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Jean-Sébastien Hould JSHould
CAD Software Automation Specialist

Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada

Pedro Moreira psilvmoreira
Software Developer

Porto, Portugal

Rob white-Python
I'm the best sport you ever met and I can teach you how to have a winning attitude


Wesley Teixeira wesleyteixeira

Nuvem Tecnologia Ltda Brasil - Cuiabá/MT

Marcos Vitor C# | .NET Marcos-Vitor123
I'm a Programming student. Because I intend to work in the area in the future and I am studying Software Engineering at college.

Cascavel - PR

shyboy BoyFaceGirl
Ihor ihordyrman
I'm a .NET developer from Ukraine who just loves web technologies and everything about automatization.

Uinno Ukraine, Lviv

Aage ten Hengel aage
Love writing code, functional programming, autonomous teams, mentoring, building distributed systems, devops, microcontrollers and coffee.

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Anthony Genovese anthonygenovese
dabble in development & design

NA - East

Pedro Escobar pedruino
Software Engineer

Florianópolis - Santa Catarina - Brazil

Lucifer X-Lucifer

Shanghai , China

Besik Kristesiashvili bkristesiashvili

@universaltransit Tbilisi, Georgia

Mohamed Mohsen Elnahla Mohamed-Elnahla
BIM Operator/Construction developer (BIM Software Developer) At Data-Driven Construction in SAIPEM | ACP(Revit Structural) | MSc Automation in Construction
Tobiasz Jarczyk dotnokato
Software Engineer / DevOps


Monique purplemon

Alberta, Canada

Francesco Franchef
.NET Developer


Joseph Martinez zenkodr
Just Be You...Nothing More.....Nothing Less! @syntax-syndicate @syndicate-of-zen

SSECA Founder, Syntax Syndicate CO-Founder California, USA

Kendo 73Kendo Krzysztof Wiącek Warszawa

Lucas Teles lucasteles
Developer, speaker, agilist, mechanical keyboard enthusiast, Vim evangelist, and game dev hobbyist

@iugu Brazil

이준헌 leejoonhun

@qraft-technologies Seoul, Republic of Korea