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HL7v2 Templates

This document applies to the Liquid engine only. Follow this link for the documentation on Handlebars engine.

For HL7v2 to FHIR conversion, we provide a total of 57 HL7v2 conversion templates. Here, you can find a detailed information about each template, such as the mapped FHIR resource types, segments, and extensions.


Message Type Description
ADT_A01 Admit/visit notification
ADT_A02 Transfer a patient
ADT_A03 Discharge/end visit
ADT_A04 Register a patient
ADT_A05 Pre-admit a patient
ADT_A06 Change an outpatient to an inpatient
ADT_A07 Change an inpatient to an outpatient
ADT_A08 Update patient information
ADT_A09 Patient departing - tracking
ADT_A10 Patient arriving - tracking
ADT_A11 Cancel admit/visit notification
ADT_A13 Cancel discharge/end visit
ADT_A14 Pending admit
ADT_A15 Pending transfer
ADT_A16 Pending discharge
ADT_A25 Cancel pending discharge
ADT_A26 Cancel pending transfer
ADT_A27 Cancel pending admit
ADT_A28 Add person information
ADT_A29 Delete person information
ADT_A31 Update person information
ADT_A40 Merge patient - patient identifier list
ADT_A41 Merge account - patient account number
ADT_A45 Move visit information - visit number
ADT_A47 Change patient identifier list
ADT_A60 Update allergy information
BAR_P01 Add patient accounts
BAR_P02 Purge patient accounts
BAR_P12 Update diagnosis/procedure
DFT_P03 Post detail financial transaction
DFT_P11 Post detail financial transactions - expanded
MDM_T01 Original document notification
MDM_T02 Original document notification and content
MDM_T05 Document addendum notification
MDM_T06 Document addendum notification and content
MDM_T09 Document replacement notification
MDM_T10 Document replacement notification and content
OMG_O19 General clinical order
OML_O21 Laboratory order
ORM_O01 General Order Message
ORU_R01 Unsolicited Observation Message
OUL_R22 Unsolicited Specimen Oriented Observation Message
OUL_R23 Unsolicited Specimen Container Oriented Observation Message
OUL_R24 Unsolicited Order Oriented Observation Message
RDE_O11 Pharmacy/treatment encoded order
RDE_O25 Pharmacy/treatment refill authorization request
RDS_O13 Pharmacy/treatment dispense
REF_I12 Patient referral
REF_I14 Cancel patient referral
SIU_S12 Notification of new appointment booking
SIU_S13 Notification of appointment rescheduling
SIU_S14 Notification of appointment modification
SIU_S15 Notification of appointment cancellation
SIU_S16 Notification of appointment discontinuation
SIU_S17 Notification of appointment deletion
SIU_S26 SIU/ACK Notification that patient did not show up for schedule appointment
VXU_V04 Unsolicited vaccination record update


Segment Short Description
MSH Message Header
EVN Event Type
PID Patient Identification
PV1 Patient Visit
SFT Software Segment
PD1 Additional Demographics
NK1 Next of Kin
PV2 Patient Visit, additional info
GT1 Guarantor
NTE Notes and Comments
OBX Observation/Result
AL1 Allergy Info
DG1 Diagnosis info
PR1 Procedures
IAR Allergy Reaction Segment
DB1 Disability info
IN1 Insurance
IN2 Insurance Additional info
RF1 Referral info
SCH Scheduling Activity Information
TQ1 Timing/quantity
AIS Appointment Information
AIG Appointment Information - General Resource
AIL Appointment Information - Location Resource
AIP Appointment Information - Personnel Resource
ORC Common Order
OBR Observation Request
CTD Contact Data
TXA Transcription Document Header
SPM Specimen
IAM Patient Adverse Reaction Information
ACC Accident
ARV Access Restriction
AUT Authorization Information
CON Consent Segment
MRG Merge Patient Information
PDA Patient Death and autopsy
RGS Resource Group
RXA Pharmacy/treatment Administration
RXR Pharmacy/treatment Route
TQ1 Timing/quantity
ODS Dietary Orders, Supplements, and Preferences
RQ1 Requisition Detail-1
RQD Requisition Detail
RXC Pharmacy/treatment Component Order
RXD Pharmacy/treatment Dispense
RXE Pharmacy/treatment Encoded Order
RXO Pharmacy prescription order segment
SAC Specimen Container Detail
RXR Pharmacy/treatment Route


For the fields which could not be mapped directly from HL7 to FHIR, we created Liquid templates with extensions. The extensions are identified by the type of FHIR resource they are associated with, such as Patient resource extensions, Encounter extensions, Observation extensions, etc.

ADT Message Templates


Usage: An A01 event is intended to be used for "Admitted" patients only. An A01 event is sent as a result of a patient undergoing the admission process which assigns the patient to a bed. It signals the beginning of a patient's stay in a healthcare facility.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PD1, NK1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX, AL1, DG1, PR1, GT1, IN1, IN2, RF1, ACC, PDA, ARV, AUT

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, GT1, NK1, IN1, IN2, DB1, PDA, ARV
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, GT1, PD1, PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, NK1, DB1, OBX, DG1, RF1, IN1, IN2, ACC, PDA, AUT
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID, GT1
RelatedPerson NK1, GT1, PID, IN1, IN2
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, PR1, OBX, DG1, RF1, ACC
Location PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, PDA, ACC
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1, PDA, ARV
Procedure PR1, PDA
PractitionerRole OBX
Practitioner PDA
Observation OBX, ACC, PDA
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Condition DG1, PDA
ServiceRequest RF1
Coverage IN1, IN2
ClaimResponse AUT


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
RelatedPerson- RelatedPerson NK1
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX, ACC
Condition- ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: An A02 event is issued because of the patient changing his or her assigned physical location.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX, ARV, PDA

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, DB1, ARV, PDA
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, EVN, DB1, OBX, PDA
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, PDA
Location PV1, PV2, EVN, PDA
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2, ARV, PDA
Procedure PR1, PDA
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX
Condition PDA


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX


Usage: An A03 event signals the end of a patient's stay in a healthcare facility. It signals that the patient's status has changed to "discharged" and that a discharge date has been recorded. The patient is no longer in the facility.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PD1, NK1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX, AL1, DG1, PR1, GT1, IN1, IN2, RF1, ACC, ARV, AUT, PDA

