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API Documentation

There are a number of services that provide automation services for CORD. These services are written in the theme of Docker based micro(µ) services. Each runs independently in its own container and they consume the other µ services via REST API calls as well as provide a REST API through which other services can utilize their functions.

The current list of µ services are:

  • automation automates bare metal compute hosts through the MAAS deployment life cycle and invokes CORD specific provisioning
  • provisioner applies CORD specific provisioning to compute nodes and fabric switches
  • switchq identifies supported fabric switches and invokes CORD specific provisioning
  • allocator allocates IP addresses from a specified range to be used for interfaces attached to the leaf - spine fabric
  • harvester augments MAAS's DDNS capability to support all devices that request a DHCP address
  • config-generator generates a configuration file for the ONOS leaf - spine (segment routing) fabric


Docker image: cord-maas-automation


Environment Variable Default Description
AUTOMATION_POWER_HELPER_USER "cord" User ID to use when attempting to execute vboxmanage on the host machine
AUTOMATION_POWER_HELPER_HOST "" IP address of the host on which to execute vboxmanage commands
AUTOMATION_POWER_HELPER_SCRIPT "" Script to execute to help manage power for VirtualBox nodes in MAAS
AUTOMATION_PROVISION_URL "" URL on which to contact the provision services
AUTOMATION_PROVISION_TTL "1h" Amount of time to wait for a provisioning to complete before considering it failed
AUTOMATION_LOG_LEVEL "warning" Level of logging messages to display
AUTOMATION_LOG_FORMAT text" Format of the log messages
Command Line Flag Default Description
-apikey "" key with which to access MAAS server
-maas "http://localhost/MAAS" url over which to access MAAS
-apiVersion "1.0" version of the API to access
-queryPeriod "15s" frequency the MAAS service is polled for node states
-preview false displays the action that would be taken, but does not do the action, in this mode the nodes are processed only once
-mappings "{}" the mac to name mappings
-always-rename true attempt to rename at every stage of workflow
-filter '{"hosts":{"include":[".*"],"exclude":[]},"zones":{"include": ["default"],"exclude":[]}}' constrain by hostname what will be automated

REST Resources



Docker image: cord-provisioner


Environment Variable Default Description
PROVISION_PORT "4243" Port on which to listen for REST requests
PROVISION_LISTEN "" IP address on which to listen for REST requests
PROVISION_ROLE_SELECTOR_URL "" URL of a service that can be queried to determine the role that should be used for a given node, else the default is used
PROVISION_DEFAULT_ROLE "compute-node" the default role to be used if no selection URL is specified
PROVISION_SCRIPT "do-ansible" script to execute for a provisioning event
PROVISION_STORAGE_URL "memory:" URL to use for storage of provisioning state information
PROVISION_LOG_LEVEL "warning" Level of logging messages to display
PROVISION_LOG_FORMAT text" Format of the log messages

REST Resources

URI Operation Description
/provision/ POST create a new provisioning request
/provision/ GET get a list of all provisioning requests and their state
/provision/{id} GET get a single provisioning request and state
/provision/{id} DELETE delete a provisioning request
POST /provision/

POSTs to this URL will initiate a new provisioning request. This requests requires that a provisioning request object is sent as data to the request.

This request returns a 201 Accepted response, if the request was successfully queued for provisioning.

The request is a JSON objects with the following members:

Name Type Required Description
id string yes unique ID to use for the request
name string yes human readable name for the node being provisioned
ip string yes IP address of the node being provisioned
mac string no MAC address associated with the node being provisioned
role_selector string no URL for a per request role selector service
role string no role to provision for this request, if no selector specified
script string no script to execute for this provisioning request


    "id": "node-fe30a9c4-4a30-11e6-b7a3-002590fa5f58"
    "name": "lively-road.cord.lab",
    "ip": "",
    "mac": "00:25:90:fa:5f:4f",
    "role_selector": "",
    "role": "",
    "script": "",
GET /provision/

Fetches the list of all provisioning requests and their state information. The result is a JSON array such as the example below:

