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+status: accepted
+flip: [179](https://github.com/onflow/flips/pull/179)
+authors: Giovanni Sanchez (giovanni.sanchez@dapperlabs.com)
+sponsor: Giovanni Sanchez (giovanni.sanchez@dapperlabs.com)
+updated: 2023-09-26
+# FLIP 179: Staged Contract Update Mechanism
+## Objective
+This proposal outlines a mechanism for automated and efficient contract updates to take effect at or beyond a specified
+block height with the goal of minimizing recovery time following breaking improvements. Included in this FLIP is a
+design enabling contract developers to pre-define a sequence of contract updates across an arbitrary number of contracts
+and accounts, and either execute these updates themselves or delegate deployment authority to some trusted party.
+## Motivation
+Immediately following planned Cadence improvements on Mainnet (marked by the Cadence 1.0 milestone), many contracts
+across the ecosystem will need to be updated. In preparation for this milestone, the Flow community is considering ways
+to make this migration as quick and seamless as possible, primarily motivated by the desire to minimize any
+user-perceived downtime. With this in mind, it's in the interest of everyone to provide helpful and reliable tools to
+empower and support developers in upgrading their contracts.
+Surely, some developers will prefer to manually execute updates themselves. However, others may find it useful and
+even preferable to both codify their updated deployment using onchain constructs and additionally delegate update
+execution to an automated service run by Flow as a part of the ecosystem-wide post-spork migration.
+## User Benefit
+This contract would benefit developers by making it easy for them to stage and even automate contract updates after
+breaking improvements and benefit users by minimizing perceived downtime.
+## Design Proposal
+### Context
+Updates to a network of dependent contracts must occur according to their dependency ordering. Even when properly
+ordered, any dependent contracts must wait for their dependencies to complete state changes in the execution environment
+before they can successfully update. Said state change can only occur after the dependency updating transaction
+This is an important consideration in designing a wide-scale update mechanism because it means we must batch updates in
+stages, with each stage updating a set of contracts at the same level of the dependency graph.
+If we were to take the following set of contracts with the pictured dependency graph and attempt to update them in a
+single transaction, the attempt would fail. This is because `B` depends on `A`, and `A`'s updates won't yet take effect
+until after the transaction has successfully executed.
+![Simple dependency graph](./20230809-staged-contract-updates-resources/simple_dependency_graph.png)
+*Sequencing a set of contracts into discrete update transactions, order labeled on the right.*
+Instead, we update `A` in one transaction, `B` in the following, and lastly `C` in a final transaction. Given a larger
+number of contracts, we could update multiple contracts in a single transaction, but the updates would need to be
+batched with contracts at a similar maximum depth in their dependency graph.
+![Simple dependency graph](./20230809-staged-contract-updates-resources/bigger_dependency_graph.png)
+Take for instance the graph above. We would stage `[A, D]` in the first transaction, `[B, E]` in another, and finally
+`C` could be updated. Keep this mental model in mind as we put together this staged approach in the design below.
+### Overview
+> :information_source: The proposed design is largely informed by a working prototype which can be found in [this
+> repo](https://github.com/sisyphusSmiling/contract-updater)
+Proposed is a single contract implementation defining a primary resource - referred to here as `Updater` - encapsulating
+a bundle of ordered contract updates, themselves bundled more granularly into stages. A developer provides AuthAccount
+Capabilities on the contract hosting accounts, staged and ordered update configuration details (contract address, name,
+and code) to this resource on initialization as well as a blockheight boundary, at or beyond which updates should be
+The owner of this resource can then call `Updater.update()` to execute the updates bundled into the current deployment
+stage. The current stage is incremented every time `update()` is called, with `updateComplete` set to true once all
+deployment stages have been attempted.
+In addition to the `Updater`, the `Delegatee` can capture delegated `Updater` Capabilities. This allows a developer to
+codify their deployment details in an `Updater`, save the resource in their account, and offload the entirety of their
+contract updates to a trusted party via `Delegatee`.
