Some simple monkeypatches to ruby core classes
The string class now has an unindent method. This is useful for things like HERE docs.
Sample usage
require 'manic_monkey'
Rails Hash method symbolize_keys! to turn keys of strings into symbols
Deep symbolize method to symbolize keys recursively See this gist for more information.
Symbolizes all of hash's keys and subkeys. Also allows for custom pre-processing of keys (e.g. downcasing, etc) if the block is given:
somehash.deep_symbolize { |key| key.downcase }
Either include it into global Hash class to make it available to all hashes, or extend only your own hash objects with this module.
Example 1:
class Hash
include DeepSymbolizable
Example 2:
myhash.extend DeepSymbolizable
Typical Useage: You need accessors to the level 1 keys of database stored serialized data, e.g. json, jsonb, xml
In your class that has the serialized db column
class AwesomeSauce
hash_accessor :column_of_serialized_data, :key1, :key2
This should now allow you to call the method directly on an object created from the class
@object =
@object =