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Nicky BassBoulder
I make things work.

MakeDataWork UK

i 😍 working 🛠 with tensorflow on colab 📔
Antônio Nascimento Ninja1375
Olá! Meu nome é Antônio Nascimento. Sou um programador com uma paixão por tecnologia e desenvolvimento web.


Eithan | Nguyen The Loc nguyentheloc-eithan
Software Developer | Passion on Fishing and Nature Discovery

on Earth

Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Nashville, TN

Abdallah Nomeer nomeera
Robotics Software Engineer

Higher Technological Institute (HTI) Egypt

Aman Bana AmanBana
An experienced Data Analyst proficient in solving complex problems through effective analysis and communication. Skilled in SQL, PowerBI, Python, Excel.
Joshua Minguez planetminguez
In a rabbit hole

Penns Grove

Gabriel Lidenor GabrielLidenor
Web developer with strong knowledge in Ruby on Rails and JavaScript. Currently getting involved with Machine Learning with Python


Nadia Taj NadiaTaj680
Currently i am student of BSCS . I am in the journey of learning python Programming Language for Data Analysis and Machine Learning. I am Future Programmer

Ring Road Peshawar ,Pakistan

Pâmella Miranda pamella-miranda
Bioinformatician and Physicist

Solna, Sweden

Frosttorn frosttorn
A future game developer! (still unsure what genre lmao)

Malaysia, Selangor

Murat muraat0
hi, my name is murat
