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Emotion Recognition in Conversations


22/12/2019: Code for DialogueGCN has been released.

11/10/2019: New Paper: ERC with Transfer Learning from Generative Dialogue Models.

09/08/2019: New paper on Emotion Recognition in Conversation (ERC).

06/03/2019: Features and codes to train DialogueRNN on the MELD dataset have been released.

20/11/2018: End-to-end version of ICON and DialogueRNN have been released.

This repository contains implementations for three conversational emotion detection methods, namely:

  • bc-LSTM (keras)
  • CMN (tensorflow)
  • ICON (tensorflow)
  • DialogueRNN (PyTorch)
  • DialogueGCN (PyTorch)
  • TL-ERC (PyTorch)

Unlike other emotion detection models, these techniques consider the party-states and inter-party dependencies for modeling conversational context relevant to emotion recognition. The primary purpose of all these techniques are to pretrain an emotion detection model for empathetic dialogue generation.

Controlling variables in conversation

Fig. 1: Interaction among different controlling variables during a dyadic conversation between persons A and B. Grey and white circles represent hidden and observed variables, respectively. P represents personality, U represents utterance, S represents interlocutor state, I represents interlocutor intent, E represents emotion and Topic represents topic of the conversation. This can easily be extended to multi-party conversations.

Emotion recognition can be very useful for empathetic and affective dialogue generation -

Affective dialogue generation

Data Format

These networks expect emotion/sentiment label and speaker info for each utterance present in a dialogue like

Party 1: I hate my girlfriend (angry)
Party 2: you got a girlfriend?! (surprise)
Party 1: yes (angry)

However, the code can be adpated to perform tasks where only the preceding utterances are available, without their corresponding labels, as context and goal is to label only the present/target utterance. For example, the context is

Party 1: I hate my girlfriend
Party 2: you got a girlfriend?!

the target is

Party 1: yes (angry)

where the target emotion is angry. Moreover, this code can also be molded to train the network in an end-to-end manner. We will soon push these useful changes.

TL-ERC: Emotion Recognition in Conversations with Transfer Learning from Generative Conversation Modeling

TL-ERC is a transfer learning-based framework for ERC. It pre-trains a generative dialogue model and transfers context-level weights that include affective knowledge into the target discriminative model for ERC.

TL-ERC framework

Setting up

  1. Setup an environment with Conda:

    conda env create -f environment.yml
    conda activate TL_ERC
    cd TL_ERC
  2. Download dataset files IEMOCAP, DailyDialog and store them in ./datasets/.

  3. Download the pre-trained weights of HRED on Cornell and Ubuntu datasets and store them in ./generative_weights/

  4. [Optional]: To train new generative weights from dialogue models, refer to .

Run the ERC classifier with pre-trained weights

  1. cd bert_model
  2. python --load_checkpoint=../generative_weights/cornell_weights.pkl --data=iemocap.
    • Change cornell to ubuntu and iemocap to dailydialog for other dataset combinations.
    • Drop load_checkpoint to avoid initializing contextual weights.
    • To modify hyperparameters, check

[Optional] Create ERC Dataset splits

  1. Set glove path in the preprocessing files.
  2. python Similarly for dailydialog.


Please cite the following paper if you find this code useful in your work.

  title={Emotion Recognition in Conversations with Transfer Learning from Generative Conversation Modeling},
  author={Hazarika, Devamanyu and Poria, Soujanya and Zimmermann, Roger and Mihalcea, Rada},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.04980},

DialogueGCN: A Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Emotion Recognition in Conversation

DialogueGCN (Dialogue Graph Convolutional Network), is a graph neural network based approach to ERC. We leverage self and inter-speaker dependency of the interlocutors to model conversational context for emotion recognition. Through the graph network, DialogueGCN addresses context propagation issues present in the current RNN-based methods. DialogueGCN is naturally suited for multi-party dialogues.

Alt text


  • Python 3
  • PyTorch 1.0
  • PyTorch Geometric 1.3
  • Pandas 0.23
  • Scikit-Learn 0.20
  • TensorFlow (optional; required for tensorboard)
  • tensorboardX (optional; required for tensorboard)


Note: PyTorch Geometric makes heavy usage of CUDA atomic operations and is a source of non-determinism. To reproduce the results reported in the paper, we recommend to use the following execution command. Note that this script will execute in CPU. We obatined weighted average F1 scores of 64.67 in our machine and 64.44 in Google colaboratory for IEMOCAP dataset with the following command.

  1. IEMOCAP dataset: python --base-model 'LSTM' --graph-model --nodal-attention --dropout 0.4 --lr 0.0003 --batch-size 32 --class-weight --l2 0.0 --no-cuda


Please cite the following paper if you find this code useful in your work.

DialogueGCN: A Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Emotion Recognition in Conversation. D. Ghosal, N. Majumder, S. Poria, N. Chhaya, & A. Gelbukh. EMNLP-IJCNLP (2019), Hong Kong, China.

