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121 lines (88 loc) · 4.21 KB

Ansible Archive

File metadata and controls

121 lines (88 loc) · 4.21 KB

Problem Statement

The Nautilus DevOps team has some data on each app server in Stratos DC that they want to copy to a different location. However, they want to create an archive of the data first, then they want to copy the same to a different location on the respective app server. Additionally, there are some specific requirements for each server. Perform the task using Ansible playbook as per requirements mentioned below:

Create a playbook named playbook.yml under /home/thor/ansible directory on jump host, an inventory file is already placed under /home/thor/ansible/ directory on Jump Server itself.

Create an archive demo.tar.gz (make sure archive format is tar.gz) of /usr/src/security/ directory ( present on each app server ) and copy it to /opt/security/ directory on all app servers. The user and group owner of archive demo.tar.gz should be tony for App Server 1, steve for App Server 2 and banner for App Server 3.


  1. Navigate to the Ansible directory:

    cd /home/thor/ansible/
  2. Review the inventory file:

    Check the inventory file to confirm it lists all the app servers with their details:

    cat inventory

    The content should look like this:

    stapp01 ansible_host= ansible_ssh_pass=Ir0nM@n ansible_user=tony
    stapp02 ansible_host= ansible_ssh_pass=Am3ric@ ansible_user=steve
    stapp03 ansible_host= ansible_ssh_pass=BigGr33n ansible_user=banner
  3. Create and edit the playbook:

    Open or create the playbook.yml file in your preferred text editor:

    vi playbook.yml

    Add the following YAML configuration to create an archive and set the owner for each server:

    - hosts: all
      become: yes
        - name: Create an archive demo.tar.gz
            path: /usr/src/security/
            dest: /opt/security/demo.tar.gz
            format: gz
        - name: Set owner of the archive for stapp01
            path: /opt/security/demo.tar.gz
            owner: tony
            group: tony
          when: inventory_hostname == 'stapp01'
        - name: Set owner of the archive for stapp02
            path: /opt/security/demo.tar.gz
            owner: steve
            group: steve
          when: inventory_hostname == 'stapp02'
        - name: Set owner of the archive for stapp03
            path: /opt/security/demo.tar.gz
            owner: banner
            group: banner
          when: inventory_hostname == 'stapp03'

    This configuration does the following:

    • Creates a tar.gz archive of the /usr/src/security/ directory and places it in /opt/security/.
    • Sets the owner and group of the archive based on the host.
  4. Run the Ansible playbook:

    Execute the playbook using the following command:

    ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yml

    The output should confirm the successful execution of the tasks:

    PLAY [all] ******************************************************************************
    TASK [Gathering Facts] ******************************************************************
    ok: [stapp01]
    ok: [stapp02]
    ok: [stapp03]
    TASK [Create an archive demo.tar.gz] ****************************************************
    changed: [stapp01]
    changed: [stapp02]
    changed: [stapp03]
    TASK [Set owner of the archive for stapp01] *********************************************
    changed: [stapp01]
    TASK [Set owner of the archive for stapp02] *********************************************
    changed: [stapp02]
    TASK [Set owner of the archive for stapp03] *********************************************
    changed: [stapp03]
    PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************
    stapp01                    : ok=4    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
    stapp02                    : ok=4    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
    stapp03                    : ok=4    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0