This is a custom gst-nvinfer plugin to do some preprocess.
- Deepstream 6.0+
- Opencv
- set cuda environment
export CUDA_VER=11.6
- compile Makefile
make install
NOTE: To compile the sources, run make with "sudo" or root permission.
- set config file
first to set primary gie's output-tensor-meta to true. For example, in retinaface config file:
use kyeword alignment and user-meta in next gie-config file. For example, in arcface config file:
Now only retinaface and arcface(operate on retinaface)
the custom gst-nvinfer has two new properties: alignment and user-meta.
Once these properties are true, there would be a preprocess on every croped object.
It first receives the output tensor meta, to extract the 5 landmarks of a face and do NMS. By similarTransform
, a matrix M
will be generated.
then use the croped object and M to do alignment: cv::warpPerspective
finally, cover the original surface with the output of alignment.