This cli tool helps to deploy and update price feeds on Stacks blockchain that can be used as oracles for other contracts.
- Node v12.20.2 (npm v6.14.11)
- stacks cli
npm install -g @stacks/cli
- Clone the repository
git clone
cd stxoracle
- Install globally with
npm install -g .
- Script needs privatekey as input so convert your mnemonic to privatekey if you dont already have it
stx get_stacks_wallet_key --backup_phrase "your 24 word seed phrase"
- Create a new price feed oracle, you need following inputs to the script:
# stxoracle generate --help
stxoracle generate
Deploy a new price feed oracle contract
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-b, --base Base ticker (e.g. BTC) [string] [required]
-c, --convert Convert ticker (e.g. USD) [string] [required]
-p, --privkey Private key that deploys the oracle contract[string] [required]
-k, --pubkey Public key that deploys the oracle contract [string] [required]
-n, --network Network: mainnet or testnet [string] [default: "testnet"]
- This command will deploy a new price feed oracle contract on testnet based on oracle_v2.clar that's included in the repository. This contract includes ways to:
- Read the price
- Update the price
- Read oracle address
- Update the oracle address that can update the price
stxoracle generate -b BTC -c USD -p 'oracleprivatekey' -k 'oraclestxaddress'
- Update an existing price feed oracle, you need following inputs to the script:
# stxoracle update --help
stxoracle update
Check and update an existing price feed oracle contract
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-b, --base Base ticker (e.g. BTC) [string] [required]
-c, --convert Convert ticker (e.g. USD) [string] [required]
-p, --privkey Private key that controls oracle contract
[string] [required]
-k, --pubkey Public key that interacts with oracle
--ca, --contractaddress Oracle contract address [string] [required]
--cn, --contractname Oracle contract name [string] [required]
--cfu, --contractfunctionupdate Oracle contract function for update
[string] [default: "update-price"]
--cfr, --contractfunctionread Oracle contract function for reading
[string] [default: "get-price"]
-t, --threshold Price threshold for updating price on
contract [string] [default: 10]
-n, --network Network: mainnet or testnet
[string] [default: "testnet"]
- This command will;
- Fetch updated price information from cryptocompare API
- Fetch current BTC/USD price on the specificed contract on Stacks
- If the price difference is greater than threshold, update the price on the blockchain.
stxoracle update -b BTC -c USD --ca 'oraclestxaddress' --cn oracle_v2_btcusd -t 8 -p 'oracleprivatekey'
- Note that it makes sense to run this script as a cron job so it can check the price every 30 minutes and keep it up to date. You could accomplish this by:
- First find where your nodejs is:
which node
- Find where stxoracle is installed
which stxoracle
- And then combine them to run the script from cron
- First find where your nodejs is:
# crontab -e
*/30 * * * * /home/username/.nvm/versions/node/v12.20.2/bin/node /home/username/.nvm/versions/node/v12.20.2/bin/stxoracle update -b BTC -c USD --ca 'oraclestxaddress' --cn oracle_v2_btcusd -t 8 -p 'oracleprivatekey'
For a list of price feed oracles that are deployed by this library, please visit stxoracle list