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, GT1, NK1, IN1, IN2, DB1, ARV, PDA
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, GT1, PD1, PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, NK1, DB1, OBX, DG1, RF1, IN1, IN2, ACC, AUT, PDA
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID, GT1
RelatedPerson NK1, GT1, PID, IN1, IN2
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, PR1, OBX, DG1, RF1, ACC, PDA
Location PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, ACC, PDA
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1, ARV, PDA
Procedure PR1, PDA
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Condition DG1, PDA
ServiceRequest RF1
Coverage IN1, IN2
ClaimResponse AUT


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
RelatedPerson- RelatedPerson NK1
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX, ACC
Condition- ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: An A04 event signals that the patient has arrived or checked in as a one-time, or recurring outpatient, and is not assigned to a bed.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PD1, NK1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX, AL1, DG1, PR1, GT1, IN1, IN2, RF1, ARV, AUT, PDA

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, GT1, NK1, IN1, IN2, DB1, ARV, PDA
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, GT1, PD1, PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, NK1, DB1, OBX, DG1, RF1, IN1, IN2, ACC, AUT, PDA
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID, GT1
RelatedPerson NK1, GT1, PID, IN1, IN2
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, PR1, OBX, DG1, RF1, ACC, PDA
Location PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, ACC, PDA
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1, ARV, PDA
Procedure PR1, PDA
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Condition DG1, PDA
ServiceRequest RF1
Coverage IN1, IN2
ClaimResponse AUT


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
RelatedPerson- RelatedPerson NK1
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX, ACC
Condition- ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: An A05 event is sent when a patient undergoes the pre-admission process. This event can also be used to pre-register a non-admitted patient.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PD1, NK1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX, AL1, DG1, PR1, GT1, IN1, IN2, RF1, ACC, ARV, AUT

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, GT1, NK1, IN1, IN2, DB1, ARV
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, GT1, PD1, PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, NK1, DB1, OBX, DG1, RF1, IN1, IN2, ACC, AUT
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID, GT1
RelatedPerson NK1, GT1, PID, IN1, IN2
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, PR1, OBX, DG1, RF1, ACC
Location PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, ACC
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1, ARV
Procedure PR1
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Condition DG1
ServiceRequest RF1
Coverage IN1, IN2
ClaimResponse AUT


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
RelatedPerson- RelatedPerson NK1
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX, ACC
Condition- ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: An A06 event is sent when a patient who was present for a non-admitted visit is being admitted after an evaluation of the seriousness of the patient's condition. This event changes a patient's status from non-admitted to admitted.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PD1, NK1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX, AL1, DG1, PR1, GT1, IN1, IN2, ACC, ARV, MRG, ROL

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, GT1, NK1, IN1, IN2, DB1, ARV
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, GT1, PD1, PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, NK1, DB1, OBX, DG1, IN1, IN2, ACC, ROL
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID, GT1, MRG
RelatedPerson NK1, GT1, PID, IN1, IN2
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, PR1, OBX, DG1, ACC, ROL
Location PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, ACC, ROL
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1, ARV
Procedure PR1
PractitionerRole OBX, ROL
Observation OBX
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Condition DG1
Coverage IN1, IN2


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
RelatedPerson- RelatedPerson NK1
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX, ACC
Condition- ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: An A07 event is sent when a patient who was admitted changes his/her status to "no longer admitted" but is still being seen for this episode of care. This event changes a patient from an "admitted" to a "non-admitted" status.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PD1, NK1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX, AL1, DG1, PR1, GT1, IN1, IN2, ACC, ARV, MRG, ROL

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, GT1, NK1, IN1, IN2, DB1, ARV
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, GT1, PD1, PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, NK1, DB1, OBX, DG1, IN1, IN2, ACC, ROL
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID, GT1, MRG
RelatedPerson NK1, GT1, PID, IN1, IN2
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, PR1, OBX, DG1, ACC, ROL
Location PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, ACC, ROL
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1, ARV
Procedure PR1
PractitionerRole OBX, ROL
Observation OBX
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Condition DG1
Coverage IN1, IN2


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
RelatedPerson- RelatedPerson NK1
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX, ACC
Condition- ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: An A08 event is used when any patient information has changed but when no other trigger event has occurred.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PD1, NK1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX, AL1, DG1, PR1, GT1, IN1, IN2, RF1, ACC, ARV, AUT, PDA

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, GT1, NK1, IN1, IN2, DB1, ARV, PDA
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, GT1, PD1, PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, NK1, DB1, OBX, DG1, RF1, IN1, IN2, ACC, PDA
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID, GT1
RelatedPerson NK1, GT1, PID, IN1, IN2
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, PR1, OBX, DG1, RF1, ACC
Location PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, PDA
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1, ARV, PDA
Procedure PR1, PDA
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Condition DG1, PDA
ServiceRequest RF1
Coverage IN1, IN2
ClaimResponse AUT


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
RelatedPerson- RelatedPerson NK1
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX, ACC
Condition- ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: The A09 event is used when there is a change in a patient's physical location (inpatient or outpatient) and when this is NOT a change in the official census bed location, as in the case of an outpatient setting.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, DB1
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, EVN, DB1, OBX, RF1
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, PR1, OBX
Location PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX


Usage: The A10 event is sent when a patient arrives at a new location in the healthcare facility (inpatient or outpatient). The A09 (tracks patient departing) and A10 events are used together when there is a change in a patient's physical location and when this is NOT a change in the official census bed location, as in the case of an outpatient setting.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, DB1
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, EVN, DB1, OBX, RF1
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, PR1, OBX
Location PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX


Usage: The A11 event is used for "admitted" patients. It is sent when an A01 (admit/visit notification) event is cancelled, either because of an erroneous entry of the A01 event, or because of a decision not to admit the patient after all. The "Encounter.status" is based on the ADT_A11 trigger event (e.g. cancel admit/visit notification updates the status field to 'canceled').

Mapped segment list: MSH, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, SFT, DB1, OBX

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, DB1
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner EVN, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX
Location EVN, PV1, PV2
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX


Usage: The A13 event is sent when an A03 (discharge/end visit) event is cancelled, either because of erroneous entry of the A03 event or because of a decision not to discharge or end the visit of the patient after all.

