Basic samples creating a Nuxt application with Koa.
- nuxt - A framework for creating Universal Vue.js Applications.
- koa - Expressive middleware for node.js using ES2017 async functions.
- koa-static - Koa static file serving middleware, wrapper for koa-send.
- koa-bodyparser - A body parser for koa, base on co-body. support json, form and text type body.
- koa-mount - Mount other Koa applications or middleware to a given pathname.
- trie-router - Trie routing for Koa based on routington.
- axios -Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js)
- cross-env - Run scripts that set and use environment variables across platforms
During the development, use:
$ npm run dev
backpack is used to watch and build the application, so you can use the latest ES6 features (module syntax, async/await, etc.).