+With respect to Stable Cadence support, the idea is to provide a Flow-hosted `Delegatee` that executes delegated updates
+(after updating core contracts) following the spork upgrade. At migration time, `Delegatee` can execute batches of
+delegated updates, with each individual `Updater` tracking the current stage and deploying stage-specific contract
+updates as configured by the resource owner. Since `Updater`s track their own stage, `Delegatee` simply needs to track
+which `Updater` resources have remaining deployment stages and either execute those updates until all delegated updates
+are complete or up to a maximum number of supported stages (preventing trolling attacks).
+### Implementation Details
+#### Interfaces
+![ContractUpdater interface overview](./20230809-staged-contract-updates-resources/interface_overview.png)
+*The overview above outlines the interface of `ContractUpdater` and each of its defined constructs. Expand the toggles
+below to view each component in more detail.*
+struct ContractUpdate
+/// Representative of a single contract, its name, code and where it will be deployed
+access(all) struct ContractUpdate {
+ access(all) let address: Address
+ access(all) let name: String
+ access(all) let code: String
+ access(all) fun toString(): String
+ access(all) fun codeAsCadence(): String
+resource Updater
+/// Public interface enabling queries about the Updater
+access(all) resource interface UpdaterPublic {
+ access(all) fun getID(): UInt64
+ access(all) fun getBlockUpdateBoundary(): UInt64
+ access(all) fun getContractAccountAddresses(): [Address]
+ access(all) fun getDeployments(): [[ContractUpdate]]
+ access(all) fun getCurrentDeploymentStage(): Int
+ access(all) fun getFailedDeployments(): {Int: [String]}
+ access(all) fun hasBeenUpdated(): Bool
+/// Resource that enables delayed contract updates to wrapped accounts at or beyond a specified block height
+access(all) resource Updater : UpdaterPublic {
+ /// Update to occur at or beyond this block height
+ // TODO: Consider making this a contract-owned value as it's reflective of the spork height
+ access(self) let blockUpdateBoundary: UInt64
+ /// Update status for each contract
+ access(self) var updateComplete: Bool
+ /// Capabilities for contract hosting accounts
+ access(self) let accounts: {Address: Capability}
+ /// Updates ordered by their deployment sequence and staged by their dependency depth
+ /// NOTE: Dev should be careful to validate their dependencies such that updates are performed from root
+ /// to leaf dependencies
+ access(self) let deployments: [[ContractUpdate]]
+ /// Current deployment stage
+ access(self) var currentDeploymentStage: Int
+ /// Contracts whose update failed keyed on their deployment stage
+ access(self) let failedDeployments: {Int: [String]}
+ /// Executes the next update stage for all contracts defined in deployment, returning true if all stages have
+ /// been attempted and false if stages remain
+ ///
+ access(all) fun update(): Bool
+ /* --- Public getters --- */
+ //
+ access(all) fun getID(): UInt64
+ access(all) fun getBlockUpdateBoundary(): UInt64
+ access(all) fun getContractAccountAddresses(): [Address]
+ access(all) fun getDeployments(): [[ContractUpdate]]
+ access(all) fun getCurrentDeploymentStage(): Int
+ access(all) fun getFailedDeployments(): {Int: [String]}
+ access(all) fun hasBeenUpdated(): Bool
+resource Delegatee
+/// Public interface for Delegatee
+access(all) resource interface DelegateePublic {
+ access(all) fun check(id: UInt64): Bool?
+ access(all) fun getUpdaterIDs(): [UInt64]
+ access(all) fun delegate(updaterCap: Capability<&Updater>)
+ access(all) fun removeAsUpdater(updaterCap: Capability<&Updater>)
+/// Resource that executed delegated updates
+access(all) resource Delegatee : DelegateePublic {
+ // TODO: Block Height - All DelegatedUpdaters must be updated at or beyond this block height
+ // access(self) let blockUpdateBoundary: UInt64
+ /// Track all delegated updaters
+ access(self) let delegatedUpdaters: {UInt64: Capability<&Updater>}
+ /// Checks if the specified DelegatedUpdater Capability is contained and valid
+ ///
+ access(all) fun check(id: UInt64): Bool?
