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Téotime Pacreau teotimepacreau
Conduite de projets numériques à Nantes & mains dans le code. HTML, CSS, JS, Eleventy, Svelte. SQL, SQLite, Docker, Gitlab


Ralf Barkow RalfBarkow

@dreyeck Earth – The Blue Marble

Shufan JIANG sufianj
I try to make (several) sense(s) of textual data. Je travaille sur le traitement automatique de langage naturellement drôle.
Beatriz btrzleal
#SocialSciences #Rprograming
Owusu Kelvin Clark lokaimoma
Software and Artificial Intelligence engineer


Erik Loualiche eloualiche
Associate Professor of Finance University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota Minneapolis

Dominique thedoum

Lévis, QC, Canada

Chloe Zhu Chloezhu010
Building ETHPanda & LXDAO, Prev. EIP Fun Project Lead
淡然v qtccz
Paul Pidou PaulPidou
Software Engineer

Alan Niort, France

Benjamin L'Huillier blhuillier
a bio

Sejong University Seoul

Tien-chen (Dennis) Lin darkbreaker0

AG Bradke, DZNE Bonn, Germany

Alain Marois amarois
Data librarian and open science trainer

École Normale Supérieure de lyon (ENS de Lyon) Lyon

Wenting FANG SocioLegalQuantCoder
Interdisciplinary researcher applying quantitative, empirical, and computational methods to sociology and law.
Roshan Warrier txhno
AI enthusiast and ML wizard – casting code spells in the realm of algorithms! 🧙‍♂️✨

datma health

Laurent Paoletti providenz
Freelance web developper, mainly python.

Providenz Toulon, Fance

Johan Richer johanricher
Outilleur #opendata #opensource

@multi-coop @codeforfr Saint-Denis, France

Tobias Gårdhus gaardhus
Sociologist & Social Data Scientist tinkering with scientific software development


maryliz abolou Maryliz2001
Student at Sciences Po Paris


Digital Media Lab dimelab
We are a hub for digital media data and digital methods at the Dept of Comms and Humanities, Roskilde University.

Roskilde University Roskilde, Denmark

Nicu Calcea nicucalcea
Data and Investigative Journalist

@Global-Witness London

Ronald ff87c3
Experimental front-end features blending synthetic colors and clinical lines with a touch of playfulness.


Gibran Mena GibranMena
Ni amxs ni esclavxs
Carlo Debernardi carlodebernardi
PhD student in Economic Sociology. My main interests are sociology of science & science of science, agent-based modeling, network analysis.


Thalyn Thalyn-

Reims (Fr), Montréal (Qc)