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🏴‍☠️px Web

This README pertains to the frontend of the piratepx app, which is a single-page app built with Vue.js and Tailwind CSS.

See the README in the root of the repository for details on the backend and setting up the full app for development.


Vite is used to develop and build the app. See their docs for specifics not covered here.


The only prerequisite is a compatible version of Node.js (see engines.node in package.json). nvm is the recommended installation method:

$ nvm install


Install dependencies with npm:

$ npm install


Start the development server:

$ npm run dev

Code Style & Linting

Prettier is setup to enforce a consistent code style. It's highly recommended to add an integration to your editor that automatically formats on save.

ESLint is setup with the "recommended" rules to enforce a level of code quality. It's also highly recommended to add an integration to your editor that automatically formats on save.

To run via the command line:

$ npm run lint


The frontend is built and released with the backend for convenience. See the README in the root of the repository for further details.

Production Build

The production-optimized single-page app can be built by running:

$ npm run build

This creates a dist directory with the files.