DialogueRNN: An Attentive RNN for Emotion Detection in Conversations

DialogueRNN is basically a customized recurrent neural network (RNN) that profiles each speaker in a conversation/dialogue on the fly, while models the context of the conversation at the same time. This model can easily be extended to multi-party scenario. Also, it can be used as a pretraining model for empathetic dialogue generation.

Note: the default settings (hyperparameters and commandline arguments) in the code are meant for BiDialogueRNN+Att. The user needs to optimize the settings for other the variants and changes. Alt text


  • Python 3
  • PyTorch 1.0
  • Pandas 0.23
  • Scikit-Learn 0.20
  • TensorFlow (optional; required for tensorboard)
  • tensorboardX (optional; required for tensorboard)

Dataset Features

Please extract the file


  1. IEMOCAP dataset: python <command-line arguments>
  2. AVEC dataset: python <command-line arguments>

Command-Line Arguments

  • --no-cuda: Does not use GPU
  • --lr: Learning rate
  • --l2: L2 regularization weight
  • --rec-dropout: Recurrent dropout
  • --dropout: Dropout
  • --batch-size: Batch size
  • --epochs: Number of epochs
  • --class-weight: class weight (not applicable for AVEC)
  • --active-listener: Explicit lisnener mode
  • --attention: Attention type
  • --tensorboard: Enables tensorboard log
  • --attribute: Attribute 1 to 4 (only for AVEC)


Please cite the following paper if you find this code useful in your work.

DialogueRNN: An Attentive RNN for Emotion Detection in Conversations. N. Majumder, S. Poria, D. Hazarika, R. Mihalcea, E. Cambria, and G. Alexander. AAAI (2019), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA


Interactive COnversational memory Network (ICON) is a multimodal emotion detection framework that extracts multimodal features from conversational videos and hierarchically models the \textit{self-} and \textit{inter-speaker} emotional influences into global memories. Such memories generate contextual summaries which aid in predicting the emotional orientation of utterance-videos.

ICON framework


  • python 3.6.5
  • pandas==0.23.3
  • tensorflow==1.9.0
  • numpy==1.15.0
  • scikit_learn==0.20.0


  1. cd ICON

  2. Unzip the data as follows:

    • Download the features for IEMOCAP using this link.
    • Unzip the folder and place it in the location: /ICON/IEMOCAP/data/. Sample command to achieve this: unzip {path_to_zip_file} -d ./IEMOCAP/
  3. Train the ICON model:

    • python for IEMOCAP


ICON: Interactive Conversational Memory Networkfor Multimodal Emotion Detection. D. Hazarika, S. Poria, R. Mihalcea, E. Cambria, and R. Zimmermann. EMNLP (2018), Brussels, Belgium


CMN is a neural framework for emotion detection in dyadic conversations. It leverages mutlimodal signals from text, audio and visual modalities. It specifically incorporates speaker-specific dependencies into its architecture for context modeling. Summaries are then generated from this context using multi-hop memory networks. Alt text


  • python 3.6.5
  • pandas==0.23.3
  • tensorflow==1.9.0
  • numpy==1.15.0
  • scikit_learn==0.20.0


  1. cd CMN

  2. Unzip the data as follows:

    • Download the features for IEMOCAP using this link.
    • Unzip the folder and place it in the location: /CMN/IEMOCAP/data/. Sample command to achieve this: unzip {path_to_zip_file} -d ./IEMOCAP/
  3. Train the ICON model:

    • python for IEMOCAP


Please cite the following paper if you find this code useful in your work.

Hazarika, D., Poria, S., Zadeh, A., Cambria, E., Morency, L.P. and Zimmermann, R., 2018. Conversational Memory Network for Emotion Recognition in Dyadic Dialogue Videos. In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers) (Vol. 1, pp. 2122-2132).


bc-LSTM is a network for using context to detection emotion of an utterance in a dialogue. The model is simple but efficient which only uses a LSTM to model the temporal relation among the utterances. In this repo we gave the data of Semeval 2019 Task 3. We have used and provided the data released by Semeval 2019 Task 3 - "Emotion Recognition in Context" organizers. In this task only 3 utterances have been provided - utterance1 (user1), utterance2 (user2), utterance3 (user1) consecutively. The task is to predict the emotion label of utterance3. Emotion label of each utterance have not been provided. However, if your data contains emotion label of each utterance then you can still use this code and adapt it accordingly. Hence, this code is still aplicable for the datasets like MOSI, MOSEI, IEMOCAP, AVEC, DailyDialogue etc. bc-LSTM does not make use of speaker information like CMN, ICON and DialogueRNN.

bc-LSTM framework


  • python 3.6.5
  • pandas==0.23.3
  • tensorflow==1.9.0
  • numpy==1.15.0
  • scikit_learn==0.20.0
  • keras==2.1


  1. cd bc-LSTM

  2. Train the bc-LSTM model:

    • python -config testBaseline.config for IEMOCAP


Please cite the following paper if you find this code useful in your work.

Poria, S., Cambria, E., Hazarika, D., Majumder, N., Zadeh, A. and Morency, L.P., 2017. Context-dependent sentiment analysis in user-generated videos. In Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) (Vol. 1, pp. 873-883).