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Brian Burns bburns
Interested in psychology and open source.

Austin, TX

Ahmed Musa mu-ab
Frontend Developer

Kaduna, Nigeria.

Alex Rigler alexrigler
Building ChooChoo 🚂 - The Customer Engine

@choochoohq San Francisco

Lyon Liu ayonliu
PHP Engineer in Shanghai.


SY sezyil
Internet Industry

@dijitalihracat BURSA

Neo Chang chang0022
Come on! I‘m Neo.
Sands Sands-45
“Optimism is an occupational hazard of programming: feedback is the treatment. “ Kent Beck


Artem Nistuley artemnistuley
Software Engineer | JavaScript, Rust
Caitlin Reid caitreid
Software Engineer at Wirecutter.

Wirecutter New York, NY

Yang bo rude-guy
A dedicated and hardworking student with a strong interest in technology and a desire to make a positive impact in the world.
Armando Guarino guarmo
Community-taught software developer

Tiptap Berlin

Yashu Mittal mittalyashu
Creator of @gitthermal & @logchimp, software engineer at @codecarrotlabs

@codecarrotlabs India

Anton tonynasta

Saint Petersburg

Embedded Systems, Mechatronics, CPU Design, Reverse Engineering, Emulators, FPGAs, Rust
Alex Nieto dieharye
Frontend (React/Next, React-Native, VanillaJS) Backend(PHP, NodeJS, Python, Rust) Constract(Anchor, Solidity, Tact)
Mai Trung Đông maitrungdong
I'm a software engineer. That's it.

Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam

Mykhailo Alekseev MalumDominum
Full Stack Developer | React + .NET

Kyiv, Ukraine

Kevin Mauel | tony-stark.eth tony-stark-eth
PHP/Symfony - TS/Svelte - Solidity/Foundry


Designer / Coder

Hangzhou, China

Leyang quanru

@bytedance Hangzhou

Hao.Dongfang royalwang
Java Developer, Software Architect

Shanghai, China

Xigui Peng pxgo

@kccd Chengdu, China

Luciano Lima uriannrima
A web developer who loves to learn new things, and try to break it.

Lisbon, Portugal

Chris Renfrow ChrisRenfrow

California, United States

Cheni xioneko

Beijing, China

Edward Mowle EdwardMowle
I'm a software consultant that specialises in JavaScript/React app development and has a passion for building great user experiences.

Keydown Software Cambridgeshire, UK

Renjith Radhakrishnan renjithgr
A student of software engineering, 3D art, VFX, photography, and several other subjects, in no particular order.


Nguyễn Trung Nhẫn nhannt201
Coding | Research | Creative

@4iTeam @sunstudiodev Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Omar Jatoi omarjatoi
Dedicated, in respect and admiration, to the spirit that lives in the computer.

Brooklyn, NY