Hash of the challenge
file for verification:
6500af9c 9706270a a065c64d 8cbd1248
c949e00a 9064f35f 7be5a252 346ac9cf
f819e51a 10ae7157 52503f57 f956440e
16ffafd4 01450d4f 7ad12f78 d128297e
was based on the hash:
6500af9c 9706270a a065c64d 8cbd1248
c949e00a 9064f35f 7be5a252 346ac9cf
f819e51a 10ae7157 52503f57 f956440e
16ffafd4 01450d4f 7ad12f78 d128297e
Hash of the response
file for verification:
96d4b77b 9f2900fb 63c3a765 de5d2899
6e4196d5 25693bbf 669f6d61 0fbbcfb4
57541ab2 9a3ce36e 825ab154 06bfd529
90645e97 825d28a6 1fc20239 d9420c57
Blake2b hash of the new_challenge
99ba697b d0aba613 fc78f1a1 78dcdbe6
49e8b2d6 3a32d595 5abf703c 9364c806
5e8e0e34 5bed4e3f bee54cf2 756d94fd
7e4388aa 7655522f e0015621 d78864cc
The above new_challenge
file: link
Jun 13, 2023
Machine: AWS c6i.metal
git clone https://github.com/kobigurk/phase2-bn254.git
cd phase2-bn254/powersoftau
git log -n 1
commit dd6b96657d16c1a2b81fd23e540581c356284ec6 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Kobi Gurkan <[email protected]>
Date: Sat May 9 20:44:01 2020 +0300
NCC-CSWZ001-003: return false on same_ratio failure instead of panicking
cargo build --release
wget https://pse-trusted-setup-ppot.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/challenge_0077
b2sum -b challenge_0077
6500af9c9706270aa065c64d8cbd1248c949e00a9064f35f7be5a252346ac9cff819e51a10ae715752503f57f956440e16ffafd401450d4f7ad12f78d128297e *challenge_0077
time cargo run --release --bin compute_constrained -- challenge_0077 response 28 2097152
Running `target/release/compute_constrained challenge_0077 response 28 2097152`
Will contribute to accumulator for 2^28 powers of tau
In total will generate up to 536870911 powers
Type some random text and press [ENTER] to provide additional entropy...
Used block randomness of block 17470845 and additional keyboard input
Calculating previous contribution hash...
`challenge` file contains decompressed points and has a hash:
6500af9c 9706270a a065c64d 8cbd1248
c949e00a 9064f35f 7be5a252 346ac9cf
f819e51a 10ae7157 52503f57 f956440e
16ffafd4 01450d4f 7ad12f78 d128297e
`challenge` file claims (!!! Must not be blindly trusted) that it was based on the original contribution with a hash:
985b87cd 4618f426 2ed9412d bbb9ed34
c8d78076 6832fe31 3ad3f222 bc90d1ac
7837e7e9 5b989eb6 789b3dd5 e2e59ecd
14a464fd 3110fc39 537ef6bc f9d4558b
Computing and writing your contribution, this could take a while...
Finishing writing your contribution to response file...
Your contribution has been written to response file
The BLAKE2b hash of response file is:
96d4b77b 9f2900fb 63c3a765 de5d2899
6e4196d5 25693bbf 669f6d61 0fbbcfb4
57541ab2 9a3ce36e 825ab154 06bfd529
90645e97 825d28a6 1fc20239 d9420c57
Thank you for your participation, much appreciated! :)
real 53m35.271s
user 5223m15.161s
sys 5m46.462s
mv response response_0077_yi
Original attestion: link
Verification log: link