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We discuss two key abstractions used heavily in this codebase: the use of TrainState and the expression of agents as PytreeNodes


In this codebase, we represent agents as PytreeNodes (first-class Jax citizens), making them really easy to handle. The simplest working example we have in the codebase is probably jaxrl_m/agents/discrete/, so check that out for a concrete implementation.

The general structure of an Agent is as follows: it contains some number of neural networks, some set of configuration values, and has an update function that takes in a batch and returns a agent with updated parameters after performing some gradient update. Usually there's a sample_actions to sample from the resulting policy too.

class Agent(flax.struct.PyTreeNode):
    value_function: TrainState
    policy: TrainState
    config: dict = nonpytree_field() # tells Jax to not look at this (usually contains discount factor / target update speed / other hyperparams)
    def update(self, batch: Batch):
        new_value_function = ...
        new_policy = ...
        info = {'loss': 100}
        new_agent = self.replace(value_function=value_function, policy=new_policy)
        return new_agent, info
    def sample_actions(self, observations, *, seed):
        actions = ...
        return actions

Multiple Devices

Operating on multiple GPUs / TPUs is really easy! Check out the section at the bottom of the page as to how to accumulate gradients across all the GPUs.

  • flax.jax_utils.replicate(): replicates an object on all GPUs
  • jaxrl_m.common.common.shard_batch: splits an batch evenly across all the GPUs
  • flax.jax_utils.unreplicate() brings back to single GPU
agent = ...
batch = ...

replicated_agent = replicate(agent)
replicated_agent, info = replicated_agent.update(shard_batch(batch))
info = unreplicate(info) # bring info back to single device


The TrainState class (located at jaxrl_m.common.common.TrainState) is a fork of Flax's TrainState class with some additional syntactic features for ease of use.

The TrainState class combines a neural network module (flax.linen.Module) with a set of parameters for this network (alongside with potentially an optimizer)

Creating a TrainState

model_def = nn.Dense(10) # nn.Module
params = model_def.init(rng, x)['params'] # parameters for nn.Module
tx = optax.adam(1e-3)
model = TrainState.create(model_def, params, tx=tx)

Running the Model

model = TrainState.create(...)
y_pred = model(x)

In some cases, the neural network module may have several functions; for example, a VAE might have an .encode(x) function and a .decode(z) function. By default, the __call__() method is used, but this can be specified via an argument:

z = model(x, method='encode')
x_pred = model(z, method='decode')

You can also run the model with a different set of parameters than that bound to the TrainState. This is most commonly done when taking the gradient with respect to model parameters.

y_pred = model(x, params=other_params)
def loss(params):
    y_pred = model(x, params=params)
    return jnp.mean((y - y_pred) ** 2)

grads = jax.grad(loss)(model.params)

Optimizing a TrainState

To update a model (that has a tx), we provide two convenience functions: .apply_gradients and .apply_loss_fn

model.apply_gradients takes in a set of gradients (same shape as parameters) and computes the new set of parameters using optax.

def loss(params):
    y_pred = model(x, params=params)
    return jnp.mean((y - y_pred) ** 2)

grads = jax.grad(loss)(model.params)
new_model = model.apply_gradients(grads=grads)

model.apply_loss_fn() is a convenience method that both computes the gradients and runs .apply_gradients().

def loss(params):
    y_pred = model(x, params=params)
    return jnp.mean((y - y_pred) ** 2)

new_model = model.apply_loss_fn(loss_fn=loss)

If the model is being run across multiple GPUs / TPUs and we wish to aggregate gradients, this can be specified with the pmap_axis argument (you can always use jax.lax.pmean as an alternative):

@functools.partial(jax.pmap, axis_name='pmap')
def update(model, x, y):
    def loss(params):
        y_pred = model(x, params=params)
        return jnp.mean((y - y_pred) ** 2)

    new_model = model.apply_loss_fn(loss_fn=loss, pmap_axis='pmap')
    return new_model