Scraper for that also offers bot functionalities for Telegram. Not affiliated with MyDealz in any way. Inspired by mydealz_alert.
Install the following libraries to use this script:
- bs4
- colorama
- emoji
- lxml
- pyshortener
- maybe more that are not part of Python by default
You can control the following settings in settings.txt
- debug_mode: Enable/disable debug messages
- short_url: Enable/disable short urls for deal messages
- sleep_time: Set time to sleep after each cycle
- telegram: Enable/disable Telegram messages for new deals
- tg_token: Set token of your Telegram bot
- tg_cid: Set recipient chat id on Telegram
- tg_cid2: Set second recipient chat id on Telegram
You can use the following commands on Telegram:
- /add : Add item to list of wanted products
- /remove : Remove item from list of wanted products
- /list: Show list of all wanted products
- /reset: Reset list of discovered deals
- /hello: Ask for life sign without changing anything