or rejected. See Reliable Transaction Submission for more details.

  • currency str()

    The type of currency being requested by the offer creator.

  • issuer str()

    the one issuing the offer

  • value int()

    The amount of currency being requested by the offer creator

  • Sequence int()

    (Required; auto-fillable) The sequence number of the account sending the transaction. A transaction is only valid if the Sequence number is exactly 1 greater than the previous transaction from the same account. The special case 0 means the transaction is using a Ticket instead (Requires the TicketBatch amendment ).

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()




  • An EnableAmendment pseudo-transaction marks a change in status of an amendment to the XRP Ledger protocol, including:
  • A proposed amendment gained supermajority approval from validators.
  • A proposed amendment lost supermajority approval.
  • A proposed amendment has been enabled.


  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

  • Amendment str()

    A unique identifier for the amendment. This is not intended to be a human-readable name. See Amendments for a list of known amendments.

  • Fee int()

    (Required; auto-fillable) Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements. See Transaction Cost for details.

  • LastLedgerSequence int()

    Optional; strongly recommended) Highest ledger index this transaction can appear in. Specifying this field places a strict upper limit on how long the transaction can wait to be validated or rejected. See Reliable Transaction Submission for more details.

  • Sequence int()

    (Required; auto-fillable) The sequence number of the account sending the transaction. A transaction is only valid if the Sequence number is exactly 1 greater than the previous transaction from the same account. The special case 0 means the transaction is using a Ticket instead (Requires the TicketBatch amendment ).

  • SigningPubKey str()

    (Automatically added when signing) Hex representation of the public key that corresponds to the private key used to sign this transaction. If an empty string, indicates a multi-signature is present in the Signers field instead.

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()





  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

    • BaseFee [Unsigned Integer]

      The charge, in drops of XRP, for the reference transaction, as hex. (This is the transaction cost before scaling for load.)

    • Fee int()

      (Required; auto-fillable) Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements. See Transaction Cost for details.

    • ReferenceFeeUnits [Unsigned Integer]

      The cost, in fee units, of the reference transaction

    • ReserveBase [Unsigned Integer]

      The base reserve, in drops

    • ReserveIncrement [Unsigned Integer]

      The incremental reserve, in drops

    • Sequence int()

      (Required; auto-fillable) The sequence number of the account sending the transaction. A transaction is only valid if the Sequence number is exactly 1 greater than the previous transaction from the same account. The special case 0 means the transaction is using a Ticket instead (Requires the TicketBatch amendment ).

    • SigningPubKey str()

      (Automatically added when signing) Hex representation of the public key that corresponds to the private key used to sign this transaction. If an empty string, indicates a multi-signature is present in the Signers field instead.

    • date [given Date]

      Date [XX/XX/XXXX]

    • hash [Array of Strings]

      An array of up to 256 ledger hashes. The contents depend on which sub-type of LedgerHashes object this is.

    • ledger_index str()

      The ledger index of the ledger. Some API methods display this as a quoted integer; some display it as a native JSON number.

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()

Output = T.SET_FEE(Account,BaseFee,Fee,ReferenceFeeUnits,


Description: This is the description


  • Account str()

    (Required) The unique address of the account that initiated the transaction.

  • Fee int()

    (Required; auto-fillable) Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements. See Transaction Cost for details.

  • LedgerSequence int()

    The ledger index where this pseudo-transaction appears. This distinguishes the pseudo-transaction from other occurrences of the same change.

  • Sequence int()

    (Required; auto-fillable) The sequence number of the account sending the transaction. A transaction is only valid if the Sequence number is exactly 1 greater than the previous transaction from the same account. The special case 0 means the transaction is using a Ticket instead (Requires the TicketBatch amendment ).

  • SigningPubKey str()

    (Automatically added when signing) Hex representation of the public key that corresponds to the private key used to sign this transaction. If an empty string, indicates a multi-signature is present in the Signers field instead.

  • UNLModifyDisabling int()

    If 1, this change represents adding a validator to the Negative UNL. If 0, this change represents removing a validator from the Negative UNL. (No other values are allowed.)

  • UNLModifyValidator str()

    The validator to add or remove, as identified by its master public key.

from TransactionType import TransactionType
T = Transaction_Types()

Output = T.UNL_MODIFY(Account,Fee,LedgerSequence,Sequence,SigningPubKey,