The following is a template that the TOB and/or proposers of a new OCI Working Group may use to document the intended scope and activities of the OCI Working Group following its establishment. {Bracketed sections below} should be filled in with the Working Group's specific details.
This document describes the basic governance principles for the {WG NAME} Working Group (the “WG”).
The WG operates as an OCI Working Group under the Open Container Initiative (OCI) Charter, which describes the responsibilities of the OCI Technical Oversight Board (the "TOB”). The WG is established by the TOB as an OCI Working Group pursuant to the OCI Charter. Accordingly, the WG will operate in accordance with the OCI Charter and OCI's other policies and procedures, supplemented by the details below.
{Briefly describe the purpose of the WG.}
- {Describe the activities and work that are in scope for the WG.}
- {Where helpful for clarity or to avoid confusion, describe any activities or topics that are out of scope for the WG.}
- {Describe the intended work product and outputs of the WG, particularly indicating whether they consist of specification(s) and/or other project(s).}
The following have agreed to participate in the working group, review progress, report progress back to the OCI community, and present the results to the TOB once the working group has completed its objectives.
- {List proposed owners.}
OCI Projects, non-OCI projects, or organizations sponsoring the working group and participating in the implementation and use case validation of the work done by the group.
- {List proposed stakeholders.}
- {List any issues that would be resolved by this working group.}
- Working Group:
- The TOB is establishing the WG as an OCI Working Group, pursuant to section 6(p) of the OCI Charter.
- Owners:
- The WG proposal to the TOB will specify one or more initial "owners" of the WG.
- The current owners will be listed in the OCI Working Group documentation.
- The owners shall be responsible for:
- scheduling regular meetings of the WG community;
- facilitating open discussion among WG community participants;
- coordinating and managing the development of the WG work product and outputs;
- recording decisions that are reached by the WG community; and
- keeping the TOB regularly informed about the status of the WG’s efforts, including when the WG has readied the work product and outputs for TOB approval.
- Maintainers:
- If the WG owners request the TOB to approve a draft specification as a released OCI Specification, the request shall include a list of proposed "maintainers" of the OCI Specification.
- The current maintainers will be listed in the OCI Working Group documentation.
- The maintainers shall be responsible for continuing the work of overseeing updates, improvements and changes to a released OCI Specification on an ongoing basis.
- Meetings:
- Meetings of the WG shall be open to the public.
- Participants in the meetings shall comply with the OCI Code of Conduct and all other policies of OCI and The Linux Foundation.
- TOB Approval:
- The WG shall operate pursuant to the procedures set forth in section 6(p) of the OCI Charter, with regards to obtaining TOB approval for initial release of the work product and outputs as an OCI Specification or other OCI Project, and for subsequent maintenance activities thereafter.
- Amendments:
- The owners of the WG may from time to time propose to the TOB (1) amendments to this WG Governance Document, and/or (2) changes to the composition of the owners or maintainers of the WG.
- As set forth in the OCI Charter, the TOB may, in its discretion by a two-thirds vote, approve or reject the requested amendments or changes.
- As set forth in the OCI Charter, the TOB may also disband the WG by a two-thirds vote.