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Andri Óskarsson andrioid
React, Go, Linux, JavaScript or whatever brings value

Aalborg, Denmark

Malcolm Fell emarref
Full-stack Saas product engineer.


Agustin Calabrese agoos-nbcuni
Senior Full-stack developer

NBC Sports Next San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Emmanuel Munubi Emmanuel-Munubi
learning computer science


Flávio Carvalho flaviouk
Pragmatic Full Stack Developer, with a passion for DevOps and Cloud technologies

@digital-notes London

Bonnie (Vasko) Dipasquale bvasko
👋 Senior Front-End Developer | React | JavaScript | Angular | UI/UX Enthusiast

Independant Contractor Philadelphia, PA, USA

Andreas Heissenberger aheissenberger
Fast-track professional successful in the design, development and deployment of technology strategies and policy. Experienced leading Internet and IS operations

Andreas Heissenberger Vienna

David Vílchez dvilchez

Xuaps Vilagarcía de Arousa

Paul L. dev-paulL
Self-taught developer, learning every day and adapting to what the projects require.


Riyazudheen Mohamed riyazudheen
Loves Technology and Programming 🕸. Deep Thinker 🤖. Proud Husband and Father 💞.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

eg canering

Tampa, FL

Tonio Hubilla earthtone
Half Monad; Half Amazing

Arncliffe, NSW

Tai Nguyen trongtai37

Compass Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Manuel Herrera manuelhe

@fractalsoftware Colombia

AJ ONeal coolaj86
Technophobic Technologist Beyond Code Instructor

Root Provo, UT

Kevin Kipp third774
Passing around functions

Austin, TX

Bobby Bonestell rbonestell
Cleverly arranging ones and zeros.


Luis Ventura luisvent
FullStack developer always open to try new things. 👨🏻‍💻

LeapXL Dominican Republic

Raymmar Tirado Raymmar
I have no idea what I am doing, but I pretend well. Sarasota

Yuriy faizov
Frontend developer React | TypeScript | NodeJS 🦦
Stanislav c01nd01r
Front-end developer

Yerevan, Armenia

Jarek Rencz jrencz

Wonga Warsaw, Poland

Vitali vitaliyazvinski
Cycling driven development


Markos Dimitsas markdimi
Aggregating data

Codebasegr Between Germany and Greece

Dheeraj Mahra DheerajMahra
I know nothing about the Frontend

CARS24 New Delhi, India

Zac Rosenbauer zrosenbauer
I code stuff @joggrdocs

Joggr New York City

Muhammad Sameem sameem420
Full-Stack Developer - GIS who loves coding web & mobile applications (JavaScript, Python, ESRI Products) EMEA

Ronny Freites ronnycoding
TypeScript & React enthusiast 👨🏽‍💻 | Shopify e-commerce wizard 🛒 | Diving into code & oceans 🤿🌊 | Sharing tech insights while sipping ☕ San José, Costa Rica

Pavan Kumar zenonexus
Building bridges btw code ⚙️ and creativity 🎨

Payrup Bangalore, IN

Mohit Kumar Toshniwal mohitkumartoshniwal
Full stack Software Engineer
