- Email: [email protected]
- URL: www.authy.com
- Location: San Francisco
Added: 10/6/2012 21:00:36
##What is great about your company?
We have a unique set of problems that go all the way from infrastructure, backend API to mobile applications. If you are an engineer this is a dream job, you get to work with the greatest and latest technologies.
We are also solving a big problem that has a major impact on people lives. We are bringing real security to everyone.
##How do people apply?
You can look at www.authy.com/jobs.
Basically you can apply whichever way you want. We are looking for impressive people with a trajectory of doing great things, so best way would be to show us something great you've built or done.
##What kind of opportunities are available at your organization?
Engineering: General engineers. We work in Ruby (sinatra and padrino), Objective-C (mac and iphone) and Java (android)
Business development: We work with startup and technology companies. You will build relationships with this companies and make sure they succeed when implementing our product.
##Campaign people who have had experience with company:
(Please add yourself if you know anything about this organization)