rogueui is a mod for the game Invisible, Inc., a turn-based, tactical stealth-game in the world of espionage with a rogue-like component.
The sole focus of this mod is on the user-interface, which is stream-lined in various ways:
- disable "I am ready" screen
- disable intro video
- disable first alarm tip pop-up
- disable mission start confirmation
- disable mission objectives pop-up
- disable mission dialog pop-ups
- disable agency screen voice-over
- disable all in-game voice-over
- disable map scripts
- remember selected agency
These features may be enabled or disabled in the in-game options menu.
Create a backup of your game’s folder, if you’re paranoid. Though no files should be overridden by the installation.
Run make in the root directory and extract the created tar from the dist directory into the game’s root-directory.
tar xzf dist/rogueui-*.tar.gz -C /path/to/invisibleinc
A 5th tab named ROGUEUI should appear in the game’s option menu.
- Create a zip archive named containing the
following files from the mod’s root directory:
- rogueui.lua
- modinit.lua
- Create the path $INVISIBLE/game/dlc/rogueui, where $INVISIBLE should be the game’s install-directory.
- Move the zip archive into this folder.
Simply remove the directory $INVISIBLE/game/dlc/rogueui .