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{"a$$": "ass", "a&f": "always and forever", "a'ight": "alright", "a.i.m.": "aol instant messanger", "a/l": "age and location", "a/m": "away message", "a/s/l": "age,sex,location", "a/s/l/p": "age/sex/location/picture", "a/s/l/r": "age, sex, location, race", "a1t": "anyone there", "A2A": "Ask to Answer", "a3": "anyplace, anywhere, anytime", "a4u": "all for you", "A7X": "Avenged Sevenfold", "aaaaa": "American Assosciation Against Acronym Abuse", "aabf": "as a best friend", "aaf": "as a friend", "aak": "Alive and Kicking", "aamof": "as a matter of fact", "aatf": "always and totally forever", "aatw": "all around the world", "abd": "Already Been Done", "abend": "absent by enforced net deprivation", "abft": "About f**king Time", "aboot": "about", "abreev": "abbreviation", "absnt": "absent", "abt": "about", "abwt": "about", "acc": "account", "acct": "account", "acgaf": "Absolutely couldn't give a f**k", "ack": "acknowledged", "addy": "address", "adhd": "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder", "adl": "all day long", "admin": "administrator", "adn": "any day now", "aeap": "as early as possible", "af": "assface", "afaiaa": "As Far As I Am Aware", "afaic": "as far as I'm concerned", "afaicr": "As Far As I Can Remember", "afaicr4": "as far as i can remember for", "afaics": "as far as I can see", "afaict": "as far as I can tell", "afaik": "as far as I know", "afair": "as far as I recall", "afaiu": "As far as I understand", "afc": "away from computer", "afcpmgo": "away from computer parents may go on", "afg": "away from game", "afk": "away from keyboard", "afkb": "away from keyboard", "agn": "again", "ah": "ass hole", "ahole": "a**h**e", "ai": "Artificial Intelligence", "aiadw": "ALL IN A DAYS WORK", "aiamu": "and I'm a monkey's uncle", "aicmfp": "and I claim my five pounds", "aight": "Alright", "aightz": "alright", "aiic": "as if I care", "aiid": "and if I did", "aiight": "all right", "aim": "AOL instant messanger", "aimmc": "Am I making myself clear ", "ain't": "am not", "aite": "Alright", "aitr": "Adult in the room", "aiui": "as I understand it", "aiws": "as i was saying", "ajax": "Asynchronous Javascript and XML", "aka": "also known as", "akp": "Alexander King Project", "akpcep": "Alexander King Project Cultural Engineering Project", "alaylm": "As long as you love me", "alaytm": "as long as you tell me", "alol": "actually laughing out loud", "alot": "a lot", "alotbsol": "always look on the bright side of life", "alright": "all right", "alrite": "Alright", "alrt": "alright", "alryt": "alright", "ama": "ask me anything", "amf": "adios motherf**ker", "amiic": "ask me if i care", "amiigaf": "ask me if i give a f**k", "aml": "All My Love", "ams": "Ask me something", "amsp": "ask me something personal", "anim8": "animate", "anl": "all night long", "anlsx": "Anal Sex", "anon": "anonymous", "anuda": "another", "anw": "anyways", "anwwi": "alright now where was i", "any1": "Anyone", "anywaz": "anyways", "aob": "any other business", "aoc": "age of consent", "aoe": "Age Of Empires", "aon": "all or nothing", "aos": "adult over shoulder", "aota": "all of the above", "aoto": "Amen on that one", "aoys": "angel on your shoulder", "api": "application program interface", "apoc": "apocalypse", "apod": "Another Point Of Discussion", "app": "application", "appt": "appointment", "aprece8": "appreciate", "apreci8": "appreciate", "apu": "as per usual", "aqap": "as quick as possible", "ar": "are", "arnd": "around", "arse": "ass", "arsed": "bothered", "arvo": "afternoon", "asafp": "as soon as f**king possible", "asaik": "as soon as I know", "asap": "as soon as possible", "asarbambtaa": "All submissions are reviewed by a moderator before they are added.", "asbmaetp": "Acronyms should be memorable and easy to pronounce", "ase": "age, sex, ethnicity", "asf": "and so forth", "ashl": "a**h**e", "ashole": "a**h**e", "asic": "application specific integrated circuit", "asl": "age, sex, location", "asln": "age, sex, location, name", "aslo": "age sex location orientation", "aslop": "Age Sex Location Orientation Picture", "aslp": "age, sex, location, picture", "aslr": "age sex location race", "aslrp": "age, sex, location, race, picture", "asr": "age sex race", "asshle": "a**h**e", "atab": "Ain't That A b***h ", "atb": "all the best", "atfp": "answer the f**king phone", "atl": "atlanta", "atm": "at the moment", "ato": "against the odds", "atop": "at time of posting", "atp": "answer the phone", "atq": "answer the question", "atst": "At the same time", "attn": "attention", "attotp": "At The Time Of This Post", "atw": "All the way", "aty": "according to you", "audy": "Are you done yet?", "aufm": "are you f**king mental", "aufsm": "are you f**king shiting me", "aup": "acceptable use policy", "aupi": "and your point is", "av7x": "avenged sevenfold", "avgn": "Angry Video Game Nerd", "avie": "Avatar", "avsb": "a very special boy", "avtr": "avatar", "avvie": "avatar", "avy": "Avatar", "awb": "Acquaintance with benefits", "awes": "awesome", "awk": "awkward", "awol": "absent without leave", "awsic": "and why should i care", "awsm": "awesome", "awsome": "awesome", "awty": "are we there yet", "ayagob": "are you a girl or boy", "ayb": "All Your Base", "aybab2m": "all your base are belong 2 me", "aybab2u": "All your base are belong to us", "aybabtg": "All Your Base Are Belong To Google", "aybabtu": "all your base are belong to us", "ayc": "awaiting your comments", "ayd": "are you done", "aydy": "are you done yet", "ayec": "at your earliest convenience", "ayfk": "are you f**king kidding", "ayfkm": "are you f**king kidding me", "ayfr": "are you for real", "ayfs": "Are You f**king Serious", "ayk": "are you kidding", "aykm": "are you kidding me", "ayl": "are you listening", "aymf": "are you my friend", "ayok": "are you okay", "aypi": "and your point is", "ayrft": "Are you ready for Tomorrow ", "ays": "are you serious", "aysm": "are you shitting me?", "ayst": "are you still there", "ayt": "are you there", "ayte": "alright", "aytf": "are you there f**ker", "ayty": "are you there yet", "ayw": "as you wish", "azhol": "a**h**e", "azn": "asian", "azz": "ass", "Ya'll": "You all", " bi": "bye", "b&": "banned", "b'day": "birthday", "b-cuz": "because", "b-day": "birthday", "b.f.f.": "best friend forever", "b.s.": "bulls**t", "b/c": "because", "b/cos": "because", "b/g": "background", "b/s/l": "Bisexual/Straight/Lesbian", "b/t": "between", "b/w": "between", "b00n": "new person", "b00t": "boot", "b0rked": "broken", "b1tch": "b***h", "b2b": "business to business", "b2u": "back to you", "b2w": " Back to work", "b3": "be", "b4": "before", "b4n": "bye for now", "b4u": "before you", "b4ug": "before you go", "b4ul": "before you Leave", "b8": "bait", "b82rez": "Batteries", "b8rez": "Batteries", "[email\u00a0protected]": "the monkeys are at it again", "bab": "Big ass Boobs", "babi": "baby", "bae": "before anyone else", "baf": "bring a friend", "baggkyko": "be a good girl, keep your knickers on", "bah": "I don't really care", "bai": "Bye", "bak": "back", "bakk": "back", "balz": "balls", "bamf": "bad ass mother f**ker", "bamofo": "b***h ass mother f**ker", "bau": "back at you", "bb": "bye bye", "bb4h": "bros before hoes", "bb4n": "Bye-bye for now", "bbbj": "Bare Back Blow Job", "bbe": "baby", "bbf": "best boy friend", "bbfn": "Bye Bye for now", "bbfs": "best boyfriends", "bbfu": "be back for you", "bbg": "baby girl", "bbi": "Baby", "bbiab": "be back in a bit", "bbiaf": "be back in a few", "bbialb": "Be back in a little bit", "bbiam": "be back in a minute", "bbias": "be back in a second", "bbiaw": "be back in a while", "bbifs": "be back in a few seconds", "bbilb": "be back in a little bit", "bbilfm": "be back in like five minutes", "bbim": "Be Back In Minute", "bbk": "be back, ok?", "bbl": "be back later", "bbl8a": "Be Back Later", "bblig": "Be back later...i guess", "bbm": "BlackBerry Messenger", "bbml": "be back much later", "bbn": "be back never", "bbol": "be back online later", "bbp": "Banned by parents", "bbq": "be back quick", "bbrs": "be back really soon", "bbs": "be back soon", "bbsts": "be back some time soon", "bbt": "be back tomorrow", "bbtn": "be back tonite", "bbvl": "Be Back Very Later", "bbw": "be back whenever", "bbwb": "best buddy with boobs", "bbwe": "be back whenever", "bbwl": "be back way later", "bby": "baby", "bbz": "babes", "bc": "because", "bch": "b***h", "bck": "back", "bcnu": "be seeing you", "bcnul8r": "be seeing you later", "bcoz": "Because", "bcurl8": "Because you're late.", "bcuz": "because", "bd": "birthday", "bday": "birthday", "bdfl": "Benevolent Dictator For Life", "be4": "before", "beatch": "b***h", "bebe": "baby", "becuse": "because", "becuz": "because", "beech": "b***h", "beeoch": "b***h", "beezy": "b***h", "beotch": "b***h", "besos": "kisses", "bestie": "best friend", "betch": "b***h", "betcha": "bet you", "bettr": "better", "bewb": "boob", "bewbs": "boobs", "bewbz": "boobs", "bewt": "boot", "beyatch": "b***h", "beyotch": "b***h", "bezzie": "best friend", "bf": "boyfriend", "bf's": "boyfriend's", "bf+gf": "boyfriend and girlfriend", "bf4e": "best friends for ever", "bf4eva": "Best Friends forever", "bf4l": "best friends for life", "bfam": "brother from another mother", "bfd": "big f**king deal", "bfe": "Bum f**k Egypt", "bff": "best friend forever", "bffa": "best friends for always", "bffaa": "Best Friends Forever And Always", "bffae": "Best Friends Forever And Ever", "bffaw": "best friends for a while", "bffe": "Best friends forever", "bffeae": "Best Friend For Ever And Ever", "bffene": "Best Friends For Ever And Ever", "BFFF": "Best f**king Friend Forever", "bffl": "best friends for life", "bffn": "best friends for now", "bfftddup": "best friends forever till death do us part", "bfg": "big f**king gun", "bfh": "b***h from hell", "bfhd": "big fat hairy deal", "bfitww": "best friend in the whole world", "bfn": "bye for now", "bfs": "Boyfriends", "bft": "big f**king tits", "BFWB": "BEST FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS", "bg": "background", "bh": "bloody hell", "bhwu": "back home with you", "biab": "back in a bit", "biach": "b***h", "biaf": "Back In A Few", "biatch": "b***h", "bibi": "bye bye", "bibifn": "bye bye for now", "bicbw": "but I could be wrong", "bich": "b***h", "bigd": "big deal", "bii": "bye", "bilf": "brother i'd like to f**k", "bilu": "baby i love you", "bion": "Believe it or not.", "biotch": "b***h", "bioya": "blow it out your ass", "bish": "b***h", "bisly": "but i still love you ", "bitd": "back in the day", "bitz": "neighborhood", "biw": "boss is watching", "biwm": "bisexual white male", "biz": "Business", "bizatch": "b***h", "bizi": "Busy", "biznatch": "b***h", "biznitch": "b***h", "bizzle": "b***h", "bj": "blowjob", "bk": "back", "bka": "better known as", "bl": "bad luck", "bleme": "blog meme", "bleve": "believe", "blg": "blog", "blh": "bored like hell", "bling-bling": "jewelry", "blj": "blowjob", "bljb": "Blowjob", "blk": "black", "blkm": "Black Male", "blm": "black lives matter", "blnt": "Better Luck Next time", "blog": "web log", "blogger": "web logger", "blu": "blue", "bm": "Bite Me", "bm&y": "between you and me", "bm4l": "best mates for life", "bma": "best mates always", "bmay": "between me and you", "bmf": "be my friend", "bmfe": "best mates forever", "bmfl": "best mates for life", "bmha": "bite my hairy ass", "bml": "bless my life", "bmoc": "Big Man On Campus", "bmttveot": "best mates till the very end of time", "bmvp": "be my valentine please", "bn": "been", "bndm3ovr": "Bend me over", "bng": "being", "bnib": "Brand new in Box", "bnol": "be nice or leave", "bnr": "banner", "bo": "body odour", "boati": "Bend Over And Take It", "bobfoc": "Body of Baywatch, Face of Crimewatch", "bobw": "Best of Both Worlds", "boffum": "Both of them", "bofh": "b*****d operator from hell", "bogo": "buy one get one", "bogof": "buy one get one free", "bogsatt": "bunch of guys sitting around the table", "bohic": "Bend over here it comes", "bohica": "bend over, here it comes again", "boi": "boy", "bol": "Barking Out Loud", "bonr": "boner", "boomm": "bored out of my mind", "bord": "bored", "bos": "boss over shoulder", "botoh": "but on the other hand", "bout": "about", "bovered": "bothered", "bowt": "about", "boxor": "box", "bpot": "big pair of tits", "br": "bathroom", "brah": "brother", "brb": "be right back", "Brbb": "Be Right Back Babe", "brbbrb": "br right back bath room break", "brbf": "Be Right Back f**ker", "brbg2p": "be right back, got to pee", "brbigtp": "be right back, i got to pee.", "brbl": "be right back later", "brbmf": "be right back mother f**ker", "brbn2gbr": "Be right back, I need to go to the bathroom", "brbs": "be right back soon", "brbts": "be right back taking s**t", "brd": "bored", "brfb": "be right f**king back", "brgds": "best regards", "brh": "be right here", "brk": "Break", "bro": "brother", "bros": "brothers", "broseph": "brother", "brover": "Brother", "brt": "be right there", "bruh": "brother", "bruhh": "Brother", "bruv": "brother", "bruva": "brother", "bruz": "brothers", "bs": "bulls**t", "bsmfh": "b*****d System Manager From Hell", "bsod": "blue screen of death", "bsomn": "blowing stuff out my nose", "bstfu": "b***h shut the f**k up", "bstrd": "b*****d", "bsx": "bisexual", "bsxc": "be sexy", "bt": "bit torrent", "btb": "by the by", "btch": "b***h", "btcn": "Better than Chuck Norris", "btd": "bored to death", "btdt": "been there done that", "btdtgtts": "Been there, done that, got the T-shirt", "btfl": "beautiful", "btfo": "back the f**k off", "btfw": "by the f**king way", "bth": "be totally honest", "btias": "Be there in a second", "btm": "bottom", "btr": "better", "bts": "be there soon", "btsoom": "Beats The s**t Out Of Me", "bttt": "been there, tried that", "bttyl": "be talking to you later", "btw": "by the way", "btwilu": "by the way i love you", "btwitiailwu": "by the way i think i am in love with you", "btwn": "between", "bty": "back to you", "bubar": "bushed up beyond all recognition", "bubi": "bye", "budzecks": "butt sex", "buhbi": "Bye Bye", "bukket": "bucket", "bur": "p***y", "burma": "be undressed ready my angel", "buszay": "busy", "but6": "buttsex", "butsecks": "butt sex", "butterface": "every thing is hot but her face", "buwu": "breaking up with you", "bw3": "Buffalo Wild Wings", "bwim": "by which i mean", "bwoc": "Big Woman On Campus", "bwpwap": "back when Pluto was a planet", "bwt": "but when though", "byak": "blowing you a kiss", "byeas": "good-bye", "byes": "bye bye", "bykt": "But you knew that", "byob": "Bring your own Beer", "byoc": "bring our own computer", "byoh": "bring your own high", "byow": "bring your own weed", "byself": "by myself", "bytabm": "beat you to a bloody mess", "bytch": "b***h", "bz": "busy", "bzns": "buisness", "bzy": "busy", "bzzy": "busy", "c": "see", "c 2 c": "cam to cam (webcams)", "c&c": "Command and Conquer", "c'mon": "Come On", "c-p": "sleepy", "c.y.a": "cover your ass", "c/b": "comment back", "c/t": "can't talk", "c14n": "canonicalization", "c2": "come to", "c2c": "care to chat?", "c2tc": "cut to the chase", "c4ashg": "care for a shag", "c4y": "cool for you", "cam": "camera", "cancer stick": "cigarette", "catwot": "complete and total waste of time", "cawk": "c**k", "cayc": "call at your convenience", "cb": "come back", "cba": "can't be arsed", "cbb": "can't be bothered", "cbf": "cant be f**ked", "cbfa": "can't be f**king arsed", "cbfed": "can't be f**ked", "cbi": "can't believe it", "ccl": "Couldn't Care Less", "ccna": "Cisco Certified Network Associate", "cd9": "Code 9 (other people nearby)", "celly": "cell phone", "cex": "sex", "cexy": "sexy", "cfas": "care for a secret?", "cfid": "check for identification", "cfm": "come f**k me", "cg": "Congratulations", "cgad": "couldn't give a damn", "cgaf": "couldn't give a f**k", "cgf": "cute guy friend", "champs": "champions", "char": "character", "cheezburger": "cheeseburger", "chik": "chick", "chilax": "chill and relax in one word", "chillax": "chill and relax", "chillin": "relaxing", "chk": "check", "chohw": "Come Hell or high water", "chr": "character", "chronic": "marijuana", "chswm": "come have sex with me", "chswmrn": "come have sex with me right now", "chu": "you", "chut": "p***y", "Cicy": "Can I call you", "cid": "consider it done", "cig": "cigarette", "cigs": "cigarettes", "cihswu": "can i have sex with you", "cihyn": "can i have your number", "cilf": "child i'd like to f**k", "cing": "seeing", "cis": "computer information science", "ciwwaf": "cute is what we aim for", "cless": "clanless", "clm": "Cool Like Me", "clt": "Cool Like That", "cluebie": "clueless newbie", "cm": "call me", "cma": "Cover My Ass", "cmao": "Crying My Ass Off", "cmar": "cry me a river", "cmb": "comment me back", "cmbo": "combo", "cmcp": "call my cell phone", "cmeo": "crying my eyes out", "cmh": "Call My House", "cmiiw": "correct me if I'm wrong", "cmitm": "Call me in the morning", "cml": "call me later", "cml8r": "call me later", "cmliuw2": "call me later if you want to", "cmn": "call me now", "cmomc": "call me on my cell", "cmon": "Come on", "cmplcdd": "complicated", "cmplte": "complete", "cmptr": "computer", "cms": "content management system", "cmt": "comment", "cmw": "cutting my wrists", "cn": "can", "cnc": "Command and Conquer", "cnt": "can't", "cob": "close of business", "cod": "Call of Duty", "cod4": "call of duty 4", "cod5": "call of duty 5", "codbo": "Call of Duty: Black Ops", "codbo2": "Call of Duty: Black Ops II", "code 29": "moderator is watching", "code 8": "parents are watching", "code 9": "Parents are watching", "code9": "other people near by ", "cof": "Crying on the floor", "coiwta": "come on i wont tell anyone", "col": "crying out loud", "comin'": "coming", "comnt": "comment", "comp": "Computer", "compy": "computer", "congrats": "congratulations", "contrib": "contribution", "contribs": "contributions", "convo": "conversation", "coo": "cool", "cood": "could", "copyvio": "copyright violation", "cos": "because", "cotf": "crying on the floor", "cotm": "check out this myspace", "cowboy choker": "cigarette", "coz": "because", "cp": "child porn", "cpl": "Cyber Athlete Professional League", "cpm": "cost per 1000 impressions", "cptn": "captain", "cpu": "computer", "cpy": "copy", "cr": "Can't remember", "cr8": "crate", "crakalakin": "happening", "Cray-cray": "Crazy", "crazn": "crazy asian", "cre8or": "creator", "crm": "customer relationship management", "crp": "crap", "crs": "can't remember s**t", "crunk": "combination of crazy and drunk", "crzy": "crazy", "cs": "Counter-Strike", "cs:s": "Counter-Strike: Source", "csi": "Crime Scene Investigation", "cskr": "c**k sucker", "csl": "can't stop laughing", "css": "cascading style sheets", "ct": "can't talk", "ctc": "call the cell", "ctf": "capture the flag", "ctfd": "calm the f**k down", "ctfo": "chill the f**k out", "ctfu": "cracking the f**k up", "ctm": "chuckle to myself", "ctn": "can't talk now", "ctnbos": "can't talk now boss over shoulder", "ctncl": "Can't talk now call later", "ctpc": "cant talk parent(s) coming", "ctpos": "Can't Talk Parent Over Sholder", "ctrl": "control", "ctrn": "can't talk right now", "cts": "change the subject", "ctt": "change the topic", "cu": "goodbye", "cu2": "see you too", "cu2nit": "see you tonight", "cu46": "see you for sex", "cubi": "can you believe it", "cud": "could", "cuic": "see you in class", "cul": "see you later", "cul83r": "See you later", "cul8er": "see you later", "cul8r": "See You Later", "cul8tr": "see you later", "culd": "Could", "cunt": "vagina", "cuom": "see you on monday", "cuple": "couple", "curn": "calling you right now", "cut3": "cute", "cuwul": "catch up with