Mapped segment list: MSH, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, SFT, NK1, DB1, OBX, AL1, DG1, PR1, GT1, IN1, IN2, RF1, ACC, ARV, AUT, PDA

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, DB1, NK1, GT1, IN1, IN2, ARV, PDA
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX, NK1, DG1, PR1, GT1, IN1, IN2, RF1, ACC, AUT, PDA
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID, GT1
RelatedPerson PID, NK1, GT1, IN1, IN2
Practitioner EVN, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, PR1, RF1, ACC
Location EVN, PV1, PV2, PR1, ACC, PDA
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1, ARV, PDA
Procedure PR1, PDA
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Condition DG1, PDA
ServiceRequest RF1
Coverage IN1, IN2
ClaimResponse AUT


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
RelatedPerson- RelatedPerson NK1
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX, ACC
Condition- ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: An A14 event notifies other systems of a planned admission, when there is a reservation or when patient admission is to occur imminently. The A14 event is similar to a pre-admit, but without the implication that an account should be opened for the purposes of tests prior to admission. It is used when advanced notification of an admit is required in order to prepare for the patient's arrival.

Mapped segment list: MSH, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, SFT, NK1, DB1, OBX, AL1, DG1, PR1, GT1, IN1, IN2, RF1, ACC, ARV, AUT

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, DB1, NK1, GT1, IN1, IN2, ARV
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX, NK1, DG1, PR1, GT1, IN1, IN2, RF1, ACC, AUT
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID, GT1
RelatedPerson PID, NK1, GT1, IN1, IN2
Practitioner EVN, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, PR1, RF1, ACC
Location EVN, PV1, PV2, PR1, ACC
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1, ARV
Procedure PR1
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Condition DG1
ServiceRequest RF1
Coverage IN1, IN2
ClaimResponse AUT


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
RelatedPerson- RelatedPerson NK1
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX, ACC
Condition- ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: An A15 event notifies other systems of a plan to transfer a patient to a new location when the patient has not yet left the old location. It is used when advanced notification of a transfer is required in order to prepare for the patient's location change. For example, this transaction could be sent so that staff will be on hand to move the patient or so that dietary services can route the next meal to the new location.

Mapped segment list: MSH, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, SFT, DB1, OBX, ARV

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, DB1, ARV
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner EVN, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX
Location EVN, PV1, PV2
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2, ARV
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX


Usage: An A16 event notifies other systems of a plan to discharge a patient when the patient has not yet left the healthcare facility. It is used when advanced notification of a discharge is required in order to prepare for the patient's change in location. For example, it is used to notify the pharmacy of the possible need for discharge drugs or to notify psychotherapy of the possible need for post-discharge appointments or to notify the extended care or home health system that the patient will be discharged and that the new extended care and home health admission assessment can be scheduled.

Mapped segment list: MSH, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, SFT, NK1, DB1, OBX, AL1, DG1, PR1, GT1, IN1, IN2, RF1, ACC, ARV, AUT

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, DB1, NK1, GT1, IN1, IN2, ARV
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX, NK1, DG1, PR1, GT1, IN1, IN2, RF1, ACC, AUT
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID, GT1
RelatedPerson PID, NK1, GT1, IN1, IN2
Practitioner EVN, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, PR1, RF1, ACC
Location EVN, PV1, PV2, PR1, ACC
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1, ARV
Procedure PR1
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Condition DG1
ServiceRequest RF1
Coverage IN1, IN2
ClaimResponse AUT


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
RelatedPerson- RelatedPerson NK1
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX, ACC
Condition- ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: The A25 event is sent when an A16 (pending discharge) event is cancelled, either because of erroneous entry of the A16 event or because of a decision not to discharge the patient after all. The "Encounter.status" here, is based on the ADT_A25 trigger event i.e., Cancel pending discharge, hence, we are updating it to “in-progress”.

Mapped segment list: MSH, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, SFT, DB1, OBX

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, DB1
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner EVN, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX
Location EVN, PV1, PV2
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX


Usage: The A26 event is sent when an A15 (pending transfer) event is cancelled, either because of erroneous entry of the A15 event or because of a decision not to transfer the patient after all. The "Encounter.status" here, is based on the ADT_A26 trigger event i.e., Cancel pending transfer, hence we are updating it to “in-progress”.

Mapped segment list: MSH, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, SFT, DB1, OBX

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, DB1
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner EVN, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX
Location EVN, PV1, PV2
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX


Usage: The A27 event is sent when an A14 (pending admit) event is cancelled, either because of erroneous entry of the A14 event or because of a decision not to admit the patient after all. The "Encounter.status" here, is based on the ADT_A27 trigger event i.e., Cancel pending admit, hence we are updating it to “cancelled”.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, DB1
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, EVN, DB1, OBX
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, EVN
Location PV1, PV2, EVN
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX


Usage: The ADT_A28 event allows sites with multiple systems and respective master patient databases to communicate activity related to a person regardless of whether that person is currently a patient on each system. Each system has an interest in the database activity of the others to maintain data integrity across an institution. Though they are defined within the ADT message set, these messages differ in that they are not patient-specific. The A28 event can be used to send everything that is known about a person.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PD1, NK1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX, AL1, DG1, PR1, GT1, IN1, IN2, RF1, ACC, ARV

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, GT1, NK1, IN1, IN2, DB1, ARV
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, GT1, PD1, PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, NK1, DB1, OBX, DG1, RF1, IN1, IN2, ACC
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID, GT1
RelatedPerson NK1, GT1, PID, IN1, IN2
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, PR1, OBX, DG1, RF1, ACC
Location PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, ACC
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1, ARV
Procedure PR1
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Condition DG1
ServiceRequest RF1
Coverage IN1, IN2


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
RelatedPerson- RelatedPerson NK1
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX, ACC
Condition- ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: An A29 event can be used to delete all demographic information related to a given person. The “request.method” here, is based on the ADT_A29 trigger event i.e., Delete person information, hence we are updating it to “DELETE”. This will delete all the demographic information from the FHIR Server. Note: FHIR resources will only have the DELETE method and will delete resource if same ID exists on server.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1 , DB1
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, EVN, DB1, OBX
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, EVN
Location PV1, PV2, EVN
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX


Usage: An A31 event can be used to update person information on an MPI.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PD1, NK1, PV1, PV2, DB1, OBX, AL1, DG1, PR1, GT1, IN1, IN2, RF1, ACC, AUT

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, GT1, NK1, IN1, IN2, DB1, ARV
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, GT1, PD1, PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, NK1, DB1, OBX, DG1, RF1, IN1, IN2, ACC, AUT
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID, GT1
RelatedPerson NK1, GT1, PID, IN1, IN2
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, PR1, OBX, DG1, RF1, ACC
Location PV1, PV2, EVN, PR1, ACC
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1, ARV
Procedure PR1
PractitionerRole OBX
Observation OBX
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Condition DG1
ServiceRequest RF1
Coverage IN1, IN2
ClaimResponse AUT


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
RelatedPerson- RelatedPerson NK1
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX, ACC
Condition- ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: An A40 event is used to signal a merge of records for a patient that was incorrectly filed under two different identifiers. The "incorrect source identifier" identified in the MRG segment (MRG-1 - Prior Patient Identifier List) is to be merged with the required "correct target identifier" of the same "identifier type code" component identified in the PID segment (PID-3 - Patient Identifier List). The "incorrect source identifier" would then logically never be referenced in future transactions. It is noted that some systems may still physically keep this "incorrect identifier" for audit trail purposes or other reasons associated with database index implementation requirements.

