- NodeJs
- Insomnia
- Container Docker MongoDB
- Express
- Mongoose
- Nodemon
- Mongoose-paginate
- Cors
- Require-dir
$ git clone https://github.com/naldomadeira/node-api.git
$ cd node-api
$ npm install
Modify the MongoDB connection string according to your environment
$ npm start
The following is a generic localhost configuration on port: 3000 Note: base_url:
List of all product - GET: base_url/products
Create a product - POST: base_url/products
List a product - GET: base_url/products/:id
Update a product - PUT: base_url/products/:id
Delete a product - Delete base_url/product/:id
They were entirely carried out in the automated environment of insomnia. Insomnia is an extremely useful tool for testing manually or automating the testing of any REST API.
This API was developed by Naldo Madeira