Name Type Description
timestamp number time that the request was made
message string error message if the request failed
status number the status of the request, 0=pending,1=provisioning,2=complete,3=failed
worker number internal identifier of the worker that executed the provisioning request
request.Role string actual role used for the request
request.Script string actual script used for the request
request.Info object the original request made to the provisioner
    "timestamp": 1469550527,
    "message": "",
    "status": 2,
    "worker": 2,
    "request": {
      "Role": "compute-node",
      "Script": "/etc/maas/ansible/do-ansible",
      "Info": {
        "script": "",
        "role": "",
        "role_selector": "",
        "mac": "00:25:90:fa:5f:53",
        "ip": "",
        "name": "bitter-prison.cord.lab",
        "id": "node-fe205272-4a30-11e6-a48d-002590fa5f58"
    "timestamp": 1468544505,
    "message": "",
    "status": 2,
    "worker": 0,
    "request": {
      "Role": "fabric-switch",
      "Script": "/etc/maas/ansible/do-switch",
      "Info": {
        "script": "/etc/maas/ansible/do-switch",
        "role": "fabric-switch",
        "role_selector": "",
        "mac": "cc:37:ab:7c:ba:da",
        "ip": "",
        "name": "leaf-2",
        "id": "cc:37:ab:7c:ba:da"
GET /provision/{id}

Fetches the provisioning request and state for a single specified ID. The result is a single JSON object as described below:

Name Type Description
timestamp number time that the request was made
message string error message if the request failed
status number the status of the request, 0=pending,1=provisioning,2=complete,3=failed
worker number internal identifier of the worker that executed the provisioning request
request.Role string actual role used for the request
request.Script string actual script used for the request
request.Info object the original request made to the provisioner
  "timestamp": 1469550527,
  "message": "",
  "status": 2,
  "worker": 2,
  "request": {
    "Role": "compute-node",
    "Script": "/etc/maas/ansible/do-ansible",
    "Info": {
      "script": "",
      "role": "",
      "role_selector": "",
      "mac": "00:25:90:fa:5f:53",
      "ip": "",
      "name": "bitter-prison.cord.lab",
      "id": "node-fe205272-4a30-11e6-a48d-002590fa5f58"
DELETE /provision/{id}

Removes a request from the provisioner. If the request is inflight the request will be completed before it is removed.


** Docker image:** cord-maas-switchq


Environment Variable Default Description
SWITCHQ_VENDORS_URL "file:///switchq/vendors.json" URL from which a structure can be read that identifies the supported vendor OUIs
SWITCHQ_ADDRESS_URL "file:///switchq/" URL from which the service should obtain device IP / MAC information for known devices
SWITCHQ_POLL_INTERVAL "1m" Interval at which a check should be made for new devices
SWITCHQ_PROVISION_TTL "1h" how often the switches will be re-provisioned
SWITCHQ_PROVISION_URL "" the URL on which to contact the provisioner to make provisioning requests
SWITCHQ_ROLE_SELECTOR_URL "" URL of a service that can be queried to determine the role that should be used for a given node, else the default is used
SWITCHQ_DEFAULT_ROLE "fabric-switch" the default role to be used if no selection URL is specified
SWITCHQ_SCRIPT "do-ansible" script to execute for a provisioning event
SWITCHQ_LOG_LEVEL "warning" Level of logging messages to display
SWITCHQ_LOG_FORMAT "text" Format of the log messages

REST Resources

URI Operation Description
/switch/ GET returns a list of all known switches


Docker image: cord-ip-allocator


Environment Variable Default Description
ALLOCATE_PORT "4242" port on which to listen for requests
ALLOCATE_LISTEN "" IP address on which to listen for requests
ALLOCATE_NETWORK "" Subnet from which address should be allocated
ALLOCATE_SKIP "1" number of host addresses to skip in the subnet before allocation range
ALLOCATE_LOG_LEVEL "warning" Level of logging messages to display
ALLOCATE_LOG_FORMAT "text" Format of the log messages

REST Resources

URI Operation Description
/allocations/{mac} DELETE delete allocation for a specific MAC
/allocations/{mac} GET return the allocation for a specific MAC
/allocations/ GET return the list of all allocations
/addresses/{ip} DELETE delete the allocation associated with a specific IP
DELETE /allocations/{mac}

If the specified MAC address is associated with an IP address this allocation / association is deleted.

GET /allocations/{mac}

Returns the IP address associated with the specified MAC, if no association exists then an IP address is allocated form the range, associated with the MAC, and returned.