+ /// Returns the IDs of the delegated updaters
+ ///
+ access(all) fun getUpdaterIDs(): [UInt64]
+ /// Allows for the delegation of updates to a contract
+ ///
+ access(all) fun delegate(updaterCap: Capability<&Updater>)
+ /// Enables Updaters to remove their delegation
+ ///
+ access(all) fun removeAsUpdater(updaterCap: Capability<&Updater>)
+ /// Executes update on the specified Updater, removing the Capability once update is completed
+ ///
+ access(all) fun update(updaterIDs: [UInt64]): [UInt64]
+ /// Enables admin removal of a DelegatedUpdater Capability
+ ///
+ access(all) fun removeDelegatedUpdater(id: UInt64)
+access(all) event UpdaterCreated(updaterUUID: UInt64, blockUpdateBoundary: UInt64)
+access(all) event UpdaterUpdated(
+ updaterUUID: UInt64,
+ updaterAddress: Address?,
+ blockUpdateBoundary: UInt64,
+ updatedAddresses: [Address],
+ updatedContracts: [String],
+ failedAddresses: [Address],
+ failedContracts: [String],
+ updateComplete: Bool
+access(all) event UpdaterDelegationChanged(updaterUUID: UInt64, updaterAddress: Address?, delegated: Bool)
+Helper Methods
+/// Returns the Address of the Delegatee associated with this contract
+access(all) fun getContractDelegateeAddress(): Address
+/// Helper method that returns the ordered array reflecting sequenced and staged deployments, with each contract
+/// update represented by a ContractUpdate struct.
+/// NOTE: deploymentConfig is ordered, and the order is used to determine both the order of the contracts in each
+/// deployment and the order of the deployments themselves. Each entry in the inner array must be exactly one
+/// key-value pair, where the key is the address of the associated contract name and code.
+access(all) fun getDeploymentFromConfig(_ deploymentConfig: [[{Address: {String: String}}]]): [[ContractUpdate]]
+/// Returns a new Updater resource
+access(all) fun createNewUpdater(
+ blockUpdateBoundary: UInt64,
+ accounts: [Capability],
+ deployments: [[ContractUpdate]]
+): @Updater
+/// Creates a new Delegatee resource enabling caller to self-host their Delegatee
+access(all) fun createNewDelegatee(): @Delegatee
+#### Note on Update API
+> :information_source: The update API discussed below has been implemented - see PR:
+> [onflow/cadence#2769](https://github.com/onflow/cadence/pull/2769)
+Currently, [updating a contract](https://developers.flow.com/cadence/language/contracts#updating-a-deployed-contract)
+occurs via the API `Contracts.update__experimental(name: String, code: [UInt8]): DeployedContract` which reverts when an
+update fails. Reverting on failure is perfectly fine for individual updates; however, doing so in the context of
+iterative updates would prevent successive updates from executing, leading to a fragile design with cumbersome
+This design is heavily dependent on the existence of an alternative update API that avoids reverting in the event of a
+failed update. Without it, each update would need to be executed in discrete transactions, resulting in at least an
+order of magnitude more transaction executions to achieve the same result as this design, as well as more complex signing
+architecture to handle the requisite number of proposal keys for all those transactions.
+The proposed `tryUpdate()` API is its own issue (found [here](https://github.com/onflow/cadence/issues/2700)), but is
+included below for context and consideration:
+access(all) enum ErrorType: UInt8 {
+ access(all) case CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND
+ access(all) case MISMATCHED_NAME
+ access(all) case UNDEFINED
+access(all) struct DeploymentError {
+ access(all) let errorType: ErrorType
+ access(all) let errorMessage: String
+access(all) struct DeploymentResult {
+ access(all) let success: Bool
+ access(all) let errorMessage: DeploymentError?
