Hello, this is a pokemon fun API, gather the information about your favorite Pokemon in a fun and interesting way.
Download all the files in a single or clone the repo
Below is the config.js file, in which IP and Port can be configured
IP Address
config.commsAddress = "localhost";
// IP of Core Server
config.commsPort = "4000"
Also make sure to edit the EXPOSE port in Dockerfile
docker build -t pokemon .
docker run --publish 4000:4000 pokemon
Use any API Caller. I used Postman and Web browser to access the API
"name": "crobat",
"description": "It flies so si\nlently through the\ndark on its four\fwings that it may\nnot be noticed\neven when nearby.",
"habitat": "cave",
"isLegendary": false
"name": "zubat",
"description": "Forms colonies in\nperpetually dark\nplaces. Uses\fultrasonic waves\nto identify and\napproach targets.",
"habitat": "cave",
"isLegendary": false