tags |
ggg, ggg2022, ggg201b |
Due by 10pm, Tuesday March 15th
For this homework, you're going to add some samples to the RNAseq analysis pipeline we used in weeks 8 and 9. As you may recall, this RNAseq workflow conducted a differential expression analysis of three wild-type (wt) yeast data sets against three snf2 knockouts.
For HW #3, you'll add add two new data sets into the workflow, and adjust the p-value cutoff to be 0.05 instead of 0.1.
Start up a new binder:
::::info You can stop a running binder instance at your hub home, in case it tells you that you already have one running but you can't find the tab. ::::
In your running binder, do the following four steps:
(a) edit the Snakefile and add the links to the two new data sets to the SAMPLES dictionary at the top:
ERR458496 - URL https://osf.io/tzagu/download
ERR458503 - URL https://osf.io/px7sf/download
(You can see more about the data sets here and here).
(b) edit rnaseq_samples.csv
to load the new sample quant.sf
files that will be produced by the Snakefile; note that ERR458496 is wt
and ERR458503 is snf2
(c) Edit line 26 of rnaseq-workflow.Rmd
to set the p-value cutoff to be 0.05.
(d) Edit line 487 of the rnaseq-workflow.Rmd
file to contain eight conditions (4 wt, 4 snf2).
Next, run the snakemake workflow with
snakemake -j 4 --use-conda
and then load rnaseq-workflow.Rmd
and knit it to HTML.
Verify that your HTML workflow report shows the new data sets in the PCA and the MDS plots, and that the individual gene report has four points for each condition.
You'll have four changed files to preserve and hand in. They are:
You can download these to your laptop by selecting them in the file browser and selecting More... Export.
Accept the HW 3 assignment, and once your hw3 repository is created, use the "Add file..." "Upload" menu to upload all four files. You can commit directly to the stable branch (i.e. follow the defaults).
You can check under "Pull requests", "Feedback", "Files changed" to see if the three text files (Snakefile, rnaseq_samples.csv, and rnaseq-workflow.Rmd) have the right changes (a-d, above).
And then... you're done! Congrats!