For more information on Fixtures, please check out the official playwright documentation.
Fixtures is a neat way for use to make the code a little more DRY and avoid repetitive instantiation of POM object.
So normaly we have import the POM class and create a new instance with passing a page
of objectas an argument.
import ProductShowPage from '@/pages/product/ProductShowPage'
test('example', async ({ page }) => {
const productShowPage = new ProductShowPage(page);
Instead we can import it in the fixtures.ts
import ProductShowPage from '@/pages/product/ProductShowPage'
export const test = baseTest.extend<Fixtures>({
productShowPage: async ({ page }, use) => {
// code before use() will be executed before the test as a setup
const productPageInstance = new ProductShowPage(page);
// any value passed to use can be extracted from test
// ('example', ({ productShowPage }) => ...)
// code after use() will be executes as cleanup at the end of the test
and access the productShowPage
object instance from the properties of the tests
test('example', async ({ productShowPage }) => {