Elixir Entity Component System. Abstracts away the mechanisms used to store, lookup, and retrieve data in an Entity-Component System.
Note that this application only provides the mechanisms for working with data and expects the consuming application to provide the "System" part of the equation.
WARNING: This software is new and has been minimally tested. Any feedback or suggestions would be welcome.
defp deps do
[{:execs, "~> 0.5.0"}]
There are six mix tasks provided as hooks for managing the lifecycle of the database:
- execs.schema.create
- execs.schema.delete
- execs.tables.create
- execs.tables.drop
- execs.setup
- execs.teardown
Which hooks to run will depend on the client being used. In the case of the Mnesia (default) client, a schema must first be created and then the tables can be created.
The setup/teardown tasks run both the schema and table creation and destruction tasks respectively.
There are a few possible configuration values, with sensible defaults, for this package:
Key | Default Value | Affect |
ai_table_name | ai_table | Name of the autoincrement table |
data_table_name | data_table | Name of the data table |
db_client | Execs.DbClient.Mnesia | Client module performs db interactions |
These are some basic examples. See documentation and tests for more thorough coverage.
# Write a value to a single key, of a single component, of a single entity
Execs.transaction(fn ->
Execs.write(id, :foo, :bar, :foobar)
# Write a value to a single key, of multiple components, of a single entity
Execs.transaction(fn ->
Execs.write(id, [:foo, :bar], :bar, :foobar)
# Write a value to multiple keys, of multiple components, of multiple entities
Execs.transaction(fn ->
Execs.write([id, id2], [:foo, :bar], [:foo, :bar], :foobar)
# Write a series of key/value pairs to a single component of a single entity
Execs.transaction(fn ->
|> Execs.write(:foo, :bar, :foobar)
|> Execs.write(:foo, :bar, :foobar)
|> Execs.write(:foo, :foo, :foobar)
|> Execs.write(:foo, :foobar, :foobar)
# Read an entire entity from database
Execs.transaction(fn ->
# Read the value of a single key from database
Execs.transaction(fn ->
Execs.read(id, :foo, :bar)