Welcome to our roadmap for creating and releasing the Study Group Orientation materials.
- Advertise on Twitter
- Write a blogpost
- Mention in call
- Ping last four who forked study group
- Set up 3 consecutive office hour mtgs and get Study Group Leads to sit in
- Tom, Madeline, Amy?
- Late October
- 3-7: Put into GitHub
- 3-7: Tweet abt Study Group Call -> Ada Lovelace and Study Group Orientation release
- 7: Announce release and review on Study Group Call Ask leads to volunteer to sit in on one or more of office hours
- 13-14: Reach out to last four (5-6) who forked study group repo to participate in three consecutive office hr mtgs to go through materials
- 17-21: Introductory office hr mtg w/ Study Group volunteers, overview, background, expectations, pre-assessment
- 1-4: First office hour
- 7-10: Second office hour
- 14-18: Third office hour, post-assessment
- 21-22: Review pre/post-assessment;
- 28- Dec 2: Reiterate; Blogpost (and Tweet) on pilot and announce sign-up for January orientation (limit to X#?)
- Twitter campaign on signing up for January orientation
- 5-9: Study group demo / feedback session during Hawaii
Weekly hour-long onboarding sessions Days/Times TBD based on registrations x4?