you later", "cuz": "because", "cuzz": "Because", "cvq": "chucking very quietly", "cw2cu": "can`t wait to see you", "cwd": "comment when done", "cwm": "come with me", "cwmaos": "coffee with milk and one sugar", "cwot": "complete waste of time", "cwtgypo": "can't wait to get your panties off", "cwyl": "chat with ya later", "cy2": "see you too", "cya": "goodbye", "cyal": "see you later", "cyal8r": "see you later", "cyas": "see you soon", "cyb": "cyber", "cybl": "call you back later", "cybr": "cyber", "cybseckz": "cyber sex", "cye": "Close Your Eyes", "cyff": "change your font, f**ker", "cyl": "see you later", "cyl,a": "see ya later, alligator", "cyl8": "see you later", "cyl8er": "see you later", "cylbd": "catch ya later baby doll", "cylor": "check your local orhtodox rabbi", "cym": "check your mail", "cyntott": "see you next time on Tech Today", "cyt": "see you tomorrow", "cyu": "see you", "c|n>k": "coffee through nose into keyboard", "Icydci": "In case you didn't catch it", "d&c": "divide and conquer", "d&df": "drug & disease free", "d.t.f": "down to f**k", "d.w": "don't worry", "d/c": "disconnected", "d/l": "download", "d/m": "Doesn't Matter", "d/w": "don't worry", "d00d": "dude", "d1ck": "d**k", "d2": "Diablo 2", "d2m": "dead to me", "d2t": "drink to that", "d8": "date", "da": "the", "da2": "Dragon Age 2", "dadt": "Don't ask. Don't tell.", "dafs": "do a f**king search", "dafuq": "What the f**k", "dah": "dumb as hell", "daii": "day", "damhik": "don't ask me how I know", "damhikijk": "Don't Ask Me How I Know - I Just Know", "damhikt": "don't ask me how I know this", "Daq": " don't ask questions ", "dass": "dumb ass", "dat": "that", "dats": "that's", "dawg": "Friend", "dayum": "damn", "dayumm": "damn", "db": "database", "db4l": "drinking buddy for life", "dbab": "don't be a b***h", "dbafwtt": "Don't Be A Fool Wrap The Tool", "dbag": "d****ebag", "dbeyr": "don't believe everything you read", "dbg": "don't be gay", "dbh": "don't be hating", "dbi": "Don't Beg It", "dbm": "don't bother me", "dbz": "DragonBall Z", "dc": "don't care", "dc'd": "disconnected", "dctnry": "dictionary", "dcw": "Doing Class Work", "dd": "don't die", "ddf": "Drug and Disease Free", "ddg": "Drop Dead Gorgeous", "ddl": "direct download", "ddos": "Distributed Denial of Service", "ddr": "dance dance revolution", "ddt": "Don't do that", "ded": "Dead", "deets": "details", "deez": "these", "def": "definitely", "defs": "definetly", "degmt": "Don't Even Give Me That", "dem": "them", "der": "there", "dernoe": "I don't know", "detai": "don't even think about it", "dewd": "Dude", "dey": "they", "df": "Dumb f**k", "dfc": "DON'T f**kING CARE", "dfo": "dumb f**king operator", "dftba": "don't forget to be awesome", "dftc": "down for the count", "dfu": "don't f**k up", "dfw": "down for whatever", "dfw/m": "Don't f**k with Me", "dfwm": "Don't f**k with Me", "dfwmt": "Don't f**king waste my time", "dg": "don't go", "dga": "don't go anywhere", "dgac": "don't give a crap", "dgaf": "don't give a f**k", "dgara": "don't give a rats ass", "dgas": "Don't give a s**t", "dgms": "Don't get me started", "dgoai": "don't go on about it", "dgt": "don't go there", "dgu": "don't give up", "dgypiab": "don't get your panties in a bunch", "dh": "dickhead", "dhac": "Don't have a clue", "dhcp": "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol", "dhly": "does he like you", "dhv": "Demonstration of Higher Value", "diacf": "die in a car fire", "diaf": "die in a fire", "diah": "die in a hole", "dic": "do i care", "dick": "penis", "diez": "dies", "diff": "difference", "dih": "d**k in hand", "dikhed": "dickhead", "diku": "do i know you", "diky": "Do I know you", "dil": "Daughter in law", "dilf": "dad i'd like to f**k", "dillic": "Do I look like I care", "dillifc": "do I look like I f**king care", "dilligad": "do I look like I give a damn", "dilligaf": "do I look like I give a f**k", "dilligas": "do i look like i give a s**t", "din": "didn't", "din't": "didn't", "dirl": "Die in real life", "dis": "this", "dit": "Details in Thread", "diy": "do it yourself", "dju": "did you", "dk": "don't know", "dkdc": "don't know, don't care", "dl": "download", "dlf": "dropping like flies", "dlibu": "Dont let it bother you", "dln": "don't look now", "dm": "deathmatch", "dmaf": "do me a favor", "dmba*": "dumbass", "dmi": "don't mention it", "dmn": "damn", "DMs": "Direct Messages", "dmu": "don't mess up", "dmwm": "don't mess with me", "dmy": "don't mess yourself", "dn": "don't know", "dnd": "Do Not Disturb", "dndp": "Do not double post", "dnimb": "dancing naked in my bra", "dnk": "do not know", "dno": "don't know", "dnrta": "did not read the article", "dnrtfa": "did not read the f**king article", "dns": "Domain Name System", "dnt": "don't", "dnw": "Do not want", "doa": "dead on arrival", "dob": "date of birth", "dod": "Day of Defeat", "dogg": "friend", "doin": "doing", "doin'": "doing", "don": "denial of normal", "doncha": "Don't you", "donno": "don't know", "dont": "don't", "dontcha": "don't you", "dood": "dude", "doodz": "dudes", "dos": "denial of service", "dotc": "dancing on the ceiling", "doypov": "depends on your point of view", "doz": "dozen", "dp": "display picture", "dpmo": "don't piss me off", "DPRK": "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", "dprsd": "depressed", "dqmot": "don't quote me on this", "dqydj": "don't quit your day job", "dr00d": "druid", "drc": "don't really care", "drm": "dream", "drood": "druid", "dsided": "decided", "dsu": "don't screw up", "dt": "double team", "dta": "Don't Trust Anyone", "dtb": "don't text back", "Dtf": "Down to f**k", "dth": "down to hang", "dtl": "damn the luck", "dtp": "Don't Type Please", "dtrt": "do the right thing", "dts": "Don't think so", "dttm": "don't talk to me", "dttml": "don't talk to me loser", "dttpou": "Don't tell the police on us", "dttriaa": "don't tell the RIAA", "du2h": "damn you to hell", "ducy": "do you see why", "dugi": "do you get it?", "dugt": "did you get that?", "dui": "driving under the influence", "duk": "did you know", "dulm": "do you like me", "dum": "dumb", "dun": "don't", "dunna": "i don't know", "dunno": "I don't know", "duno": "don't know", "dupe": "duplicate", "dutma": "don't you text me again", "dvda": "double vaginal, double anal", "dw": "don't worry", "dwai": "don't worry about it", "dwb": "Driving while black", "dwbh": "don't worry, be happy", "dwbi": "Don't worry about it.", "dwi": "deal with it", "dwioyot": "Deal With It On Your Own Time", "dwmt": "don't waste my time", "dwn": "down", "dwt": "don't wanna talk", "dwud": "do what you do", "dwy": "don't wet yourself", "dy2h": "damn you to hell", "dya": "Do you", "dyac": "damn you auto correct", "dycotfc": "do you cyber on the first chat", "dyec": "Don't You Ever Care", "dygtp": "did you get the picture", "dyk": "did you know", "dylh": "do you like him", "dylm": "do you love me", "dylos": "do you like oral sex", "dym": "Do you mind", "dymm": "do you miss me", "dynk": "do you not know", "dynm": "do you know me", "dyt": "Don't you think", "dyth": "Damn You To Hell", "dyw": "don't you worry", "dyw2gwm": "do you want to go with me", "dywtmusw": "do you want to meet up some where", "Idkwtfytb": "I dont know what the f**k you're talking about", "dept": "department", "e-ok": "Electronically OK", "e.g.": "example", "e4u2s": "easy for you to say", "eabod": "eat a bag of dicks", "ead": "eat a d**k", "ebitda": "earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization", "ecf": "error carried forward", "edumacation": "education", "eedyat": "idiot", "eejit": "idiot", "ef": "f**k", "ef-ing": "f**king", "efct": "effect", "effed": "f**ked", "efffl": "extra friendly friends for life", "effin": "f**king", "effing": "f**king", "eg": "evil grin", "ehlp": "help", "eil": "explode into laughter", "el!t": "elite", "eleo": "Extremely Low Earth Orbit", "ello": "hello", "elo": "hello", "em": "them", "emm": "email me", "emo": "emotional", "emp": "eat my p***y", "enat": "every now and then", "enit": "isn't it", "enof": "enough", "enuf": "enough", "enuff": "enough", "eob": "End of Business", "eoc": "end of conversation", "eod": "End of day", "eof": "end of file", "eom": "end of message", "eos": "end of story", "eot": "end of transmission", "eotw": "end of the world", "epa": "Emergency Parent Alert", "eq": "Everquest", "eq2": "Everquest2", "ere": "here", "errythang": "Everything", "errythin": "everything", "esad": "eat s**t and die", "esadyffb": "eat s**t and die you fat f**king b*****d", "esbm": "Everyone sucks but me", "esc": "escape", "esl": "eat s**t loser", "eta": "Estimated Time of Arrival", "etla": "extended three letter acronym", "etmda": "Explain it to my dumb ass", "etp": "eager to please", "eula": "end user license agreement", "ev1": "everyone", "eva": "ever", "evaa": "ever", "evar": "ever", "evercrack": "Everquest", "every1": "everyone", "evn": "even", "evr": "ever", "evry": "every", "evry1": "every one", "evrytin": "everything", "ex-bf": "Ex-Boy Friend", "ex-gf": "Ex-Girl Friend", "exp": "experience", "ey": "hey", "eyez": "eyes", "ez": "Easy", "ezi": "easy", "f u": "f**k you", "f#cking": "f**king", "f&e": "forever and ever", "f'n": "f**king", "f-ing": "f**king", "f.b.": "facebook", "f.m.l.": "f**k my life", "f.u.": "f**k you", "f/o": "f**k off", "f00k": "f**k.", "f2f": "face to face", "f2m": "female to male", "f2p": "free to play", "f2t": "Free to talk", "f4c3": "face", "f4eaa": "friends forever and always", "f4f": "female for female", "f4m": "female for male", "f8": "fate", "f9": "fine", "fa-q": "f**k you", "faa": "forever and always", "fab": "fabulous", "faggit": "faggot", "fah": "Funny as hell", "faic": "For All I Care", "fam": "family", "fankle": "area between foot and ankle", "fao": "for attention of", "fap": "masturbate", "fapping": "masterbating", "faq": "frequently asked question", "farg": "f**k", "fashizzle": "for sure", "fav": "Favorite", "fave": "favorite", "fawk": "f**k", "FB": "FaceBook", "fbgm": "f**k b***hes get money", "fbimcl": "Fall Back In My Chair Laughing", "fbk": "facebook", "fbtw": "Fine Be That Way", "fc": "fruit cake", "fcbk": "facebook", "fcfs": "first come first served", "fck": "f**k", "fckd": "f**ked", "fckin": "f**king", "fcking": "f**king", "fckm3hdbayb": "f**k Me Hard Baby", "fcku": "f**k you", "fcol": "for crying out loud", "fcuk": "f**k", "fe": "fatal error", "feat": "Featuring", "feck": "f**k", "fer": "for", "ferr": "For", "ff": "friendly fire", "ffa": "free for all", "ffcl": "falling from chair laughing", "ffl": "friend for life", "ffr": "for future reference", "ffs": "for f**k's sake", "fft": "food for thought", "ffxi": "Final Fantasy 11", "fg": "f**king gay", "fgi": "f**king google it", "fgs": "for God's sake", "fgssu": "For Gods sake shut up", "fgt": "faggot", "fhrihp": "f**k her right in her p***y", "fi": "f**k it", "fi9": "fine", "fibijar": "f**k it buddy, I'm just a reserve", "fifo": "first in, first out", "fify": "Fixed It For You", "figjam": "f**k I'm good, just ask me", "figmo": "F*ck it - got my orders", "fiic": "f**ked If I Care", "fiik": "f**ked If I Know", "fimh": "forever in my heart", "finna": "fitting to", "fio": "figure it out", "fitb": "fill in the blank", "fiv": "five", "fk": "f**k", "fka": "formerly known as", "fkd": "f**ked", "fker": "f**ker", "fkin": "f**king", "fking": "f**king", "fkn": "f**king", "fku": "f**k you", "flamer": "angry poster", "flames": "angry comments", "flicks": "pictures", "floabt": "for lack of a better term", "fm": "f**k me", "fmah": "f**k my ass hole", "fmao": "freezing my ass of", "fmb": "f**k me b***h", "fmbb": "f**k Me Baby", "fmbo": "f**k my brains out", "fmfl": "f**k my f**king life", "fmflth": "f**k My f**king Life To Hell", "fmh": "f**k me hard", "fmhb": "f**k me hard b***h", "fmi": "for my information", "fmir": "family member in room", "fmita": "f**k me in the ass", "fml": "f**k my life", "fmltwia": "f**k me like the w***e I am", "fmn": "f**k me now", "fmnb": "f**k me now b***h", "fmnkml": "f**k me now kiss me later", "FMOIG": "Follow me on Instagram", "fmph": "f**k my p***y hard", "fmq": "f**k me quick", "fmr": "f**k me runnig", "fmsh": "f**k me so hard", "fmth": "f**k me to hell", "Fmu": "f**k me up", "fmuta": "f**k me up the ass", "fmutp": "f**k me up the p***y", "fn": "first name", "fnar": "For No Apparent Reason", "fnci": "fancy", "fnny": "funny", "fnpr": "for no particular reason", "fny": "funny", "fo": "f**k off", "fo shizzle": "for sure", "fo sho": "for sure", "foa": "f**k off a**h**e", "foad": "f**k off and die", "foaf": "friend of a friend", "foah": "f**k off a**h**e", "fob": "fresh off the boat", "focl": "Falling Off Chair Laughing.", "fofl": "fall on the floor laughing", "foia": "freedom of information act", "fol": "farting out loud", "folo": "Follow", "fomofo": "f**k off mother f**ker", "foms": "fell off my seat", "fone": "phone", "foo": "fool", "foobar": "f**ked up beyond all recognition", "foocl": "falls out of chair laughing", "Fooh": "f**k out of here", "fook": "f**k", "for sheeze": "for sure", "fos": "full of s**t", "foshizzle": "for sure", "fosho": "for sure", "foss": "free, open source software", "fotcl": "fell off the chair laughing", "fotm": "Flavour of the month", "fouc": "f**k off you c**t ", "fov": "Field of View", "foyb": "f**k off you b***h", "fo`": "for", "fp": "first post", "fpmitap": "federal pound me in the ass prison", "fpos": "f**king piece of s**t", "fps": "First Person Shooter", "fr": "for real", "frag": "kill", "fragged": "killed", "fren": "friend", "frens": "friends", "frgt": "forgot", "fri.": "Friday", "friggin": "freaking", "frk": "freak", "frm": "from", "frnd": "friend", "frnds": "friends", "fs": "For Sure", "fse": "Funniest s**t Ever", "fsho": "for sure", "fsm": "flying spaghetti monster", "fsob": "f**king son of a b***h", "fsod": "frosn screen of death", "fsr": "for some reason", "fst": "fast", "ft": "f**k THAT", "ft2t": "From time to time", "fta": "From The Article", "ftb": "f**k That b***h", "ftbfs": "Failed to build from source", "ftf": "face to face", "ftfa": "From The f**king Article", "ftfw": "For the f**king win!", "ftfy": "Fixed that for you", "ftio": "fun time is over", "ftk": "For the Kill", "ftl": "For The Lose", "ftlog": "for the love of god", "ftlt": "For the last time", "ftmfw": "for the mother f**king win", "ftmp": "For the most part", "ftp": "file transfer protocol", "ftr": "For The Record", "fts": "f**k that s**t", "fttp": "for the time being", "ftw": "For the win!", "fu": "f**k you", "fu2": "f**k you too", "fua": "f**k you all", "fuah": "f**k you ass hole", "fub": "f**k you b***h", "fubah": "f**ked up beyond all hope", "fubalm": "f**ked up beyond all local maintenance", "fubar": "f**ked up beyond all recognition", "fubb": "f**ked up beyond belief", "fubh": "f**ked up beyond hope", "fubohic": "f**k you Bend over here it comes", "fubr": "f**ked Up Beyond Recognition", "fucken": "f**king", "fucktard": "f**king retard", "fuctard": "f**king retard", "fud": "fear, uncertainty and doubt", "fudh": "f**k you d**k head", "fudie": "f**k you and die", "fugly": "f**king ugly", "fuh-q": "f**k you", "fuhget": "forget", "fuk": "f**k", "fukin": "f**king", "fukk": "f**k", "fukkin": "f**king", "fukn": "f**king", "fukr": "f**ker", "fulla": "Full of", "fumfer": "f**k you mother f**ker", "funee": "funny", "funner": "more fun", "funy": "funny", "fuq": "f**k you", "fus": "f**k yourself", "fut": "f**k You Too", "fuu": "f**k you up", "fux": "f**k", "fuxing": "f**king", "fuxor": "f**ker", "fuxored": "f**ked", "fvck": "f**k", "fwb": "Friends with Benefits", "fwd": "forward", "fwiw": "for what it's worth", "fwm": "Fine With Me", "fwob": "friends with occasional benefits", "fwp": "first world problems", "fxe": "foxy", "fxp": "file exchange protocol", "fy": "f**k you", "fya": "for your attention", "fyad": "f**k you and die", "fyah": "f**k you a**h**e", "fyb": "f**k you b***h", "fyc": "f**k your couch", "fye": "For Your Entertainment", "fyeo": "For your eyes only", "fyf": "f**k your face", "fyfi": "For Your f**king Information", "fyi": "for your information", "fyk": "for your knowledge", "fyl": "For your Love", "fym": "f**k your mom", "fyp": "fixed your post", "fyrb": "f**k you right back", "fytd": "f**k you to death", "tf": "The f**k", "*g*": "grin", "g'nite": "good night", "G. O. A. T.": "Greatest Of All Time", "g/f": "girlfriend", "g/g": "got to go", "g/o": "Get out", "g0": "go", "g00g13": "Google", "g1": "good one", "g2": "go to", "g2/-/": "go to hell", "g2bg": "got to be going", "g2bl8": "going to be late", "g2cu": "glad to see you", "g2e": "got to eat", "g2g": "got to go", "g2g2tb": "got to go to the bathroom", "g2g2w": "got to go to work", "g2g4aw": "got to go for a while", "g2gb": "got to go bye", "g2gb2wn": "got to go back to work now", "g2ge": "got to go eat", "g2gn": "got to go now", "g2gp": "got to go pee", "g2gpc": "got 2 go parents coming", "g2gpp": "got to go pee pee", "g2gs": "got to go sorry", "g2h": "go to hell", "g2hb": "go to hell b***h", "g2k": "good to know", "g2p": "got to pee", "g2t2s": "got to talk to someone", "g3y": "gay", "g4u": "good for you", "g4y": "good for you", "g8": "gate", "g9": "good night", "ga": "go ahead", "gaalma": "go away and leave me alone", "gaf": "good as f**k", "gafi": "get away from it", "gafl": "get a f**king life", "gafm": "Get away from me", "gagf": "go and get f**ked", "gagp": "go and get pissed", "gah": "gay ass homo", "gai": "gay", "gaj": "get a job", "gal": "get a life", "gamez": "illegally obtained games", "gangsta": "gangster", "gank": "kill", "gaoep": "generally accepted office etiquette principles", "gaw": "grandparents are watching", "gawd": "god", "gb": "Go back", "gb2": "go back to", "gba": "game boy advance", "gbioua": "Go blow it out your ass", "gbnf": "Gone but not forgotten ", "gbtw": "go back to work", "gbu": "god bless you", "gby": "good bye", "gcad": "get cancer and die", "gcf": "Google Click Fraud", "gd": "good", "gd&r": "grins, ducks, and runs", "gd4u": "Good For You", "gday": "Good Day", "gdby": "good bye", "gded": "grounded", "gdgd": "good good", "gdi": "God Damn it", "gdiaf": "go die in a fire", "gdih": "Go die in hell", "gdilf": "Grandad I'd Like To f**k", "gdmfpos": "god damn mother f**king piece of s**t", "gdr": "grinning, ducking, running", "gemo": "gay emo", "getcha": "get you", "geto": "ghetto", "gewd": "good", "gey": "gay", "gf": "girlfriend", "gfad": "go f**k a duck", "gfadh": "go f**k a dead horse", "gfak": "go fly a kite", "gfam": "Go f**k A Monkey", "gfar2cu": "go find a rock to crawl under", "gfas": "go f**k a sheep", "gfd": "god f**king damnit", "gfe": "Girl Friend experience", "gfe2e": "grinning from ear to ear", "gfg": "good f**king game", "gfgi": "go f**king google it", "gfi": "good f**king idea", "gfj": "good f**king job", "gfl": "grounded for life", "gfm": "God Forgive Me", "gfo": "go f**k off", "gfu": "go f**k yourself", "gfurs": "go f**k yourself", "gfus": "go f**k yourself", "gfx": "graphics", "gfy": "good for you", "gfyd": "go f**k your dad", "gfym": "go f**k your mom", "gfys": "go f**k yourself", "gg": "good game", "gga": "good game all", "ggal": "go get a life", "ggf": "go get f**ked", "ggg": "Go, go, go! ", "ggi": "go google it", "ggnore": "good game no rematch", "ggp": "gotta go pee", "ggpaw": "gotta go parents are watching", "ggs": "good games", "ggwp": "Good Game Well-Played", "gh": "good half", "ghei": "Gay", "ghey": "gay", "gigig": "get it got it good", "gigo": "garbage in garbage out", "gilf": "Grandma I'd like to f**k", "gim": "google instant messanger", "gimme": "give me", "gimmie": "give me", "gis": "Google Image Search", "gitar": "guitar", "giv": "give", "giyf": "google is your friend", "gj": "good job", "gjial": "go jump in a lake", "gjp": "good