+access(all) fun tryUpdate(name: String, code: [UInt8]): DeploymentResult
+Ideally this method would return some error message in the event of a failed update; however,
+[@turbolent](https://github.com/turbolent) mentioned security implications involved with exposing such error messages
+into the execution environment without reverting.
+The proposed path forward then is to return the following `DeploymentResult`, later adding `errorMessage` once the
+security implication has been mitigated:
+access(all) struct DeploymentResult {
+ access(all) let success: Bool
+With respect to the topic of this FLIP, the `Updater` can check `DeploymentResult.success` and emit any failed updates
+within the executed stage as well as preserve the failure status within its fields. Direct follow up and intervention by
+the `Updater` owner would then be to correct the issue and manually execute the contract updates.
+### Considerations
+#### Self-Defined Deployments
+Update executions via `Delegatee` can't account for the global dependency graph since ultimately contract account owners
+have sovereignty over their update path. Therefore, `Delegatee` depends on the `Updater`'s creator to sequence the
+contained deployment appropriately given the contracts to be updated. This means that developers will still want to
+validate their contracts are both individually Stable Cadence compatible and updatable, as well as sequenced correctly
+within the `Updater` resource.
+#### Handling Unsuccessful Updates
+Since we intend to iterate over a large number of updates per transaction, we cannot allow unsuccessful update attempts
+to interrupt that iteration. Therefore, this mechanism provides no guarantees to the delegator that their updates will
+be completed successfully or that any stages succeeding a failed contract update will be avoided. The only strong
+guarantee to delegating parties is that the update deployment encapsulated in their `Updater` will be attempted at or
+beyond the collective block height boundary.
+#### Examining Performance Constraints
+One significant callout deserving more investigation are the limitations presented by execution limits on both the
+construction of the `Updater` resource as well as the execution of delegated updates. The former is a concern because it
+would influence the `Updater` setup while the latter is a concern for update batch size executed by `Delegatee`. The
+hope is that all delegated updates can be executed within a dozen or so transactions post-spork (based on the current
+number of mainnet contracts), but benchmarks are needed to determine a well-informed and robust migration protocol.
+#### Supporting Resources
+Another drawback is the complexity associated with configuring and managing the `Updater` resource. This complexity is
+1. Configuring the `Updater` on initialization requires a fully sorted deployment complete with ordered stages, for
+ which there is currently non-existent support.
+1. Once configured, there is currently no way to test whether the `Updater` will execute all updates successfully.
+1. Once updates are executed, an `Updater`'s owner will want to know whether their update deployment completed
+ successfully.
+On 1/, it would be helpful to introduce a tool that would output a suggested `Updater` deployment ordering given a set
+of Mainnet contract addresses & names as well as a tool to configure a local Flow project into the proper Cadence
+json arguments for easy CLI configuration.
+On 2/, planned Stable Cadence emulator previews along with local Mainnet mirroring can fill the gaps here. The workflow
+might look like: Mirror mainnet locally with the Stable Cadence preview running, configure your `Updater` based on your
+updated contracts, then simulate the update execution locally. Guides and best practices on this front should follow if
+this FLIP is approved and implemented.
+Regarding 3/, a helpful tool here would be an easy to use dashboard where the `Updater` owner can authenticate and view
+both the current status of their `Updater` resource and any related events and transaction details where their updates
+were executed. This would make it easy for developers to identify issues with their update deployments and
+minimize follow up time.
+These gaps are building opportunities beyond the scope of this design, and contributions on these fronts are very
+### Drawbacks
+Since we cannot centrally organize, coordinate, or initiate all contract updates, developers using this should be aware
+that any updates executed using this design should ensure that their contract dependencies are either core contracts or
+are entirely owned.