Mapped segment list: MSH, EVN, PID, SFT, MRG

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, EVN, MRG
Device MSH, SFT
Practitioner EVN
Location EVN
Linkage MRG

Extensions: N/A


Usage: An A41 event is used to signal a merge of records for an account that was incorrectly filed under two different account numbers. The "incorrect source patient account number" identified in the MRG segment (MRG-3 - Prior Patient Account Number) is to be merged with the "correct target patient account number" identified in the PID segment (PID-18 - Patient Account Number). The "incorrect source patient account number" would then logically never be referenced in future transactions. It is noted that some systems may still physically keep this "incorrect identifier" for audit trail purposes or other reasons associated with database index implementation requirements.

Mapped segment list: MSH, EVN, PID, SFT, MRG

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, EVN, MRG
Device MSH, SFT
Practitioner EVN
Location EVN
Linkage MRG

Extensions: N/A


Usage: An A45 event is used to signal a move of records identified by the MRG-5 - Prior Visit Number or the MRG-6 - Prior Alternate Visit ID from the "incorrect source account identifier" identified in the MRG segment (MRG-3 - Prior Patient Account Number) to the "correct target account identifier" identified in the PID segment (PID-18 - Patient Account Number).

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PV1, MRG

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, ARV
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, PV1, EVN
Device MSH, SFT
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner PV1
Location PV1, EVN
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, ARV


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1


Usage: An A47 event is used to signal a change of an incorrectly assigned PID-3 - Patient Identifier List value. The "incorrect source identifier" value is stored in the MRG segment.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PD1

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, EVN, MRG
Device MSH, SFT
Practitioner EVN
Location EVN
Linkage MRG

Extensions: N/A


Usage: This trigger event is used when person/patient allergy information has changed. It is used in conjunction with a new allergy segment, the IAM - Patient Allergy Information Segment-Unique Identifier.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PV1, PV2, IAM, NTE, IAR, ARV

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, ARV
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, PV1, PV2, EVN, NTE, IAM
Device MSH, SFT
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID, IAM
Practitioner PV1, PV2, NTE, IAM
Location PV1, PV2, EVN
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, ARV
AllergyIntolerance NTE, IAR, IAM


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
AllergyIntolerance- AllergyIntoleranceExtension IAM

ORU Message Types


Usage: The ORU message is for transmitting laboratory results to other systems. The OUL message is designed to accommodate the laboratory processes of laboratory automation systems.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, PID, PD1, NK1, OBX, PV1, PV2, OBX, OBR, NTE, TQ1, CTD, ARV

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, NK1, PV1, CTD, ARV
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, NK1, OBX, PV1, PV2, ORC, OBR, NTE, SPM
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID, NK1
Practitioner PD1, OBX, PV1, PV2, ORC, OBR, NTE
PractitionerRole OBX, ORC, OBR
Location PV1, PV2, OBR
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2, ARV
ServiceRequest ORC, OBR, TQ1
Observation OBX, NTE
DiagnosticReport OBX, OBR
Specimen OBR, SPM


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation-ObservationExtension OBX
RelatedPerson- RelatedPersonExtension NK1
Specimen- SpecimenExtension SPM

BAR Message Types


Usage: This message is sent from a filler application to notify other applications that a new appointment has been booked. The information provided in the SCH segment and the other detail segments as appropriate describe the appointment that has been booked by the filler application.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PRT, ROL, DB1, AL1, DG1, GT1, IN1, IN2, ACC, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, DG1

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, PRT, DB1, GT1, IN1, IN2
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, DG1, EVN, PRT, ROL, DB1, DG1, GT1, IN1, IN2, ACC
Account PID, EVN, GT1
RelatedPerson PID, GT1, IN1, IN2
Practitioner NTE, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, EVN, PRT, ROL, DG1, ACC
PractitionerRole PRT, ROL
Location PV1, PV2, EVN, PRT, ROL, ACC
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1
Observation ACC
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Condition DG1
Coverage IN1, IN2


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation-ObservationExtension ACC
ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: Generally, the elimination of all billing/accounts receivable records will be an internal function controlled, for example, by the patient accounting or financial system. However, on occasion, there will be a need to correct an account, or a series of accounts, that may require that a notice of account deletion be sent from another sub-system and processed, for example, by the patient accounting or financial system. Although a series of accounts may be purged within this one event, we recommend that only one PID segment be sent per event.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PV1, PD1, DB1

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, DB1
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, PV1, EVN, PD1, DB1
Device MSH, SFT
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner PV1, PD1
Location PV1, EVN
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, PD1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1


Usage: The P12 event is used to communicate diagnosis and/or procedures in update mode. The newly created fields in DG1 and PR1, i.e., identifiers and action codes, must be populated to indicate which change should be applied. When other patient or visit related fields change, use the A08 (update patient information) event.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PV1, DG1, PR1, PRT, ROL, OBX

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, PV1, EVN, DG1, PRT, ROL, OBX
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner PV1, DG1, PRT, ROL, OBX
PractitionerRole ROL, OBX
Location PV1, EVN, PRT, ROL
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, DG1
Condition DG1
DiagnosticReport OBX
Observation OBX


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX

DFT Message Types


Usage: The Detail Financial Transaction (DFT) message is used to describe a financial transaction transmitted between systems, that is, to the billing system for ancillary charges, ADT to billing system for patient deposits, etc.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PD1, PRT, ROL, PV1, PV2, DB1, ORC, TQ1, OBR, NTE, OBX, FT1, PR1, DG1, GT1, IN1, IN2, ACC

