Source for the Twitter bot @covidbrasilbot. It posts daily reports about the number of confirmed cases and deaths caused by COVID-19 in Brazil using {rtweet} and GitHub Actions. Built by @ramongss, inspired by the @londonmapbot created by @mattdray.
This repo contains a GitHub Action that runs on schedule (every day at 00:30 UTC). It executes the R code that retrieves the COVID-19 data from Wesley Cota's Github repo (wcota/covid19br), summarizes the information, generates the graphs with the confirmed cases and deaths info, and creates a "micro-report" to be posted. The report and the graphs are posted to @covidbrasilbot on Twitter using {rtweet} package.
📆 29 de Out. de 2021
🇧🇷 #Brasil soma 21.797.940 casos confirmados e 607.722 óbitos por #COVID19, com 12.138 novos casos e 397 novos óbitos.
📊 A incidência máxima de:
🤒 casos confirmados foi de 124.878 em 18 de Set. 2021;
💀 óbitos foi de 4.148 em 08 de Abr. 2021.