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Engine Comparison

Tool for executing A/B tests between different fuzzing configurations.


Given a set of benchmarks from this repository and a set of fuzzing configurations (fuzzing engine, runtime flags, etc.), this tool fuzzes the benchmarks under each fuzzing configuration and produces a comparison report with coverage graphs for each benchmark.


The tool first spawns a dispatcher VM in Google Cloud which begins building each benchmark with each fuzzing configuration. As builds finish, the dispatcher spawns runner VMs and copies the built fuzzers to them.

The runners then execute the fuzzers and capture periodic snapshots of the produced corpus, uploading those snapshots to a Google Storage bucket.

Once the dispatcher has finished building all the fuzzers, it starts pulling the snapshots from Google Cloud Storage and measuring the coverage produced by each corpus snapshot. It also creates a live web report with coverage graphs for each benchmark. As new data becomes available, the web report is automatically updated.

After a user-specified number of fuzzer iterations or time limit, each runner kills its fuzzer and sends a final snapshot to Google Cloud Storage. Included in the final snapshot are summary statistics and any crash reproducers. After all summary data is uploaded, runners automatically shut down and delete themselves.

When all runners are finished executing and the dispatcher has processed all of their snapshots, the dispatcher also shuts itself down.



Before starting an experiment, you first need to specify the fuzzing configurations you wish to compare and the experiment parameters.

Fuzzing Configurations

Fuzzing configurations are simply text files containing environment variables to be exported. Any variables defined in a configuration will be exported prior to building and executing the corresponding benchmark fuzzers. This means that you can specify both build flags (e.g. CC, CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS) and runtime flags (see BINARY_RUNTIME_OPTIONS below) in fuzzing configurations.

The following two environment variables have special meaning in fuzzing configurations:

  • FUZZING_ENGINE - Currently afl, libfuzzer, and fsanitize_fuzzer are supported. fsanitize_fuzzer is libFuzzer built using the new -fsanitize=fuzzer flag.
  • BINARY_RUNTIME_OPTIONS - Flags to pass to the fuzzer binary.

Note that the names of configuration files must contain alphanumeric characters and dashes only. This restriction is due to GCP allowing only those characters for VM names.


Suppose you would like to run AFL with default build flags and an input timeout of 25 seconds. Then you could define a configuration file called afl-config with the following contents:

export FUZZING_ENGINE="afl"
export BINARY_RUNTIME_OPTIONS="-t 25000"

Experiment Parameters

Experiment parameters are defined in a configuration file as follows:

  • EXPERIMENT - The name of this experiment. Used to create unique links to web reports and storage locations for this experiment's data. Must contain only alphanumeric characters and dashes.
  • RUNNERS - The number of runners to spawn per fuzzer. Must be at least 1.
  • JOBS - How many threads to run for each fuzzer. Currently JOBS=1 is the only supported mode.
  • MAX_RUNS - How many individual inputs to run before killing a fuzzer. If -1, run indefinitely.
  • MAX_TOTAL_TIME - How long to run each fuzzer before killing it. If 0, run indefinitely.
  • PROJECT - Your GCP project configured for experiments.
  • CLOUDSDK_COMPUTE_ZONE - The region in which to create GCP instances. Valid values are printed by gcloud compute zones list.
  • GSUTIL_BUCKET - The Google Storage bucket to use for experiment data.
  • GSUTIL_WEB_BUCKET - The Google Storage bucket to use for web reports.
  • SERVICE_ACCOUNT - The service account ID the framework may use to manage GCP instances and data.


${FTS}/engine-comparison/ benchmark1[,benchmark2,...] experiment-config fuzz-config1 [fuzz-config2 ...]

Each benchmark in the comma-separated list must be the name of a benchmark folder in this repository. Alternatively, the word all can be used to run on all benchmarks.

Experiment configuration is specified by a path to an experiment parameters file

Each fuzzing configuration is specified by a path to its configuration file.


Suppose you would like to compare two fuzzing configurations located at ./config/afl and ./config/libfuzzer on the boringssl, freetype, and guetzli benchmarks, with experiment parameters located at ./param/afl-vs-lf.cfg. The corresponding script invocation would be:

${FTS}/engine-comparison/ \
  boringssl-2016-02-12,freetype2-2017,guetzli-2017-3-30 \
  ./param/afl-vs-lf.cfg \
  ./config/afl ./config/libfuzzer

Viewing Results

As results become available, they will be displayed in graphs reachable from, where GSUTIL_WEB_BUCKET and EXPERIMENT are defined in the experiment parameters.

Note that results will not become available until all benchmarks have finished building on the dispatcher. For a typical experiment on all benchmarks with two fuzzing configurations, results become available around 15 minutes after starting the experiment.