job partner", "gjsu": "god just shut up", "gjt": "good job team", "gky": "Go kill yourself", "gkys": "Go kill yourself", "gl": "good luck", "gl hf": "good luck, have fun", "gl&hf": "good luck and have fun", "gla": "good luck all", "glbt": "Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgenderd", "glf": "group looking for", "glhf": "good luck have fun", "glln": "Got Laid Last Night", "glnhf": "Good Luck and Have Fun", "glty": "Good luck this year", "glu": "girl like us", "glu2": "good luck to you too", "glux": "good luck", "glwt": "good luck with that", "gm": "good morning", "gma": "grandma", "gmab": "give me a break", "gmabj": "give me a blowjob", "gmafb": "give me a f**king break", "gmao": "Giggling my ass off", "Gmas": "Give me a second", "gmfao": "Giggling My f**king Ass Off", "gmilf": "grandmother i'd like to f**k", "gmod": "Global Moderator", "gmta": "great minds think alike", "gmtyt": "good morning to you too", "gmv": "Got my vote", "gmybs": "give me your best shot", "gn": "good night", "gn8": "good night", "gnasd": "good night and sweet dreams", "gndn": "Goes nowhere,does nothing", "gnfpwlbn": "good news for people who love bad news", "gng": "going", "gng2": "going to", "gngbng": "gang bang", "gnight": "good night", "gnite": "good night", "gnn": "get naked now", "gno": "going to do", "gnoc": "get naked on cam", "gnos": "get naked on screen", "gnr": "Guns n' roses", "gnrn": "get naked right now", "gnst": "goodnight sleep tight", "gnstdltbbb": "good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite", "goc": "get on camera", "goi": "get over it ", "goia": "get over it already", "goin": "going", "gok": "God Only Knows", "gokid": "got observers - keep it decent", "gokw": "God Only Knows Why", "gol": "giggle out loud", "gomb": "get off my back", "goml": "get out of my life", "gona": "Gonna", "gonna": "going to", "good9": "goodnite", "gooh": "get out of here!", "goomh": "get out of my head", "gork": "God only really knows", "gosad": "go suck a d**k", "gotc": "get on the computer", "gotcha": "got you", "gotta": "got to", "gow": "gears of war", "goya": "Get Off Your Ass", "goyhh": "get off your high horse", "gp": "good point", "gpb": "gotta pee bad", "GPU": "Graphics Processing Unit", "gpwm": "good point well made", "gpytfaht": "gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today", "gr8": "great", "gr8t": "great", "grats": "congratulations", "gratz": "congratulations", "grfx": "graphics", "grillz": "metal teeth", "grl": "girl", "grmbl": "grumble", "grog": "beer", "grrl": "Girl", "grtg": "Getting ready to go", "grvy": "groovy", "gsad": "go suck a d**k", "gsave": "global struggle against violent extremists", "gsd": "getting s**t done", "gsfg": "Go search f**king google", "gsi": "go suck it", "gsoh": "Good Sense of Humor", "gsp": "get some p***y", "gsta": "Gangster", "gt": "get", "gta": "Grand Theft Auto", "gtas": "go take a s**t", "gtb": "Go To Bed", "gtf": "get the f**k", "gtfa": "Go The f**k Away", "gtfbtw": "get the f**k back to work", "gtfh": "go to f**king hell", "gtfo": "get the f**k out", "gtfoi": "get the f**k over it", "gtfon": "Get the f**k out noob", "gtfooh": "get the f**k out of here", "gtfoomf": "get the f**k out of my face", "gtfu": "grow the f**k up", "gtfuotb": "get the f**k up out this b***h", "gtg": "got to go", "gtgb": "got to go bye", "gtgbb": "got to go bye bye", "gtgfn": "got to go for now", "gtglyb": "got to go love you bye", "gtgmmiloms": "got to go my mum is looking over my shoulder", "gtgn": "got to go now", "gtgp": "got to go pee", "gtgpp": "got to go pee pee", "gtgtb": "got to go to bed", "gtgtpirio": "got to go the price is right is on", "gtgtwn": "Got to go to work now", "gth": "go to hell", "gtha": "go the hell away", "gthb": "go to hell b***h", "gthmf": "go to hell mothaf**ka", "gtho": "get the hell out", "gthu": "grow the heck up", "gthyfah": "go to hell you f**king a**h**e", "gtk": "good to know", "gtm": "giggling to myself", "gtn": "getting", "gtp": "Got to pee", "gtr": "Got to run", "gts": "going to school", "gtsy": "good to see you", "gttp": "get to the point", "gtty": "good talking to you", "gu": "grow up", "gu2i": "get used to it ", "gud": "good", "gudd": "good", "gui": "graphical user interface", "gurl": "girl", "gurlz": "girls", "guru": "expert", "gw": "good work", "gwijd": "guess what i just did", "gwm": "gay white male", "gwork": "good work", "gwrk": "good work", "gws": "get well soon", "gwytose": "go waste your time on someone else", "gy": "gay", "gyaitmfhrnbibya": "get your ass in the mother f**king house right now before i beat your ass", "gyal": "girl", "gypo": "Get Your Penis Out", "h&k": "hugs and kisses", "h*r": "homestar runner", "h+k": "hugs and kisses", "h.o": "hold on", "h/e": "However", "h/mo": "homo", "h/o": "hold on", "h/u": "hold up", "h/w": "homework", "h2": "Halo 2", "h2gtb": "have to go to the bathroom", "h2o": "water", "h2sys": "hope to see you soon", "h3y": "hey", "h4kz0r5": "hackers", "h4x": "Hacks", "h4x0r": "hacker", "h4xor": "hacker", "h4xr": "hacker", "h4xrz": "hackers", "h4xx0rz": "hacker", "h4xxor": "hacker", "h8": "hate", "h80r": "hater", "h82sit": "hate to say it", "h83r": "hater", "h8ed": "hated", "h8er": "hater", "h8r": "hater", "h8red": "Hatred", "h8s": "hates", "h8t": "hate", "h8t0r": "hater", "h8t3r": "hater", "h8te": "hate", "h8ter": "hater", "h8tr": "hater", "h8u": "I Hate You", "h9": "Husband in Room", "habt": "how about this", "hafta": "have to", "hagd": "have a good day", "hagl": "have a great life", "hagn": "have a good night", "hago": "have a good one", "hags": "have a great summer", "hai": "hello", "hait": "hate", "hak": "here's a kiss", "hakas": "have a kick ass summer", "hammrd": "hammered", "han": "how about now", "hau": "How Are You", "hav": "have", "havnt": "haven't", "hawf": "Husband and Wife forever", "hawt": "hot", "hawtie": "hottie", "hax": "Hacks", "hax0r": "hacker", "hax0red": "hacked", "hax0rz": "Hackers", "haxer": "Hacker", "haxor": "hacker", "haxoring": "hacking", "haxors": "hackers", "haxorz": "hackers", "haxxor": "hacker", "haxxzor": "Hacker", "haxz0r": "Hacker", "haxzor": "hacker", "hayd": "how are you doing", "hb": "hurry back", "hb4b": "hoes before bros", "hbd": "happy birthday", "hbic": "head b***h in charge", "hbii": "how big is it", "hbu": "how about you", "hbuf": "how about your family", "hby": "how about you", "hc": "how come", "hcbt1": "he could be the one", "hcib": "how can it be", "hcihy": "how can I help you", "hdop": "Help Delete Online Predators", "hdu": "how dare you", "hdydi": "How do you do it", "hdydt": "how did you do that", "heh": "haha", "hella": "very", "heya": "hey", "heyt": "hate", "heyy": "hello", "heyya": "hello", "hf": "have fun", "hfn": "Hell f**king no", "hfs": "holy f**king s**t!", "hfsbm": "holy f**king s**t batman", "hfwt": "have fun with that", "hg": "HockeyGod", "hght": "height", "hhiad": "holy hole in a doughnut", "hhiadb": "Holy Hole in a Donut Batman", "hhok": "Ha Ha Only Kidding", "hhyb": "how have you been", "hi2u": "hello", "hi2u2": "hello to you too", "hiet": "height", "hiik": "Hell If I Know", "hijack": "start an off topic discussion", "hith": "how in the hell", "hiw": "husband is watching", "hiya": "hello ", "hiybbprqag": "copying somebody else's search results", "hj": "hand job", "hl": "Half-Life", "hl2": "Half-Life 2", "hla": "Hot lesbian action", "hlb": "horny little b*****d", "hld": "hold", "hldn": "hold on", "hldon": "hold on", "hll": "Hell", "hlm": "he loves me", "hlo": "hello", "hlp": "help", "hly": "holy", "hlysht": "Holy s**t", "hmb": "hold me back", "hmewrk": "homework", "hmfic": "head mother f**ker in charge", "hml": "hate my life", "hmoj": "holy mother of jesus", "hmp": "help me please", "hmu": "Hit Me Up", "hmul": "Hit me up later", "hmus": "Hit me up sometime", "hmw": "homework", "hmwk": "homework", "hmwrk": "Homework", "hng": "horny net geek", "hngry": "hungry", "hnic": "head n****r in charge", "ho": "hold on", "hoas": "Hang on a second", "hoau": "how old are you", "hoay": "how old are you", "hodl": "hold", "hoh": "head of household", "hom": "home", "homey": "Friend", "homie": "good friend", "homo": "homosexual", "hoopty": "broke down automobile", "hott": "hot", "howdey": "hello", "howz": "hows", "hpb": "high ping b*****d", "hpoa": "Hot Piece of Ass", "hppy": "Happy", "hpy": "happy", "hpybdy": "happy birthday", "hr": "hour", "hre": "here", "hrny": "horny", "hrs": "hours", "hru": "how are you", "hrud": "how are you doing", "hruf": "how are you friend", "hs": "headshot", "hsd": "high school dropout", "hsik": "how should i know", "hsr": "homestar runner", "hss": "horse s**t and splinters", "hswm": "Have Sex With me", "ht": "Heard Through", "htc": "hit the cell", "htf": "how the f**k", "htfu": "Hurry the f**k up", "htg": "have to go", "hth": "hope that helps", "hthu": "Hurry the hell up", "htr": "hater", "http": "hyper text transfer protocol", "hu": "Hey you", "hubby": "husband", "hud": "Heads Up Display", "huggle": "hug and cuddle", "hugz": "hugs", "hun": "honey", "hv": "have", "hve": "have", "hvnt": "haven't", "hw": "homework", "hw/hw": "help me with homework ", "hwg": "here we go", "hwga": "here we go again", "hwik": "how would i know", "hwk": "homework", "hwmbo": "he who must be obeyed", "hwmnbn": "he who must not be named", "hwms": "hot wild monkey sex", "hwu": "hey what's up", "hwz": "how is", "hxc": "hardcore", "hy": "hell yeah", "hyb": "how you been", "hyg": "here you go", "hyk": "how you know", "i <3 u": "I love you", "i c": "i see", "i8": "alright", "i8u": "i hate you", "i<3 u": "i love you", "i<3u": "I love you", "iab": "I Am Bored", "iacwdym": "i am confused what do you mean", "iafh": "I Am f**king Hot", "iafi": "I am from India", "iag": "it's all good", "iah": "i am horny", "iai": "i am interested", "iajsn": "I am just scraping noslang.com", "ianabs": "I am not a brain surgeon", "ianacl": "I am not a copyright lawyer", "ianal": "I am not a lawyer", "ianalb": "I am not a lawyer, but..", "ianars": "I am not a rocket scientist", "ians": "I am Not Sure", "ianyl": "I am not your lawyer", "iap": "I Am Pissed", "iasb": "i am so bored", "iaspfm": "i am sorry please forgive\nme", "iatb": "I am the best", "iateu": "i hate you", "iavb": "i am very bored", "iaw": "In Another Window", "iawtc": "I agree with this comment", "iawtp": "I agree with this post", "iawy": "I agree with you", "ib": "I'm back", "ibbl": "I'll be back later", "ibcd": "Idiot between chair & desk", "ibs": "Internet b***h Slap ", "ibt": "I'll be there", "ibtl": "In Before The Lock", "ibw": "I'll be waiting", "ic": "I see", "icb": "I can't believe", "icbi": "i can't believe it", "icbiwoop": "I chuckled, but it was out of pity.", "icbt": "i can't believe that", "icbu": "I can't believe you", "icbyst": "i cant believe you said that", "iccl": "I could care less", "icgup": "I can give you pleasure", "icic": "I See. I See", "icp": "insane clown posse", "icr": "I can't rememer", "icsrg": "I can still reach Google", "ictrn": "I can't talk right now", "icty": "i can't tell you ", "icu": "i see you", "icudk": "in case you didn't know", "icup": "i see you pee", "icw": "I care why?", "icwudt": "I see what you did there", "icwum": "I see what you mean", "icydk": "in csae you didn't know", "icydn": "in case you didn't know", "icymi": "in case you missed it", "id10t": "idiot", "idac": "I don't actually care", "idak": "i don't actually know", "idbtwdsat": "I don't believe they would do such a thing", "idby": "I Don't Believe You", "idc": "I don't care", "iddi": "I didn't do it", "idec": "I don't even care", "Idegaf": "I don't even give a f**k", "idek": " I don't even know", "idfc": "i don't f**king care", "idfk": "i don't f**king know", "idfts": "I don't f**king think so", "idgac": "i don't give a crap", "idgad": "I don't give a damn", "idgaf": "i don't give a f**k", "idgaff": "I don't give a flying f**k", "idgafs": "I don't give a f**king s**t", "idgara": "I don't give a rat's ass", "idgas": "i don't give a s**t", "idgi": "I don't get it", "idjit": "idiot", "idk": "I don't know", "idkat": "I don't know a thing", "idkau": "I don't know about you", "idkbibt": "I don't know but I've Been Told", "idke": "I don't know ethier", "idkh": "I don't know how", "idkh2s": "i don't know how to spell", "idkr": "i don't know right", "idkt": "I don't know that", "idkw": "I don't know why", "idkwiwdwu": "I don't know what I would do without you", "idkwts": "I don't know what to say", "idkwurta": "I don't know what you are talking about.", "idkwym": "I don't know what you mean", "idky": "I don't know you", "idkyb": "i don't know why but", "idkymb2": "I didn't know yoru mom blogs too", "idl": "I don't like", "idli": "I don't like it", "idlu": "i don't like you", "idly": "I don't like you", "idlyitw": "i don't like you in that way", "idm": "I don't mind", "idmhw": "im doing my homework", "idn": "i don't know", "idnk": "i don't know", "idno": "i do not know", "idntk": "i dont need to know", "idnwths": "i do not want to have sex", "idonno": "i do not know", "idop": "it depends on price", "idot": "idiot", "idr": "I don't remember", "idrc": "i don't really care", "idrfk": "I don't really f**king know", "idrgaf": "I don't really give a f**k", "idrgaff": "i don't really give a flying f**k", "idrgas": "i dont really give a s**t", "idrk": "i don't really know", "idrts": "I don't really think so", "idsw": "i don't see why", "idtis": "I don't think I should", "idtkso": "i don't think so", "idts": "i don't think so", "idu": "I don't understand", "iduatys": "I didn't understand a thing you said", "idunno": "i do not know", "iduwym": "I don't understand what you mean.", "idw2": "I don't want to", "idw2n": "i don't want to know", "idwk": "I don't wanna know", "idwt": "i don't want to", "idwtg": "I don't want to go", "idyat": "idiot", "iebkac": "issue exists between keyboard and chair", "ietf": "internet engineering task force", "iff": "if and only if", "ifhu": "I f**king hate you", "ifhy": "i f**king hate you", "ifk": "I f**king know", "iflu": "i f**king love you", "ifthtb": "i find that hard to belive", "ifttt": "if this then that ", "ifwis": "I forgot what I said", "ifykyk": "if you know you know", "ig": "I guess", "ig2g": "I got to go", "ig5oi": "I got 5 on it ", "igahp": "I've got a huge penis", "igalboc": "I've got a lovely bunch of cocnuts", "igg": "i gotta go", "ight": "alright", "igkymfa": "I'm gonna kick your mother f**king ass", "igs": "I guess so", "igt": "I Got This", "igtg": "i've got to go", "igtgt": "I got to go tinkle", "igtkya": "im going to kick your ass", "igu": "i give up", "igyb": "I Got Your Back", "ih": "it happens", "ih2gp": "I have to go pee", "ih2p": "i'll have to pass", "ih8": "i hate", "ih8evry1": "i hate everyone", "ih8mls": "I hate my little sister ", "ih8p": "I hate parents", "ih8tu": "i hate you", "ih8u": "I hate you", "ih8usm": "i hate you so much", "ih8y": "I hate you", "ihac": "I have a customer", "ihat3u": "I hate you", "IHDK": "I Honestly Don't Know", "ihistr": "i hope i spelled that right", "ihiwydt": "I hate it when you do that", "ihml": "I hate my life", "ihmp": "i hate my parents", "ihnc": "i have no clue", "ihnfc": "I have no f**king clue", "ihni": "i have no idea", "iht": "I heard that", "ihtfp": "I hate this f**king place", "ihtgttbwijd": "I have to go to the bathroom, wait I just did.", "ihtp": "I Have To Poop", "ihtsm": "i hate this so much", "ihtutbr": "I have to use the bathroom", "ihu": "I hate you", "ihurg": "i hate your guts", "ihusb": "i hate you so bad ", "ihusfm": "i hate you so f**king much", "ihusm": "i hate you so much", "ihy": "i hate you", "ihya": "i hate you all", "ihysm": "I hate you so much", "ihysmrn": "i hate you so much right now", "iigh": "alright", "iight": "alright", "iiok": "is it okay", "iirc": "if I recall correctly", "iistgtbtipi": "If It Sounds Too Good To Be True It Probably Is", "iit": "is it tight", "iitywimwybmad": "if I tell you what it means will you buy me a drink", "iitywybmad": "if I tell you, will you buy me a drink?", "iiuc": "if I understand correctly", "iiw2": "is it web 2.0?", "iiwii": "it is what it is", "ij": "indide joke", "ijaf": "it's just a fact", "ijcomk": "i just came on my keyboard", "ijdk": "I just don't know", "ijdl": "I just died laughing", "ijeomk": "I just ejaculated on my keybord", "ijf": "i just farted", "ijgl": "I just got laid", "ijit": "idiot", "ijk": "I'm Just kidding", "ijp": "Internet job posting", "ijpmp": "I just peed my pants", "ijpms": "I just pissed myself", "ijr": "i just remembered", "ijs": "I'm just saying", "ijsabomomcibstg": "I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geico", "ik": "i know", "iki": "i know it", "ikic": "I know I can", "ikm": "I know man", "ikr": "I know really", "ikt": "i knew that", "ikwud": "I know what you did", "ikwum": "I know what you meant", "ikwyl": "I know where you live", "ikwym": "i know what you mean", "ilbbaicnl": "I like big butts and I can not lie", "ilbcnu": "i'll be seeing you", "ilcul8r": "I'll see you later", "ilhsm": "i love him/her so much", "ili": "i love it", "ilk2fku": "I would like to f**k you", "ilml": "I Love My Life", "ilms": "I love my self", "ilotibinlirl": "I'm laughing on the internet, but I'm not laughing in real life", "ilshipmp": "I laughed so hard I peed my pants", "iltf": "i love to f**k", "iltwummf": "i love the way you make me feel", "iltwymmf": "I love the way you make me feel", "ilu": "I love you", "ilu2": "I love you too", "iluaaf": "i love you as a friend", "ilul": "I love you loads ", "ilulafklc": "I love you like a fat kid loves cake.", "ilum": "i love you more", "ilusfm": "I love you so f**king much", "ilusm": "I love you So much", "iluvm": "I Love You Very Much", "iluvu": "i love you", "iluvya": "i love you", "iluwamh": "i love you with all my heart", "ilvu": "i love you", "ily": "i love you", "ily2": "i love you too", "ily4e": "i love you forever", "ily4ev": "i love you forever", "ilyaas": "I Love You As A Sister", "ilyal": "I like you a lot", "ilyb": "i love you b***h", "ilybby": "i love you baby", "ilybtid": "I Love You But Then I Don't", "ilyf": "I'll Love You Forever", "ilygsm": "i love you guys so much", "ilykthnxbai": "i love you k thanks bye", "ilyl": "i love you loads", "ilylab": "I love you like a brother", "ilylabf": "I love you like a best friend", "ilylafklc": "i love you like a fat kid loves cake", "ilylas": "i love you like a sister", "ilylc": "i love you like crazy", "ilym": " i love you more", "ilymtyk": "i love you more than you know", "ilymtylm": "i love you more than you love me", "ilys": "i love you sexy", "Ilysb": "I love you so bad", "ilysfm": "i love you so f**king much", "ilysfmb": "i love you so f**king much baby", "ilysm": "i love you so much", "ilysmih": "i love you so much it hurts", "ilysmm": "i love you so much more", "ilysmydek": "I Love You So Much You Don't Even Know", "ilysvm": "i love you so very much", "ilyvm": "i love you very much", "ilywamh": "I love you with all my heart", "im": "Instant Message", "im'd": "instant messaged", "im26c4u": "I am too sexy for you", "ima": "I am a", "imao": "in my arrogant opinion", "imb": "I am back", "imcdo": "in my conceited dogmatic opinion", "imed": "instant messaged", "imf": "in my feels", "imfao": "In My f**king Arrogant Opinion", "imfo": "in my f**king opinion", "imh": "I am here", "imhbco": "In my humble but correct opinion", "imhe": "in my humble experience", "imho": "in my humble opinion", "imm": "instant message me", "imma": "I'm going to", "imnerho": "In my not even remotely humble opinion", "imnl": "I'm not laughing", "imnshmfo": "In My Not So Humble Mother f**king Opinion", "imnsho": "in my not so humble opinion", "imo": "in my