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Grammar railroad diagram #204

mingodad opened this issue Aug 20, 2021 · 0 comments

Grammar railroad diagram #204

mingodad opened this issue Aug 20, 2021 · 0 comments


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Using this tool and manually adding the tokens we can have a railroad diagram for the grammar at parse/gram.y.

Copy and paste the converted grammar shown bellow in on the TAB Edit Grammar then switch to the TAB View Diagram.


/* converted on Fri Aug 20, 2021, 08:34 (UTC+02) by bison-to-w3c v0.53 which is Copyright (c) 2011-2021 by Gunther Rademacher <[email protected]> */

file     ::= toplev ( Tendln toplev )*
toplev   ::= ( package | use | implstmt | traitdef | tydef | decl )?
decl     ::= attrs ( Tvar | Tconst | Tgeneric ) decllist traitspec
attrs    ::= Tattr*
         ::= ( Twith traitvar ( listsep traitvar )* )?
traitvar ::= traitlist generictype ( Tret type )?
         ::= name ( listsep name )*
decllist ::= declbody ( listsep declbody )*
use      ::= Tuse ( Tident | Tstrlit )
optident ::= Tident?
package  ::= Tpkg optident Tasn pkgitem ( Tendln pkgitem )* Tendblk
pkgitem  ::= ( decl | pkgtydef | traitdef | implstmt )?
pkgtydef ::= attrs tydef
declbody ::= declcore ( Tasn expr )?
declcore ::= name
           | typedeclcore
         ::= name? Tcolon type
name     ::= Tident ( Tdot Tident )?
implstmt ::= Timpl name type optauxtypes traitspec ( Tasn Tendln optendlns ( Tident Tasn exprln optendlns )* Tendblk )?
traitdef ::= Ttrait Tident generictype optauxtypes traitspec ( Tasn optendlns ( Tident Tcolon type optendlns )* Tendblk )?
         ::= ( Tret typelist )?
tydef    ::= Ttype typeid traitspec ( Tasn type )?
typeid   ::= Tident ( Toparen generictype ( listsep generictype )* Tcparen )?
type     ::= structdef
           | tupledef
           | uniondef
           | compoundtype
           | generictype
           | Tellipsis
         ::= Ttyparam
         ::= functype
           | type ( Tosqbrac ( Tcolon | expr | Tellipsis ) Tcsqbrac | Tderef )
           | name ( Toparen typelist Tcparen )?
           | Tvoidlit
functype ::= Toparen funcsig Tcparen
funcsig  ::= typedeclcore? ( listsep typedeclcore )* Tret type
tupledef ::= Toparen typelist Tcparen
typelist ::= type ( listsep type )*
         ::= Tstruct structent+ Tendblk
         ::= declcore? Tendln
uniondef ::= Tunion unionelt+ Tendblk
unionelt ::= ( Ttick name type? )? Tendln
goto     ::= Tgoto Tident
retexpr  ::= Tret? expr
optexpr  ::= expr?
loopcond ::= exprln
           | Tendln
         ::= exprln
           | Tendln
exprln   ::= expr Tendln
expr     ::= ternexpr ( asnop ternexpr )*
asnop    ::= Tasn
           | Taddeq
           | Tsubeq
           | Tmuleq
           | Tdiveq
           | Tmodeq
           | Tboreq
           | Tbxoreq
           | Tbandeq
           | Tbsleq
           | Tbsreq
ternexpr ::= lorexpr ( Tqmark lorexpr Tcolon lorexpr )?
lorexpr  ::= landexpr ( Tlor landexpr )*
landexpr ::= cmpexpr ( Tland cmpexpr )*
cmpexpr  ::= borexpr ( cmpop borexpr )*
cmpop    ::= Teq
           | Tgt
           | Tlt
           | Tge
           | Tle
           | Tne
borexpr  ::= bandexpr ( ( Tbor | Tbxor ) bandexpr )*
bandexpr ::= addexpr ( Tband addexpr )*
addexpr  ::= mulexpr ( addop mulexpr )*
addop    ::= Tplus
           | Tminus
mulexpr  ::= shiftexpr ( mulop shiftexpr )*
mulop    ::= Tmul
           | Tdiv
           | Tmod
         ::= prefixexpr ( shiftop prefixexpr )*
shiftop  ::= Tbsl
           | Tbsr
         ::= ( Tauto | Tinc | Tdec | Tband | Tlnot | Tbnot | Tminus | Tplus | Ttick name )* ( Ttick name | atomicexpr ( Tdot ( Tident | Tintlit ) | Tinc | Tdec | Tosqbrac ( expr | optexpr Tcolon optexpr ) Tcsqbrac | Tderef | Toparen expr? ( listsep expr )* Tcparen )* )
         ::= Tident
           | Tgap
           | literal
           | ( Toparen expr ( Tcolon type )? | ( Tsizeof Toparen | Timpl Toparen name listsep ) type ) Tcparen
tupbody  ::= tuphead expr? ( listsep expr )*
tuphead  ::= expr listsep
literal  ::= funclit
           | littok
           | seqlit
           | tuplit
tuplit   ::= Toparen tupbody Tcparen
littok   ::= Tstrlit+
           | Tchrlit
           | Tfloatlit
           | Tboollit
           | Tvoidlit
           | Tintlit
obrace   ::= Tobrace
funclit  ::= obrace params ( Tret type )? traitspec Tendln blkbody Tcbrace
params   ::= fnparam? ( listsep fnparam )*
fnparam  ::= declcore
           | Tgap ( Tcolon type )?
seqlit   ::= Tosqbrac optendlns ( arrayelt ( listsep arrayelt )* | structelt ( listsep structelt )* )? optcomma Tcsqbrac
arrayelt ::= ( Tdot Tosqbrac expr Tcsqbrac Tasn )? expr optendlns
         ::= Tdot Tident Tasn expr optendlns
listsep  ::= Tcomma optendlns
optcomma ::= ( Tcomma optendlns )?
         ::= Tendln*
stmt     ::= ( goto | break | continue | retexpr | label | ifstmt | forstmt | whilestmt | matchstmt )?
break    ::= Tbreak
continue ::= Tcontinue
forstmt  ::= Tfor ( ( optexprln | decl Tendln ) loopcond optexprln | expr Tcolon exprln ) block
         ::= Twhile exprln block
ifstmt   ::= Tif exprln blkbody ( Telif exprln blkbody )* ( Telse block | Tendblk )
         ::= Tmatch exprln optendlns ( Tbor match )+ Tendblk
match    ::= expr Tcolon blkbody Tendln
block    ::= blkbody Tendblk
blkbody  ::= ( decl | stmt | tydef ) ( Tendln ( stmt | decl | tydef ) )*
label    ::= Tcolon Tident