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, PRT, DB1, GT1, IN1, IN2
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, EVN, PRT, ROL, DB1, DG1, GT1, IN1, IN2, ACC, ORC, OBR, NTE, FT1, PR1
Device MSH, OBX, SFT, PRT, FT1
Account PID, EVN, GT1
RelatedPerson PID, GT1, IN1, IN2
Practitioner NTE, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, EVN, PRT, ROL, DG1, ACC, ORC, OBR, NTE, FT1, PR1
PractitionerRole OBX, PRT, ROL, ORC, OBR
Location PV1, PV2, EVN, PRT, ROL, ACC, OBR, PR1
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1
Observation OBX, ACC, NTE
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Condition DG1
Coverage IN1, IN2
ServiceRequest ORC, TQ1, OBR
DiagnosticReport OBR, OBX
ChargeItem NTE, FT1
Procedure PR1


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation-ObservationExtension OBX, ACC
ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: The Detail Financial Transaction (DFT) - Expanded message is used to describe a financial transaction transmitted between systems, that is, to the billing system for ancillary charges, ADT to billing system for patient deposits, etc.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PD1, PRT, ROL, PV1, PV2, DB1, ORC, TQ1, OBR, NTE, OBX, FT1, PR1, DG1, GT1, IN1, IN2, ACC

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, PRT, DB1, GT1, IN1, IN2
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, EVN, PRT, ROL, DB1, DG1, GT1, IN1, IN2, ACC, ORC, OBR, NTE, FT1, PR1
Device MSH, OBX, SFT, PRT, FT1
Account PID, EVN, GT1
RelatedPerson PID, GT1, IN1, IN2
Practitioner NTE, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, EVN, PRT, ROL, DG1, ACC, ORC, OBR, NTE, FT1, PR1
PractitionerRole OBX, PRT, ROL, ORC, OBR
Location PV1, PV2, EVN, PRT, ROL, ACC, OBR, PR1
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1
Observation OBX, ACC, NTE
Condition DG1
Coverage IN1, IN2
ServiceRequest ORC, TQ1, OBR
DiagnosticReport OBR, OBX
ChargeItem NTE, FT1
Procedure PR1


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1, DB1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation-ObservationExtension OBX, ACC
ConditionExtension DG1

OMG Message Types


Usage: The function of this message is to initiate the transmission of information about a general clinical order that uses the OBR segment. OMG messages can originate also with a placer, filler, or an interested third party. The trigger event for this message is any change to a general clinical order. Such changes include submission of new orders, cancellations, updates, patient and non-patient-specific orders, etc.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, PID, PD1, PRT, NK1, ARV, PV1, PV2, IN1, IN2, GT1, AL1, ORC, TQ1, OBR, NTE, DG1, OBX, SPM, SAC, FT1, BLG

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, PRT, GT1, IN1, IN2, NK1, ARV
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, PRT, GT1, IN1, IN2, ORC, OBR, NTE, FT1, NK1, SPM, BLG
Device MSH, OBX, SFT, PRT, FT1
Account PID, GT1, BLG
RelatedPerson PID, GT1, IN1, IN2, NK1
Practitioner NTE, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, PRT, ORC, OBR, NTE, FT1, SPM
PractitionerRole OBX, PRT, ORC, OBR
Location PV1, PV2, PRT, OBR
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1
Observation OBX, NTE
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Condition DG1
Coverage IN1, IN2
ServiceRequest ORC, TQ1, OBR, NTE
DiagnosticReport OBR, OBX
ChargeItem FT1
Specimen SPM, SAC


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation-ObservationExtension OBX
ConditionExtension DG1
Specimen/SpecimenExtension SPM

SIU Message Types


Usage: This message is sent from a filler application to notify other applications that a new appointment has been booked. The information provided in the SCH segment and the other detail segments as appropriate describe the appointment that has been booked by the filler application.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SCH, TQ1, NTE, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH
Patient PID, PD1
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, SCH, NTE, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIP
Device MSH, OBX
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner SCH, NTE, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIP
PractitionerRole SCH, OBX
Location SCH, NTE, PV1, PV2, AIL
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2
ServiceRequest NTE, PID, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP, TQ1
Observation OBX


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation-ObservationExtension OBX


Usage: This message is sent from a filler application to notify other applications that an existing appointment has been rescheduled. The information in the SCH segment and the other detail segments as appropriate describe the new date(s) and time(s) to which the previously booked appointment has been moved. Additionally, it describes the unchanged information in the previously booked appointment.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SCH, TQ1, NTE, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH
Patient PID, PD1
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, SCH, NTE, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIP
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner SCH, NTE, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIP
PractitionerRole SCH, OBX
Location SCH, NTE, PV1, PV2, AIL
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1
Appointment SCH, TQ1, NTE, PID, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP
ServiceRequest NTE, PID, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP, TQ1
Observation OBX
Condition DG1


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Condition-ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: This message notifies other applications that an existing appointment has been modified on the filler application. This trigger event should only be used for appointments that have not been completed, or for parent appointments whose children have not been completed.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SCH, TQ1, NTE, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH
Patient PID, PD1
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, SCH, NTE, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIP
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner SCH, NTE, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIP
PractitionerRole SCH, OBX
Location SCH, NTE, PV1, PV2, AIL
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1
Appointment SCH, TQ1, NTE, PID, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP
ServiceRequest NTE, PID, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP, TQ1
Observation OBX
Condition DG1


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Condition-ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: A notification of appointment cancellation is sent by the filler application to other applications when an existing appointment has been canceled. A cancel event is used to stop a valid appointment from taking place. For example, if a patient scheduled for an exam cancels his/her appointment, then the appointment is canceled on the filler application.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SCH, TQ1, NTE, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH
Patient PID, PD1
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, SCH, NTE, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIP
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner SCH, NTE, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIP
PractitionerRole SCH, OBX
Location SCH, NTE, PV1, PV2, AIL
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1
Appointment SCH, TQ1, NTE, PID, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP
ServiceRequest NTE, PID, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP, TQ1
Observation OBX
Condition DG1


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Condition-ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: A notification of appointment discontinuation is sent by the filler application to notify other applications that an appointment in progress has been stopped, or that the remaining occurrences of a parent appointment will not occur. If none of the child appointments of a parent appointment have taken place, then a cancel trigger event should be sent instead.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SCH, TQ1, NTE, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH
Patient PID, PD1
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, SCH, NTE, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIP
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner SCH, NTE, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIP
PractitionerRole SCH, OBX
Location SCH, NTE, PV1, PV2, AIL
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1
Appointment SCH, TQ1, NTE, PID, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP
ServiceRequest NTE, PID, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP, TQ1
Observation OBX
Condition DG1