opinion", "imoo": "in my own opinion", "impo": "In My Personal Opinion", "impov": "in my point of view", "imr": "in my room", "imsb": "i am so bored", "imsry": "I am sorry", "imtaw": "it may take a while", "imts": "I meant to say", "imu": "i miss you ", "imusm": "I miss you so much", "imvho": "in my very humble opinion", "imwtk": "Inquiring minds want to know", "imy": "I miss you", "imy2": "i miss you to", "imya": "i miss you already", "imysfm": "i miss you so f**king much", "in2": "into", "inb4": "in before", "inbd": "it's no big deal", "inc": "incoming", "incld": "include", "incrse": "increase", "ind2p": "I need to pee", "indie": "independent", "inef": "it's not even funny", "inet": "internet", "inh": "I need help", "inho": "in my honest opinion", "inhwh": "I need homework help", "init": "isn't it", "inmp": "it's not my problem", "innit": "isn't it", "ino": "I know", "instagib": "instant kill", "instakill": "instant kill", "intarwebs": "internet", "intel": "intelligence", "interweb": "internet", "intpftpotm": "I nominate this post for the post of the month", "inttwmf": "I am Not Typing This With My Fingers", "invu": "I envy you", "ioh": "I'm out of here", "iois": "Indicators of Interest", "iokiya": "it's ok if you are", "iomw": "I'm on my way", "ionno": "I don't know", "iono": "I don't know", "iotd": "image of the day", "iou": "i owe you", "iow": "in other words", "ioya": "I'd Own Your Ass", "ioyk": "if only you knew", "ip": "internet protocol", "irc": "internet relay chat", "ircd": "Internet Relay Chat daemon", "ircx": "Internet Relay Chat eXtension", "irdc": "I really don't care", "irdgaf": "i really don't give a f**k", "irdk": "I really don't know", "irgtgbtw": "I've really got to get back to work", "irhtgttbr": "I really have to go to the bathroom", "irhy": "i really hate you", "irl": "in real life", "irly": "I really love you", "irt": "in reply to", "irtf": "I'll return the favor", "is2g": "i swear to god", "isb": "I'm so bored.", "isbya": "im sorry but you asked", "isd": "internet slang dictionary", "isdc": "I so don't care", "ise": "internal server error", "isfly": "i so f**king love you", "isg": "I speak geek", "ishii": "i see how it is", "isianmtu": "I swear I am not making this up", "isj": "inside joke", "iso": "In Search Of", "isp": "internet service provider", "iss": "im so sorry", "istg": "i swear to god", "istr": "I seem to remember", "istwfn": "I stole this word from noslang.com", "iswydt": "i see what you did there", "ita": "I Totally Agree", "itb": "in the butt", "itc": "in that case", "itd": "in the dark", "ite": "alright", "itk": "in the know", "itn": "I think not", "itt": "in this thread", "ittif": "I think that is fine", "ityltk": "I thought you'd like to know", "itys": " i told you so", "itz": "it's", "itzk": "it's ok", "iucmd": "if you catch my drift", "iukwim": "if you know what i mean", "iunno": "I don't know", "iuno": "i dunno", "ive": "i have", "iw2f": "i want to f**k", "iw2fu": "i want to f**k you", "iw2mu": "I want to meet you", "iwaa": "It was an accident", "iwc": "In Which Case", "iwdt": "I will do that", "iwfusb": "i wanna f**k you so bad", "iwfy": "I want to f**k you", "iwfybo": "i will f**k your brains out", "iwg": "it was good", "iwhi": "I would hit it", "iwhswu": "I want to have sex with you", "iwjk": "i was just kidding", "iwk": "I wouldn't know", "iwlu4e": "I will love you for ever", "iwmu": "i will miss you", "iwmy": "i will miss you", "iws": "i want sex", "iwsn": "i want sex now", "iwsul8r": "I will see you later", "iwtfu": "i want to f**k you", "iwtfy": "i want to f**k you", "iwthswy": "i want to have sex with you", "iwtk": "I Want to Know", "iwtly": "i want to love you", "iwu": "i want you", "iwuwh": "i wish you were here ", "iwy": "i want you", "iwyb": "I want your body", "iwyn": "I want you now", "iwythmb": "i want you to have my baby", "iya": "In your ass", "iyam": "if you ask me", "iyc": "if you can", "iyd": "In Your Dreams", "iydhantsdsaaa": "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all", "iydmma": "if you don't mind me asking", "iyf": "In your face", "iyflg": "If You're Feeling Less Generous", "iygm": "if you get me", "iykwim": "if you know what I mean", "iym": "I am your man", "iyo": "in your opinion", "iyq": "I like you", "iyss": "if you say so", "iyswim": "if you see what I mean", "iywt": "if you want to", "iz": "is", "j-c": "just chilling", "j/a": "Just Asking", "j/c": "just curious", "j/j": "just joking", "j/k": "just kidding", "j/o": "jackoff", "j/p": "just playing", "j/s": "just saying", "j/t": "just talking", "j/w": "just wondering", "j00": "you", "j00r": "your", "j2bs": "just to be sure", "j2c": "just too cute", "j2f": "just too funny", "j2luk": "just to let you know", "j2lyk": "just to let you know", "j4f": "just for fun", "j4g": "just for grins", "j4l": "just for laughs", "j4u": "just for you", "jalaudlm": "just as long as you don't leave me", "jas": "just a second", "jb": "jailbait", "jbu": "just between us", "jc": "just curious", "jcam": "just checking away message", "jcath": "Just chilling at the house", "jdfi": "Just f**king do it", "jdi": "just do it", "jebus": "Jesus", "jeomk": "Just ejaculated on my keyboard", "jf": "just fooling", "jfc": "Jesus f**king Christ", "jfdi": "Just f**king Do It!", "jff": "just for fun", "jfg": "just for giggles", "jfgi": "just f**king google it", "jfi": "just forget it", "jfj": "jump for joy", "jfk": "Just f**king kidding", "jfl": "just for laughs", "jflts": "just felt like typing something", "jfn": "just for now", "jfo": "just f**k off", "jfr": "Just for reference", "jftr": "just for the record", "jfu": "just for you", "jfwy": "just f**king with you", "jg2h": "just go to hell", "jgiyn": "Just google it you noob", "jgtfooh": "just get the f**k out of here", "jh": "Just hanging", "jhm": "just hold me", "jho": "just hanging out", "jic": "just in case", "jit": "just in time", "jizz": "semen", "jj": "just joking", "jj/k": "just joking", "jja": "just joking around", "jk": "just kidding", "jka": "just kidding around", "jking": "joking", "jkl": "just kidding loser", "jklol": "Just Kidding Laughing Out Loud", "jkn": "joking", "jks": "jokes", "jkz": "jokes", "jlma": "just leave me alone", "jlt": "just like that", "jm": "Just Messing", "jma": "just messing around", "jml": "just my luck", "jmo": "just my opinion", "jms": "just making sure", "jom": "just one minuite", "joo": "you", "jooc": "just out of curiosity", "jooce": "Juice", "joor": "your", "jp": "just playing", "js": "just saying", "jsa": "just stop already", "jsing": "just saying", "jst": "just", "jsuk": "just so you know", "jsun": "Just so you know", "jsut": "just", "jsyk": "Just so you know", "jsyn": "just so you know", "jtay": "just thinking about you", "jtbs": "Just To Be Sure", "jtc": "Join the club", "jtfo": "joke the f**k out", "jtluk": "just to let you know", "jtlyk": "just to let you know", "jtoi": "just thought of it", "jtol": "just thinking out loud", "Jts": "Just to say", "jttsiowctw": "just testing to see if other websites copy this word", "jtty": "just to tell you", "jtumltk": "just thought you might like to know", "jtwii": "just the way it is.", "jtwiw": "just the way it was.", "jtyltk": "just thought you'd like to know", "jtysk": "just thought you should know", "jumping the couch": "acting strange", "jus": "just", "juss": "just", "juz": "just", "juzt": "just", "jw": "just wondering", "jw2k": "just wanted to know", "jwas": "just wait a second", "jwing": "just wondering", "jwtlyk": "Just wanted to let you know", "jyfihp": "jam your finger in her p***y", "k": "ok", "k3wl": "cool", "ka": "Kick Ass", "kafn": "kill all f**king noobs", "kah": "kisses and hugs", "kaw": "kick ass work", "kay": "okay", "kb": "KiloBite", "kcco": "keep calm chive on", "kek": "laughing out loud", "kewel": "cool", "kewl": "cool", "kfc": "kentucky fried chicken", "khitbash": "kick her in the box and shove her", "khuf": "know how you feel", "kia": "Killed In Action", "kib": "okay, im back", "kic": "keep it clean", "kicks": "sneakers", "kig": "keep it going", "kiled": "killed", "kinda": "kind of", "kir": "kid in room", "kis": "keep it simple", "kisa": "knight in shining armor", "kit": "keep in touch", "kitfo": "knock it the f**k off", "kitteh": "kitten", "kiu": "Keep it up", "kiwf": "Kill It With Fire", "kk": "ok", "kkk": "ku klux klan", "kkthnxbye": "okay thanks bye", "kky": "kinky", "kl": "cool", "km": "kiss me", "kma": "kiss my ass", "kmag": "kiss my ass goodbye", "kmao": "kick my ass off", "kmb": "kiss my butt", "kmfa": "kiss my f**king ass", "kmhba": "kiss my hairy big ass", "kml": "Killing Myself Laughing", "kmn": "kill me now", "kmp": "kill me please", "kmsl": "killing myself laughing", "kmswl": "killing myself with laughter", "kmu": "Kinda miss you", "knackered": "drunk", "knewb": "new player", "knn": "f**k your mother", "kno": "know", "knw": "know", "ko": "knock out", "kol": "kiss on lips", "koo": "cool", "kool": "cool", "kos": "kid over shoulder", "kotc": "kiss on the cheek", "kotd": "kicks of the day", "kotl": "kiss on the lips", "kotor": "Knights of the old republic", "kots": "keep on talking s**t", "kpc": "keeping parents clueless", "kq": "keep quiet ", "ks": "kill steal", "kss": "kiss", "kssd": "kissed", "ksw": "Ok so what", "kt": "keep talking", "ktc": "kill the cat", "ktfo": "knocked the f**k out", "kthanxbi": "Okay, thanks. Bye.", "kthnxbai": "Okay, thanks, bye", "kthnxbye": "Okay, thanks, bye", "kthx": "ok, thank you", "kthxbai": "ok thanks bye!", "kthxbi": "ok, thank you, goodbye", "kthxbye": "ok, thank you, goodbye", "kthxgb": "ok thanks goodbye", "kthxmn": "Ok Thanks Man", "kthz": "ok thanks", "ktnx": "Okay and Thanks", "kuhl": "cool", "kul": "cool", "kute": "cute", "kutgw": "Keep Up The good Work", "kuwl": "cool", "kwik": "quick", "kwim": "Know What I Mean", "kwis": "Know what I'm saying?", "kwit": "quit", "kwiz": "quiz", "kwl": "cool", "kwtsds": "Kiss where the sun don't shine", "kyag": "Kiss Your Ass Goodbye", "kyfag": "kiss your f**king ass goodbye", "kyfc": "keep your fingers crossed", "kyko": "keep your knickers on", "kyms": "keep your mouth shut", "kys": "kill yourself", "ilyt": "i love you too", "ilyttmab": "i love you to the moon and back", "l0lz": "laugh out loud", "l2": "learn to", "l2m": "listening to music", "l2ms": "laughing to myself", "l2p": "learn to play", "l2r": "Learn to read", "l337": "elite", "l33t": "elite", "l4l": "like for like", "l4m3rz": "lamers", "l8": "late", "l84skool": "late for school", "l8a": "later", "l8er": "later", "l8ers": "Later", "l8r": "see you later", "l8rs": "laters", "l8rz": "later", "l8s": "later", "l8t": "later", "l8ta": "later", "l8ter": "later", "l8tr": "later", "laff": "laugh", "lafs": "love at first sight", "lak": "love and kisses", "lal": "laughing a little", "lalol": "lots and lots of laughs", "lam": "leave a message", "lamf": "like a motherf**ker", "lan": "local area network", "lappy": "Laptop", "larp": "live action role-play", "lasb": "Lame Ass Stupid b***h", "lat": "laugh at that", "lata": "later", "lates": "later", "latn": "laugh at the newbs", "latr": "Later", "latwttb": "laughing all the way to the bank", "lau": "laugh at you", "lawd": "lord", "lawl": "lauging out loud with a southern drawl", "lawl'd": "laughed out loud", "lawled": "laughed out loud", "lawls": "laughing out loud with a southern drawl", "lawlz": "laughing out loud with a southern drawl", "lazer": "laser", "lazor": "laser", "lbh": "let's be honest", "lbnr": "laughing but not really", "lbo": "laughing butt off ", "lbr": "little boy's room", "lbvs": "laughing but very serious", "lcsnpc": "low cost small notebook personal computer", "ldr": "Long-distance relationship", "ldt": "lets do this", "lee7": "elite", "leet": "elite", "legit": "legitimate", "leik": "like", "leme": "let me", "lemme": "let me", "lesbo": "lesbian", "less than 3": "love", "less than three": "love", "lez": "Lesbian", "lezbean": "lesbian", "lezbo": "lesbian", "lezzzie": "lesbian", "lf": "looking for", "lf1m": "Looking for one more", "lf2m": "looking for 2 more", "lfg": "Looking for group", "lfl": "let's f**k later", "lfm": "looking for mate", "lfnar": "laughing for no aparent reason", "lfp": "looking for p***y", "lfr": "Laughing for real", "lgb": "lesbian/gay/bisexual", "lgbnaf": "lets get butt naked and f**k", "lgbtq": "Lesbien, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer.", "lgds": "let's go do something", "lgf": "little green footballs", "lggd": "let's go get drunk", "lgn": "link goes nowhere", "lgo": "life goes on", "lgot": "let's go out tonight", "lgr": "little girls room", "lgs": "let's go shopping!", "lgtm": "looks good to me", "lhao": "laughing her ass off", "lhs": "lets have sex", "lhsrn": "let's have sex right now", "lia": "life is awesome", "liaoyb": "Like it's any of your business", "lic": "like i care", "liec": "like i even care", "liek": "like", "liekz": "likes", "lifo": "last in first out", "ligad": "Like I give a damn", "ligaff": "like I give a flying f**k", "ligafs": "like I give a flying s**t", "ligas": "like I give a s**t", "lih": "Laugh in head", "liita": "love is in the air", "lik": "like", "lil": "little", "lim": "Like it Matters", "limh": "laugh in my head", "liol": "laugh insanely out loud", "lirl": "laughing in real life", "liu": "Look It Up", "liv": "live", "liyf": "laughing in your face", "lj": "live journal", "lk": "like", "lke": "like", "llab": "Laughing like a b***h.", "llap": "live long and prosper", "llc": "laughing like crazy", "llf": "laugh like f**k", "llh": "laughing like hell", "llol": "literally laughing out loud", "lltnt": "live like theres no tomorrow ", "lm4aq": "Let's meet for a quickie.", "lma": "leave me alone", "lmamf": "leave me alone mother f**ker", "lmao": "laughing my ass off", "lmaol": "laughing my ass out loud", "lmaomtoaoa": "Laugh my ass off many times over and over again", "lmaonade": "laughing my ass off", "lmaool": "laughing my ass off out loud ", "lmaootf": "Laughing my ass off on the floor ", "lmaorof": "Laughing my Ass off Rolling on the floor", "lmaorotf": "laughing my ass off rolling on the floor", "lmaowrotf": "Laughing my ass of while rolling on the floor", "lmaowtntpm": "laughing my ass off whilst trying not to piss myself", "lmaoxh": "laughing my ass off extremely hard", "lmap": "leave me alone please", "lmb": "lick my balls", "lmbao": "laughing my black ass off", "lmbfwao": "laughing my big fat white ass off", "lmbo": "laughing my butt off", "lmcao": "laughing my crazy ass off", "lmclao": "laughing my cute little ass off", "lmd": "Lick My d**k", "lmfao": "laughing my f**king ass off", "lmfbo": "laugh my f**king butt off", "lmffao": "laughing my f**king fat ass off", "lmffo": "Laughing my f**king face off", "lmfho": "laughing my f**king head off", "lmfo": "laughing my face off", "lmfpo": "laughing my f**king p***y off", "lmfr": "Lets Meet For Real", "lmfto": "laughing my f**kin tits off", "lmg": "let me guess", "lmgdao": "Laughing My God Damn Ass Off", "lmgtfy": "Let me Google that for you", "lmhao": "laughing my hairy ass off", "lmho": "laughing my heiny off", "lmip": "LETS MEET IN PERSON", "lmirl": "Let's meet in real life", "lmk": "let me know", "lmks": "Let Me Know Soon", "lmkwc": "Let me know when clear", "lmkwut": "let me know what you think", "lml": "love my life", "lmmfao": "laughing my mother f**king ass off", "lmmfaos": "laughing my mother f**king ass off silly", "lmmfas": "laugh my mother f**kin ass off", "lmmffao": "laughing my mother f**king fat ass off", "lmo": "Leave Me One", "lmoao": "Laughing my Other Ass Off", "lmp": "lick my p***y", "lmpitw": "let me put it this way", "lmpo": "laughing my panties off", "lms": "leave me some", "lmsao": "laughing my sexy ass off", "lmso": "laughing my socks off", "lmtd": "limited", "lmtfa": "leave me the f**k alone", "lmto": "laughing my tits off", "lmtus": "let me tell you something", "lmty": "laughing more than you", "lmvo": "laugh my vagina off", "ln": "last name", "lnk": "Link", "lobfl": "Laugh Out Bloody f**king Loud", "lobl": "laugh out bloody loud", "lof": "Laughing on floor", "lofi": "uncool", "lofl": "laugh out f**king loud", "loflmao": "laying on floor laughing my ass off", "loi": "laughing on the inside", "lol": "laughing out loud", "lol'd": "laughed out loud", "lol2u": "Laugh out loud to you", "lolarotf": "laughing out loud and rolling on the floor", "lolaw": "laugh out loud at work", "lolbs": "laugh out loud but seriously", "lolcano": "laugh out loud", "lolci": "laughing out loud, crying inside", "lolcity": "the whole city laughs out loud", "lold": "laughed out loud", "loled": "Laughed out loud", "lolees": "laugh out loud", "lolerz": "laugh out loud", "lolf": "lots of love forever", "lolin": "laughing out loud", "lolio": "laugh out loud I own", "lollam": "Laughing Out Loud Like A Maniac", "lollercaust": "an extreme event of hilarity", "lollercoaster": "laugh out loud (a lot)", "lollerskates": "laughing out loud", "lolm": "laugh out loud man", "loln": "laught out loud... not", "lolngs": "laghing out loud never gonna stop", "lolocost": "laugh out loud", "lolol": "saying ", "lololz": "laugh out loud", "lolpimp": "Laughing out loud peeing in my pants", "lolq": "laugh out loud quietly", "lolrof": "Laughing out loud while rolling on the floor.", "lolrotf": "laughing out loud rolling on the floor", "lols": "laugh out loud ", "lolvq": "laugh out loud very quietly", "lolwtime": "laughing out loud with tears in my eyes", "lolz": "laugh out loud", "lomg": "like oh my god", "loml": "love of my life", "lomy": "love of my life", "loomm": "laughing out of my mind", "lorl": "laugh out real loud", "lorrl": "laugh out really really loud", "lotf": "laughing on the floor", "loti": "laughing on the inside", "loto": "laughing on the outside", "lotr": "lord of the rings", "lov": "love", "lovu": "love you", "loxen": "laughing out loud", "loxxen": "laughing out loud", "lozer": "loser", "lpb": "low ping b*****d", "lpiaw": "Large Penis is always welcome", "lpms": "life pretty much sucks", "lq": "Laughing Quietly", "lq2m": "laughing quietly to myself", "lqtm": "Laugh quietly to myself", "lqtms": "Laughing quietly to myself", "lqts": "laughing quietly to self", "lrfl": "Laughing really f**king loud", "lrh": "laughing really hard", "lrqtms": "laughing really quietly to myself", "lrt": "last retweet", "lsfw": "Less Safe For Work", "lshic": "laughing so hard i'm crying", "lshid": "laugh so hard i die", "lshifabmh": "Laughing so hard I fell and broke my hip", "lshipmp": "Laughing so Hard I Piss My Pants", "lshismp": "laughed so hard I s**t my pants", "lshiwms": "laughing so hard I wet myself", "lshmson": "laughing so hard milk shot out nose", "lshrn": "laughing so hard right now", "lsmih": "laughing so much it hurts", "lsr": "loser", "lsudi": "Lets see you do it", "lt": "long time", "ltb": "looking to buy", "lthtt": "laughing too hard to type", "ltip": "laughting until I puke", "ltl": "Let's talk later", "ltm": "listen to me", "ltmq": "Laugh To Myself Quietly", "ltms": "Laughing to my self", "ltnc": "Long time no see", "ltns": "long time no see", "ltnsoh": "Long time, no see or hear", "ltnt": "long time no talk", "ltp": "Lay the pipe", "ltr": "later", "lttpot": "laughing to the point of tears", "ltw": "Lead The Way", "ltywl": "love the way you lie", "lu2": "love you too", "lu2d": "love you to death", "lu4l": "love you for life", "lub": "laugh under breath", "luf": "love", "luff": "Love", "lug": "lesbian until graduation", "luk": "look", "lukin": "looking", "lul": "love you lots", "lulab": "Love you like a brother", "lulas": "Love You Like a Sister", "lulz": "Laughing out loud.", "lumumi": "Love you miss you mean it", "lurker": "one who reads but doesn't