Name Type Description
Ip string IP address associated with the specified MAC
MAC string MAC address


  "Ip": "",
  "Mac": "00:25:90:fa:5f:79"
GET /allocations/

Returns a list of all known MAC to IP associations.

Name Type Description
Ip string IP address associated with the specified MAC
MAC string MAC address


    "Ip": "",
    "Mac": "00:25:90:fa:5f:79"
    "Ip": "",
    "Mac": "00:25:90:fa:5f:53"
    "Ip": "",
    "Mac": "00:25:90:fa:5f:4f"
DELETE /allocations/{ip}

If the specified IP is associated with a MAC address this association is deleted.


Docker image: cord-dhcp-harvester


Environment Variable Default Description
HARVESTER_PORT 4246 port on which the service will listen for requests
HARVESTER_LISTEN IP on which the service will listen for requests
HARVESTER_LOG_LEVEL warning log output level
HARVESTER_LOG_FORMAT text format of log messages
HARVESTER_DHCP_LEASE_FILE /harvester/dhcpd.leases lease file to parse for lease information
HARVESTER_OUTPUT_FILE name of file to output discovered lease in bind9 format
HARVESTER_OUTPUT_FORMAT {{.ClientHostname}}\tIN A {{.IPAddress}}\t; {{.HardwareAddress}} specifies the single entry format when outputing to a file
HARVESTER_VERIFY_LEASES true verifies leases with a ping
HARVESTER_VERIFY_TIMEOUT 1s max timeout (RTT) to wait for verification pings
HARVESTER_VERIFY_WITH_UDP false use UDP instead of raw sockets for ping verification
HARVESTER_QUERY_PERIOD 30s period at which the DHCP lease file is processed
HARVESTER_QUIET_PERIOD 2s period to wait between accepting parse requests
HARVESTER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 10s period to wait for processing when requesting a DHCP lease database parsing
HARVESTER_RNDC_UPDATE false determines if the harvester reloads the DNS servers after harvest
HARVESTER_RNDC_ADDRESS IP address of the DNS server to contact via RNDC
HARVESTER_RNDC_PORT 954 port of the DNS server to contact via RNDC
HARVESTER_RNDC_KEY_FILE /key/rndc.conf.maas key file, with default, to contact DNS server
HARVESTER_RNDC_ZONE cord.lab zone to reload

REST Resources

URI Operation Description
/harvest POST Requests the processing of the DHCP lease database
/lease GET Returns the list of DHCP leases harvested from the DHCP server
/lease/{ip} GET Returns a single DHCP lease associated with the given IP
/lease/hostname/{name} GET Returns a single DHCP lease associated with the given client hostname
/lease/hardware/{mac} GET Returns a single DHCP lease associated with the given hardware addreaa


Docker image: cord-config-generator


Environment Variable Default Description
CONFIGGEN_PORT "8181" port on which to contact ONOS
CONFIGGEN_IP "" IP on which to contact ONOS
CONFIGGEN_SWITCHCOUNT "0" number of switches expected to be found in ONOS when generating a configuration
CONFIGGEN_HOSTCOUNT "0" number of hosts expected to be found in ONOS when generating a configuration
CONFIGGEN_USERNAME "karaf" username to use when invoking requests to ONOS
CONFIGGEN_PASSWORD "karaf" password to use when invoking request to ONOS
CONFIGGEN_LOGLEVEL "warning" Level of logging messages to display
CONFIGGEN_LOGFORMAT "text" Format of the log messages
CONFIGGEN_CONFIGSERVERPORT "1337" port on which to listen for configuration generation requests
CONFIGGEN_CONFIGSERVERIP "" IP on which to listen for configuration generation requests

REST Resources

URI Operation Description
/config/ POST Generates and returns a CORD leaf - spine configuration file
POST /config/

This request will interrogate the specified ONOS instance and if the expected number of switches and hosts are in ONOS it will then generate a configuration file suitable to use for the CORD leaf - spine fabric and return that to the caller.

Name Type Required Description
switchcount number yes number of hosts expected to be found in ONOS when generating a configuration
hostcount number yes number of hosts expected to be found in ONOS when generating a configuration


    "switchcount" : 4,
    "hostcount" : 4