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Condition-ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: A notification of appointment deletion is sent by filler application to other applications when an appointment that had been entered in error has been removed from the system. A delete trigger event should only be used when an appointment has been erroneously scheduled. It must be removed from the schedule so that it does not affect any statistical processing. A delete trigger event differs from a cancel trigger event in that a delete acts to remove an error, whereas a cancel acts to prevent a valid request from occurring. This trigger event should not be used for any appointment that has already begun, or that has already been completed. Likewise, it should not be used for any parent appointment if any child appointments have either begun or been completed.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SCH, TQ1, NTE, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH
Patient PID, PD1
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, SCH, NTE, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIP
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner SCH, NTE, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIP
PractitionerRole SCH, OBX
Location SCH, NTE, PV1, PV2, AIL
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1
Appointment SCH, TQ1, NTE, PID, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP
ServiceRequest NTE, PID, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP, TQ1
Observation OBX
Condition DG1


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Condition-ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: A notification that a patient did not show up for an appointment. For example, if a patient was scheduled for a clinic visit, and never arrived for that appointment, this trigger event can be used to set a status on the appointment record for statistical purposes, as well as to free resources assigned to the appointment (or any other application-level actions that must be taken in the event a patient does not appear for an appointment).

Mapped segment list: MSH, SCH, TQ1, NTE, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH
Patient PID, PD1
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, SCH, NTE, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIP
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner SCH, NTE, PD1, PV1, PV2, OBX, DG1, AIP
PractitionerRole SCH, OBX
Location SCH, NTE, PV1, PV2, AIL
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1
Appointment SCH, TQ1, NTE, PID, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP
ServiceRequest NTE, PID, AIS, AIG, AIL, AIP, TQ1
Observation OBX
Condition DG1


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Condition-ConditionExtension DG1

MDM Message Types


Usage: This is a notification of the creation of a document without the accompanying content. There are multiple approaches by which systems become aware of documents:

  • Scenario A: A document is dictated, and chart tracking system is notified that it has been dictated and is awaiting transcription.
  • Scenario B: Dictation is transcribed, and chart tracking system is notified that the document exists and requires authentication.
  • Scenario C: A provider orders a series of three X-rays. The radiologist dictates a single document which covers all three orders. Multiple placer numbers are used to identify each of these orders.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PV1, TXA, ORC, OBR, NTE, TQ1, CON, ORC

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, CON
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, EVN, PID, PV1, TXA, ORC, NTE
Device MSH, SFT
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID, CON
Practitioner EVN, PV1, TXA, ORC, OBR, NTE, CON
PractitionerRole TXA, ORC, OBR
Location EVN, PV1, OBR
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1
ServiceRequest ORC, OBR, NTE, TQ1
DocumentReference TXA
Specimen OBR
Consent CON


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1


Usage: This is a notification of the creation of a document with the accompanying content.

  • Scenario A: Dictation is transcribed, and the chart tracking system is notified that the document exists and requires authentication. The content of the document is transmitted along with the notification.
  • Scenario B: A provider orders a series of three X-rays. The radiologist's dictation is transcribed in a single document, which covers all three orders. Multiple placer numbers are used to identify each of the orders within the single document message. The notification and document content are transmitted.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PV1, TXA, ORC, OBR, NTE, TQ1, OBX, CON

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, CON
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, EVN, PID, PV1, TXA, ORC, NTE, OBX
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID, CON
Practitioner EVN, PV1, TXA, ORC, OBR, NTE, OBX
PractitionerRole TXA, ORC, OBR, OBX
Location EVN, PV1, OBR
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1
ServiceRequest ORC, OBR, NTE, TQ1
Observation OBX
DocumentReference TXA
DiagnosticReport OBX
Specimen OBR
Consent CON


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1
Observation-ObservationExtension OBX


Usage: This is a notification of an addendum to a document without the accompanying content. Scenario: Author dictates additional information as an addendum to a previously transcribed document. A new document is transcribed. This addendum has its own new unique document ID that is linked to the original document via the parent ID. Addendum document notification is transmitted. This creates a composite document.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PV1, TXA, ORC, OBR, NTE, TQ1, CON, ORC

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, CON
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, EVN, PID, PV1, TXA, ORC, NTE
Device MSH, SFT
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID, CON
Practitioner EVN, PV1, TXA, ORC, OBR, NTE, CON
PractitionerRole TXA, ORC, OBR
Location EVN, PV1, OBR
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1
ServiceRequest ORC, OBR, NTE, TQ1
DocumentReference TXA
Specimen OBR
Consent CON


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1


Usage: This is a notification of an addendum to a document with the accompanying content. Scenario: Author dictates additional information as an addendum to a previously transcribed document. A new document is transcribed. This addendum has its own new unique document ID that is linked to the original document via the parent ID. Addendum document notification is transmitted, along with the document content. This creates a composite document.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PV1, TXA, ORC, OBR, NTE, TQ1, OBX, CON

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, CON
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, EVN, PID, PV1, TXA, ORC, NTE, OBX
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID, CON
Practitioner EVN, PV1, TXA, ORC, OBR, NTE, OBX
PractitionerRole TXA, ORC, OBR, OBX
Location EVN, PV1, OBR
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1
ServiceRequest ORC, OBR, NTE, TQ1
Observation OBX
DocumentReference TXA
DiagnosticReport OBX
Specimen OBR
Consent CON


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1
Observation-ObservationExtension OBX


Usage: This is a notification of replacement to a document without the accompanying content. Scenario: Errors discovered in a document are corrected. The original document is replaced with the revised document. The replacement document has its own new unique document ID that is linked to the original document via the parent ID. The availability status of the original document is changed to "Obsolete", but the original document should be retained in the system for historical reference. Document replacement notification is sent.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PV1, TXA, ORC, OBR, NTE, TQ1, CON, ORC

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, CON
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, EVN, PID, PV1, TXA, ORC, NTE
Device MSH, SFT
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID, CON
Practitioner EVN, PV1, TXA, ORC, OBR, NTE, CON
PractitionerRole TXA, ORC, OBR
Location EVN, PV1, OBR
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1
ServiceRequest ORC, OBR, NTE, TQ1
DocumentReference TXA
Specimen OBR
Consent CON


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1


Usage: This is an event about Medical Records/Information Management. Scenario: Errors discovered in a document are corrected. The original document is replaced with the revised document. The replacement document has its own new unique document ID that is linked to the original document via the parent ID. The availability status of the original document is changed to "Obsolete" but the original document should be retained in the system for historical reference. Document replacement notification and document content are sent.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, EVN, PID, PV1, TXA, ORC, OBR, NTE, TQ1, OBX, CON

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, CON
Provenance MSH, EVN
Organization MSH, EVN, PID, PV1, TXA, ORC, NTE, OBX
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID, CON
Practitioner EVN, PV1, TXA, ORC, OBR, NTE, OBX
PractitionerRole TXA, ORC, OBR, OBX
Location EVN, PV1, OBR
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1
ServiceRequest ORC, OBR, NTE, TQ1
Observation OBX
DocumentReference TXA
DiagnosticReport OBX
Specimen OBR
Consent CON


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1
Observation-ObservationExtension OBX

ORM Message Types


Usage: This is a General Order Message. The function of this message is to initiate the transmission of information about an order. This includes placing new orders, cancellation of existing orders, discontinuation, holding, etc. ORM messages can originate also with a placer, filler, or an interested third party.

