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Full stack with GoodData CN in AWS

Deploys VPC, EKS with addons, Ingress controller, Pulsar, Gooddata CN and monitoring.

What you need before start

  • AWS Account with sufficient access
  • Existing DNS domain registered in Route53

What you get

Minimal example

module "gooddata-cn" {
    source = ""

    dns_domain = ""
    license_key = "key/eyJwc ... enter your key here ... hrWDQ=="


# terraform init
# terraform apply


terraform destroy

Note: Destroy command doesn't work well yet; Resource dependencies are not correctly set up and it may happen you end up with resources that can't be removed. Typically, EKS node group tends to be deleted sooner than helm charts, leaving orphan resources in AWS account and in terraform state file. These issues will be addressed in future. Until fixed, you may try to destroy your stack with -target, or with repeated runs of terraform destroy.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.0
aws ~> 5.0
helm ~> 2.10
kubectl ~> 1.14
kubernetes >= 2.20


Name Version
aws 5.9.0
helm 2.10.1
kubernetes 2.22.0
local 2.4.0
null 3.2.1
random 3.5.1
template 2.2.0
time 0.9.1


Name Source Version
eks terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws ~> 19.15
eks_addons aws-ia/eks-blueprints-addons/aws ~> 1.1
iam_eks_role_gooddata terraform-aws-modules/iam/aws//modules/iam-role-for-service-accounts-eks ~> 5.28.0
ingress_nginx aws-ia/eks-blueprints-addon/aws 1.1.1
kube_prometheus_stack aws-ia/eks-blueprints-addon/aws 1.1.1
postgres terraform-aws-modules/rds-aurora/aws ~> 8.3
vpc terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws ~> 5.0


Name Description Type Default Required
admin_roles List of IAM role names that will be granted admin access to cluster list(string) [] no
auth_hostname Short hostname of Dex IdP string "auth" no
cluster_instance_types Set of instance types associated with the EKS Node Group list(string)
cluster_name cluster name, must conform to DNS label limitations (RFC-1035) string "" no
cluster_version EKS Cluster Kubernetes version string "1.26" no
dns_domain Route53 Domain where all DNS records will be created string n/a yes
elasticache_node_type cache.* node type to be deployed. Must support Redis replication group. string "cache.t4g.medium" no
enable_ingress_nginx Install Ingress-Nginx bool true no
enable_kube_prometheus_stack Install Prometheus and Grafana bool true no
gooddata_cn_helm_chart You can also pass helm chart package filename string "gooddata-cn" no
gooddata_cn_version GoodData CN Helm chart version string "2.4.0" no
grafana_password Admin password to Grafana string "AdminGrafana" no
kube_prometheus_stack_version Prometheus Helm chart version string "48.1.2" no
kubernetes_version Version of Kubernetes cluster to deploy string "1.26" no
license_key GoodData CN License string n/a yes
location AWS Region where the services will be deployed. string "us-east-2" no
pulsar_version Pulsar Helm chart version string "3.0.0" no
rds_instance_class db.* instance class to be deployed. Must support aurora-postgresql engine. string "db.t4g.medium" no
registry_hostname Hostname of private container registry string "" no
registry_password Password used to access private registry string "dummypass" no
registry_username Username used to access private registry string "dummyuser" no
repository_prefix Path to GoodData CN images string "gooddata" no
s3_bucket_prefix Path prefix in S3 buckets where caches and exports will be stored string "" no
tags Tags to be added to resources map(string) {} no


Name Description
certiticate_arn ARN of issued wildcard ACM Certificate
cluster_name Name of EKS cluster
configure_kubectl Configure kubectl: make sure you're logged in with the correct AWS profile and run the following command to update your kubeconfig
elasticache_resource aws_elasticache_replication_group resource created by this module.
kubeconfig_path Full path to generated kubeconfig file
module_eks Exposed module used to create EKS. Refer to docs for available outputs.
module_eks_addons Exposed module used to create EKS plugins. Refer to docs for available outputs.
module_postgres Exposed module used to create Aurora RDS. Refer to docs for available outputs.
module_vpc Exposed module used to create VPC. Refer to docs for available outputs.