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nuxt-ripple-cli / 2.17.2-next.d623a34dd.2

nuxt-ripple-cli 2.17.2-next.d623a34dd.2

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @dpc-sdp/nuxt-ripple-cli@2.17.2-next.d623a34dd.2
Install via package.json:
"@dpc-sdp/nuxt-ripple-cli": "2.17.2-next.d623a34dd.2"

About this version

Nuxt Ripple CLI

CLI for simplifying common setup and scaffolding tasks.


Either install the CLI install it globally using npm install -g @dpc-sdp/nuxt-ripple-cli or run it directly using npx @dpc-sdp/nuxt-ripple-cli.

If you've installed the package globally you can now use the nuxt-ripple command in your terminal.

Note: If you prefer to run the CLI using npx you won't be able to use the nuxt-ripple command and will instead need to use npx @dpc-sdp/nuxt-ripple-cli in place of nuxt-ripple. For instance npx @dpc-sdp/nuxt-ripple-cli init site my-site --name "My Site".



The init command will initialise a new site or layer.

nuxt-ripple init [TEMPLATE] [DIRECTORY] --name {NAME} --rplVersion {RPL_VERSION}


  • site Scaffolds a new nuxt site.
  • layer Scaffolds a new nuxt layer.

[DIRECTORY]: The directory to output scaffolded files into.

--name {NAME}: The name of the site or layer.

--rplVersion {RPL_VERSION}: The version of the ripple core dependencies to use.


The add command will create a ripple component or content type.

nuxt-ripple add <command> [DIRECTORY]


  • component Scaffolds a new Ripple (vue) component, note that the component folder is created as well to follow Ripple naming conventions.
  • content-type Scaffolds a new Ripple Tide content type.

Add Component

nuxt-ripple add component [DIRECTORY] --name {NAME} --prefix {PREFIX}

[DIRECTORY]: The directory to output the component scaffolding.

--name {NAME}: The name of new Vue component.

--prefix {PREFIX}: The prefix to used for the Vue components.

Add Content Type

nuxt-ripple add content-type [DIRECTORY] --name {NAME} --rplVersion {RPL_VERSION} --createTests --cypressPath {CYPRESSPATH}

[DIRECTORY]: The directory to output the content type scaffolding.

--name {NAME}: The name of the project or layer.

--rplVersion {RPL_VERSION}: The version of the ripple core dependencies to use.

--createTests or -T: A flag to opt into example tests.

--cypressPath {CYPRESSPATH}: The path to the Cypress support folder, this is used when opting into the example tests.


The mock command will start a mock server for testing Ripple sites without a Tide backend.

nuxt-ripple mock [FIXTURE_PATH] --routes {ROUTE_PATH} --site {SITE_PATH}

[FIXTURE_PATH]: The path to the fixture, i.e. the mocked data

--routes {ROUTE_PATH}: The path to the JSON routes file; example route file: [{ "path": "/", "fixture": "home.json" }].

--site {SITE_PATH}: The relative (to [FIXTURE_PATH]) path to mocked global site data



  • nuxt-ripple-cli-2.17.2-next.d623a34dd.2.tgz

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