Mapped segment list: MSH, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, IN1, IN2, GT1, AL1, ORC, OBR, NTE, CTD, DG1, OBX, ODS, RQ1, RXO

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH
Patient PID, PD1, IN1, IN2, GT1, CTD
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, IN1, IN2, GT1, ORC, OBR, NTE, DG1, OBX, RQ1, RQD, RXI
Device MSH, OBX
Account PID, IN2
RelatedPerson PID, IN1, IN2, IN2
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, ORC, OBR, NTE, DG1, OBX, RXO
PractitionerRole ORC, OBR, OBX, RXO
Location PV1, PV2
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1
ServiceRequest ORC, OBR, NTE
Specimen OBR
Coverage IN1, IN2
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Condition DG1
DiagnosticReport OBX
Observation OBX
NutritionOrder ODS
SupplyRequest RQ1, RQD
MedicationRequest RXO
Medication RXO


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Condition- ConditionExtension DG1

OML Message Types


Usage: This event is about Laboratory order. The OML-O21 message structure may be used for the communication of laboratory and other order messages and must be used for lab automation messages where it is required that the Specimen/Container information is within the ORC/OBR segment group. The trigger event for this message is any change to a laboratory order. Such changes include submission of new orders, cancellations, updates, etc. OML messages can originate also with a placer, filler, or an interested third party.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, IN1, IN2, GT1, AL1, ORC, TQ1, OBR, NTE, CTD, DG1, OBX, ARV, SAC, SPM

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, NK1, IN1, IN2, GT1, CTD, ARV
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, NK1, PV1, PV2, IN1, IN2, GT1, ORC, OBR, NTE, DG1, OBX, SPM
Device MSH, SFT, OBX
Account PID, GT1
RelatedPerson PID, NK1, IN1, IN2, GT1
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, ORC, OBR, NTE, DG1, OBX
PractitionerRole ORC, OBR, OBX
Location PV1, PV2
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1, ARV
ServiceRequest ORC, TQ1, OBR
Specimen OBR, SPM, SAC
Coverage IN1, IN2
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Condition DG1
DiagnosticReport OBX
Observation OBX, NTE


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Condition- ConditionExtension DG1
RelatedPerson- RelatedPersonExtension NK1
Specimen- SpecimenExtension SPM, SAC

OUL Message Types


Usage: This message was designed to accommodate specimen-oriented testing. It should be applicable to container-less testing (e.g., elephant on a table) and laboratory automation systems requiring container.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, NK1, ORC, TQ1, OBR, NTE, OBX, ARV, SAC, SPM, PRT, INV, TXA, CTI

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, NK1, ARV
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, NK1, PV1, PV2, ORC, OBR, NTE, OBX, SPM, PRT, TXA
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID, NK1
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, ORC, OBR, NTE, OBX, PRT, TXA
PractitionerRole ORC, OBR, OBX, PRT, TXA
Location PV1, PV2, PRT
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2, ARV
ServiceRequest ORC, TQ1, OBR, NTE
Specimen OBR, SPM, SAC
DiagnosticReport OBX
Observation OBX, NTE
Substance INV
DocumentReference TXA
ResearchStudy CTI


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
RelatedPerson- RelatedPersonExtension NK1
Specimen- SpecimenExtension SPM, SAC


Usage: This message was designed to accommodate specimen-oriented testing. It should be applicable to, for example, laboratory automation systems requiring container.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, NK1, ORC, TQ1, OBR, NTE, OBX, ARV, SAC, SPM, PRT, INV, TXA, CTI

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, NK1, ARV
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, NK1, PV1, PV2, ORC, OBR, NTE, OBX, SPM, PRT, TXA
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID, NK1
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, ORC, OBR, NTE, OBX, PRT, TXA
PractitionerRole ORC, OBR, OBX, PRT, TXA
Location PV1, PV2, PRT
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2, ARV
ServiceRequest ORC, TQ1, OBR, NTE
Specimen OBR, SPM, SAC
DiagnosticReport OBX
Observation OBX, NTE
Substance INV
DocumentReference TXA
ResearchStudy CTI


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
RelatedPerson- RelatedPersonExtension NK1
Specimen- SpecimenExtension SPM, SAC


Usage: This message was designed to accommodate multi-specimen-oriented testing. It should be applicable to, e.g., laboratory automation systems requiring container.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, NK1, ORC, TQ1, OBR, NTE, OBX, ARV, SAC, SPM, PRT, INV, TXA, CTI

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, NK1, ARV
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, NK1, PV1, PV2, ORC, OBR, NTE, OBX, SPM, PRT, TXA
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID, NK1
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, ORC, OBR, NTE, OBX, PRT, TXA
PractitionerRole ORC, OBR, OBX, PRT, TXA
Location PV1, PV2, PRT
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2, ARV
ServiceRequest ORC, TQ1, OBR, NTE
Specimen OBR, SPM, SAC
DiagnosticReport OBX
Observation OBX, NTE
Substance INV
DocumentReference TXA
ResearchStudy CTI


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
RelatedPerson- RelatedPersonExtension NK1
Specimen- SpecimenExtension SPM, SAC

RDS Message Types


Usage: The RDS message may be created by the pharmacy/treatment application for each instance of dispensing a drug or treatment to fill an existing order or orders. In the most common case, the RDS messages would be routed to a Nursing application or to some clinical application, which needs the data about drugs dispensed or treatments given. As a site-specific variant, the original order segments (RXO, RXE and their associated RXR/RXCs) may be sent optionally (for comparison).