reply", "lurve": "love", "luser": "user who is a loser", "lusm": "love you so much", "luv": "love", "luver": "lover", "luvuvm": "love you very much", "luvv": "love", "luzar": "Loser", "lv": "love", "lve": "Love", "lvl": "level", "lvn": "loving", "lvr": "lover", "lvya": "love you", "lwih": "look what I have", "lwn": "last week's news", "lwwy": "Live While We\\'re Young", "ly": "love you", "ly2": "love you to", "lya": "love you always", "lyaab": "Love you as a brother", "lyaaf": "Love you as a friend", "lyao": "laugh your ass off", "lybo": "laugh your butt off", "lyf": "life", "lyfao": "laughing your f**king ass off", "lyfe": "life", "lyk": "like", "lyk3": "like", "lyke": "like", "lyl": "love you lots", "lylab": "love you like a brother", "lylaba": "love you like a brother always", "lylad": "love you like a dad", "lylafklc": "love you like a fat kid loves cake", "lylal": "love you lots and lots", "lylam": "love you like a mom", "lylas": "I love you like a sister", "lylasa": "love you like a sister always", "lylno": "Love you like no other", "lyls": "love you lots", "lymi": "love you mean it", "lysfm": "love you so f**king much", "lysm": "love you so much", "lyt": "love you too", "lyvm": "love you very much", "lzer": "laser", "lzr": "loser", "4mer": "former", "Fmup": "f**k me up", "m": "am", "m$": "Microsoft", "m$wxp": "Microsoft Windows XP", "m&d": "mom and dad", "m'kay": "okay", "m.i.a": "Missing In Action", "m.o": "makeout", "m/b": "maybe", "m/f": "male or female", "m2": "me too", "m3": "me", "m473s": "friends", "m473z": "friends", "m4f": "male for female", "m4m": "male for male", "m8": "friend", "m84l": "mate for life", "m8s": "mates", "m8t": "mate", "m8t's": "friends", "m9": "mine", "mabby": "maybe", "mabe": "Maybe", "maga": "make America great again", "mah": "my", "mai": "my", "mao": "my ass off", "marvy": "marvelous", "masterb8": "masterbate", "mastrb8": "masturbate.", "mayb": "maybe", "mayte": "mate", "mb": "my bad", "mbf": "my best friend", "mbfal": "my best friend and lover", "mbhsm": "My Boobs Hurt So Much", "mbl8r": "Maybe Later", "MC": "master of ceremonies", "mcds": "mcdonalds", "Mcm": "Man crush Monday ", "mcs": "My computer sucks", "mcse": "Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer", "mdf": "my dear friend", "mdk": "murder death kill", "me2": "me too", "meatcurtain": "woman's private parts", "meatspace": "the real world", "meeh": "me", "mego": "my eyes glaze over", "meh": "whatever", "messg": "message", "mf": "motherf**ker", "mf2f4sx": "meet face to face for sex", "mfa": "mother f**king a**h**e", "mfah": "motherf**king a**h**e", "mfao": "my f**king ass off", "mfb": "mother f**king b***h", "mfer": "motherf**ker", "mfg": "merge from current", "mfkr": "motherf**ker", "mflfs": "married female looking for sex", "mfr": "motherf**ker", "mfw": "my face when", "mgiwjsdchmw": "my girlfriend is watching jeff so don't call her my wife", "mgmt": "management ", "mhh": "my head hurts", "mhm": "Yes", "mho": "My Humble Opinion", "mia": "Missing In Action", "mic": "microphone", "miid": "my internet is down", "milf": "Mom i'd like to f**k", "miltf": "Mom I'd like to f**k", "min": "minute", "mins": "minutes", "miq": "make it quick", "mir": "mom in room", "mirl": "meet in real life", "misc.": "miscellaneous", "miself": "myself", "mite": "might", "miw": "mom is watching", "miwnlf": "mom I would not like to f**k.", "mk": "mmm....ok", "mkay": "ok", "mlc": "mid life crisis", "mle": "emily", "mlg": "Major League Gaming", "mlia": "my life is amazing", "mlm": "multi level marketer", "mlod": "mega laugh out loud of doom", "mlp": "my little pony", "mmamp": "Meet me at my place", "mmas": "meet me after school", "mmatc": "meet me around the corner", "mmatp": "meet me at the park", "mmbocmb": "message me back or comment me back", "mmd": "make my day", "Mmih": "Match made in heaven", "mmiw": "my mom is watching", "mmk": "umm, ok", "mml": "making me laugh", "mml8r": "meet me later", "mmlfs": "married man looking for sex", "mmmkay": "okay", "mmo": "Massive Multiplayer Online", "mmorpg": "massively multiplayer online role playing game", "mmt": "meet me there", "mmtyh": "My mom thinks you're hot", "mmw": "making me wet", "mngmt": "management", "mngr": "manager", "mnm": "eminem", "mnt": "More next time", "mobo": "motherboard", "mof": "matter of fact", "mofo": "mother f**ker", "moh": "Medal Of Honor", "mohaa": "Medal of Honor Allied Assult", "mol": "more or less", "mompl": "moment please", "moobs": "man boobs", "mor": "more", "morf": "male or female", "moro": "tomorrow", "mos": "mom over shoulder", "moss": "member of same sex", "motarded": "more retarded", "motd": "message of the day", "motos": "member of the opposite sex", "mpaw": "my parents are watching", "mpbis": "most popular boy in school", "mpd": "Multiple Personality Disorder", "mpgis": "most popular girl in school", "mph": "miles per hour", "mpih": "my penis is hard", "mpty": "more power to you", "mrau": "message received and understood", "msf": "male seeking female", "msg": "message", "msgs": "messages", "msh": "Me so horny", "msibo": "my side is busting open", "msie": "microsoft's internet explorer", "msm": "main stream media", "msmd": "monkey see - monkey do", "msngr": "messenger", "mssg": "message", "mstrb8r": "masturbator", "msv": "Microsoft Vista", "mtc": "more to come", "mtf": "More to Follow", "mtfbwu": "may the force be with you", "mtfbwy": "May the Force be with you", "mtg": "Meeting", "mtherfker": "mother f**ker", "mthrfkr": "mother f**ker", "mtl": "more than likely", "mtr": "matter", "mtrfkr": "motherf**ker", "mty": "empty", "mu": "miss you", "mudda": "mother", "mul": "miss you lots", "musiq": "music", "musm": "Miss You So Much", "mutha": "mother", "muve": "multi-user virtual environment", "muvva": "mother", "muzik": "music", "Mvp": "Most valuble player", "mw2": "modern warfare 2", "mw3": "Modern Warfare 3", "mwah": "kiss", "mwf": "Married White Female", "mwm": "married white man", "mwsmirl": "maybe we should meet in real life", "myaly": "miss you and love you", "myfb": "mind your f**king business", "myn": "mine", "myob": "mind your own business", "myodb": "mind your own damn business", "myofb": "mind your own f**king business", "mypl": "my young padawan learner", "mysm": "Miss you so much", "myspce": "myspace", "Oml": "Oh my lord", "Sma": "Suck my ass", "n": "and", "n e": "any", "n/a": "not applicable", "n/a/s/l": "name, age, sex location", "n/c": "no comment", "n/m": "nevermind", "n/n": "nickname", "n/o": "no offense", "n/r": "No replys ", "n/t": "no text", "n00b": "newbie", "n00bs": "newbies", "n00dz": "nudes", "n00s": "news", "n1": "nice one", "n199312": "african american", "n1994": "african american", "n2": "into", "n2b": "not too bad", "n2bb": "nice to be back", "n2bm": "Not to be mean", "n2br": "not to be rude", "n2g": "Not too good", "n2m": "not too much", "n2mh": "not too much here", "n2mhbu": "not too much how about you?", "n2mhjc": "not too much here just chillin", "n2mu": "not too much, you?", "n2n": "need to know", "n2p": "need to pee", "n64": "Nintendo 64", "n8v": "native", "na": "not applicable", "na4w": "not appropriate for work", "naa": "not at all", "nade": "grenade", "nafc": "Not Appropriate for Children", "nafkam": "Not Away From Keyboard Any More", "naft": "Not A f**king Thing", "nafta": "North American Free Trade Agreement", "nah": "no", "namh": "not at my house", "nao": "Not As Often", "natch": "naturally", "natm": "not at the minute", "naw": "no", "naw-t": "Naughty", "nawidt": "never again will i do that", "nawt": "not", "naww": "no", "nayl": "in a while", "nb": "not bad", "nb,p": "nothing bad, parents", "nba": "national basketball association ", "nbd": "no big deal", "nbdy": "nobody", "nbf": "never been f**ked", "nc": "not cool", "ncaa": "National Collegiate Athletic Association", "ncs": "no crap sherlock", "nd": "and", "ndit": "No details in thread", "ndn": "indian", "nds": "Nintendo DS", "ne": "any", "ne1": "anyone", "neday": "any day", "nedn": "any day now", "nefing": "anything", "negl": "not even going to lie", "nei": "Not enough information", "neida": "any idea", "nekkid": "naked", "nemore": "Anymore", "nes": "Nintendo Entertainment System", "nethin": "anything", "nething": "anything", "neva": "never", "nevah": "never", "nevar": "Never", "nevarz": "never", "nevm": "never mind", "nevr": "never", "newais": "Anyways", "neway": "anyway", "neways": "anyways", "newayz": "anyways", "newb": "someone who is new", "newbie": "new player", "newez": "anyways", "nf": "not funny", "nfbsk": "not for british school kids", "nfc": "no f**king clue", "nfd": "no f**king deal", "nff": "not f**king fair", "nfg": "No f**king Good", "nfi": "no f**king idea", "nfr": "not for real", "nfs": "not for sale", "nft": "no further text", "nfw": "no f**king way", "ng": "nice game", "ngaf": "nobody gives a f**k", "NGAS": "nobody gives a s**t", "ngl": "Not Gonna Lie", "nh": "nice hand", "nhatm": "not here at the moment", "ni": "no idea", "ni994": "n***a", "nib": "new in box", "nic": "Network Interface Card", "nif": "non internet friend", "nifoc": "naked in front of computer", "nifok": "naked in front of keyboard", "nigysob": "now I've got you son of a b***h", "nimby": "not in my backyard", "nin": "no its not", "nip": "nothing in particular", "nips": "nipples", "nite": "night", "nitfm": "not in the f**king mood", "nitm": "Not in the mood", "niwdi": "no I won\\'t do it", "nizzle": "n****r", "nj": "Nice job", "njoy": "enjoy", "njp": "nice job partner", "nk": "no kidding", "nkd": "Naked", "nkt": "never knew that", "nld": "nice lay down", "Nlf": "Nobody lives forever", "nm": "not much", "nm u": "not much, you", "nmb": "Not my business ", "nmbr": "number", "nme": "enemy", "nmf": "not my fault", "nmfp": "not my f**king problem", "nmh": "not much here", "nmhau": "nothing much how about you", "nmhbu": "nothing much how about you", "nmhm": "nothing much here, man", "nmhu": "nothing much here, you?", "nmhwby": "nothing much here what about you", "nmjb": "nothing much just bored", "nmjc": "not much, just chillin'", "nmjch": "Nothing Much Just Chilling", "nmjcu": "nothing much, just chilling, you?", "nmjdhw": "nothing much just doing homework", "nmjfa": "nothing much, just f**king around", "nmnhnlm": "no money, no honey, nobody loves me", "nmp": "Not My Problem", "nmu": "nothing much, you", "nmw": "no matter what", "nmwh": "no matter what happens", "nn": "good night", "nn2r": "no need to respond", "nnaa": "no not at all", "nnfaa": "no need for an apology", "nnr": "no not really", "nntr": "no need to reply", "nntst": "no need to say thanks", "no pro": "no problem", "no1": "no one", "noaa": "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration", "noc": "naked on camera", "noe": "know", "noes": "no", "nofi": "No Flame Intended", "nolm": "No one loves me", "nomw": "not on my watch", "noob": "someone who is new", "noobie": "new person", "nooblet": "new player", "noobz0r": "newbie", "noodz": "nude pictures", "nookie": "sex", "nop": "normal operating procedure", "norc": "No one really cares", "NORWICH": "knickers off ready when I come home", "notin": "nothing", "noty": "no thank you", "noub": "none of your business", "nowai": "No way", "nowin": "knowing", "noyb": "none of your business", "noygdb": "none of your god damn business", "np": "no problem", "np4np": "naked pic for naked pic", "npa": "not paying attention", "npc": "Non-playable character", "npe": "nope", "npgf": "no problem girl friend", "nph": "no problem here", "npi": "no pun intended", "npnt": "no picture, no talk", "nps": "No Problems", "nq": "Thank you", "nqa": "no questions asked", "nr": " no reserve", "nr4u": "not right for you", "nrg": "energy", "nrn": "No Response Necessary", "ns": "nice", "nsa": "No Strings Attached", "nsas": "No Strings Attached Sex", "nsfmf": "not so fast my friend", "nsfu": "no sex for you", "nsfw": "not safe for work", "nss": "no s**t sherlock", "nst": "no school today", "nstaafl": "No Such Thing As a Free Lunch", "nt": "nice try", "ntb": "not to bad", "ntbn": "no text-back needed", "nthg": "nothing", "nthin": "nothing", "nthn": "nothing", "ntigaf": "not that i give a f**k", "ntk": "Need to know", "ntkb": "need to know basis", "ntm": "not to much", "ntmk": "Not to my knowledge", "ntmu": "nice to meet you", "ntmy": "nice to meet you", "ntn": "nothing", "ntrly": "Not Really", "nts": "note to self", "ntstt": "not safe to talk ", "ntt": "need to talk", "ntta": "nothing to talk about ", "nttawwt": "Not that there is anything wrong with that", "nttiawwt": "Not that there is anything wrong with that.", "ntty": "nice talking to you", "ntw": "not to worry", "ntxt": "no text", "nty": "no thank you", "nu": "new", "nub": "inexperienced person", "nuff": "enough", "nuffin": "nothing", "nufin": "nothing", "nutin": "nothing", "nuttin": "nothing", "nv": "envy", "nvm": "never mind", "nvmd": "nevermind", "nvmdt": "never mind then", "nvmt": "nevermind that", "nvr": "never", "nvrm": "Nevermind", "nvrmnd": "never mind ", "nw": "no way", "nwb": "a new person", "nwih": "no way in hell", "nwj": "No Way Jose", "nwo": "new world order", "nwrus": "no way are your serious ", "nws": "not work safe", "nwtf": "now what the f**k", "nwy": "no way", "nxt": "next", "ny1": "Anyone", "nyc": "New York City", "nyd": "No, you don't.", "nyf": "not your fault", "nyp": "not your problem", "nywy": "anyway", "doge": "dog", "o": "Oh", "o rly": "oh really", "o&o": "over and out", "o.p.": "Original Poster", "o/y": "oh yeah", "o4b": "Open for business", "oaoa": "over and over again", "oar": "on a roll", "oaw": "on a website", "obgjfioyo": "old but good job finding it on your own", "obj": "Object", "obl": "osama bin laden", "obo": "or best offer", "obtw": "oh, by the way", "obv": "obviously", "obvi": "obviously", "oc": "Original character ", "occ": "Occupation", "ocd": "obsessive compulsive disorder", "ocgg": "Oh Crap, gotta go", "od": "over dose", "oday": "software illegally obtained before it was released", "odg": "oh dear God", "odtaa": "one damn thing after another", "oe": "or else", "oed": "oxford english dictionary", "of10": "often", "ofc": "of course", "ofcol": "oh for crying out loud", "ofn": "Old f**king News", "oftc": "out for the count", "oftn": "often", "oftpc": "off topic", "ofwg": "old fat white guys", "og": "original gangster", "ogw": "oh guess what", "oh noes": "oh s**t!", "oh noez": "Oh no!", "ohic": "oh I see", "ohn": "oh hell no", "ohnoez": "Oh no", "ohy": "oh hell yeah", "oibmpc": "oops I broke my computer", "oic": "oh, I see", "oicic": "oh i see i see", "oicu": "oh, i see you!", "oicwydt": "oh, i see what you did there", "oidia": "oops i did it again", "oink": "Oh I Never Knew", "oiyd": "Only In Your Dreams", "oj": "orange juice", "ojsu": "Oh, just shut up!", "ok": "okay", "oll": "online love", "olpc": "One Laptop Per Child", "omdg": "oh my dear god", "omdz": "Oh My Days ", "omfd": "oh my f**king days", "omfg": "oh my f**king god", "omfgn": "Oh my f**king god noob", "omfgsh": "Oh My f**king Gosh", "omfj": "oh my f**king jesus", "omfl": "oh my f**king internet connection is slow", "omfsm": "Oh My Flying Spaghetti Monster", "omfwtg": "Oh My f**k What The God?", "omg": "oh my God", "omg's": "oh my god's", "omgd": "Oh my gosh dude", "omgf": "oh my god...f**k!", "omgg": "Oh my gosh girl", "omgicfbi": "Oh my god I can't f**king believe it", "omgih": "Oh My God In Heaven", "omgihv2p": "oh my god i have to pee", "omginbd": "Oh my God, It's no big deal", "omgn": "oh my goodness", "omgny": "oh my god no way", "omgosh": "Oh my gosh", "omgroflmao": "oh my god roll on the floor laughing my ass off", "Omgs": "Oh my gods", "omgsh": "oh my gosh", "omgty": "Oh my god thank you", "omgukk": "oh my god you killed kenny", "omgwtf": "on my God, what the f**k", "OMGWTFBBQ": "oh my God, what the f**k", "omgwtfhax": "Oh My God What The f**k, Hacks!", "omgwtfit": "Oh my God, what the f**k is that", "OMGWTFNIPPLES": "on my God, what the f**k", "omgyg2bk": "oh my god you got to be kidding", "omgykkyb": "oh my god you killed kenny you b*****ds", "omgz": "oh my God", "omgzors": "oh my god", "omhg": "oh my hell god", "omj": "oh my jesus", "ommfg": "oh my mother f**king god", "omt": "one more time", "omw": "on my way", "omwh": "on my way home", "omwts": "on my way to school", "omy": "oh my!", "onoez": "oh no", "onoz": "oh no", "onud": "oh no you didn't", "onyd": "oh no you didn't", "oob": "out of buisness", "oobl": "out of breath laughing", "ooc": "out of character", "oohm": "out of his/her mind", "oom": "Out of mana", "oomf": "One of my followers", "oomm": "out of my mind", "ooo": "out of the office", "ootb": "out of the blue", "ootd": "outfit of the day", "oow": "On our way", "ooym": "out of your mind", "op": "operator", "orgy": "orgasm", "orlsx": "oral sex", "orly": "oh really?", "orpg": "online role playing game", "os": "operating system", "osbutctt": "only sad b*****ds use this crappy text talk", "osd": "On Screen Display", "osifgt": "oh s**t i forgot", "oslt": "or something like that", "osy": "oh screw you", "ot": "off topic", "otb": "off the boat", "otc": "off the chain", "otfcu": "on the floor cracking up", "otfl": "on the floor laughing", "otflmao": "On the floor laughing my ass off", "otflmfao": "On the floor laughing my f**king ass off", "otflol": "on the floor laughing out loud", "otfp": "on the f**king phone", "otft": "over the f**king top", "oti": "on the internet", "otl": "out to lunch", "otoh": "on the other hand", "otp": "on the phone", "ots": "over the shoulder", "ott": "over the top", "otw": "on the way", "outa": "out of", "ova": "over", "oways": "oh wow are you serious", "owned": "made to look bad", "ownt": "made to look bad", "ownz": "owns", "ownzer": "one who makes others look bad", "ownzorz": "Owned.", "owt": "Out", "oww": "Oops, wrong window", "oyfe": "Open Your f**king Eyes", "oyid": "oh yes i did", "oyo": "on your own", "oyr": "Oh Yeah Right", "p-nis": "penis", "p.o.b.": "Parent Over Back", "p.o.s": "parent over shoulder", "p.o.s.": "parent over shoulder", "p/oed": "pissed off", "p/w": "password", "p00p": "poop", "p0wn": "make to look bad", "p2p": "peer to peer", "p2w": "pay to win", "p33n": "penis", "p3n0r": "penis", "p3n15": "penis", "p3n1s": "penis", "p4p": "pic for pic", "p911": "parent emergency (parent near)", "Pab": "p***y ass b***h", "pach": "parents are coming home", "pachs": "parents are coming home soon", "pae": "Pimpin aint easy", "pag": "Parents Are Gone", "pah": "parents at home", "panl": "party all night long", "parnts": "parents", "pas": "parent at side", "pasii": "put a sock in it", "patd": "Panic At The Disco", "paw": "parents are watching", "pb": "peanut butter", "pb&j": "peanut butter and jelly", "pbb": "parent behind back", "pbcakb": "problem between chair and keyboard", "pbj": "peanut butter and jelly", "pbjt": "peanut butter jelly time", "pbkc": "Problem between keyboard & chair", "pbly": "probably", "pbm": "parent behind me", "pbp": "Please Be Patient", "pcbd": "page cannot be displayed", "pce": "peace", "pcent": "percent", "pcm": "please call me", "pco": "please come over", "pcrs": "Parents can read slang", "pda": "public display of affection", "pdg": "pretty damn good", "pdq": "pretty damn quick", "peanus": "penis", "pearoast": "repost", "pebcak": "Problem Exists Between Chair and Keyboard", "pebkac": "problem exists between keyboard and chair", "pebmac": "Problem Exist Between monitor and chair", "peep dis": "check out what I'm telling you", "peeps": "people", "pen0r": "Penis", "pen15": "penis", "penor": "penis", "peoples": "people", "perv": "pervert", "pewp": "poop", "pex": "Please explain?", "pezzas": "parents", "pf": "profile ", "pfa": "Please Find Attached", "pfm": "Please forgive