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Reduction Operations

Frank Seide edited this page Aug 27, 2016 · 11 revisions

Reduce an input, e.g. compute sum or mean over elements.

ReduceSum (z, axis=None)
ReduceLogSum (z, axis=None)
ReduceMean (z, axis=None)
ReduceMin (z, axis=None)
ReduceMax (z, axis=None)


  • z: data to reduce
  • axis (default: None): if specified, perform reduction along this axis only

Return value

Reduced value


These functions compute aggregates (sum, mean, etc.) over all values of an input vector or tensor. Available aggregations are:

  • ReduceSum(): the sum over the elements
  • ReduceLogSum(): the sum over elements in log representations (logC = log (exp (logA) + exp (logB)))
  • ReduceMean(): the mean over the elements
  • ReduceSum(): the maximum value of the elements
  • ReduceSum(): the minimum value

By default, aggregation is done over all elements. In case of a tensor with rank>1, the optional axis parameter specifies a single axis that the reduction is performed over. For example, axis=2 applied to a [M x N]-dimensional matrix would aggregate over all columns, yielding a [M x 1] result.

Reducing over sequences

If the input is a sequence, reduction is performed separately for every sequence item. These operations do not support reduction over sequences. Instead, you can achieve this with a recurrence. For example, to sum up all elements of a sequence x, you can say:

sum = x + PastValue (0, sum, initialHiddenActivation=0)


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