+### Considered Alternatives
+#### Atomized Contract Updates
+One considered alternative was to encapsulate contract updates on a single contract basis instead of bundling staged
+deployments inside of `Updater`. These atomized contract updates could then be delegated to `Delegatee` and the
+deployment ordered offchain based on the resolved dependency graph. This sorted update ordering could then be passed to
+the `Delegatee` in batches, ensuring that all contracts are updated according to their dependencies.
+While this sounds much neater and is in essence the approach taken by centralized, top-down architectures, with more
+investigation, this approach was revealed to be fragile. The thinking here is that since delegating updates cannot be
+compulsory, the `Delegatee` will inevitably lack full global context and control over contract updates. We cannot take a
+top-down approach in a system that is fundamentally bottom-up.
+The `Delegatee` will inevitably lack the ability to update some members of the full dependency graph. And if some of the
+contracts that we are tasked with updating depend on those we can't update, all the effort we invest into neatly
+resolving updates will ultimately fail. The lift for this approach is significantly higher than the proposed
+self-defined crowdsourcing design for essentially similar strength guarantees.
+#### Hotswap Contracts
+Another alternative is to temporarily allow contract updates to take place intra-transaction by hotswapping contract
+code. Hotswapping here means updating the execution state of the updated contract within the updating transaction
+instead of at the end. This would allow for a bundle of contract updates to occur in a single transaction without the
+need to batch updates into stages based on depth in their dependency graph.
+Taking the example mentioned [previously](#context), instead of executing updates to contracts `A`, `B`, and `C` in
+discrete transactions, we would execute all three updates in a single transaction so long as the updates are
+appropriately ordered.
+However, hotswapping contracts comes with its own security concerns, and likely demands a sizeable implementation effort
+with unknown consequences presenting an undue burden for what is potentially a single-use feature.
+### Performance Implications
+As mentioned above, we'll want to examine performance benchmarks with a focus on `Updater` construction - more generally
+saving update deployments onchain - and `Delegatee` update execution - more generally executing a large number of
+contract updates in a single transaction.
+### Best Practices
+As mentioned above, [supporting resources](#supporting-resources), examples, and use guides should follow if this FLIP
+is adopted.
+One thing to note though is that this design is not likely to cover use cases where the dependencies are not either core
+contracts or fully owned by the developer since updates are not atomized and ordered at the level of `Delegatee`.
+### Examples
+For a working example, see [this repo and README walkthrough](https://github.com/sisyphusSmiling/contract-updater)
+demonstrating the end-to-end setup and update execution flow.
+Note that the linked prototype utilizes the currently available `update__experimental()` API, but emulates the proposed
+design in the context of persistent update mechanisms via happy path (i.e. successful contract updates).
+### Compatibility
+This design is fully compatible with existing and planned featuresets. The only dependency here is the addition of [the
+aforementioned](#note-on-update-api) `Contracts.tryUpdate(): DeploymentResult` (issue found
+[here](https://github.com/onflow/cadence/issues/2700)) which would enable batched updates without interruption.
+## Related Issues
+- [Issue: Staged Contract Update](https://github.com/onflow/cadence/issues/2019)
+- [Tracker: Cadence 1.0](https://github.com/onflow/cadence/issues/2642)
+- [Issue: Add `tryUpdate()` method](https://github.com/onflow/cadence/issues/2700)
+- [Issue: Flow CLI Contract to hex util](https://github.com/onflow/flow-cli/issues/1157)
+## Prior Art
+- [Proof of concept implementation](https://github.com/sisyphusSmiling/contract-updater)
+## Questions & Discussion Topics
+- What are the transaction limits - how do they affect `Updater` setup and `Delegatee` update execution for large
+ numbers of accounts?
+- What other persistent use cases would benefit from this mechanism?
+- How many developers would delegate their contract updates if offered the service?
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