me", "pfo": "please f**k off", "pfos": "parental figure over sholder", "pfy": "pimply faced youth", "pg": "page", "ph#": "phone number", "ph33r": "fear", "ph34r": "fear", "phag": "f**", "phail": "fail", "phat": "pretty hot and tasty", "phayl": "fail", "phear": "fear", "phlr": "peace hugs love respect", "phm": "please help me", "phq": "f**k you", "phreak": "freak", "phreaker": "phone hacker", "phub": "porn hub", "phuck": "f**k", "phucker": "f**ker", "phuk": "f**k", "phun": "fun", "phux": "f**k", "phuxor": "f**k", "piab": "panties in a bunch", "pic": "picture", "piccies": "Pictures", "pics": "pictures", "pihb": "pee in his/her butt", "piihb": "put it in her butt", "piitb": "put it in the butt", "pima": "Pain in my ass", "pimfa": "pain in my f**king ass", "pimha": "Pain in my hairy ass", "pimpl": "pissing in my pants laughing", "pino": "Filipino", "pir": "parents in room", "pirlos": "parent in room looking over shoulder", "pita": "pain in the ass", "pitfa": "Pain In The f**king Ass", "pitr": "parent in the room", "pitrtul": "parents in the room text you later", "piw": "Parent is watching", "pix": "pictures", "pk": "player kill", "pkemon": "pokemon", "pker": "player killer", "pking": "player killing", "pl": "parent looking", "pl0x": "please", "pl8": "plate", "plac": "parent looking at computer", "plams": "parents looking at my screen", "plars": "party like a rock star", "platcs": "parent looking at the computer screen", "ple's": "please", "pleaz": "please", "pleez": "please", "pleeze": "please", "pleze": "please", "pliz": "please", "plma": "please leave me alone ", "plmk": "please let me know", "plocks": "please", "plom": "parents looking over me", "plomb": "parents looking over my back", "ploms": "parent looking over my shoulder", "plos": "Parents Looking Over Shoulder", "plox": "please", "ploxxorz": "please", "pls": "please", "plse": "please", "plx": "please/thanks", "plywm": "play with me", "plz": "please", "plzkthx": "Please? OK, Thank you", "plzthx": "please? Thanks", "pmfji": "Pardon me for jumping in", "pmfsl": "piss my f**king self laughing", "pmg": "oh my God", "pmita": "pound me in the ass", "pmitap": "pound me in the ass prison", "pml": "pissing myself laughing", "pmo": "pissing me off", "Pmoys": "Put me on your story", "pmp": "pissing my pants", "pmpl": "piss my pants laughing", "pmsfl": "Pissed Myself f**king Laughing", "pmsl": "piss my self laughing", "pmt": "pretty much this", "pnbf": "Potential new boy friend", "pnhlgd": "parents not home, let's get dirty", "pns": "penis", "pnus": "penis", "po": "piss off", "po po": "police", "po'd": "pissed off", "pob": "parent over back", "poc": "Piece of crap", "poed": "pissed off", "poets": "piss off early, tomorrow's Saturday", "poi": "point of interest", "poidnh": "Pics or it did not happen ", "pol": "parent over looking", "poms": "parent over my shoulder", "poo": "poop", "poontang": "female genitalia", "pooter": "Computer", "popo": "police", "poq": "Piss Off Quick", "pos": "Parent Over Shoulder", "poscs": "parents over sholder change subject", "posmbri": "parent over shoulder might be reading it", "potc": "pirates of the caribbean", "pots": "Plain Old Telephone Service", "pov": "point of view", "pow": "prisoner of war", "pp": "pee pee", "ppl": "people", "ppls": "people", "pplz": "people", "ppor": "post proof or recant", "ppppppp": "Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance", "pr0": "professional", "pr0n": "porn", "pr0nz": "porn", "prblm": "Problem", "prd": "period", "preggers": "pregnant", "prego": "Pregnant", "prfct": "perfect", "prn": "porn", "prncpl": "principal", "prncss": "princess", "prnoscrn": "porn on screen", "pro": "professional", "prob": "problem", "probly": "probably", "probz": "probably", "prod": "product", "prolly": "Probably", "prollz": "probably", "promos": "promotions", "pron": "porn", "proxie": "proxy", "prp": "please reply", "prsn": "person", "prty": "party", "prv": "private", "prvrt": "pervert", "prw": "parents are watching", "ps1": "Play Station 1", "ps2": "Play Station 2", "ps3": "Play Station 3", "psa": "Public Service Announcement", "psbms": "parent standing by my side", "psn": "playstation netwok", "psos": "parent standing over sholder", "psp": "playstation portable", "pssy": "p***y", "pst": "please send tell", "pt33n": "preteen", "ptbb": "pass the barf bag", "ptfo": "passed the f**k out", "pthc": "preteen hardcore", "ptl": "Praise the Lord", "pto": "Personal Time Off ", "ptw": "play to win ", "puh-leaze": "Please", "purty": "pretty", "puter": "Computer", "pvp": "player versus player", "pvt": "pervert", "pw": "parent watching", "pwb": "p***y whipped b***h", "pwcb": "parents watching close by", "pwd": "password", "pwn": "made to look bad", "pwn3d": "owned", "pwn3r": "owner", "pwnage": "Ownage", "pwnd": "owned", "pwned": "made to look bad", "pwner": "owner", "pwnr": "owner", "pwnt": "owned", "pwnz": "owns", "pwnzor": "owner", "pwob": "Parent watching over back", "pwoms": "parent watching over my shoulder", "pwor": "power", "pwos": "parent was over sholder", "pww": "parents were watching", "pxr": "punk rocker", "pydim": "put your d**k in me", "pyfco": "put your freaking clothes on", "pyt": "pretty young thing", "pz": "peace", "pzled": "puzzled", "p^s": "parent over shoulder", "q2c": "quick to c**", "q33r": "Queer", "q4u": "question for you", "qed": "I've made my Point", "qfe": "quoted for emphasis", "qfmft": "quoted for motherf**king truth", "qft": "quoted for truth", "qft&gj": "quoted for truth and great justice", "ql": "cool", "qltm": "quietly laughing to myself", "qna": "question and answer", "qool": "cool", "qoolz": "cool", "qotd": "quote of the day", "qotsa": "queens of the stone age", "qoty": "quote of the year", "qpr": "quite pathetic really", "qpwd": "quit posting while drunk", "qq": "crying eyes", "qt": "cutie", "qt3.14": "cutie pie", "qte": "cutie", "qtpi": "cutie pie", "Irdfc": "I really don't f**king care", "NRA": "National Rifle Association", "r": "are", "r-tard": "retard", "r.i.p": "Rest in peace", "r.i.p.": "rest in peace", "r0x0rz": "rocks", "r2f": "Ready To f**k", "r8": "rate", "r8p": "rape", "r8pist": "rapist", "r8t": "rate", "ra2": "red alert 2 (game)", "ra3": "Red Alert 3 (game)", "raoflmao": "rolling around on floor laughing my ass off", "rawk": "Rock", "rawks": "rocks", "rawr": "roar", "rb": "Reply Back", "rbau": "right back at you", "rbay": "right back at you", "rbm": "right behind me", "rbtl": "Read between the lines", "rbty": "right back to you", "rcks": "Rocks", "rcsa": "right click save as", "rcvd": "received", "rdy": "ready", "re": "reply", "re/rehi": "hello again", "reefer": "marijuana", "refl": "rolling on the floor laughing", "rehi": "hello again", "rele": "really", "rents": "parents", "rentz": "parents", "rep": "to represent", "reppin": "representing", "retrotextual": "One who is using out of date words and abbreviations while texting.", "rff": "really f**king funny", "rflmao": "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off", "rfn": "right f**king now", "rgr": "roger", "rhcp": "red hot chilli peppers", "rhgir": "really hot guy in room", "rhs": "right hand side", "ricl": "rolling in chair laughing", "rifk": "rolling on the floor laughing", "rihad": "Rot In Hell And Die", "rino": "republican in name only", "rite": "right", "ritjive": "non virgin", "rjct": "reject", "rl": "real life", "rlbf": "Real Life Boy Friend", "rlf": "Real Life Friend", "rlg": "really loud giggle", "rlgf": "Real Life Girl Friend", "rlly": "really", "rln": "real life name", "rly": "really", "rlz": "rules", "rlze": "realize", "rm": "room", "rmao": "rolling my ass off", "rme": "rolling my eyes", "rmr": "remember", "rmso": "Rock My socks off", "rn": "Right now", "rnt": "aren't", "ro": "rock out", "rockr": "rocker", "rodger": "affirmative", "rofalol": "roll on the floor and laugh out loud", "rofc": "Rolling On Floor Crying", "roffle": "rolling on the floor laughing", "roffle out loud": "rolling on the floor laughing out loud", "rofflecake": "rolling on the floor laughing", "rofflecopters": "rolling on the floor with laughter", "roffleol": "rolling on the floor laughing out loud", "roffles": "rolling on floor laughing", "rofflmfao": "rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass", "rofl": "rolling on the floor laughing", "rofl&pmp": "rolling on floor laughing and peeing my pants", "roflao": "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off", "roflastc": "Rolling On Floor Laughing And Scaring The Cat", "roflcopter": "Rolling on the floor laughing", "roflcopters": "rolling on the floor laughing, VERY funny.", "roflkmd": "rolling on the floor laughing kicking my dog", "rofllh": "rolling on the floor laughing like hell", "roflmao": "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off", "roflmaoapimp": "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off and peeing in my pants", "roflmaool": "Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off out loud", "roflmaopmp": "rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off, pissing my pants", "roflmaouts": "Rolling on floor laughing my f**king ass off unable to speak", "roflmaowpimp": "rolling on floor laughing my ass off while peeing in my pants", "roflmbfao": "Rolling On Floor Laughing My Big Fat Ass Off ", "roflmbo": "rolling on floor laughing my butt off", "roflmfao": "rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass off", "roflmfaopimp": "rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass off pissing in my pants", "roflmfaopmp": "rolling on flor laughing my f**king ass of peeing my pants", "roflmgao": "rolling on the floor laughing my gay ass off", "roflmgdao": "rolling on the floor laughing my god damn ass off", "roflmgdmfao": "roling on floor laughing my god damn mother f**king ass off", "roflmgo": "Rolling On Floor Laughing My Guts Out", "roflmho": "Rolling on the floor laughing my head off", "roflmiaha": "Rolling on the floor laughing myself into a heart attack", "roflmmfao": "rolling on the floor laughing my mother f**king ass off", "roflol": "rolling on floor laughing out loud", "roflolbag": "Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud Busting A Gut", "roflpimp": "rolling on the floor laughing pissing in my pants", "roflpmp": "rolling on the floor laughing peeing my pants", "roflwtime": "Rolling on the Floor laughing with tears in my eyes", "rofpml": "rolling on the floor pissing myself laughing", "rofwl": "Rolling on the floor while laughing", "roger": "affirmative", "rogl": "rolling on ground laughing", "roglmfao": "rolling on ground laughing my f**king ass off", "roi": "Return On Investment", "roids": "steroids", "roj": "affirmative", "rol": "rolling over laugihng", "rolmao": "Rolling Over Laughing My Ass Off", "rolmfao": "rolling over laughing my f**king ass off", "romalsh": "rolling on my ass laughing so hard", "rombl": "rolled off my bed laughing", "rong": "wrong", "roofles": "rolling on the floor laughing", "ror": "raughing out roud", "rotf": "rolling on the floor", "rotfalol": "roll on the floor and laugh out loud", "rotffl": "roll on the f**king floor laughing", "rotfflmao": "rolling on the f**king floor laughing my ass off", "rotfflmfao": "rolling on the f**king floor laughing my f**king ass off", "rotfl": "rolling on the floor laughing", "rotflaviab": "rolling on the floor laughing and vomiting in a bucket", "rotflmao": "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off", "rotflmaofaktd": "Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off farted and killed the dog", "rotflmaool": "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off out loud", "rotflmaostc": "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off scaring the cat", "rotflmbo": "rolling on the floor laughing my butt off", "rotflmfao": "rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass off", "rotflmfaopimp": "rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass off peeing in my pants", "rotflmfaopmp": "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off pissin my pants", "rotflmfho": "rolling on the floor laughing my f**king head off", "rotflmho": "rolling on the floor laughing my head off", "rotflmmfao": "rolling on the floor laughing my mother f**king ass off", "rotflol": "rolling on the floor laughing out loud", "rotfpm": "rolling on the floor pissing myself", "rotfwlmao": "rolling on the floor while laughing my ass off", "rotg": "rolling on the ground", "rotgl": "roll on the ground laughing", "rotglmao": "rolling on the ground laughing my ass off", "rotw": "rest of the world", "rowyco": "rock out with your c**k out", "rox": "rocks", "roxor": "rock", "roxorz": "rocks", "roxxor": "rock", "rp": "roleplay", "rpg": "role playing game", "rpita": "royal pain in the ass", "rplbk": "reply back", "rpo": "royally pissed off", "rpt": "report", "rq": "real quick", "rr": "rest room", "rrb": "restroom break", "rsn": "real soon now", "rsp": "respawn", "rspct": "respect", "rsps": "Runescape Private Server", "RT": "retweet", "rta": "read the article", "rtard": "retard", "rtbq": "Read The Blinking Question", "rtf": "return the favor", "rtfa": "read the f**king article", "rtffp": "Read the f**king front page", "rtfm": "read the f**king manual", "rtfmfm": "read the f**king manual f**king moron", "rtfmm": "read the f**king manual moron", "rtfms": "Read The f**king Manual Stupid", "rtfp": "read the f**king post", "rtfq": "Read The f**king Question", "rtfs": "read the f**king summary", "rtfu": "Ready the f**k up", "rtg": "ready to go", "rtl": "report the loss", "rtm": "read the manual", "rtr": "Read the Rules", "rtry": "retry", "rts": "Real-time strategy", "ru": "are you", "ru18": "are you 18", "rua": "are you alone", "ruabog": "are you a boy or girl", "ruagoab": "are you a girl or a boy", "rubz2nt": "are you busy tonight", "rufkm": "are you f**king kidding me", "rugay": "are you gay", "rugta": "are you going to answer", "ruh": "are you horny", "ruk": "are you ok?", "rukm": "are you kidding me", "rul8": "Are you late", "rumf": "Are you male or female", "ruok": "are you ok?", "rur": "are you ready", "rut": "are you there", "ruwm": "are you watching me", "rwb": "Rich White b***h", "rys": "are you single", "ryt": "right", "ryte": "right", "*s*": "smile", "psl": "Pumpkin Spice Latte", "s'ok": "it's okay", "s'pose": "suppose", "s'up": "what is up", "s.i.n.g.l.e": "Stay intoxicated nightly, get laid everyday.", "s.i.t.": "stay in touch", "s.o.a.b.": "son of a b***h", "s.o.b.": "son of a b***h", "s.w.a.k.": "sealed with a kiss", "s/b": "should be", "s2a": "sent to all", "s2bu": "Sucks to be you", "s2g": "swear to god", "s2r": "send to receive", "s2u": "same to you", "s2us": "Speak to you soon", "s3x": "Sex.", "s4se": "Sight For Sore Eyes", "s8ter": "skater", "sab": "slap a b***h", "safm": "stay away from me", "sagn": "Spelling and Grammar Nazi", "sah": "sexy as hell", "sahm": "stay at home mom", "sase": "self addressed stamped envelope", "sbc": "sorry bout caps", "sbcg4ap": "strongbads cool game for attractive people", "sbd": "silent but deadly", "sblai": "stop babbaling like an idiot", "sbrd": "so bored", "sbs": "such bull s**t", "sbt": "sorry bout that", "Schl": "School", "scnr": "sorry, I couldn't resist", "scool": "school", "scrilla": "money", "scrt": "secret", "scurred": "scared", "sd": "suck d**k", "sde": "software defined environment", "sdf^": "shut da f**k up", "sdk": "Software Development Kit", "sdlc": "Software Development Life Cycle", "sec": "second", "secks": "sex", "secksea": "Sexy", "secksy": "sexy", "sed": "said", "see through your eyes": "stye", "seg": "s**t Eatin Grin", "seks": "sex", "sellin": "selling", "seo": "Search Engine Optimization", "serp": "search engine results page", "sexc": "sexy", "sexe": "sexy", "sexi": "Sexy", "sexii": "sexy", "sexilicious": "Very Sexy", "sexx0rz": "sex", "sez": "says", "sfam": "Sister from another mother", "sfao": "sorry for any offense", "sfe": "safe", "sfh": "So f**king Hot", "sfipmp": "so funny I peed my pants", "sfm": "so f**king much", "sfr": "so f**king random", "sfs": "so f**king stupid", "sfsg": "So far so good", "sftbc": "Sorry for the broad cast", "sfu": "shut the f**k up", "sfw": "safe for work", "sfwuz": "safe for work until zoomed", "sfy": "speak for yourself", "sfyl": "sorry for your loss", "sg": "so good", "sgb": "straight/gay/bisexual", "sgbadq": "Search google before asking dumb questions", "sgi": "Still got it", "sgtm": "sounds good to me", "sh": "s**t happens", "shag": "f**k", "shawty": "girl", "shd": "should", "shexi": "sexy", "shexy": "sexy", "shiat": "s**t", "shiet": "s**t", "shite": "s**t", "shiz": "s**t", "shizit": "s**t", "shiznat": "s**t", "shiznit": "s**t", "shizz": "s**t", "shizzle": "s**t", "shld": "should", "shmexy": "sexy", "shmily": "see how much i love you", "sho": "sure", "sho'nuff": "sure enough", "showin": "showing", "shr": "s**t happens right", "shrn": "so hot right now", "sht": "s**t", "shtf": "s**t hits the fan", "shud": "should", "shuddup": "Shut Up", "shup": "shut up", "shure": "sure", "shut^": "shut Up", "shwr": "shower", "shyat": "s**t", "shyt": "s**t", "siao": "school is almost over", "sibir": "sibling in room", "sic": "said in context", "sicl": "sitting in chair laughing", "sif": "as if", "sifn't": "as if not", "sig": "Signature", "siggy": "Signature", "silf": "Sister I'd Like To f**k", "simcl": "sitting in my chair laughing", "simclmao": "sitting in my chair laughing my ass off", "siol": "Shout It Out Loud", "sis": "sister", "sista": "Sister", "sitb": "sex in the but", "sitd": "Still in the dark", "sitmf": "say it to my face", "siu": "suck it up", "siuya": " shove it up your ass", "sk": "spawn kill", "sk8": "skate", "sk8er": "skater", "sk8ing": "Skating", "sk8r": "skater", "sk8ter": "skater", "sk8tr": "skater", "skb": "should know better", "sked": "schedule", "skeet": "ejaculate", "skewl": "school", "skhool": "school", "skillz": "skills", "skl": "School", "skool": "school", "skoul": "school", "sktr": "skater", "skwl": "school", "sl4n": "so long for now", "sleepin": "sleeping", "sleepn": "sleeping", "slf": "sexy little f**k", "slgb": "Straight/Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual", "slng": "slang", "slo": "slow", "slore": "s**tty w***e", "slos": "someone looking over shoulder", "slp": "sleep", "slt": "something like that", "sl^t": "s**t ", "sm": "social media", "sm1": "someone", "smb": "see my blog", "smbd": "suck my big d**k ", "smbt": "Suck my big toe", "smc": "suck my c**k", "smd": "suck my d**k", "smdb": "suck my d**k b***h", "smdvq": "suck my d**k quickly", "smeg": "f**k", "smexy": "sexy", "smf": "stupid motherf**ker", "smfd": "suck my f**king d**k", "smfpos": "stupid mother f**king piece of s**t", "smh": "shaking my head", "smhb": "suck my hairy balls", "smhid": "shaking my head in disgust", "smho": "Screaming My Head Off", "smithwaws": "Smack me in the head with a wooden spoon", "smofo": "stupid mother f**ker", "smst": "somebody missed snack time", "smt": "suck my tits", "smthin": "something", "Smthn": "Something ", "smthng": "something", "smtm": "sometime", "smto": "Sticking My Tongue Out", "smtoay": "Sticking my tongue out at you", "sn": "screen name", "snafu": "situation normal all f**ked up", "snafubar": "Situation Normal All f**ked Up Beyond Any Recognition", "snes": "Super Nintendo Entertainment System", "snew": "what's new", "snf": "so not fair", "snl": "Saturday Night Live", "snm": "say no more", "snog": "kiss", "snogged": "kissed", "soa": "service oriented architecture ", "soab": "son of a btch", "soad": "system of a down", "soafb": "son of a f**king b***h", "sob": "son of a b***h", "sobs": "same, old, boring s**t", "soc": "Same old crap", "soe": "service oriented enterprise", "sof": "smile