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Usage scenarios for Moose

These scenarios can be used as exercises to get familiar with Moose.

Ideally, a scenario:

  • describes in a short paragraph the goal to achieve
  • gives indication on how to get a result
  • provides a model exemple (or explains how to get one)
  • gives the expected result (if an exemple model is provided)

Tested methods

  • Goal
    Find whether a given method seems (static analysis) to be tested
  • Indications
    1. Choose a method (not a test) in the model,
    2. Follow incoming invocations and try to find a test method
  • Example model
    One can build a pharo model with a package (e.g. Collections-Atomic) and a test package (e.g. Collections-Atomic-Tests)
  • Expected result
    Very simple exercise with method nextOrNil that is directly invoked by test methods. There are two implementations of nextOrNil, classes LIFOQueue and WaitfreeQueue. They are invoked in 15 tests. Because they are direct invocations, one can use a "Navigation query" or a visualization (e.g. "Navigation tree")

Methods with a pragma/annotation

  • Goal
    Find all methods of some given package(s) that have a given pragma/annotation
  • Indication
    1. Find all AnnotationType in the model (for example FamixStAnnotationType for a model of Pharo code
    2. Restrict further to get one AnnotationType (for example on the name "example")
    3. Get all AnnotationInstances
    4. get the annotatedEntity-ies of the instances
  • Example model
    One can build a pharo model with a package (e.g. Rubric) and a pragma (e.g. example)
  • Expected result At the time of this writing, there are 3 methods with the example pragma: RubFloatingEditorBuilder>>exampleCommandLauncher ; RubFloatingEditorBuilder>>exampleEditableStringMorph ; RubTextAreaExamples>>nicolaiAttributeFix

Class instantiation

  • Goal
    Find all instantiations of a class and its subclasses.
  • Indication
    1. Select a class
    2. Select its subclasses
    3. Collect their methods
    4. Select the constructor ones (i.e. new MyClass() in Java)
    5. Follow constructors incoming invocation
  • Example model
    You can easily get a Java model using VerveineJ.
  • Concrete application
    Try to determine all the widgets creation of a GUI

Retrieve the REST services of a Java Spring application

  • Goal
    Retrieve the rest services of a Java Spring application with the possible methods and parameters.
  • Indication
    1. Look for the annotation @Path in a Java Project
    2. Retrieve the classes annotated with the path annotation and the parameter of the path.
    3. Collect the methods of the classes
    4. Select the methods with a REST annotation (e.g.: @GET, @POST)
    5. Determine the path for those methods using again the @Path annotation (but on methods this time)
  • Example model
    You can easily get a Java model using VerveineJ