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, ORC, TQ1, NTE, OBX, ARV, PRT, AL1, RXO, RXR, RXC, RXE, RXD, CDO

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, ARV
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, ORC, NTE, OBX, PRT, RXO, RXE
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, ORC, NTE, OBX, PRT, RXO, RXE
PractitionerRole ORC, OBX, PRT, RXO, RXE
Location PV1, PV2, PRT, RXD
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2, ARV
Specimen OBR
AllergyIntolerance AL1
DiagnosticReport OBX
Observation OBX, NTE
MedicationRequest ORC, TQ1, NTE, RXO, RXR, RXE
MedicationDispense ORC, NTE, RXR, RXE, RXD, CDO
Medication RXO, RXC, RXE, RXD


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX

RDE Message Types


Usage: This message communicates the pharmacy or treatment application's encoding of the pharmacy/treatment order, OMP, message. It may be sent as an unsolicited message to report on either a single order or multiple pharmacy/treatment orders for a patient.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, ORC, TQ1, NTE, OBX, ARV, PRT, AL1, RXO, RXR, RXC, RXE, CDO

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, ARV
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, ORC, NTE, OBX, PRT, RXO, RXE
Account PID
RelatedPerson PID
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, ORC, NTE, OBX, PRT, RXO, RXE
PractitionerRole ORC, OBX, PRT, RXO, RXE
Location PV1, PV2, PRT
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2, ARV
Specimen OBR
AllergyIntolerance AL1
DiagnosticReport OBX
Observation OBX, NTE
MedicationRequest ORC, TQ1, NTE, RXO, RXR, RXE, CDO
Medication RXO, RXC, RXE


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX


Usage: The RDE/RRE is used to communicate a refill authorization request originating with the pharmacy. This message replicates the standard RDE message with a different trigger event code to indicate the specific use case of a refill authorization request.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, ORC, TQ1, NTE, OBX, ARV, PRT, AL1, RXO, RXR, RXC, RXE, CDO, GT1, IN1, IN2

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, ARV, GT1, IN2
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, ORC, NTE, OBX, PRT, RXO, RXE, GT1, IN1, IN2
Account PID, GT1
RelatedPerson PID, GT1, IN2
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, ORC, NTE, OBX, PRT, RXO, RXE
PractitionerRole ORC, OBX, PRT, RXO, RXE
Location PV1, PV2, PRT
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2, ARV
Specimen OBR
Coverage IN1, IN2
AllergyIntolerance AL1
DiagnosticReport OBX
Observation OBX, NTE
MedicationRequest ORC, TQ1, NTE, RXO, RXR, RXE, CDO
Medication RXO, RXC, RXE


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX

VXU Message Types


Usage: When a provider wishes to update the patient's vaccination record being held in a registry, he will transmit an unsolicited update of the record (a V04 trigger event). An unsolicited update will follow this format. The three-letter code in the leftmost column indicates the segment that is included; the column on the right specifies the chapter in which that segment is fully defined.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, ORC, TQ1, NTE, OBX, ARV, PRT, RXR, GT1, IN1, IN2, RXA, NK1

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, PD1, ARV, GT1, IN2, NK1
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, PID, PD1, PV1, PV2, ORC, NTE, OBX, PRT, GT1, IN1, IN2, RXA, NK1
Account PID, GT1
RelatedPerson PID, GT1, IN2, NK1
Practitioner PD1, PV1, PV2, ORC, NTE, OBX, PRT, RXA
PractitionerRole ORC, OBX, PRT
Location PV1, PV2, PRT, RXA
EpisodeOfCare PV1
Encounter PV1, PV2, ARV
ServiceRequest ORC, TQ1
Specimen OBR
Coverage IN1, IN2
DiagnosticReport OBX
Observation OBX, NTE
Immunization ORC, NTE, RXR, RXA


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PD1, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX

REF Message Types


Usage: This event triggers a message to be sent from one healthcare provider to another regarding a specific patient. The referral message may contain patient demographic information, specific medical procedures to be performed (accompanied by previously obtained authorizations) and relevant clinical information pertinent to the patient's case.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, RF1, AUT, PRD, PID, NK1, GT1, IN1, IN2, ACC, DG1, AL1, PR1, OBR, NTE, OBX, PV1, PV2, PRT

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, GT1, IN2, NK1
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, PID, PV1, PV2, NTE, OBX, PRT, GT1, IN1, IN2, NK1, RF1, AUT, PRD, ACC, DG1, PR1, OBR
Account PID, GT1
RelatedPerson PID, GT1, IN2, NK1
Practitioner PV1, PV2, NTE, OBX, PRT, RF1, PRD, ACC, DG1, PR1, OBR
PractitionerRole OBX, PRT, PRD, OBR
Location PV1, PV2, PRT, ACC, PR1, OBR
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1
ServiceRequest RF1, PRD, OBR, NTE
Specimen OBR
Coverage IN1, IN2
DiagnosticReport OBX, OBR
Observation OBX, NTE, ACC
ClaimResponse AUT
Condition ACC, DG1
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Procedure PR1


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX, ACC
Condition- ConditionExtension DG1


Usage: This event triggers a message to be sent from one healthcare provider to another canceling a referral. A previous referral may have been made in error, or perhaps the cancellation has come from the patient.

Mapped segment list: MSH, SFT, RF1, AUT, PRD, PID, NK1, GT1, IN1, IN2, ACC, DG1, AL1, PR1, OBR, NTE, OBX, PV1, PV2, PRT

FHIR resource types and their mapped segments:

FHIR Resource Segment Mapped
MessageHeader MSH, SFT
Patient PID, GT1, IN2, NK1
Provenance MSH
Organization MSH, PID, PV1, PV2, NTE, OBX, PRT, GT1, IN1, IN2, NK1, RF1, AUT, PRD, ACC, DG1, PR1, OBR
Account PID, GT1
RelatedPerson PID, GT1, IN2, NK1
Practitioner PV1, PV2, NTE, OBX, PRT, RF1, PRD, ACC, DG1, PR1, OBR
PractitionerRole OBX, PRT, PRD, OBR
Location PV1, PV2, PRT, ACC, PR1, OBR
EpisodeOfCare PV1, DG1
Encounter PV1, PV2, DG1
ServiceRequest RF1, PRD, OBR, NTE
Specimen OBR
Coverage IN1, IN2
DiagnosticReport OBX, OBR
Observation OBX, NTE, ACC
ClaimResponse AUT
Condition ACC, DG1
AllergyIntolerance AL1
Procedure PR1


FHIR Extension Segment Mapped
Patient- PatientExtension PID, PV1
Encounter- EncounterExtension PV1, PV2
Observation- ObservationExtension OBX, ACC
Condition- ConditionExtension DG1