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File metadata and controls

99 lines (69 loc) · 3.14 KB
Useful commands and snippets cheatsheet


  • AndroidSdk installed pkgs: sdkmanager --list | awk '/Installed/{flag=1; next} /Available/{flag=0} flag'

common terminal tasks

  • Backup via ssh: rsync -auv -e 'ssh -p $port' $hostname:'"/orig/"' '/dest/'
  • Cmd info (detailed): man $command
  • Cmd info (summary): tldr $command
  • Find files: find $root-path -name "$file-pattern"
  • Find dirs: find $root-path -name "$file-pattern" -type d
  • Follow logs: tail -f $logfile
  • Process json: curl $url | jq $json-query
  • Sed delete line: sed -i "${line-number}d" $file
  • Sed replace str: sed -i "s/$before/$after/g" $file

dbus interaction

  • Inspect notifications: dbus-monitor interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications'
  • Inspect notifications: dbus-monitor interface='org.gtk.Notifications'
  • Show $BUS_NAME PID (1): dbus-send --session --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus / org.freedesktop.DBus.GetConnectionUnixProcessID string:$BUS_NAME
  • Show $BUS_NAME PID (2): gdbus call --session --dest org.freedesktop.DBus --object-path / --method org.freedesktop.DBus.GetConnectionUnixProcessID $BUS_NAME

downloads from terminal

  • Common: aria2c $url
  • Magnet: aria2c $magnet-uri
  • Torrent: aria2c $torrent-file
  • Site (spider copy): httrack $url --path $folder
  • Site (single page): httrack $url --path $folder --near --robots=0 --depth=1
  • Youtube video: youtube-dl -k -x --prefer-free-formats --all-subs -f bestvideo[height<=720]+bestaudio/best --rm-cache $url `


  • Create cmd shortcut: alias -s $name "$command"
  • Save function: funcsave $function


  • App info (installed): flatpak info $app
  • App info (remote): flatpak remote-info $repo --app $app
  • Custom list: flatpak list --columns=name,application,version,runtime,size,origin
  • Expose folder to app: flatpak --filesystem=$folder:ro $app
  • Expose envvar to app: flatpak --env=$envvar=$value $app
  • Remove unneeded deps: flatpak remove --unused
  • Show running apps: flatpak ps


  • List previous states for recovery: git reflog show

haskell stack

  • Custom cache: stack --work-dir $cache $cmd
  • Docs build: stack haddock
  • Docs open: stack haddock --open $package
  • Profiling build: stack build --profile
  • Profiling exec: stack exec --profile -- $executable +RTS $options

image processing

  • Get img size: identify -format "%wx%h" $img-file
  • Resize img: convert $img-orig -resize $wx$h $img-dest


  • Parse number before a dot: content.split('.', 1)[0]

gnome extensions

  • Reload: gnome-shell-extension-tool -r $extension-uuid
  • Enable: gnome-extensions enable $extension-uuid
  • Disable: gnome-extensions disable $extension-uuid
  • Paths:
    • System: /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
    • User: $HOME/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/

mariadb / mysql

  • Connect: mysql -D $db-name -u $db-user -p
  • Dump: mysqldump -u $db-user $db-name > $file

package management (arch)

  • Gen checksums: makepkg -g
  • Gen .SRCINFO: makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO


  • Avoid Conda autostart: conda config --set auto_activate_base False


  • Follow logs: journalctl -f -n0