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RyukuToa RyukuToa
estudiando desarollo web como hobbie
Paulo Lopez Plopez1015
Bienvenido a mis proyectos, un gusto tenerte por aqui.


Ivan Cordoba nabby27
Software Engineer

Valencia, Spain


C3 Argentina

Sergio Salgado sergioesalgadom
Mexicano Enfocado En La Innovación Comercial, Colaboro Sumando Creatividad y Tecnología. 🚀

Grotul México

Manuel Gil @imgildev ManuelGil
A dev & content creator with extensive experience in TypeScript, Angular, Nestjs, and PHP. I'm passionate about Open Source. Working at @wureset-tools 🐱‍👓


Ramón Hernández MonkiG
Computer engineer student and Full-Stack developer from Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. 🇲🇽🌴🌴

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México

Carlos Sánchez Nxssie
I'm a cross-platform developer with his goals in this environment. Currently in Spain.

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain

Luis Lira LuisLiraC

SDET at @Platzi San Andrés Cholula

Alexander Lozada Caviedes Arekkasu
Estudiante de Ingenieria de Software


Alan Flores AlanF20
Software engineer.

Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas

OnSystem 0nSystem

A Coruña, Galicia

David Huertas ikurotime
Software Engineer

Maisa AI Spain

Valentina V. shirosweets
CS Student - FAMAFyC, UNC | Software Engineer | DevSecOps

PAGOS360 Córdoba, Argentina

Dani Rodríguez danirod
Te cuento datos absurdos sobre x86 en la primera cita.


Jesús Bambino López UniqueBambino
Estudiante de la carrera de Ingeniería en Computación en la UAZ, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas.

Zacatecas, México

Patricio Bonilla gpbonillas
Java Developer, Flutter, Python y R | Data Science Master Student at UOC

Santo Domingo, Ecuador

Luis Bazán luisBazanDev
I'm Luis Bazán, a dedicated software developer from Perú, passionate about crafting high-quality solutions to complex problems,

UTP Peru

Nedd Chairi Muñoz NeddM
DevSecOps | Github Actions Certified | Rustacean 🦀


Lluís Camell LluisTech
Lifelong learner.


Carlos Sandoval CarlosSandoval-03
Computer Systems Engineering Student – UN🦉🇨🇴

Globant Bogotá, Colombia

Abraham M. Lora ToxicSSJ
Mainly backend developer. I ❤️ Java. Contact me on Discord: toxic5

EAFIT University Medellin, Colombia

Jakepys JuanPerdomo00
Student Pythonista and programmer, lover of mathematics. Linux Lover, python && rust. 🦀🐍

0x7d3 /usr/bin/

Esteve Autet Alexe stifskere

Catalonia, Spain

Wilovy09 Wilovy09
Self-taught programmer, fullstack lover and interested in the blockchain world.


Quantum QuantumTandorisa
Cybersecurity | Developer | love Python | learner Ruby and Rust.
Livan Ramos Moreno xiron9090

fullstack developer La Habna Cuba

Alexis Galarza LuisAlexis73
Software Developer

Bigger Chajarí, Entre Rios

Yesniel YesnielX
Software Developer

Dominican Republic