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File metadata and controls

215 lines (154 loc) · 8.03 KB

Ruby ImageMagic Converter (v0.8)

Task Manager to work with images on the basis of the ImageMagick library. It has the ability to do the following:

  • resize
  • crop
  • filtering(black and white, sepia, etc.)
  • css sprites
  • rotate

Principle of work

Program is run from the console and performs the tasks described in config.yaml


Open a terminal window and run this command:

$ gem install bundler

Install all of the required gems from your specified sources:

$ bundle install


Navigate to the folder with the project and run the program.

$ ./rimc.rb


All settings are stored in the config.yaml (* tagged with the required parameters)

  - "small image":                            #(*) The name of the method can be any
     src: "path/to/folder/or/file"            #(*) relative to the folder with the file rimc.rb
     dest: "path/to/folder/or/file"           #(*) relative to the folder with the file rimc.rb
     size: "ipod"                             #(*) New size.("ipod"is alias defined in alias.yaml)
                                              #    Also can be defined as "320x480"
     aspect_ratio: true                       # Resized such that the aspect ratio should be retained
     prefix: "s_i-"                           # Prefix in the name(s) of new file(s)
     format:                                  #
      - jpg                                   # Formats that are processed

  # You can define other methods of 'resize' here

  - "thumbnail":                              #(*) The name of the method can be any
     src: "path/to/folder/or/file"            #(*) relative to the folder with the file rimc.rb
     dest: "path/to/folder/or/file"           #(*) relative to the folder with the file rimc.rb
     from: "center"                           #(*)
     area: "320x480"                          #(*) Area.
                                              #    Also can be defined as alias (see alias.yaml)
     prefix: "thumb-"                         #
     format:                                  #
      - jpg                                   # Formats that are processed

  # You can define other methods of 'crop' here

  - "horizontal":                             #(*) The name of the method can be any
     src: "path/to/folder/with/images"        #(*) relative to the folder with the file rimc.rb
                                              # output location for generated image:  <input folder>.png
                                              # output location for generated stylesheet: <input folder>.<style>
     layout: "horizontal"                     # specify layout algorithm (horizontal, vertical or packed)
     style: "css"                             # specify stylesheet syntax (css, scss or sass)
     selector: "div."                         # specify custom css selector (see below)
     cssurl: ""             # specify custom css url (see below)
     nocomments: true                         # suppress generation of comments in output stylesheet

  # You can define other methods of 'css_sprite' here 

  - "black/white":                            #(*) The name of the method can be any
     src: "path/to/folder/or/file"            #(*) relative to the folder with the file rimc.rb
     dest: "path/to/folder/or/file"           #(*) relative to the folder with the file rimc.rb
     filters:                                 #(*) 
      - bw                                    # black/white(bw) or sepia(sepia)
     prefix: "bw-"                            #
     format:                                  #
      - jpg                                   # Formats that are processed

  # You can define other methods of filtering here

  - "rotate":                                 #(*) The name of the method can be any
     src: "path/to/folder/or/file"            #(*) relative to the folder with the file rimc.rb
     dest: "path/to/folder/or/file"           #(*) relative to the folder with the file rimc.rb
     angle: 90                                # default 0
     prefix: "rotate-"                        #
  # You can define other methods of rotation here 
 default:                                     # execution order
  - small image                               #
  - big image                                 #
  - thumbnail                                 #
  - rotate                                    #
  - black/white                               #
  - sepia                                     #
  - horizontal                                #
  - vertical                                  #
  - packed                                    #


By default, the CSS generated is fairly simple. It assumes you will be using <img> elements for your sprites, and that the basename of each individual file is suitable for use as a CSS classname. For example, the following files:


... when run with:

  - "horizontal":
     src: "images/icons"

... will generate the following css:

img.high   { width: 16px; height: 16px; background: url(images/icons.png)   0px 0px no-repeat; }
img.medium { width: 16px; height: 16px; background: url(images/icons.png) -16px 0px no-repeat; }
img.low    { width: 16px; height: 16px; background: url(images/icons.png) -32px 0px no-repeat; }

If you want to use different selectors for your rules, you can provide the selector option. For example:

  - "horizontal":
     src: "images/icons"
     selector: "span.icon_"

... will generate:

span.icon_high   { width: 16px; height: 16px; background: url(images/icons.png)   0px 0px no-repeat; }
span.icon_medium { width: 16px; height: 16px; background: url(images/icons.png) -16px 0px no-repeat; }
span.icon_low    { width: 16px; height: 16px; background: url(images/icons.png) -32px 0px no-repeat; }

Customizing the CSS Selector Per Image

If you want to specify a custom selector for each individual image, then name the image files accordingly - the library will map '__' (double underscore) to a single space ' ' in any source image filename. For example:


... when run with:

 - "horizontal":
    src: "images/icons"
    selector: "div.example"

... will generate:

div.example span.icon_alert { ... first file   ... }
div.example span.icon_alert { ... second file  ... }

If you want to specify a psuedo class such as :hover for some of your images, the library will also map '--' (double dash) to a colon ':' in any source image filename. For example:


... when run with:

 - "horizontal":
    src: "images/icons"
    selector: "span.icon_"

... will generate:

span.icon_alert       { ... first file  ... }
span.icon_alert:hover { ... second file ... }


By default, the RIMC generates simple url's that contain the basename of the unified sprite image, e.g:

 - "horizontal":
    src: "images/icons"

# generates: url(icons.png)

...but you can control the generation of these url's using the :cssurl option:

For most CDN's, you can prepend a simple string to the image name:

 - "horizontal":
    src: "images/icons"
    cssurl: ""

# generates:  url(