// Tokens

Tplus ::= "+"
Tminus ::= "-"
Tmul ::= "*"
Tdiv ::= "/"
Tinc ::= "++"
Tdec ::= "--"
Tmod ::= "%"
Tasn ::= "="
Taddeq ::= "+="
Tsubeq ::= "-="
Tmuleq ::= "*="
Tdiveq ::= "/="
Tmodeq ::= "%="
Tboreq ::= "|="
Tbxoreq ::= "^="
Tbandeq ::= "&="
Tbsleq ::= "<<="
Tbsreq ::= ">>="

Tbor ::= "|"
Tbxor ::= "^"
Tband ::= "&"
Tbsl ::= "<<"
Tbsr ::= ">>"
Tbnot ::= "~"

Teq ::= "=="
Tgt ::= ">"
Tlt ::= "<"
Tge ::= ">="
Tle ::= "<="
Tne ::= "!="

Tlor ::= "||"
Tland ::= "&&"
Tlnot ::= "!"

Tobrace ::= "{"
Tcbrace ::= "}"
Toparen ::= "("
Tcparen ::= ")"
Tosqbrac ::= "["
Tcsqbrac ::= "]"
Ttick ::= "`"
Tderef ::= "#"
Tqmark ::= "?"

Ttype ::= "type"
Tfor ::= "for"
Twhile ::= "while"
Tif ::= "if"
Telse ::= "else"
Telif ::= "else"
Tmatch ::= "match"
Tgoto ::= "goto"
Tbreak ::= "break"
Tcontinue ::= "continue"
Tauto ::= "auto"

Ttrait ::= "trait"
//%token<tok> Timpl	/* trait */
Tstruct ::= "struct"
Tunion ::= "union"
Ttyparam ::= "@typename"

Tconst ::= "const"
Tvar ::= "var"
Tgeneric ::= "generic"

Tgap ::= "_"
Tellipsis ::= "..."
Tendln ::= ";"
Tendblk ::= ";;"
Tcolon ::= ":"
Twith ::= "::"
Tdot ::= "."
Tcomma ::= ","
Tret ::= "->"
Tuse ::= "use"
Tpkg ::= "pkg"
Tattr ::= "$attr"
Tsizeof ::= "sizeof"
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