on face", "sofas": "stepping out for a smoke", "sofs": "same old f**king s**t", "soi": "service oriented infrastructure", "sok": "It's ok", "sokay": "it's okay", "sol": "s**t outta luck", "som'm": "something", "som1": "someone", "somadn": "sitting on my ass doing nothing", "some1": "someone", "soml": "story of my life", "soo": "So", "soobs": "saggy boobs", "sool": "s**t out of luck", "sop": "same old place", "sorg": "Straight or Gay", "sorreh": "sorry", "sorta": "sort of", "sos": "same old s**t", "sosdd": "same old s**t, different day", "sosg": "spouse over shoulder gone", "sot": "suck on this", "sotc": "stupid off topic crap", "sotr": "sex on the road", "sow": "statement of work", "sowi": "sorry", "sowwy": "sorry", "soz": "sorry", "spk": "speak", "spk2ul8r": "Speak to you later", "sploits": "exploits", "sploitz": "exploits", "spos": "stupid peace of s**t", "sprm": "sperm", "sqtm": "snickering quietly to myself", "srch": "search", "srly": "seriously", "sroucks": "that's cool, but it still sucks", "srry": "sorry", "srs": "serious", "srsly": "seriously", "srvis": "Service", "sry": "sorry", "srynd2g": "sorry need to go", "srzly": "seriously", "ss": "screenshot", "ss4l": "smoking sista for life", "ssdd": "same s**t, different day", "ssdp": "same s**t different pile", "ssia": "subject says it all", "ssl": "secure sockets layer", "ssob": "stupid sons of b***hes", "ssry": "so sorry", "sssd": "Same s**t Same Day", "st": "Stop That", "st1": "stoned", "st8": "state", "stb": "soon to be", "stbm": "sucks to be me", "stbx": "soon to be ex", "stby": "sucks to be you", "std": "sexually transmitted disease", "steamloller": "Laughing. Alot.", "stfd": "sit the f**k down", "stff": "stuff", "stfm": "search the f**king manual", "stfng": "search the f**king news group", "stfu": "shut the f**k up", "stfua": "shut the f**k up already", "stfuah": "shut the f**k up a**h**e", "stfub": "shut the f**k up b***h", "stfuda": "Shut the f**k up dumb ass", "stfugbtw": "shut the f**k up and get back to work", "stfun": "Shut the f**k up n****r", "stfuogtfo": "Shut the f**k up or get the f**k out.", "stfuppercut": "shut the f**k up", "stfuyb": "shut the f**k up you b***h", "stfuysoab": "shut the f**k up you son of a b***h", "stfw": "search the f**king web", "stg": "swear to god", "sth": "something", "sthing": "something", "sthu": "shut the hell up", "stm": "smiling to myself", "stoopid": "stupid", "stpd": "stupid", "str8": "straight", "str8up": "straight up", "sts": "so to speak", "stsp": "Same Time Same Place", "stt": "Same time tomorrow", "stufu": "stupid f**ker", "stupd": "stupid", "stw": "share the wealth ", "stys": "speak to you soon", "su": "shut up", "sua": "see you at", "suabq": "shut up and be quiet", "suagooml": "shut up and get out of my life", "suagtw": "shut up and get to work", "Suiab": "See you in a bit", "suib": "shut up im busy", "suk": "suck", "suka": "Sucker", "sukz": "sucks", "sul": "see you later", "sum1": "someone", "sumfin": "Something", "summin": "something", "sumone": "someone", "sumthin'": "Something", "sumtin": "something", "sup": "what's up", "supa": "super", "supposably": "Supposedly", "sus": "see you soon", "susfu": "situation unchanged, still f**ked up", "sut": "see you tomorrow", "sutuct": "so you think you can type", "sux": "sucks", "sux0rz": "sucks", "sux2bu": "sucks to be you", "suxor": "Sucks", "suxors": "sucks", "suxorz": "sucks", "suxx": "sucks", "suxxor": "sucks", "suyah": "shut up you ass hole!", "svn": "seven", "svu": "special victims unit", "sw": "so what", "swafk": "sealed with a friendly kiss", "swak": "sealed with a kiss", "swakaah": "Sealed With A Kiss And A Hug", "swalk": "sealed with a loving kiss", "swf": "single white female", "swm": "single white male", "swmbo": "she who must be obeyed", "swmt": "Stop Wasting My Time ", "swp": "sorry wrong person", "swsw2b": "single when she wants to be", "swt": "sweet", "swtf": "seriously, what the f**k", "sx": "sex", "sxc": "sexy", "sxcy": "sexy", "sxe": "straight edge", "sxi": "sexy", "sxs": "sex", "sxy": "sexy", "sya": "See you again.", "syatp": "see you at the party", "sydim": "stick your d**k in me", "sydlm": "Shut your dirty little mouth", "sydm": "shut your damn mouth", "syfm": "shut your f**king mouth", "syiab": "see you in a bit", "syiaf": "see you in a few", "syl": "see you later", "syl8r": "see you later", "sym": "shut your mouth", "syoa": "Save Your Own Ass", "syotbf": "see you on the battlefield", "syrs": "see ya real soon", "sys": "see you soon", "sysop": "system operator", "syt": "see you there", "sytycd": "so you think you can dance ", "syu": "sex you up", "sz": "sorry", "SZN": "season", "Tsm": "Thanks so much", "dtg": "Days To Go", "t#3": "the", "t,ftfy": "there, fixed that for you", "t.t.y.l": "Talk To You Later", "t/a": "Try again", "t2b": "time to blunt", "t2m": "talk to me", "t2u": "talking to you", "t2ul": "talk to you later", "t2ul8r": "talk to you later", "T2YL": "Talk to You Later", "t3h": "the", "t4a": "thanks for asking", "t4m": "Transgender for Male", "t8st": "taste", "ta": "thanks again", "taci": "that's a crappy idea", "tafn": "That's all for now", "taht": "that", "tai": "think about it", "taig": "That's all I got. ", "tal": "thanks a lot", "talkin": "talking", "tanq": "thank you", "tanstaafl": "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch", "tard": "retard", "tarfu": "things are really f**ked up", "tat": "that", "tat2": "tattoo", "tau": "thinking about you", "taunch": "te amo un chingo", "taw": "Teachers are Watching", "tay": "thinking about you", "tb": "text back", "tb4u": "too bad for you", "tba": "to be anounced", "tbc": "To be continued", "tbd": "to be decided", "tbf": "to be fair", "tbfh": "to be f**king honest", "tbfu": "too bad for you", "tbh": "to be honest", "tbhimo": "to be honest in my opinion", "tbhwu": "To be honest with you", "tbnt": "thanks but no thanks", "tbp": "The Pirate Bay", "tbpfh": "To be perfectly f**king honest", "tbph": "To be perfectly honest", "tbqf": "to be quite frank", "tbqh": "to be quite honest", "tbss": "too bad so sad", "tbt": "throwback thursday", "tbtfh": "to be totally freaking honest", "tbvh": "to be very honest", "tbya": "think before you act", "tc": "take care", "tcfc": "Too Close For Comfort", "tcfm": "too cool for me", "tcg": "Trading Card Game", "tchbo": "Topic creater has been owned", "tcial": "The cake is a lie", "tcoy": "take care of yourself", "tcp": "transmission control protocol", "tcp/ip": "transmission control protocol/internet protocol", "td2m": "talk dirty to me", "tddup": "till death do us part", "tdf": "To Die For", "tdl": "Too Damn Lazy", "tdtm": "Talk Dirty To Me", "tdtml": "talk dirty to me later", "tdwdtg": "The Devil Went Down To Georgia", "te": "Team effort", "teh": "the", "teotwawki": "the end of the world as we know it", "terd": "s**t", "tf2": "Team Fortress 2", "tfa": "the f**king article", "tfb": "time for bed", "tfbundy": "totaly f**ked but unfortunatly not dead yet", "tfc": "Team Fortress Classic", "tfd": "total f**king disaster", "tff": "That's f**king Funny", "tfft": "thank f**k for that", "tffw": "Too funny for words", "tfh": "Thread from hell", "tfic": "Tongue Firmly In Cheek", "tfiik": "the f**k if i know", "tfl": "Thanks For Looking", "tfln": "thanx for last night", "tfm": "too f**king much", "tfs": "thanks for sharing", "tfta": "thanks for the add", "tfti": "thanks for the information", "tfu": "that's f**ked up", "tfu2baw": "time for you to buy a watch", "tfw": "that feeling when", "tg": "thank god", "tgfe": "together forever", "tgfitw": "The Greatest Fans In The World", "tgft": "thank god for that", "tgfu": "too good for you", "tgfuap": "thank god for unanswered prayers", "tghig": "thank god husband is gone", "tgif": "thank god it's friday", "tgiff": "thank god its f**king Friday", "tgis": "thank god it's saturday", "tgiwjo": "Thank God It Was Just Once", "tgsttttptct": "thank God someone took the time to put this crap together", "tgtbt": "Too Good To Be True", "tgwig": "thank god wife is gone", "tgws": "that goes without saying", "th4nk5": "Thanks", "tha": "the", "thankies": "Thank You", "thankx": "thank you", "thanq": "thank you", "thanx": "thank you", "thar": "there", "thatz": "that's", "thku": "thank you", "thn": "then", "thnk": "think", "thnx": "thanks", "tho": "though", "thot": "the hoe of today", "thr": "there", "thr4": "therefore", "thru": "through", "tht": "that", "thwdi": "thats how we do it", "thwy": "the hell with you!", "thx": "thank you", "thxx": "thanks", "thz": "thank you", "ti2o": "that is too obious", "tia": "thanks in advance", "tiafayh": "Thanks in advance for all your help", "tiai": "take it all in", "tias": "Try It And See", "tiatwtcc": "this is a trap word to catch copiers", "tif": "this is fun", "tif2m": "this is f**king 2 much", "tifs": "this is funny s**t", "tifu": "that is f**ked up", "tigger": "tiger", "tiic": "the idiots in control", "til": "until", "tilf": "Teenager I'd Like To f**k", "tinf": "this is not fair", "tinla": "this is not legal advice", "tinstaafl": "There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch", "tioli": "take it or leave it", "tis": "is", "tisc": "that is so cool", "tisfu": "that is so f**ked up", "tisg": "this is so gay", "tisly": "that is so last year", "tisnf": "that is so not fair", "tiss": "This is some s**t", "tisw": "that is so wrong", "tiw": "teacher is watching", "tix": "tickets", "tjb": "thats just boring", "tk": "team kill", "tk2ul": "talk to you later", "tkd": "Tae Kwon Do", "tker": "team killer", "tks": "thanks", "tku": "thank you", "tl": "Tough Luck", "tl,dr": "Too long; didn't read", "tl8r": "talk later", "tl:dr": "Too Long; Didn't Read", "tl; dr": "To Long; Didn't read", "tl;dr": "too long; didn't read", "tla": "Three Letter Acronym", "tlc": "tender loving care", "tld": "told", "tldnr": "too long, did not read", "tldr": "Too long, didn't read.", "tlgo": "The list goes on", "tliwwv": "this link is worthless without video", "tlk": "talk", "tlk2me": "talk to me", "tlk2ul8r": "talk to you later", "tlkin": "talking", "tlkn": "talking", "tltpr": "Too long to proof read.", "tlyk": "to let you know", "tma": "take my advice", "tmaai": "tell me all about it", "tmai": "tell me about it", "tmbi": "tell me about it", "tmi": "too much information", "tmk": "to my knowledge", "tml": "tell me later", "tmmrw": "tomorrow", "tmnt": "teenage mutant ninja turtles", "tmo": "take me out", "tmoro": "tomorrow", "tmoz": "tomorrow", "tmp": "Text my phone", "tmr": "tomorrow", "tmrrw": "tomorrow", "tmrw": "Tomorrow", "tmrz": "tomorrow", "tms": "that makes sense", "tmsaisti": "That's my story and I'm sticking to it.", "tmsg": "tell me something good", "tmsidk": "tell me somthing I don't know", "tmth": "too much to handle", "tmtmo": "text me tomorrow", "tmtoyh": "Too Much Time On Your Hands", "tmtt": "tell me the truth", "tmw": "Too much work", "tmwfi": "Take my word for it", "tmz": "tomorrow", "tn1": "trust no-one", "tna": "tits and ass", "tnc": "totally not cool", "tnf": "That's Not Funny", "tnlnsl": "Took nothing left nothing signed log", "tnmp": "Totally not my problem", "tnomb": "that's none of my business", "tnx": "thanks", "tnxz": "thanks", "tob": "teacher over back", "tofy": "Thinking of You", "togtfooh": "tits or get the f**k out of here", "toh": "typing one handed", "tok": "That's ok", "tok2ul8r": "i'll talk to you later", "tolol": "thinking of laughing out loud", "tomm": "tommorow", "tomoro": "tommorrow", "tomorrow": "2moro", "tomoz": "tomorrow", "tonite": "tonight", "tos": "terms of service", "totd": "tip of the day", "totes": "totally", "totl": "total", "totm": "top of the morning", "totp": "talking on the phone", "totpd": "top of the page dance", "tou": "thinking of you", "toya": "thinking of you always", "tp": "toilet paper", "tpb": "the pirate bay", "tpf": "that's pretty funny ", "tpiwwp": "this post is worthless without pictures", "tps": "test procedure specification", "tptb": "the powers that be", "tq": "Thank You", "trani": "transexual", "tranny": "Transexual", "trble": "trouble", "trd": "tired", "trnsl8": "translate", "trnsltr": "translator", "troll": "person who diliberately stirs up trouble", "tru": "true", "ts": "talking s**t", "tsc": "that's so cool", "tsff": "thats so f**kin funny", "tsig": "that site is gay", "tsl": "The single life", "tsnf": "that's so not fair", "tss": "That's so sweet", "tstoac": "too stupid to own a computer", "tswc": "tell someone who cares", "tt4n": "ta ta for now", "ttbc": "Try to be cool", "ttbomk": "to the best o fmy knowledge", "ttc": "text the cell", "ttf": "that\\'s too funny", "ttfaf": "Through the Fire and Flames", "ttfn": "ta ta for now", "ttg": "Time to go", "tthb": "try to hurry back", "ttihlic": "try to imagine how little i care", "ttiuwiop": "this thread is useless without pics", "ttiuwop": "this thread is useless without pics", "ttiuwp": "This Thread Is Useless Without Pictures", "ttiwwop": "This thread is worthless without pics", "ttiwwp": "this thread is worthless without pics", "ttl": "total", "ttlly": "totally", "ttly": "totally", "ttm": "talk to me", "ttml": "talk to me later", "ttmn": "Talk to me now", "ttms": "talking to myself", "ttr": "time to run", "ttrf": "That's the rules, f**ker", "tts": "text to speech", "ttt": "to the top", "ttth": "Talk To The Hand", "tttt": "to tell the truth", "ttul": "Talk To You Later", "ttul8r": "Talk to you later", "ttus": "talk to you soon", "ttut": "Talk to you Tomorrow", "ttutt": "to tell you the truth", "tty": "Talk to You", "ttya": "Thanks to you all", "ttyab": "Talk to you after breakfast", "ttyad": "Talk to you after Dinner", "ttyal": "Talk to you after lunch", "ttyas": "talk to you at school", "ttyiam": "talk to you in a minute", "ttyitm": "talk to you in the morning", "ttyl": "talk to you later", "ttyl2": "Talk to you later too", "ttyl8r": "talk to you later", "ttylo": "talk to you later on", "ttylt": "talk to you later today", "ttyn": "talk to you never", "ttyna": "talk to you never again", "ttynl": "talk to you never loser", "ttynw": "talk to you next week", "ttyo": "talk to you online", "ttyob": "tend to your own business", "ttyotp": "talk to you on the phone", "ttyrs": "talk to you really soon", "ttys": "talk to you soon", "ttyt": "talk to you tomorrow", "ttytm": "talk to you tomorrow", "ttytt": "to tell you the truth", "ttyw": "talk to you whenever", "ttywl": "Talk to you way later", "tu": "thank you", "tuff": "tough", "tuh": "to", "tul": "text you later", "tut": "take your time", "tuvm": "thank you very much", "tv": "television", "tvm": "thanks very much", "tw": "Teacher Watching", "twajs": "That was a joke, son.", "twat": "vagina", "twbc": "that would be cool", "twdah": "that was dumb as hell", "twf": "That was funny", "twfaf": "thats what friends are for", "twg": "That was great", "twi": "Texting While Intoxicated", "twis": "that's what I said", "twoh": "typing with one hand", "tws2wa": "That was so 2 weeks ago", "twss": "That's what she said", "twsy": "That was so yeterday", "twttr": "twitter", "twvsoy": "that was very stupid of you", "twyl": "Talk With You Later", "twys": "Talk With You Soon", "tx": "thanks", "txs": "thanks", "txt": "text", "txting": "texting", "txtyl": "text you later", "ty": "thank you", "tyclos": "turn your CAPS LOCK off, stupid", "tyfi": "Thank You for invite", "tyfn": "thank you for nothing", "tyfyc": "Thank You For Your Comment", "tyfyt": "Thank you for your time", "tyl": "text you later", "tym": "time", "tyme": "time", "typ": "thank you partner", "typo": "typing mistake", "tyred": "tired", "tys": "Told You So", "tysfm": "thank you so f**king much", "tysm": "thank you so much", "tysvm": "thank you so very much", "tyt": "take your time", "tyto": "take your top off", "tyty": "thank you thank you", "tyvm": "Thank You Very Much", "tyvvm": "thank you very very much", "wt": "what", "Muh": "My", "u": "you", "u iz a 304": "you is a hoe", "u'd": "you would", "u'll": "you will", "u'r": "you're", "u'v": "you have", "u've": "You've", "u/l": "upload", "u/n": "username", "u2": "You too", "u2c": "unable to contact", "u2u": "up to you", "u4i": "up for it", "ua": "user agreement", "uaaaa": "Universal Association Against Acronym Abuse", "uat": "User Acceptance Testing", "uayor": "Use At Your Own Risk", "ub3r": "super", "uber": "over", "uctaodnt": "you can't teach an old dog new tricks", "udc": "you don't care", "udcbm": "You Don't Care About Me", "udek": "you don't even know", "uds": "you dumb s**t", "udwk": "you don't want to know", "udy": "you done yet", "ufab": "ugly fat ass b***h", "ufia": "unsolicited finger in the anus", "UFIC": "Unsolicited Finger in Chili", "ufmf": "you funny mother f**ker", "ufr": "Upon further review", "ugba": "you gay b***h ass", "ugtr": "you got that right", "uhab": "you have a blog", "uhems": "you hardly ever make sense", "ui": "User Interface", "ujds": "u just did s**t", "ukr": "You know right", "ukwim": "you know what i mean", "ul": "unlucky", "ulbom": "you looked better on myspace", "umfriend": "sexual partner", "un2bo": "you need to back off", "un4rtun8ly": "unfortunately", "unt": "until next time", "uom": "You owe me", "upcia": "unsolicited pool cue in anus", "upia": "unsolicited pencil in anus", "upmo": "You piss me off", "upos": "you piece of s**t", "upw": "unidentified party wound", "ur": "your", "ur2g": "you are too good", "ur6c": "you're sexy", "ura": "you are a", "uradrk": "you're a dork", "urafb": "you are a f**king b***h", "uraqt": "you are a cutie", "urcrzy": "you are crazy", "ure": "you are", "urg": "you are gay", "urht": "you're hot", "url": "Uniform Resource Locator", "url8": "you are late", "urms": "you rock my socks", "urmw": "you are my world", "urnc": "you are not cool", "urng2bt": "You are not going to believe this ", "urs": "yours", "ursab": "you are such a b***h", "ursdf": "you are so damn fine", "Urself": "Yourself", "ursg": "you are so gay", "ursh": "you are so hot", "urssb": "you are so sexy baby", "urstpid": "you are stupid", "urstu": "you are stupid", "urtb": "you are the best", "urtbitw": "You are the best in the world!", "urtrd": "you retard", "urtw": "you are the worst", "urw": "you are weird", "uryyfm": "you are too wise for me", "usa": "United States of America", "usck": "you suck", "usd": "United States Dollar", "ussr": "The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics", "usuk": "You Suck", "usux": "you suck", "ut": "you there", "uta": "up the ass", "utfs": "Use the f**king search", "utfse": "use the f**king search engine", "utm": "you tell me", "uttm": " you talking to me?", "utube": "youtube", "utw": "used to work", "uty": "it's up to you", "uve": "You've", "uvgtbsm": "you have got to be shiting me", "uw": "you're welcome", "uwc": "you are welcome", "uya": "up your ass", "uyab": "up your ass b***h", "wuta": "what you talking about", "v4g1n4": "vagina", "vag": "vagina", "vajayjay": "vagina", "vb": "visual basic", "vbeg": "very big evil grin", "vbg": "very big grin", "vf": "very funny", "vfe": "Virgins 4 ever", "vff": "Verry f**king Funny", "vfm": "value for money", "vgg": "very good game", "vgh": "Very good hand", "vgl": "very good looking", "vgn": "Video Game Nerd", "vid": "Video", "vids": "Videos", "vip": "very important person", "vleo": "Very Low Earth Orbit", "vlog": "video log", "vn": "very nice", "vnc": "Virtual Network Computing", "vnh": "Very nice hand", "voip": "voice over ip", "vrsty": "Varsity", "vry": "very", "vs": "versus", "vwd": "very well done", "vweg": "very wicked evil grin", "vzit": "visit", "vzn": "verizon", "swswta": "so what should we talk about", "w'sup": "what's up", "w.b.s.": "Write Back Soon", "w.e": "Whatever", "w.e.": "whatever", "w.o.w": "World of