Format Identification for Digital Objects (fido). Copyright 2010 by Open Preservation Foundation.
Copyright 2010 The Open Preservation Foundation
Fido is made available under the Apache License, Version 2.0; see the file LICENSE.txt for details.
New command line options for updating signatures
- PRONOM signatures can now be updated from a web service [#202].
- PRONOM v104 support with successful signature compilation (see issue #203) [#204].
- Closed issue #100, Added Unicode support for Windows Python 2.7 [#200].
- Generated signature file now validated against XSD schema [[#197][]].
- Refactoring and cleared final PEP and FLAKE code lint warnings [[#197][]].
- Closed issue #150, trapped some of the signature compliation issues [[#197][]].
- Closed issue #179, #198: Crash on XLS format by updating olefile version to 0.46 [#195].
- Closed issue #179: Crash on XLS format by updating olefile version to 0.46 [#195].
- Closed issue #192: Fixed signature file defaults [#193].
- added update signature parameter to control signature download verison:
- trapped regex creation exception so that sig file creation is not derailed;
- PRONOM/DROID signature file now downloaded from URL rather than via SOAP service;
- moved sleep between SOAP downloads so that it's only applied between actual downloads, not when processing cached results;
- code style warnings:
- some minor refactoring for complex methods;
- factoring out string constants;
- renamed some variables and methods;
- removed some commented code;
- tidied exit conditions; and
- removed some unreachable code.