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MinkBundle for Symfony2

MinkBundle is Symfony2 bundle (plugin) created in order to give ability to write functional tests for Symfony2 applications.

Mink Installation


Add next lines to your composer.json file:

"require-dev": {
    "behat/mink-bundle": "dev-master"

By default, MinkBundle will use custom SymfonyDriver. But if you want to use GoutteDriver, you'll need to also add:

"require-dev": {
    "behat/mink-bundle": "dev-master",
    "behat/mink-goutte-driver": "1.0.*"

And if you want to use SahiDriver, you'll need to add another line:

"require-dev": {
    "behat/mink-bundle": "dev-master",
    "behat/mink-sahi-driver": "1.0.*"

Now run:

composer.phar install --dev

in order to install all parts.

Bundle Installation & Setup

Now it's time to install and setup MinkBundle itself.

And to app/AppKernel.php:

if ('test' === $this->getEnvironment()) {
    $bundles[] = new Behat\MinkBundle\MinkBundle();

Bundle Configuration

Now, as you've setted up the bundle, you should configure it:

# app/config/config_test.yml

By default, MinkBundle uses only SymfonyDriver session. If you want to use GoutteDriver, SahiDriver or ZombieDriver sessions - you should specify them in config explicitly:

# app/config/config_test.yml
    goutte:     ~
    sahi:       ~
    zombie:     ~

Out of the box, Mink will use SymfonyDriver session as default one. This means that any session call without argument:


will be done against default Symfony2 test.client library. If you want to change this, use default_session configuration option:

# app/config/config_test.yml
    default_session:    goutte
    goutte:             ~


Note, that we do our configuration in config_test.yml. It's convenient way to configure MinkBundle, because test environment has all the needed requirements for Mink and default SymfonyDriver enabled out of the box.

Available Options

MinkBundle provides bunch of useful options for you to configure Mink's behavior. You can use them to make your testing experience even more smooth:

  • base_url - most important one. Defines base url for your application. Used heavily inside BehatBundle and can be used inside your test cases to be able to use relative paths in your web test cases.
  • default_session - defines session name, which will be used by default. It's symfony out of the box.
  • browser_name - specifies browser to be used with Sahi, Selenium or Selenium2 sessions.

Writing your first test

Now, as you've configured MinkBundle, you can use the special MinkTestCase, provided with it as a base class for your tests:


namespace Acme\AcmeBundle\Tests;

use Behat\MinkBundle\Test\MinkTestCase;

class AcmeWebTestCase extends MinkTestCase
    protected $base;

    protected function setUp()
        $this->base = $this->getKernel()

    // write functional tests

Base Behat\MinkBundle\Test\MinkTestCase class provides an easy way to get $mink and specific session instances in your tests:

  1. symfony session will be used by default, so getSession() without parameters will return test.client enabled session for you:

    $session = $this->getMink()->getSession();
    // or you can use the more verbose call:
    $session = $this->getMink()->getSession('symfony');
  2. If you want to test your application with real HTTP requests, you should use goutte session instead (should be enabled in config_test.yml first):

    $session = $this->getMink()->getSession('goutte');
  3. If you want to test your app running in real browser - use sahi session (should be enabled in config_test.yml first):

    $session = $this->getMink()->getSession('sahi');
  1. If you want to test your app running in zombie.js browser - use zombie session (should be enabled in config_test.yml first):

    $session = $this->getMink()->getSession('zombie');

After you've choosen needed session - use it to perform actions on your Symfony2 app:

    $session->getPage()->hasContent('Page N1')


For example, form specification with symfony session will look like that:

public function testForms()
    $session = $this->getMink()->getSession();

    $page = $session->getPage();

    // 3. FILL FORMS:

    $page->fillField('name', 'ever');
    $page->fillField('age', '23');
    $page->selectFieldOption('speciality', 'programmer');
    $page->pressButton('Send spec info');


        $page->hasContent('POST recieved')
        $page->hasContent('ever is 23 years old programmer')