Warcraft", "w.o.w.": "world of warcraft", "w/": "with", "w/b": "write back", "w/e": "whatever", "w/end": "weekend", "w/eva": "whatever", "w/o": "with out", "w/out": "without", "w/u": "with you", "w00t": "woohoo", "w012d": "word", "w2d": "what to do", "w2f": "want to f**k", "w2g": "Way to go", "w2ho": "want to hang out", "w2m": "want to meet", "w33d": "weed", "w8": "wait", "w8am": "wait a minute", "w8ing": "waiting", "w8n": "waiting", "w8t4me": "wait for me", "w8ter": "waiter", "w911": "Wife in room", "wab": "what a b***h", "wad": "without a doubt", "wad ^": "what's up?", "wadr": "with all due respect", "wadzup": "What's up?", "waf": "weird as f**k", "wafda": "What a f**king Dumb Ass", "wafl": "what a f**king loser", "wafm": "wait a f**king minute", "wafn": "what a f**ken noob", "wai": "what an idiot", "waiotc": "why am I on this chat", "waloc": "what a load of crap", "walstib": "what a long strange trip it's been", "wam": "wait a minute", "wamh": "with all my heart", "wan2tlk": "Want to talk", "wana": "want to", "wanafuk": "wanna f**k", "wanker": "masturbater", "wanking": "Masturbating", "wanna": "want to", "wansta": "wanna be ganster", "wap": "wet ass p***y", "warez": "illegally obtained software", "wassup": "what's up?", "wasup": "What's Up", "was^": "What's Up", "wat": "what", "wat's^": "Whats Up", "watcha": "what are you", "watev": "whatever", "wateva": "whatever ", "watevr": "whatever", "watevs": "whatever", "watp": "We Are The People", "wats": "whats", "wats ^": "whats up", "wats^": "what's up?", "watz ^": "What's up", "wau": "what about you", "Waud": "What are you doing ", "waug": "Where are you going", "wauw": "what are you wearing", "wau^2": "what are you up to?", "waw": "what a w***e", "waycb": "when are you coming back", "wayd": "what are you doing", "waydt": "What are you doing tonight", "waygow": "who are you going out with", "wayh": "why are you here", "wayn": "Where Are You Now", "waysttm": "why are you still talking to me", "waysw": "Why are you so weird", "wayt": "What are you thinking?", "wayta": "what are you talking about", "wayut": "what are you up to", "waz": "what is", "waz ^": "what's up", "wazz": "what's", "wazza": "what's up", "wazzed": "drunk", "wazzup": "what's up", "waz^": "what's up?", "wb": "welcome back", "wbagnfarb": "would be a good name for a rock band", "wbb": "will be back", "wbbs": "will be back soon", "wbk": "Welcome Back", "wbp": "Welcome Back Partner", "wbrb": "Will be right back", "wbs": "write back soon", "wbu": "what about you", "wby": "what about you", "wc": "who cares", "wc3": "Warcraft III", "wcb": "welcome back", "wcm": "Women Crush Monday", "wcutm": "what can you tell me", "wcw": "webcam w***e", "wd": "well done", "wdf": "Worth Dying For", "wdhlm": "why doesnt he love me?", "wdidn": "what do i do now", "wdim": "What Did I miss", "wdk": "We Don't Know", "wdtm": "what does that mean", "wduc": "what do you care", "wdug": "where did you go", "wdum": "what do you mean", "wdus": "What Did You Say", "wdut": "what do you think?", "wdutom": "what do you think of me", "wduw": "what do you want", "wduwta": "what do you wanna talk about", "wduwtta": "what do you want to talk about", "wdwdn": "what do we do now", "wdwgw": "where did we go wrong", "wdya": "why do you ask", "wdydt": "why do you do that", "wdye": "What do you expect", "wdyl": "who do you like", "wdym": "what do you mean", "wdys": "What did you say", "wdyt": "what do you think", "wdytia": "who do you think i am?", "wdyw": "what do you want", "wdywd": "what do you want to do?", "wdywta": "what do you wanna talk about", "wdywtd": "what do you want to do", "wdywtdt": "Why Do You Want To Do That?", "wdywtta": "what do you want to talk about", "webby": "webcam", "weg": "wicked evil grin", "welc": "welcome", "wen": "when", "werkz": "works", "wev": "Whatever", "weve": "what ever", "wevr": "whatever", "wfh": "Working From Home", "wfhw": "what's for homework", "wfm": "Works For Me", "wfyb": "whatever floats your boat", "wg": "wicked gril", "wgac": "who gives a crap", "wgaf": "Who gives a f**k", "wgas": "who gives a s**t", "wgasa": "who gives a s**t anyway", "wgo": "what's going on", "wgph2": "Want to go play Halo 2?", "wha": "what?", "whaddya": "what do you", "whaletail": "thong", "whatcha": "what are you", "whatev": "whatever", "whatevs": "whatever", "whats ^": "whats up", "what^": "what's up?", "whenevs": "whenever", "whevah": "where ever", "whever": "whatever", "whf": "Wanna have fun?", "whit": "with", "whodi": "friend", "whr": "where", "whs": "wanna have sex", "wht": "What", "whteva": "what ever", "whteve": "whatever", "whtever": "whatever", "whtevr": "whatever", "whtvr": "whatever", "wht^": "what up", "whubu2": "what have you been up to", "whubut": "what have you been up to", "whut": "what", "whyb": "where have you been", "whyd": "What Have You Done", "wid": "with", "widout": "without", "wieu2": "What Is Everyone Up To", "wif": "With", "wiid": "what if i did", "wilco": "will comply", "winnar": "winner", "wio": "without", "wip": "Work In progress", "wit": "with", "witcha": "with you", "witfp": "What is the f**king point", "witu": "with you", "witw": "what in the world", "witwct": "What is the world coming too", "witwu": "who is there with you", "witwwyt": "what in the world were you thinking", "wiu": "What is up?", "wiuwu": "what is up with you", "wiv": "with", "wiw": "wife is watching", "wiwhu": "wish I was holding you", "wiwt": "wish i was there ", "wiyp": "what is your problem", "wjwd": "What Jesus Would Do", "wk": "week", "wkd": "wicked", "wkend": "weekend", "wl": "will", "wlc": "welcome", "wlcb": "welcome back", "wlcm": "welcome", "wld": "would", "wlkd": "walked", "wlos": "wife looking over Shoulder", "wltm": "would like to meet", "wmao": "working my ass off", "wmd": "Weapons Of Mass Destruction", "wmgl": "wish me good luck", "wml": "Wish Me Luck", "wmts": "we must talk soon", "wmyb": "What Makes You Beautiful", "wmytic": "What makes you think I care", "wn": "when", "wna": "want to", "wnkr": "wanker", "wnrn": "why not right now", "wnt": "want", "wntd": "what not to do", "woa": "word of advice", "woc": "welcome on cam", "wochit": "watch it", "woe": "what on earth", "woft": "Waste of f**king time", "wogge": "what on god's green earth?", "wogs": "waste of good sperm", "wolo": "we only live once", "wom": "word of mouth", "wombat": "waste of money, brains, and time", "woot": "woohoo", "wos": "Waste of space", "wot": "what", "wotevs": "whatever", "wotv": "What's on Television?", "wotw": "word of the week", "woum": "what's on your mind", "wowzers": "wow", "woz": "was", "wp": "wrong person", "wpe": "worst president ever (Bush)", "wrd": "word", "wrdo": "weirdo", "wrgad": "who really gives a damn", "wrgaf": "Who really gives a f**k?", "wrk": "work", "wrm": "which reminds me", "wrng": "wrong", "wrt": "with regard to", "wrtg": "writing", "wrthls": "Worthless", "wru": "where are you", "wrud": "what are you doing", "wruf": "where are you from", "wruu2": "what are you up to", "wryd": "what are you doing", "wsb": "wanna cyber?", "wsf": "we should f**k", "wshtf": "when s**t hits the fan", "wsi": "why should I", "wsibt": "when should i be there", "wsidi": "Why Should I Do It", "wsop": "world series of poker", "wswta": "What shall we talk about?", "wtaf": "What the actual f**k", "wtb": "Want to buy", "wtbd": "what's the big deal", "wtbh": "What the bloody hell", "wtc": "what the crap", "wtcf": "what the crazy f**k", "wtd": "what the deuce", "wtf": "what the f**k", "wtfaud": "what the f**k are you doing?", "wtfay": "who the f**k are you", "wtfayd": "what the f**k are you doing", "wtfayt": "why the f**k are you talking", "wtfayta": "What the f**k are you talking about?", "wtfb": "what the f**k b***h", "wtfbs": "What the f**k bull s**t", "wtfc": "Who The f**k Cares", "wtfdik": "what the f**k do i know", "wtfdtm": "What the f**k does that mean ", "wtfdum": "what the f**k do you mean", "wtfduw": "What the f**k do you want?", "wtfdym": "what the f**k do you mean", "wtfdyw": "what the f**k do you want", "wtfe": "What The f**k Ever", "wtfever": "what the f**k ever", "wtfg": "What the f**king god", "wtfh": "what the f**king hell", "wtfhb": "what the f**king hell b***h", "wtfhwt": "what the f**king hell was that", "wtfigo": "what the f**k is going on", "wtfigoh": "what the f**k is going on here", "wtfit": "what the f**k is that", "wtfits": "what the f**k is this s**t", "wtfiu": "what the f**k is up", "wtfiup": "what the f**k is your problem", "wtfiuwy": "what the f**k is up with you", "wtfiwwu": "what the f**k is wrong with you", "wtfiwwy": "what the f**k is wrong with you", "wtfiyp": "what the f**k is your problem", "wtfm": "what the f**k, mate?", "wtfmf": "what the f**k mother f**ker", "wtfo": "what the f**k over", "wtfru": "what the f**k are you", "wtfrud": "What the f**k are you doing?", "wtfrudng": "what the f**k are you doing", "wtfrudoin": "what the f**k are you doing", "wtfruo": "what the f**k are you on?", "wtfruttd": "what the f**k are you trying to do", "wtfs": "what the f**king s**t?", "wtfuah": "what the f**k you a**h**e", "wtful": "What the f**k you loser", "wtfwjd": "what the f**k would jesus do", "wtfwt": "what the f**k was that", "wtfwtd": "what the f**k was that dude", "wtfwtf": "what the f**k was that for?", "Wtfwydt": "Why the f**k would you do that", "wtfya": "what the f**k you a**h**e", "wtfyb": "what the f**k you b***h", "wtg": "way to go", "wtgds": "way to go dumb s**t", "wtgp": "Want to go Private", "wth": "what the heck", "wtharud": "what the heck are you doing", "wthau": "who the hell are you", "wthauwf": "what the hell are you waiting for", "wthay": "who the hell are you", "wthayd": "what the heck are you doing", "wthaydwmgf": "what the hell are you doing with my girlfriend", "wthdyd": "what the hell did you do", "wthdydt": "why the hell did you do that", "wthhyb": "where the hell have you been?", "wthigo": "what the hell is going on", "wthiwwu": "What the hell is wrong with you", "wtho": "want to hang out?", "wthru": "Who the heck are you", "wthrud": "what the hell are you doing?", "wths": "want to have sex", "wthswm": "want to have sex with me", "wthwt": "what the hell was that?", "wthwut": "what the hell were you thinking", "wthyi": "what the hell you idiot", "wtii": "what time is it", "wtiiot": "What time is it over there?", "wtiiwua": "what time is it where you are", "wtityb": "whatever, tell it to your blog", "wtly": "Welcome to last year", "wtmf": "what the mother f**k", "wtmfh": "what the mother f**king hell", "wtmi": "way too much information", "wtmtr": "what's the matter", "wtp": "where's the party", "WTPR": "Want to play Roblox", "wtrud": "what are you doing", "wts": "want to sell", "wtt": "want to trade", "wttp": "want to trade pictures?", "wtv": "Whatever", "wtva": "whatever", "wtvr": "whatever", "wtwm": "what time are we meeting?", "wtwr": "well that was random", "wu": "what's up?", "wu2kilu": "want you to know I love you", "wub": "love", "wubmgf": "Will You Be My Girlfriend?", "wubu2": "what you been up to", "wubut": "what you been up too", "WUCIWUG": "what you see is what you get", "wud": "would", "wudev": "Whatever", "wudn": "what you doing now", "wufa": "where you from again", "wugowm": "will you go out with me", "wula": "what you looking at?", "wuld": "would", "wuny": "wait until next year", "wussup": "What is up?", "wut": "what", "wutb": "What are you talking about", "wutcha": "What are you", "wuteva": "whatever", "wutevr": "what ever", "wuts": "what is", "wutup": "What's Up", "wuu2": "what you up to", "wuu22m": "what you up to tomorrow", "wuut": "what you up to", "wuv": "love", "wuwh": "Wish you were here", "wuwt": "what's up with that", "wuwta": "what do you want to talk about", "wuwtab": "what do you want to talk about", "wuwtb": "what do you want to talk about", "wuwtta": "what you want to talk about", "wuwttb": "What you want to talk about ", "wuwu": "what up with you", "wuz": "was", "wuza": "what's up", "wuzup": "what's up", "WW2": "World War 2", "wwc": "who would care", "wwcnd": "What would Chuck Norris do", "wwdhd": "What would David Hasselhoff do", "wwe": "World Wrestling Entertainment", "wwgf": "when we gonna f**k", "wwhw": "when where how why", "wwikt": "why would i know that", "wwjd": "what would jesus do?", "wwt": "what was that", "wwtf": "what was that for", "wwudtm": "what would you do to me", "wwut": "what were you thinking", "www": "world wide web", "wwwu": "whats wrong with you", "wwwy": "what's wrong with you", "wwy": "where were you", "wwycm": "when will you call me", "wwyd": "what would you do?", "wwyd2m": "what would you do to me", "wwygac": "write when you get a chance", "wwyt": "What were you thinking", "wy": "Why?", "wyas": "wow you are stupid", "wyatb": "wish you all the best", "wyauimg": "Why you all up in my grill?", "wyb": "Watch your back", "wybts": "were you born this sexy", "wyc": "will you come", "wycm": "Will You Call Me", "wyd": "what are you doing", "Wydt": "What you doing there", "wyg": "will you go", "wygac": "when you get a chance", "wygam": "When you get a minute", "wygowm": "Will you go out with me", "wygwm": "will you go with me", "wyhi": "Would You Hit It?", "wyhswm": "would you have sex with me", "wylion": "whether you like it or not", "wyltk": "wouldn't you like to know", "wylym": "Watch Your Language Young Man", "wym": "What You Mean?", "wymm": "will you marry me", "wyn": "What's your name", "wyp": "what's your problem?", "wypsu": "will you please shut up", "wys": "wow you're stupid", "wysiayg": "what you see is all you get", "wysitwirl": "what you see is totally worthless in real life", "wysiwyg": "what you see is what you get", "Wyut": "What you up to", "wyw": "What You Want", "wywh": "wish you were here", "wywo": "while you were out", "w\\e": "whatever", "txtms": "text me soon", "x treme": "extreme", "xb36t": "Xbox 360", "xbf": "ex-boyfriend", "xbl": "xbox live", "xcept": "except", "xcpt": "except", "xd": "extreme droll", "xellent": "excellent", "xfer": "transfer", "xgf": "exgirlfriend", "xing": "crossing", "xit": "Exit", "xl": "extra large", "xlnt": "Excellent", "xmas": "christmas", "xmpl": "example", "xoac": "Christ on a crutch", "xor": "hacker", "xover": "crossover", "xox": "hugs and kisses", "xoxo": "hugs and kisses", "xp": "experience", "xpect": "expect", "xplaned": "explained", "xpt": "except", "xroads": "crossroads", "xs": "excess", "xtc": "ecstasy", "xtra": "extra", "xtreme": "extreme", "xyz": "examine your zipper", "xyzpdq": "Examine Your Zipper Pretty Darn Quick", "aygs": "are you going somewhere", "AYOR": "At Your Own Risk", "LYMYWY": "Love You, Miss You, Want You", "syn": "See you never", "Wygf": "What You Going For", "y": "why", "y w": "you're welcome", "y!a": "yahoo answers", "y'all": "you all", "y/n": "yes or no", "y/o": "Years Old", "y00": "you", "y2b": "Youtube", "y2k": "year 2000", "ya": "yeah", "yaab": "You are a b***h ", "yaaf": "you are a f**", "yaafm": "You Are A f**king Moron", "yaagf": "you are a good friend", "yaai": "You are an idiot", "yaf": "you're a f**", "yafi": "you're a f**king idiot", "yag": "you are gay", "yall": "you all", "yapa": "yet another pointless acronym", "yaqw": "You are quite welcome", "yarly": "yeah really", "yas": "you are stupid", "yasan": "You are such a nerd", "yasf": "you are so funny", "yasfg": "you are so f**king gay", "yasg": "you are so gay", "yasw": "you are so weird", "yatb": "you are the best", "yatwl": "you are the weakest link", "yaw": "you are welcome", "yayo": "cocaine", "ybbg": "Your Brother By Grace", "ybs": "you'll be sorry", "ybya": "you bet your ass", "ycliu": "You could look it up", "ycmtsu": "You Can't Make This s**t Up", "ycntu": "Why Cant You?", "yctwuw": "you can think what you want", "ydpos": "you dumb piece of s**t", "ydtm": "You're dead to me", "ydufc": "Why do f**king care?", "yduwtk": "why do you want to know", "ye": "yeah", "yea": "yeah", "yeh": "yes", "yer": "you're", "yermom": "your mother", "yesh": "yes", "yew": "you", "yfb": "you f**king b*****d", "yfg": "you're f**king gay", "yfi": "you f**king idiot", "ygg": "you go girl", "ygm": "You Got Mail", "ygp": "you got punked!", "ygpm": "you've got a private message", "ygrr": "you got rick rolled", "ygtbfkm": "you've got to be f**king kidding me", "ygtbk": "you've got to be kidding", "ygtbkm": "you got to be kidding me", "ygtbsm": "You've got to be shitting me", "ygtsr": "you got that s**t right", "yh": "yeah", "yhbt": "you've been trolled", "yhew": "you", "yhf": "you have failed", "yhgtbsm": "You Have Got To Be Shitting Me", "yhl": "you have lost", "yhm": "You have mail", "yhni": "you have no idea", "yhpm": "you have a private messge", "yhtbt": "You Had To Be There", "yid": "yes, I do", "yim": "yahoo instant messenger", "yiwtgo": "Yes, I want to go private", "yk": "you kidding", "yki": "You know it", "ykisa": "Your knight in shining armor", "ykm": "You're killing me", "ykn": "you know nothing", "yktd": "you know the drill", "ykw": "You Know What", "ykwim": "you know what I mean", "ykwiw": "You Know What I Want", "ykwya": "you know who you are", "ykywywm": "you know you wish you were me", "ylb": "you little b***h", "ym": "your mom", "ymbg": "you must be guessing", "ymbkm": "you must be kidding me", "yme": "why me", "ymfp": "Your Most Favorite Person", "ymg2c": "your mom goes to college", "ymgtc": "Your Mom Goes To college", "ymiaw": "your mom is a w***e", "ymislidi": "you make it sound like i did it", "ymmd": "You Made My Day", "ymmv": "your mileage may vary", "ymrasu": "Yes, My Retarded Ass Signed Up", "yn": "why not", "yng": "young", "ynk": "you never know", "ynm": "yes, no, maybe", "ynt": "why not", "ynw": "you know what", "yo": "year old", "yo'": "your", "yodo": "you only die once", "yolo": "you only live once", "yolt": "you only live twice", "yomank": "you owe me a new keyboard", "yooh": "you", "yor": "your", "youngin": "young person", "yoy": "why oh why", "ypmf": "you pissed me off", "ypmo": "you piss me off", "ypom": "your place or mine", "yqw": "you're quite welcome", "yr": "year", "yrbk": "Yearbook", "yrms": "You Rock My Socks", "yrs": "years", "yrsaf": "You Are Such A Fool ", "yrsm": "you really scare me", "yrss": "you are so sexy", "yru": "why are you?", "yrubm": "why are you bugging me?", "yrusm": "Why are you so mean", "ys": "you suck", "ysa": "You Suck Ass", "ysal": "you suck at life", "ysati": "you suck at the internet", "ysf": "you stupid f**k", "ysic": "why should I care", "ysitm": "your shirt is too small", "ysk": "you should know", "ysm": "you scare me", "ysoab": "You son of a b***h", "yss": "you stupid s**t", "Ystrdy": "Yesterday", "yswnt": "why sleep when not tired?", "yt": "You there?", "ytd": "year to date", "ytf": "why the f**k", "ytfwudt": "why the f**k would you do that?", "ythwudt": "Why the hell would you do that", "ytis": "You think I'm special?", "ytm": "you tell me", "ytmnd": "You're the man now, dog!", "yty": "why thank you", "yu": "You", "yua": "you ugly ass", "yuo": "you", "yup": "yes", "yur": "your", "yust": "why you say that", "yvfw": "you're very f**king welcome", "yvw": "you're very welcome", "yw": "you're welcome", "ywapom": "you want a piece of me?", "ywia": "You're welcome in advance", "ywic": "why would i care", "yws": "you want sex", "ywsyls": "you win some you lose some", "ywud": "yo whats up dude", "ywvm": "you're welcome very much", "ywywm": "you wish you were me", "yysw": "yeah, yeah, sure, whatever", "Yyy": "Yeah, yeah, yeah", "z'omg": "Oh my God", "z0mg": "oh my god", "zex": "sex", "zh": "Zero Hour", "zig": "cigarette", "zomfg": "oh my f**king god", "zomg": "Oh my God", "zomgzorrz": "oh my god", "zoot": "woohoo", "zot": "Zero Tolerance", "zt": "zoo tycoon", "zup": "what's up?"}