In This project i used a simple pagination technique along with searching and sorting the data and added serch data in range for numerical datatypes.
Simply add Pagination.js (and other js files too)to your page.
add a class "searchable" or "sortable" or both to your table header.
add setRange for numeric data types. add selectable to prompt the user with certain uniqe amount of data.
add data attr to each header in such a way that the value should be a key in json data.
difine options object
ex options = { recodsPerPage : 10, // optional by defult 10; paginationType : paginationTypeObject.arrowApproach, // by defult paginationTypeObject.arrowApproach you can use paginationTypeObject.buttonApproch searchURL : 'ajax/searchstudents.php',
paginationURL : 'ajax/getstudentsdata.php', buttonsCount : 8 // optional by default 5 }; var paginator = new Paginator(options); // create object paginator.paginate(); // paginate it -
add json resourses like 'ajax/searchstudents.php', 'ajax/getstudentsdata.php' to search and retrieve data.
Thats it magic is done... Lets began the show.
Plese provide feedback or modifications to [email protected]